Illinois becomes the 11th state to fully legalize marijuana.

Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.

New genders allow people to be who they are. Their world is a better place. Yours is uneffected.

Legal pot smoking means easier treatment for a long list of maladies and entertainment that is far less destructive than drinking. Plus huge amounts of tax revenue. Your world is better for it.

Gay marriage lets same sex couples form the long lasting relationships, with the +/- 1,400 federal, state and local benefits that come with it. Those couple's world is much better. Yours is completely uneffected.

So the 3 examples are good for people. Those that are not good for you, don't have any effect on you.
allowing new genders only means mentally ill people go around untreated and that can cause a problem for others

as for gay marriage,, my first question is why is the government involved in it,,that aside those benefits are for families with children, and because of basic gender anatomy same sex couples cant have children

Do you think those people you call mentally ill would seek treatment anyway? Of course, with them being able to discuss it and live it they will be far more healthy than hiding it.

I agree. I do not understand why straights or gays ask the gov't for permission to marry. As for children, plenty of unmarried straights have kids and there are laws speaking to raising them and supporting them. Gays can have kids, either thru artificial means or adoption, so the same laws apply to them.

they wont get help if we keep telling them its OK when its not

and gays can purchase children not have children,,,and its been well proven a child raised by gays always has issues
they wont get help if we keep telling them its OK when its not

and gays can purchase children not have children,,,and its been well proven a child raised by gays always has issues
So let's say a bisexual woman gets pregnant on a one-night stand ( with a guy she'll never see again)and she and her female partner decide to keep the baby and raise it as their own, how is that purchasing a child ?
they wont get help if we keep telling them its OK when its not

and gays can purchase children not have children,,,and its been well proven a child raised by gays always has issues
So let's say a bisexual woman gets pregnant on a one-night stand ( with a guy she'll never see again)and she and her female partner decide to raise the child, how is that purchasing a child ?

did they have the child???
NO they didnt,,,
Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.

New genders allow people to be who they are. Their world is a better place. Yours is uneffected.

Legal pot smoking means easier treatment for a long list of maladies and entertainment that is far less destructive than drinking. Plus huge amounts of tax revenue. Your world is better for it.

Gay marriage lets same sex couples form the long lasting relationships, with the +/- 1,400 federal, state and local benefits that come with it. Those couple's world is much better. Yours is completely uneffected.

So the 3 examples are good for people. Those that are not good for you, don't have any effect on you.
allowing new genders only means mentally ill people go around untreated and that can cause a problem for others

as for gay marriage,, my first question is why is the government involved in it,,that aside those benefits are for families with children, and because of basic gender anatomy same sex couples cant have children

Do you think those people you call mentally ill would seek treatment anyway? Of course, with them being able to discuss it and live it they will be far more healthy than hiding it.

I agree. I do not understand why straights or gays ask the gov't for permission to marry. As for children, plenty of unmarried straights have kids and there are laws speaking to raising them and supporting them. Gays can have kids, either thru artificial means or adoption, so the same laws apply to them.

they wont get help if we keep telling them its OK when its not

and gays can purchase children not have children,,,and its been well proven a child raised by gays always has issues

Gays can use artificial means to have children. And many studies have shown children raised by lesbians actually have fewer problems, especially in social areas and academics, than those raised by straights. Plus, many of the problems kids have stem from the hate shown towards the sexual orientation, not the sexual orientation itself. Gay parents do not make children gay. After all, centuries of gays came from straight parents.

Besides, for a time the divorce rate was around 50% for straight couples. 1 in 4 women have been abused by their husband or significant other. And how many straights have married, divorced, and married again (and again? and again?) Its not as if marriage were that sacred to begin with.
Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.

New genders allow people to be who they are. Their world is a better place. Yours is uneffected.

Legal pot smoking means easier treatment for a long list of maladies and entertainment that is far less destructive than drinking. Plus huge amounts of tax revenue. Your world is better for it.

Gay marriage lets same sex couples form the long lasting relationships, with the +/- 1,400 federal, state and local benefits that come with it. Those couple's world is much better. Yours is completely uneffected.

