Illinois becomes the 11th state to fully legalize marijuana.

1. A society that cannot tell the difference between girls and boys, is a society in free fall, and that will effect me in many ways.

2. More people being able to dull their already dull minds, is not a plus in my mind. And tax revenue is irrelevant in the context of infinite demand of politicians, and their need to buy votes.

3. The decline of marriage, is a big part of the decline of our culture. Any benefits "gay marriage" has to offer society will be vastly outweighed by the impact on real marriage.


Marijuana Is More Dangerous Than You Think

How the Sexually Enlightened Left Sexualizes Children - Ricochet

The pedagogy of sexualizing children

What’s terrifying about the child transgender movement is that it’s moved beyond the moral degenerates of the entertainment and media worlds. We’ve now reached the point at which governments are rapidly internalizing it and using it to sever the parent-child bond. Last year in Ohio, parents actually lost custody for not being sufficiently supportive of their daughter’s claimed transgenderism. Currently, in Texas, a father is being told that, if he doesn’t get with his ex-wife’s program of insisting that their six-year-old son wants to be a girl, he will lose any access to his son.

Two years ago, Ontario, Canada, passed a law including gender identity in a panoply of protections the government extends to children. Ontario has been trying to assure parents who are not on board with giving their children hormones that cause cancer or sterility that the government really doesn’t intend to swoop in and take away their children. Instead, it will only take children away if that refusal to acknowledge the child’s new identity causes the child emotional distress — except we all know that the transgender shtick is that denying a child’s transgenderism is itself a form of emotional abuse. Can we say Orwellian language? Meanwhile, in the UK, parents are being told that if they do not let their autistic son have hormone treatments that could damage his body permanently, they will lose custody over him.

A theory behind why government is sexualizing children - Bookworm Room
That pay-walled article from the WSJ is important for the forum to read, here;

Marijuana Is More Dangerous Than You Think
As legalization spreads, more Americans are becoming heavy users of cannabis, despite its links to violence and mental illness
Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.
If you have a personal issue with weed that's no reason
to associate it with homosexuality, unless maybe one of your ex-wives ran
off with a pothead lesbo.

Just noting the different between hopefully expectations, and reality.

Do you see US boldly striding into the future, or more of a decline and fall scenario?

I see many reasons we may face a decline in the future. But pot is not one of them. Nor is gay marriage.

We are navel grazing. AT best.

If not wallowing in our own filth.

I smoked a lot of weed back in the day. I have had a very successful career, raised amazing kids, and have led a fruitful and good life. Sorry, don't know who is wallowing in their own filth. But I've seen my share of drunks puking on themselves and shitting their pants.

Sure. Some people can play with fire, and not get burned. Others, not so much.

But as a society, we are focusing inwards and backwards.
Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.

Somebody’s an old curmudgeon. I’ll bet your dad thought rock and roll music was going to destroy this country.

Thank you for noticing. Never really talked to my dad about rock and roll.

YOu ever read old science fiction? Even from the 70s or 80s?
Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.
Umm...they still work on AI, life extension and space travel.

There there. The gay pot boogy man is not going to take away your sex robot.

THe focus of our civilization is clear. It is not on moving forward. It is at best navel gazing, and at worst wallowing in our own filth.

I guess that depends on whether you are one of the marginalized, at best, people. It is not ancient history that homosexuals were discriminated against and even brutalized. Now they are free to enjoy their lives as productive members of society.

The idea that we, as a civilization, are not moving forward is ridiculous. Amazing technological advances are happening every day. When I was in high school in the late 70s, I was lucky enough to work on a science project involving computers. I had limited access to the mainframe monster at the Univ. of Alabama. I guarded the box of punch cards like they were a secret treasure. If one got out of sequence, they entire project was ruined. I can now do the same project on the smallest, slowest computer available, with much better results.

The entertainment industry is vastly better, with more choices in programing and ease of use on your own schedule.

Transportation, while not flying cars, is leaps and bounds better than just a few decades ago. This is especially true in areas of safety.

Space travel is great, and I look forward to seeing more. But the realities of the limitations means the scifi of the 1950s and 1960s are simply fiction.
Sorry, for all I know they identify as old men, and any appreciation of their actual biology, could be grounds for social death.
You want to see social death ?
Go to a prison and visit a few 25 year old's doing 6 to 10 on heroin charges.

NOt sure how that is a response to my point, but thanks for not posting any pictures of that one.
If you have a personal issue with weed that's no reason
to associate it with homosexuality, unless maybe one of your ex-wives ran
off with a pothead lesbo.

Just noting the different between hopefully expectations, and reality.

