Illegal Migrants finding success after Bussing stunt:

Look, you have outed yourself....NO sane and legitimate real American sides with, defends or make excuses for the filth breaking into our nation against the will of the people and shitting on our sovereignty, . The human cockroaches destroy everything in their path...our public school system, our healthcare, our social services, our public services, blue collar trade industries. NOT one thing good for Americans comes from brown immigrants from our south.
Neither yourself or Unkotare can point us to a single positive thing yielded from brown immigrants breaking into our nation.
Look at all the FEEEEEEELZ :rolleyes:
All you read from the left is how horrible the Governor’s of Texas, Florida and Arizona are for pulling their Political Stunts with illegal immigrants that cross the border daily, but you very well know they will not like this story at all:

It seem these Governor’s are doing these Illegal Aliens favors and yet those like Harris and Cortez are screaming “ Kidnapping, Crimes against Humanity “ and so on because they don’t want these illegal aliens in their backyard!

So left what do you say about this article and will you finally admit you don’t care about the plight of Illegal Aliens and just care about votes instead?
Lol, not surprising they are finding success in Democrat controlled areas. Republicans are retards.
They will have plenty of success. The retard republican lied to them and shipped them to an area where they will be given food a place to stay and opportunities. They are being taken xare of as we speak.

They will have plenty of success.

Just not in Martha's Vineyard.
They will have plenty of success.

Just not in Martha's Vineyard.
Lol, did your retarded ass think people were going to give them their multiple million dollar houses? Lol, typical retard Republicans. Hilarious. What they did get instead of lied to is help. What a retard.
Lol, did your retarded ass think people were going to give them their multiple million dollar houses? Lol, typical retard Republicans. Hilarious. What they did get instead of lied to is help. What a retard.

Wouldn't want to ruin the rich Dem neighborhood.
Lol, not surprising they are finding success in Democrat controlled areas. Republicans are retards.

They will have plenty of success. The retard republican lied to them and shipped them to an area where they will be given food a place to stay and opportunities. They are being taken xare of as we speak.
LefTard Logic:
”Success is when a 40 year old man mows lawns for a living, lives in a 900 sqft house with nine other human cockroaches and has six children he can’t afford to feed without robbing the citizens of a neighboring nation.”

hahaha….leftists become more retarded by the day.
LefTard Logic:
”Success is when a 40 year old man mows lawns for a living, lives in a 900 sqft house with nine other human cockroaches and has six children he can’t afford to feed without robbing the citizens of a neighboring nation.”

hahaha….leftists become more retarded by the day.
Lol, you are a retard. Nothing wrong with mowing lawns or living in a 900 soft house. I am sure you like it. Those immigrants are getting help now. Some will end up in a small place some will do better retard. They got help instead of lied to and dropped where there was no infrastructure for them. You are a retard. Help in democrats area. Cage in red states. I understand you are to retarded to understand but that's good because I love laughing at your retarded ass.
Lol, you are a retard. Nothing wrong with mowing lawns or living in a 900 soft house. I am sure you like it. Those immigrants are getting help now. Some will end up in a small place some will do better retard. They got help instead of lied to and dropped where there was no infrastructure for them. You are a retard. Help in democrats area. Cage in red states. I understand you are to retarded to understand but that's good because I love laughing at your retarded ass.
Cool Humberto…your wetbacks win…now tell us how Americans win because of your wetbacks.
You can’t so you won’t.
You filthy fucks are all about FUCK AMERICA!
Cool Humberto…your wetbacks win…now tell us how Americans win because of your wetbacks.
You can’t so you won’t.
You filthy fucks are all about FUCK AMERICA!
Lol, listen to the retarded racist. Got to love them. Hilarious Ya have nit established they are illegal retard. Ya know you can apply for citizenship don't ya retard? After this stunt it will likely be granted. So retard we get some good people that know better than to live under an authoritarian regime there retard. People smarter and better than you retard.

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