Illinois becomes the 11th state to fully legalize marijuana.

Umm...they still work on AI, life extension and space travel.

There there. The gay pot boogy man is not going to take away your sex robot.

THe focus of our civilization is clear. It is not on moving forward. It is at best navel gazing, and at worst wallowing in our own filth.

I guess that depends on whether you are one of the marginalized, at best, people. It is not ancient history that homosexuals were discriminated against and even brutalized. Now they are free to enjoy their lives as productive members of society.

The idea that we, as a civilization, are not moving forward is ridiculous. Amazing technological advances are happening every day. When I was in high school in the late 70s, I was lucky enough to work on a science project involving computers. I had limited access to the mainframe monster at the Univ. of Alabama. I guarded the box of punch cards like they were a secret treasure. If one got out of sequence, they entire project was ruined. I can now do the same project on the smallest, slowest computer available, with much better results.

The entertainment industry is vastly better, with more choices in programing and ease of use on your own schedule.

Transportation, while not flying cars, is leaps and bounds better than just a few decades ago. This is especially true in areas of safety.

Space travel is great, and I look forward to seeing more. But the realities of the limitations means the scifi of the 1950s and 1960s are simply fiction.

The story of marginalized people getting equality is a fine story. It is not the only story. Focusing on it, to the exclusion of celebrating or even marginalizing the greater society,

is not healthy.

How do you marginalize the greater society?

No one is excluding any celebration of the greater society. That is just nonsense. Just because the marginalized are included does not cost the greater society anything.

You take a group(s), that used to be the majority and/or the backbone of society, and you turn it into the supposed "bad guy".

And that is what you and people like you are doing.

Nobody is turning the backbone of society into bad guys. If people beat up, killed, or even fired people just because they were gay, they were most certainly not the backbone of society. They were ignorant bigots.
Can we get back to the discussion of Illinois being the 11th state to legalize marijuana?
I don't understand why anyone is opposed to legalization. Tax it, treat it like alcohol. It will provide jobs, revenue, and a product for people who benefit from it. A win in every conceivable way for the nation.
Will legalized pot cut back on the ongoing carnage in Chicago or will it have the opposite effect?
THe focus of our civilization is clear. It is not on moving forward. It is at best navel gazing, and at worst wallowing in our own filth.

I guess that depends on whether you are one of the marginalized, at best, people. It is not ancient history that homosexuals were discriminated against and even brutalized. Now they are free to enjoy their lives as productive members of society.

The idea that we, as a civilization, are not moving forward is ridiculous. Amazing technological advances are happening every day. When I was in high school in the late 70s, I was lucky enough to work on a science project involving computers. I had limited access to the mainframe monster at the Univ. of Alabama. I guarded the box of punch cards like they were a secret treasure. If one got out of sequence, they entire project was ruined. I can now do the same project on the smallest, slowest computer available, with much better results.

The entertainment industry is vastly better, with more choices in programing and ease of use on your own schedule.

Transportation, while not flying cars, is leaps and bounds better than just a few decades ago. This is especially true in areas of safety.

Space travel is great, and I look forward to seeing more. But the realities of the limitations means the scifi of the 1950s and 1960s are simply fiction.

The story of marginalized people getting equality is a fine story. It is not the only story. Focusing on it, to the exclusion of celebrating or even marginalizing the greater society,

is not healthy.

How do you marginalize the greater society?

No one is excluding any celebration of the greater society. That is just nonsense. Just because the marginalized are included does not cost the greater society anything.

You take a group(s), that used to be the majority and/or the backbone of society, and you turn it into the supposed "bad guy".

And that is what you and people like you are doing.

Nobody is turning the backbone of society into bad guys. If people beat up, killed, or even fired people just because they were gay, they were most certainly not the backbone of society. They were ignorant bigots.

Your pretense that my reference to the "Greater society" were people that gay bashed is noted as a dishonest dodge.
I guess that depends on whether you are one of the marginalized, at best, people. It is not ancient history that homosexuals were discriminated against and even brutalized. Now they are free to enjoy their lives as productive members of society.

