Illegals and vote-buyers win again as CO goes to all-mail elections


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Now EVERYONE will just sign the ballot and sell it to someone else to fill in the choices. When people vote secretly and in-person, there is no way to verify how they voted and hence no vote buying and selling.

Colorado prepares for all-mail election under new statewide rules - The Denver Post

10/24/2013 10:02:27 AM MDT

In the past, Coloradans had the option of voting by mail rather than standing in lines on Election Day. In this election, every voter in the state will get a ballot in the mail, with the option of voting in person.

Also, voters can register through Election Day, rather than facing a deadline of 30 days before.

In the past general election, 74 percent of Colorado voters chose to vote by mail, according to the Colorado County Clerks Association.
This same problem exists with absentee ballots. People sell them to democrat operatives and they do the voting.
And they're easily forged and/or replicated.

Are they? Our elections are such a joke. People should have to go to the voting precinct and vote in person. Only exception should be for soldiers overseas. All the people who say "i'm crippled" or "i'm too old" should be told "tough titties".
LOL. Whatever turns you on as an excuse for the failures of the 'Conservatives'.

Failures??? How is it my fault when scum like you steals elections.?

And don't forget all the dead people who are still on the voter rolls. That way, the widow or widower has two ballots to sell. And when the people in the old folks home get their ballots, ACORN workers will just come fill them in like they did in '08. Remember the one old woman who was a little more alert than the ACORN worker realized and got so mad when the woman checked Obama's name that she jumped on the woman's back and tried to beat her up? It was funny, yet not. Most of the people probably didn't bother to check their ballots and just trusted the thugs to fill it out the way they requested.

The liberals know that allowing anyone to vote and fighting against any verification or update of voter rolls will be in their favor. The number of people willing to sell out for government dependence is getting too high for comfort. The losers just want a gubmint check and have no comprehension of how valuable our rights are.
And they're easily forged and/or replicated.

Are they? Our elections are such a joke. People should have to go to the voting precinct and vote in person. Only exception should be for soldiers overseas. All the people who say "i'm crippled" or "i'm too old" should be told "tough titties".

Everyone who has the right to vote should be given the opportunity to vote.

If they should crawl on bloody knees to the polls, then so be it.

It's worth sacrifice to pay homage to sacrifice.

And many Americans have paid sacrifice to those bloody knees.

Stand up and be American, or sit down and shut the fuck up.

Exercise your tight to vote, or take a back seat. At whatever cost.
Maybe one day elections will be done over a site like

Put your info in
a area you can vote will pop up
This same problem exists with absentee ballots. People sell them to democrat operatives and they do the voting.

And they're easily forged and/or replicated.

You idiots must single handedly keep the reynolds wrap corporation in business :cuckoo:

Try doing some research before posting such idiotic BS. Oregon and Washington state have been doing mail-in only elections for years and there hasn't been any "mass fraud"
I just filled out a Virginia State ballot for my father-in-law. He can't see well. I could have filled out anything I wanted (I didn't).

It definitely would make it easily to buy and sell ballots. In the last Presidential election each candidate spent just under $1 billion dollars for roughly 57,000,000 votes each. That works out to around $17.50 per vote.

If I lived in Colorado I 'd say just giving me $20.00's the ballot...fill it out yourself. Why not?
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Illegals and vote-buyers win again as CO goes to all-mail elections

That’s unsurprisingly idiotic.

Voting is a fundamental right.

There’s no evidence non-citizens are ‘voting’ or votes are being ‘bought.’

Consequently, citizens have a right to vote unimpeded, including by mail if they so desire in accordance with their state’s laws.
LOL. Whatever turns you on as an excuse for the failures of the 'Conservatives'.

Failures??? How is it my fault when scum like you steals elections.?

Will you knock that off? Seriously, I am a conservative but you really get on people's nerves with your overtly aggressive posturing. For pete's sake just put a sock in it and learn to debate someone without insulting them! Geez.

Illegals and vote-buyers win again as CO goes to all-mail elections

That’s unsurprisingly idiotic.

Voting is a fundamental right.

There’s no evidence non-citizens are ‘voting’ or votes are being ‘bought.’

Consequently, citizens have a right to vote unimpeded, including by mail if they so desire in accordance with their state’s laws.

You want to run that by us again, Clayton?

[ame=]US Attorney General Eric Holder's Ballot to Vote Offered to Total Stranger - YouTube[/ame]
If I lived in Colorado I 'd say just giving me $20.00's the ballot...fill it out yourself. Why not?

Enjoy many years of being someone's cum dumpster in prison for committing a felony.

It's disgusting to see how far right wing trash like you enjoy shitting all over the constitution and the electoral process.
LOL. Whatever turns you on as an excuse for the failures of the 'Conservatives'.

Failures??? How is it my fault when scum like you steals elections.?

Will you knock that off? Seriously, I am a conservative but you really get on people's nerves with your overtly aggressive posturing. For pete's sake just put a sock in it and learn to debate someone without insulting them! Geez.


There are some really angry people around here. Virtually all of them are liberals. I know data shows most liberal men feel powerless and support a strongly intrusive Government because sub-consciously they feel like they need to be protected.

I think it's kind of the little man syndrome. Powerless little dudes who transform themselves into tough guys on the internet. It's kinda sad, really. :(


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