Do you see US boldly striding into the future, or more of a decline and fall scenario?

I see many reasons we may face a decline in the future. But pot is not one of them. Nor is gay marriage.

We are navel grazing. AT best.

If not wallowing in our own filth.

I smoked a lot of weed back in the day. I have had a very successful career, raised amazing kids, and have led a fruitful and good life. Sorry, don't know who is wallowing in their own filth. But I've seen my share of drunks puking on themselves and shitting their pants.

Sure. Some people can play with fire, and not get burned. Others, not so much.

But as a society, we are focusing inwards and backwards.

Focusing inwards is not necessarily a bad thing. Allowing more people to live full lives is a rather remarkable accomplishment.

There is always a risk of getting burned. But the alternative is a lack of freedom that has a few deciding what is allowed for all.
Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.

Somebody’s an old curmudgeon. I’ll bet your dad thought rock and roll music was going to destroy this country.

Thank you for noticing. Never really talked to my dad about rock and roll.

YOu ever read old science fiction? Even from the 70s or 80s?

The limitations of space travel have been known for a long time. The fact that science fiction ignored those limitations is not an indictment of society.
usually left wingers are low class amoral people who want to lower mainstream society's moral standards to theirs
usually left wingers are low class amoral people who want to lower mainstream society's moral standards to theirs
You sure you wanna go the whole "my side is super moral" route... with a guy who talks about pussy, and periods, and mocks folks born with down's syndrome... and has 3 marriages where he cheated on all of them and several baby mommas as a result...that regularly was on the howard stern show talking about tits and asses, and whose charitable organization lost lawsuits for breaching ethics and whose university lost a lawsuit alleging it was a scam?

tsk tsk thats super weird!
Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.
Umm...they still work on AI, life extension and space travel.

There there. The gay pot boogy man is not going to take away your sex robot.

THe focus of our civilization is clear. It is not on moving forward. It is at best navel gazing, and at worst wallowing in our own filth.
That's what all old people say when they get old, since Socrates said it some 2400 years ago.

You're a curmudgeon, it wreaks with every post. Sorry grampa, the world's gunna survive without your backward-assed values.

Name one thing backwards assed about my values. Or stfu, you zygote.
Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.
Umm...they still work on AI, life extension and space travel.

There there. The gay pot boogy man is not going to take away your sex robot.

THe focus of our civilization is clear. It is not on moving forward. It is at best navel gazing, and at worst wallowing in our own filth.

I guess that depends on whether you are one of the marginalized, at best, people. It is not ancient history that homosexuals were discriminated against and even brutalized. Now they are free to enjoy their lives as productive members of society.

The idea that we, as a civilization, are not moving forward is ridiculous. Amazing technological advances are happening every day. When I was in high school in the late 70s, I was lucky enough to work on a science project involving computers. I had limited access to the mainframe monster at the Univ. of Alabama. I guarded the box of punch cards like they were a secret treasure. If one got out of sequence, they entire project was ruined. I can now do the same project on the smallest, slowest computer available, with much better results.

The entertainment industry is vastly better, with more choices in programing and ease of use on your own schedule.

Transportation, while not flying cars, is leaps and bounds better than just a few decades ago. This is especially true in areas of safety.

Space travel is great, and I look forward to seeing more. But the realities of the limitations means the scifi of the 1950s and 1960s are simply fiction.

The story of marginalized people getting equality is a fine story. It is not the only story. Focusing on it, to the exclusion of celebrating or even marginalizing the greater society,

is not healthy.
Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.
Umm...they still work on AI, life extension and space travel.

There there. The gay pot boogy man is not going to take away your sex robot.

THe focus of our civilization is clear. It is not on moving forward. It is at best navel gazing, and at worst wallowing in our own filth.
That's what all old people say when they get old, since Socrates said it some 2400 years ago.

You're a curmudgeon, it wreaks with every post. Sorry grampa, the world's gunna survive without your backward-assed values.

Name one thing backwards assed about my values. Or stfu, you zygote.
That your google is somehow broken, and you thought that AI, longevity and space travel weren't being heavily invested in...and not only that, but your backwards assed values SOONER had you NOT RESEARCHING THESE THINGS....and instead, FIRST....running to your internet to whine how they're not focused on...before researching adequately if they are or aren't.

That's backwards.

As well as your views on Religion, gay marriage, the fact that you think the poop situation in San Fran is reflective somehow of the entire Country...magically, and your overall, in general, retarded outlook on life.
Yeah. This is what was holding US back. Now our lives will be complete, and the future is bright again.