So the 3 examples are good for people. Those that are not good for you, don't have any effect on you.
allowing new genders only means mentally ill people go around untreated and that can cause a problem for others

as for gay marriage,, my first question is why is the government involved in it,,that aside those benefits are for families with children, and because of basic gender anatomy same sex couples cant have children

Do you think those people you call mentally ill would seek treatment anyway? Of course, with them being able to discuss it and live it they will be far more healthy than hiding it.

I agree. I do not understand why straights or gays ask the gov't for permission to marry. As for children, plenty of unmarried straights have kids and there are laws speaking to raising them and supporting them. Gays can have kids, either thru artificial means or adoption, so the same laws apply to them.

they wont get help if we keep telling them its OK when its not

and gays can purchase children not have children,,,and its been well proven a child raised by gays always has issues

from: What does the scholarly research say about the well-being of children with gay or lesbian parents? | What We Know
"Overview: We identified 79 scholarly studies that met our criteria for adding to knowledge about the well-being of children with gay or lesbian parents. Of those studies, 75 concluded that children of gay or lesbian parents fare no worse than other children. While many of the sample sizes were small, and some studies lacked a control group, researchers regard such studies as providing the best available knowledge about child adjustment, and do not view large, representative samples as essential. We identified four studies concluding that children of gay or lesbian parents face added disadvantages. Since all four took their samples from children who endured family break-ups, a cohort known to face added risks, these studies have been criticized by many scholars as unreliable assessments of the well-being of LGB-headed households. Taken together, this research forms an overwhelming scholarly consensus, based on over three decades of peer-reviewed research, that having a gay or lesbian parent does not harm children."
Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.

New genders allow people to be who they are. Their world is a better place. Yours is uneffected.

Legal pot smoking means easier treatment for a long list of maladies and entertainment that is far less destructive than drinking. Plus huge amounts of tax revenue. Your world is better for it.

Gay marriage lets same sex couples form the long lasting relationships, with the +/- 1,400 federal, state and local benefits that come with it. Those couple's world is much better. Yours is completely uneffected.

So the 3 examples are good for people. Those that are not good for you, don't have any effect on you.
allowing new genders only means mentally ill people go around untreated and that can cause a problem for others

as for gay marriage,, my first question is why is the government involved in it,,that aside those benefits are for families with children, and because of basic gender anatomy same sex couples cant have children

Do you think those people you call mentally ill would seek treatment anyway? Of course, with them being able to discuss it and live it they will be far more healthy than hiding it.

I agree. I do not understand why straights or gays ask the gov't for permission to marry. As for children, plenty of unmarried straights have kids and there are laws speaking to raising them and supporting them. Gays can have kids, either thru artificial means or adoption, so the same laws apply to them.

they wont get help if we keep telling them its OK when its not

and gays can purchase children not have children,,,and its been well proven a child raised by gays always has issues

Gays can use artificial means to have children. And many studies have shown children raised by lesbians actually have fewer problems, especially in social areas and academics, than those raised by straights. Plus, many of the problems kids have stem from the hate shown towards the sexual orientation, not the sexual orientation itself. Gay parents do not make children gay. After all, centuries of gays came from straight parents.

Besides, for a time the divorce rate was around 50% for straight couples. 1 in 4 women have been abused by their husband or significant other. And how many straights have married, divorced, and married again (and again? and again?) Its not as if marriage were that sacred to begin with.
3 of 4 men are abused by their wives but are men so dont report it

would love to see your stats and where you got them

more reason the government needs to stay out of it
they wont get help if we keep telling them its OK when its not

and gays can purchase children not have children,,,and its been well proven a child raised by gays always has issues
So let's say a bisexual woman gets pregnant on a one-night stand ( with a guy she'll never see again)and she and her female partner decide to raise the child, how is that purchasing a child ?

did they have the child???
NO they didnt,,,

I didn't have my youngest daughter. She was already here when I married her Mom. But she is my daughter (step or not), and I raised her well.
they wont get help if we keep telling them its OK when its not

and gays can purchase children not have children,,,and its been well proven a child raised by gays always has issues
So let's say a bisexual woman gets pregnant on a one-night stand ( with a guy she'll never see again)and she and her female partner decide to raise the child, how is that purchasing a child ?

did they have the child???
NO they didnt,,,

I didn't have my youngest daughter. She was already here when I married her Mom. But she is my daughter (step or not), and I raised her well.

I have to ask wheres her real father??
not sure why that matters anyway
New genders allow people to be who they are. Their world is a better place. Yours is uneffected.