The idea that we, as a civilization, are not moving forward is ridiculous. Amazing technological advances are happening every day. When I was in high school in the late 70s, I was lucky enough to work on a science project involving computers. I had limited access to the mainframe monster at the Univ. of Alabama. I guarded the box of punch cards like they were a secret treasure. If one got out of sequence, they entire project was ruined. I can now do the same project on the smallest, slowest computer available, with much better results.

The entertainment industry is vastly better, with more choices in programing and ease of use on your own schedule.

Transportation, while not flying cars, is leaps and bounds better than just a few decades ago. This is especially true in areas of safety.

Space travel is great, and I look forward to seeing more. But the realities of the limitations means the scifi of the 1950s and 1960s are simply fiction.

The story of marginalized people getting equality is a fine story. It is not the only story. Focusing on it, to the exclusion of celebrating or even marginalizing the greater society,

is not healthy.

How do you marginalize the greater society?

No one is excluding any celebration of the greater society. That is just nonsense. Just because the marginalized are included does not cost the greater society anything.

You take a group(s), that used to be the majority and/or the backbone of society, and you turn it into the supposed "bad guy".

And that is what you and people like you are doing.

Nobody is turning the backbone of society into bad guys. If people beat up, killed, or even fired people just because they were gay, they were most certainly not the backbone of society. They were ignorant bigots.

Your pretense that my reference to the "Greater society" were people that gay bashed is noted as a dishonest dodge.

I didn't say they were. I said "if". If they are not gay bashing, no one is saying anything negative about them at all.
Illinois is broke as hell. corrupt to the core, so the politicians probably hope the electorate will get high and too lazy to pack their shit and get out of the hellhole while those pols continue to jack taxes and corn hole the stoned and stupid...
The story of marginalized people getting equality is a fine story. It is not the only story. Focusing on it, to the exclusion of celebrating or even marginalizing the greater society,

is not healthy.

How do you marginalize the greater society?

No one is excluding any celebration of the greater society. That is just nonsense. Just because the marginalized are included does not cost the greater society anything.

You take a group(s), that used to be the majority and/or the backbone of society, and you turn it into the supposed "bad guy".

And that is what you and people like you are doing.

Nobody is turning the backbone of society into bad guys. If people beat up, killed, or even fired people just because they were gay, they were most certainly not the backbone of society. They were ignorant bigots.

Your pretense that my reference to the "Greater society" were people that gay bashed is noted as a dishonest dodge.

I didn't say they were. I said "if". If they are not gay bashing, no one is saying anything negative about them at all.

So, you just changed subjects one sentence into your post?

Very disorganized thinking you got going on there. YOu should see someone about it.
How do you marginalize the greater society?

No one is excluding any celebration of the greater society. That is just nonsense. Just because the marginalized are included does not cost the greater society anything.

You take a group(s), that used to be the majority and/or the backbone of society, and you turn it into the supposed "bad guy".

And that is what you and people like you are doing.

Nobody is turning the backbone of society into bad guys. If people beat up, killed, or even fired people just because they were gay, they were most certainly not the backbone of society. They were ignorant bigots.

Your pretense that my reference to the "Greater society" were people that gay bashed is noted as a dishonest dodge.

I didn't say they were. I said "if". If they are not gay bashing, no one is saying anything negative about them at all.

So, you just changed subjects one sentence into your post?

Very disorganized thinking you got going on there. YOu should see someone about it.

Not changing subjects in this post. But my next post did try to get back to the topic.
You take a group(s), that used to be the majority and/or the backbone of society, and you turn it into the supposed "bad guy".

And that is what you and people like you are doing.

Nobody is turning the backbone of society into bad guys. If people beat up, killed, or even fired people just because they were gay, they were most certainly not the backbone of society. They were ignorant bigots.

Your pretense that my reference to the "Greater society" were people that gay bashed is noted as a dishonest dodge.

I didn't say they were. I said "if". If they are not gay bashing, no one is saying anything negative about them at all.

So, you just changed subjects one sentence into your post?

Very disorganized thinking you got going on there. YOu should see someone about it.

Not changing subjects in this post. But my next post did try to get back to the topic.