You know, I remember when I was a child, reading optimistic speculative fiction about the future and all the stupid shit they thought would make the world a better place, like space travel, or A.I. or life extension.

Stupid rocket scientists.

Instead, we have found REAL progress, scores of new genders, legal pot smoking and gay fucking marriage!

Truly, nothing can stop US now.
Umm...they still work on AI, life extension and space travel.

There there. The gay pot boogy man is not going to take away your sex robot.

THe focus of our civilization is clear. It is not on moving forward. It is at best navel gazing, and at worst wallowing in our own filth.

I guess that depends on whether you are one of the marginalized, at best, people. It is not ancient history that homosexuals were discriminated against and even brutalized. Now they are free to enjoy their lives as productive members of society.

The idea that we, as a civilization, are not moving forward is ridiculous. Amazing technological advances are happening every day. When I was in high school in the late 70s, I was lucky enough to work on a science project involving computers. I had limited access to the mainframe monster at the Univ. of Alabama. I guarded the box of punch cards like they were a secret treasure. If one got out of sequence, they entire project was ruined. I can now do the same project on the smallest, slowest computer available, with much better results.

The entertainment industry is vastly better, with more choices in programing and ease of use on your own schedule.

Transportation, while not flying cars, is leaps and bounds better than just a few decades ago. This is especially true in areas of safety.

Space travel is great, and I look forward to seeing more. But the realities of the limitations means the scifi of the 1950s and 1960s are simply fiction.

The story of marginalized people getting equality is a fine story. It is not the only story. Focusing on it, to the exclusion of celebrating or even marginalizing the greater society,

is not healthy.

How do you marginalize the greater society?

No one is excluding any celebration of the greater society. That is just nonsense. Just because the marginalized are included does not cost the greater society anything.
Way to get guns off the streets.
Snoop Dog should do an ad in Chicago ;

Guns for weed.
Turn in your illegal weapons, no questions asked and get double the value in your choice of primo cannabis.

no such thing as an illegal gun

Not as such, but a felon possessing a gun is illegal. In areas where gun registration is required, and unregistered gun is illegal. In places where guns are not allowed, a gun is illegal.
Way to get guns off the streets.
Snoop Dog should do an ad in Chicago ;

Guns for weed.
Turn in your illegal weapons, no questions asked and get double the value in your choice of primo cannabis.

no such thing as an illegal gun

Not as such, but a felon possessing a gun is illegal. In areas where gun registration is required, and unregistered gun is illegal. In places where guns are not allowed, a gun is illegal.
registration is a violation of the 2nd A and as far as I know doesnt exist anywhere in the country,,,

and where are guns legally not allowed?? and if the guns illegal why are they arresting the human??

and I dont see in the 2nd where felons are restricted other than when they are paying the debt to society,,
Way to get guns off the streets.
Snoop Dog should do an ad in Chicago ;

Guns for weed.
Turn in your illegal weapons, no questions asked and get double the value in your choice of primo cannabis.

no such thing as an illegal gun

Not as such, but a felon possessing a gun is illegal. In areas where gun registration is required, and unregistered gun is illegal. In places where guns are not allowed, a gun is illegal.
registration is a violation of the 2nd A and as far as I know doesnt exist anywhere in the country,,,

and where are guns legally not allowed?? and if the guns illegal why are they arresting the human??

and I dont see in the 2nd where felons are restricted other than when they are paying the debt to society,,

Possessing a gun, as a felon, is illegal. SCOTUS has ruled that gun ownership can be regulated.

Guns are not legally allowed in courthouses and on private property where the owner chooses not to allow them.

There are other places as well.
Way to get guns off the streets.
Snoop Dog should do an ad in Chicago ;

Guns for weed.
Turn in your illegal weapons, no questions asked and get double the value in your choice of primo cannabis.

no such thing as an illegal gun

Not as such, but a felon possessing a gun is illegal. In areas where gun registration is required, and unregistered gun is illegal. In places where guns are not allowed, a gun is illegal.
registration is a violation of the 2nd A and as far as I know doesnt exist anywhere in the country,,,

and where are guns legally not allowed?? and if the guns illegal why are they arresting the human??

and I dont see in the 2nd where felons are restricted other than when they are paying the debt to society,,

Possessing a gun, as a felon, is illegal. SCOTUS has ruled that gun ownership can be regulated.

Guns are not legally allowed in courthouses and on private property where the owner chooses not to allow them.

There are other places as well.

its not illegal to have one on private property where the owner wishs you dont,,,all they can do is ask you to leave or have you removed

and of course I disagree with SCOTUS since it violates the 2nd with this ruling

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