Legal pot smoking means easier treatment for a long list of maladies and entertainment that is far less destructive than drinking. Plus huge amounts of tax revenue. Your world is better for it.

Gay marriage lets same sex couples form the long lasting relationships, with the +/- 1,400 federal, state and local benefits that come with it. Those couple's world is much better. Yours is completely uneffected.

So the 3 examples are good for people. Those that are not good for you, don't have any effect on you.
allowing new genders only means mentally ill people go around untreated and that can cause a problem for others

as for gay marriage,, my first question is why is the government involved in it,,that aside those benefits are for families with children, and because of basic gender anatomy same sex couples cant have children

Do you think those people you call mentally ill would seek treatment anyway? Of course, with them being able to discuss it and live it they will be far more healthy than hiding it.

I agree. I do not understand why straights or gays ask the gov't for permission to marry. As for children, plenty of unmarried straights have kids and there are laws speaking to raising them and supporting them. Gays can have kids, either thru artificial means or adoption, so the same laws apply to them.

they wont get help if we keep telling them its OK when its not

and gays can purchase children not have children,,,and its been well proven a child raised by gays always has issues

Gays can use artificial means to have children. And many studies have shown children raised by lesbians actually have fewer problems, especially in social areas and academics, than those raised by straights. Plus, many of the problems kids have stem from the hate shown towards the sexual orientation, not the sexual orientation itself. Gay parents do not make children gay. After all, centuries of gays came from straight parents.

Besides, for a time the divorce rate was around 50% for straight couples. 1 in 4 women have been abused by their husband or significant other. And how many straights have married, divorced, and married again (and again? and again?) Its not as if marriage were that sacred to begin with.
3 of 4 men are abused by their wives but are men so dont report it

would love to see your stats and where you got them

more reason the government needs to stay out of it

Ok. Here is one.

"1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc.

1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) and in some cases might not be considered "domestic violence."

1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner.

1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner. Data is unavailable on male victims.

1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.

1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.

On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide."
they wont get help if we keep telling them its OK when its not

and gays can purchase children not have children,,,and its been well proven a child raised by gays always has issues
So let's say a bisexual woman gets pregnant on a one-night stand ( with a guy she'll never see again)and she and her female partner decide to raise the child, how is that purchasing a child ?

did they have the child???
NO they didnt,,,

I didn't have my youngest daughter. She was already here when I married her Mom. But she is my daughter (step or not), and I raised her well.

I have to ask wheres her real father??
not sure why that matters anyway

I don't think it does. He was around for a few years. He had visitation. He also bitched about paying $125 a month in child support. AS soon as she was old enough, she talked to a judge and stopped going to him for visitation.
Way to get guns off the streets.
Snoop Dog should do an ad in Chicago ;

Guns for weed.
Turn in your illegal weapons, no questions asked and get double the value in your choice of primo cannabis.
1. A society that cannot tell the difference between girls and boys, is a society in free fall, and that will effect me in many ways.

2. More people being able to dull their already dull minds, is not a plus in my mind. And tax revenue is irrelevant in the context of infinite demand of politicians, and their need to buy votes.

3. The decline of marriage, is a big part of the decline of our culture. Any benefits "gay marriage" has to offer society will be vastly outweighed by the impact on real marriage.


Marijuana Is More Dangerous Than You Think

How the Sexually Enlightened Left Sexualizes Children - Ricochet

The pedagogy of sexualizing children

What’s terrifying about the child transgender movement is that it’s moved beyond the moral degenerates of the entertainment and media worlds. We’ve now reached the point at which governments are rapidly internalizing it and using it to sever the parent-child bond. Last year in Ohio, parents actually lost custody for not being sufficiently supportive of their daughter’s claimed transgenderism. Currently, in Texas, a father is being told that, if he doesn’t get with his ex-wife’s program of insisting that their six-year-old son wants to be a girl, he will lose any access to his son.

Two years ago, Ontario, Canada, passed a law including gender identity in a panoply of protections the government extends to children. Ontario has been trying to assure parents who are not on board with giving their children hormones that cause cancer or sterility that the government really doesn’t intend to swoop in and take away their children. Instead, it will only take children away if that refusal to acknowledge the child’s new identity causes the child emotional distress — except we all know that the transgender shtick is that denying a child’s transgenderism is itself a form of emotional abuse. Can we say Orwellian language? Meanwhile, in the UK, parents are being told that if they do not let their autistic son have hormone treatments that could damage his body permanently, they will lose custody over him.

