Illegal Immigrants Are Not Technically Within US Jurisdiction And Not Entitled To Equal Protection


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Illegal Immigrants Are Not Technically Within US Jurisdiction And Not Entitled To Equal Protection "

* Constitution Caveats And The Actual Meaning Of Jurisdiction *

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia
"...nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "

It is this simple , ones country of origin is responsible for securing the civil liberties of their citizens .

A citizen traveling abroad to another country that is not legally allowed to be within that other country is technically not within the jurisdiction of that other country .

* Fake News Needs New Court Challenge *

Trump tweets he wants to deport illegal immigrants 'with no Judges or Court Cases' — a move that would violate due process
President Donald Trump tweeted Sunday morning that the US should start deporting illegal immigrants with no legal process. He said those who "invade our Country" will be removed with "no Judges or Court Cases". Trump's proposed move would violate immigrants' rights to due process guaranteed by the US Constitution and clarified by the Supreme Court.
protection from what?? they need to be charged for wasting our $$$$ then kicked in the a$$
cases and issue orders.
jurisdiction: an overview
One of the most fundamental questions of law is whether a given court has jurisdiction to preside over a given case. A jurisdictional question may be broken down into three components:

Territorial jurisdiction
is the court's power to bind the parties to the action. This law determines the scope of federal and state court power. State court territorial jurisdiction is determined by the Due Process Clause of the Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment and the federal court territorial jurisdiction is determined by the Due Process Clause of the Constitution's Fifth Amendment. (For more, see World-Wide Volkswagen v. Woodson; see also International Shoe v. Washington).


by merely having a physical presence within the borders of the united states, a human has a constitutional right to due process.

otherwise you are saying we can do with them as we see fit... including inhumane treatment. is that right?
" Rules Of Nature "

* Moving Along *

by merely having a physical presence within the borders of the united states, a human has a constitutional right to due process.

otherwise you are saying we can do with them as we see fit... including inhumane treatment. is that right?
Correct ; unfortunate or not , that is what the fourteenth amendment actually states , irrespective of the mountain of secular humanism nonsense .

We surrender our natural freedoms ( ability to do whatever we want and and can get away with ) for membership as citizens in a social civil contract - a constitution with civil liberties .

At that point , all others outside of the social civil contract remain subject to natural freedoms ; and , it is the responsibility of their country of origin to enforce their civil liberties .

For example , if someone were to harm and illegal immigrant , the us has zero responsibility to reprise the actions , while the country of origin may seek to extradite the " offender " for prosecution , and good luck with that .

Individuals from abroad , who do not have legals status within the us are technically not within its jurisdiction .
" Rules Of Nature "

* Moving Along *

by merely having a physical presence within the borders of the united states, a human has a constitutional right to due process.

otherwise you are saying we can do with them as we see fit... including inhumane treatment. is that right?
Correct ; unfortunate or not , that is what the fourteenth amendment actually states , irrespective of the mountain of secular humanism nonsense .

We surrender our natural freedoms ( ability to do whatever we want and and can get away with ) for membership as citizens in a social civil contract - a constitution with civil liberties .

At that point , all others outside of the social civil contract remain subject to natural freedoms ; and , it is the responsibility of their country of origin to enforce their civil liberties .

For example , if someone were to harm and illegal immigrant , the us has zero responsibility to reprise the actions , while the country of origin may seek to extradite the " offender " for prosecution , and good luck with that .

Individuals from abroad , who do not have legals status within the us are technically not within its jurisdiction .

uh-huh. if a citizen of the US harms an illegal.... the citizen is subject to all laws that says it's a no-no. VOILA! alien protection has been granted.
" Technical Absence "

* Maintain Focus *

uh-huh. if a citizen of the US harms an illegal.... the citizen is subject to all laws that says it's a no-no. VOILA! alien protection has been granted.
There is no such a law in the constitution for those within us jurisdiction , those being citizens or those with equal protection , against illegals .

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