AT BEST, you had a "freudian slip" that revealed how you look at normal people. At worst, you were being intentionally slanderous of good people.

Either way, your post SUPPORTS my point about the intent of marginalizing the greater society.
Nobody is turning the backbone of society into bad guys. If people beat up, killed, or even fired people just because they were gay, they were most certainly not the backbone of society. They were ignorant bigots.

Your pretense that my reference to the "Greater society" were people that gay bashed is noted as a dishonest dodge.

I didn't say they were. I said "if". If they are not gay bashing, no one is saying anything negative about them at all.

So, you just changed subjects one sentence into your post?

Very disorganized thinking you got going on there. YOu should see someone about it.

Not changing subjects in this post. But my next post did try to get back to the topic.

AT BEST, you had a "freudian slip" that revealed how you look at normal people. At worst, you were being intentionally slanderous of good people.

Either way, your post SUPPORTS my point about the intent of marginalizing the greater society.

Absolute bullshit. I did not slander anyone other than the ignorant bigots who made life miserable for homosexuals. I am not marginalizing the greater society. I have said that same sex marriage has no effect on straight marriages and that those who verbally or physically assault gays are low-lifes. If you consider those who verbally or physically assault gays to be the "greater society", that is your issues. Not mine.
Will legalized pot cut back on the ongoing carnage in Chicago or will it have the opposite effect?
Most likely no effect.
Pot isn't the cause of that violence. Gangs and the cartels have found bigger profits in opiates.

It will cut back the number of folks incarcerated for minor offenses regarding the Prohibition of marijuana.

The Drug War is epic in its failure as social engineering as much as Prohibition was. No shortage of conservatives or liberals willing to control human behavior through use of a central governing body.
Your pretense that my reference to the "Greater society" were people that gay bashed is noted as a dishonest dodge.

I didn't say they were. I said "if". If they are not gay bashing, no one is saying anything negative about them at all.

So, you just changed subjects one sentence into your post?

Very disorganized thinking you got going on there. YOu should see someone about it.

Not changing subjects in this post. But my next post did try to get back to the topic.

AT BEST, you had a "freudian slip" that revealed how you look at normal people. At worst, you were being intentionally slanderous of good people.

Either way, your post SUPPORTS my point about the intent of marginalizing the greater society.

Absolute bullshit. I did not slander anyone other than the ignorant bigots who made life miserable for homosexuals. I am not marginalizing the greater society. I have said that same sex marriage has no effect on straight marriages and that those who verbally or physically assault gays are low-lifes. If you consider those who verbally or physically assault gays to be the "greater society", that is your issues. Not mine.

The way you just lumped normal people in with gay bashers, shows that what you claim there, is just not true.
I didn't say they were. I said "if". If they are not gay bashing, no one is saying anything negative about them at all.

So, you just changed subjects one sentence into your post?

Very disorganized thinking you got going on there. YOu should see someone about it.

Not changing subjects in this post. But my next post did try to get back to the topic.

AT BEST, you had a "freudian slip" that revealed how you look at normal people. At worst, you were being intentionally slanderous of good people.

Either way, your post SUPPORTS my point about the intent of marginalizing the greater society.

Absolute bullshit. I did not slander anyone other than the ignorant bigots who made life miserable for homosexuals. I am not marginalizing the greater society. I have said that same sex marriage has no effect on straight marriages and that those who verbally or physically assault gays are low-lifes. If you consider those who verbally or physically assault gays to be the "greater society", that is your issues. Not mine.

The way you just lumped normal people in with gay bashers, shows that what you claim there, is just not true.

Where did I do that? You brought up the "greater society". I pointed out that the greater society is not the issue. It is the gay bashers that are the issue.

I think you are just wanting to play victim.
Not sure what it means on the federal side when it comes to the level of cooperation . Hopefully they'll take a 'hands off' approach until Congress, if ever, makes up its' mind to do the right thing and legalize it as well.

So what's the hold up Washington ?
62% of Americans favor legalizing marijuana

Yet, Congress leaves it on the schedule 1 list making it illegal at the federal level.

I suspect the alcohol and tobacco lobbies.

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