A theory behind why government is sexualizing children - Bookworm Room
I don't think it does. He was around for a few years. He had visitation. He also bitched about paying $125 a month in child support. AS soon as she was old enough, she talked to a judge and stopped going to him for visitation.
I imagine there are thousands of 'deadbeat dads' doing time for not paying child support.
I imagine there are thousands of 'deadbeat dads' doing time for not paying child support.

Thousands of parents and teachers should be doing time for sexualizing children and confusing them about gender.

"It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble" (Luke 17:2). There's a special place in hell for such "parents" and teachers.

Study Shows Shocking Rates of Attempted Suicide Among Trans Teens | Human Rights Campaign

Trans teens much more likely to attempt suicide
Thousands of parents and teachers should be doing time for sexualizing children and confusing them about gender.

"It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble" (Luke 17:2). There's a special place in hell for such "parents" and teachers.

Study Shows Shocking Rates of Attempted Suicide Among Trans Teens | Human Rights Campaign

Trans teens much more likely to attempt suicide
This really has a lot to do with Illinois legalizing weed.
Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.
Umm...they still work on AI, life extension and space travel.

There there. The gay pot boogy man is not going to take away your sex robot.

THe focus of our civilization is clear. It is not on moving forward. It is at best navel gazing, and at worst wallowing in our own filth.
Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.
Umm...they still work on AI, life extension and space travel.

There there. The gay pot boogy man is not going to take away your sex robot.

THe focus of our civilization is clear. It is not on moving forward. It is at best navel gazing, and at worst wallowing in our own filth.
That's what all old people say when they get old, since Socrates said it some 2400 years ago.

You're a curmudgeon, it wreaks with every post. Sorry grampa, the world's gunna survive without your backward-assed values.
Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.

New genders allow people to be who they are. Their world is a better place. Yours is uneffected.

Legal pot smoking means easier treatment for a long list of maladies and entertainment that is far less destructive than drinking. Plus huge amounts of tax revenue. Your world is better for it.

Gay marriage lets same sex couples form the long lasting relationships, with the +/- 1,400 federal, state and local benefits that come with it. Those couple's world is much better. Yours is completely uneffected.

So the 3 examples are good for people. Those that are not good for you, don't have any effect on you.

1. A society that cannot tell the difference between girls and boys, is a society in free fall, and that will effect me in many ways.

2. More people being able to dull their already dull minds, is not a plus in my mind. And tax revenue is irrelevant in the context of infinite demand of politicians, and their need to buy votes.

3. The decline of marriage, is a big part of the decline of our culture. Any benefits "gay marriage" has to offer society will be vastly outweighed by the impact on real marriage.

1. A society that does not care about gender differences is one that will finally have equality. If that bothers you, you might wonder why.

2. People have been finding ways to dull their mind since the beginning of time. Millions and millions have enjoyed pot. The difference is, we stop putting them in prison.

3. There is no decline is marriage caused by same sex marriage. And same sex marriage has absolutely no effect on straight marriage. None.

1. A society that does not care about gender differences, is going to make stupid ass policy based on ignoring reality. And people will suffer as a result.

2. Celebrating that, as though it is something that will move a culture forward, is the type of thing that a really fucked up culture does.

3. Undermining the concept of an institution, is very likely to undermine the institution. Lord knows that all of our previous attempts at modifying marriage, has had massive and unexpected negative effects.

1. If you are worried about policy decisions being made that lump you in with women, I'd say you have an issue. There are very few policy decisions that should take gender into account.

2. Yeah, isn't it a shame that people can have access to a medicinal herb that helps many people? OPr that people celebrate having the freedom to choose for themselves?

3. The concept is still the same. Nothing has been removed from straight marriages. And same sex marriages do not effect straight marriages in any way.

1. No. Me, being unhappy, that my government ignores reality when making national policy, is not a problem with me, it is a problem with the rest of you.

2. It is just us here. YOu can drop the pretense that pot legalization is about medical use. People want to get high. Yipee.

3. Tell that to the 70% of black children born without fathers. Tell them that Marriage is the same as it ever was.

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