Illinois Firearm Identification card ruled unConstitutional in state court....yes, this is correct.

You're not aware of a lot of things

Whatever, no one owns a car to just have it... they own it for a reason.

There is actually NO GOOD REASON to own a gun.

Tell that to the 1.1 million Americans who used their legally owned guns to stop criminals from raping, robbing and murdering them and their families....

Are you really this stupid...wait....don't answer, your posts tell us everything...
And what happens when a gun is reported stolen?

The cops don't investigate? If they don't how is that the fault of the person who had his gun stolen?

Like I said, I'm all for holding the person who buys a gun responsible for it's use, even after it gets "Stolen". Deep pockets, baby. Make you gun nuts. Every hand between the factory and the shooter.
There are plenty of good reasons to own a gun

If you don't want a gun don't get one

Awesome. Now we need to get rid of the metal detectors, security guards, cameras, magnetic lock doors and all the other things we've come to put up with because you guys have a fetish.

Where do you live? In a prison?

I never see metal detectors anywhere in my daily travels. And door locks are just good common sense or are you one of the idiots who likes to leave his doors and windows unlocked when you're sleeping? Anyone that dumb deserves to get murdered in their sleep. Security guard have been around literally forever and most of then are unarmed.
And what happens when a gun is reported stolen?

The cops don't investigate? If they don't how is that the fault of the person who had his gun stolen?

Like I said, I'm all for holding the person who buys a gun responsible for it's use, even after it gets "Stolen". Deep pockets, baby. Make you gun nuts. Every hand between the factory and the shooter.

OK so if someone steals your car and runs over a dozen pedestrians I can hold you responsible
I never see metal detectors anywhere in my daily travels. And door locks are just good common sense or are you one of the idiots who likes to leave his doors and windows unlocked when you're sleeping? Anyone that dumb deserves to get murdered in their sleep. Security guard have been around literally forever and most of then are unarmed.

Are you some kind of retard. We aren't talking about locks on the home.

We are talking any workplace where they give you key cards and you hve to walk past three locked doors to get to your desk, and the managers have a button that lock them all down in case of an active shooter.

We can also add 'Active Shooter Drills" to the list of "Shit we have to put up with because some of you compensate for tiny Dicks and are terrified of the Darkies".

OK so if someone steals your car and runs over a dozen pedestrians I can hold you responsible

Is my car designed to kill people? No.

Is your gun designed to kill people? Yes!

Incidentally, I CAN be held responsible for injuries inflicted by my stolen car if I did something like leave the keys in the ignition while I ran in to buy a cup of coffee.
Tell that to the 1.1 million Americans who used their legally owned guns to stop criminals from raping, robbing and murdering them and their families....

Were they riding unicorns at the time?

DGU's are a lie. They almost never happen.

Tell that to the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Justice....they did only 2 of about a dozen studies that show defensive gun uses are common and happen every single day.
Tell that to the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Justice....they did only 2 of about a dozen studies that show defensive gun uses are common and happen every single day.

All those studies are bullshit, and just copy each other.

Here's why common sense tells us that those studies are bullshit.

According to the FBI, there are only 200 gun deaths a year that are ruled justified self-defense by civilians. (We'll leave cops and their 900-1200 shootings to the side because you pretty much have to catch one of them on tape shooting a kid in the back 16 times while he's lying on the ground to convict him.)

So you would have to believe that gun nuts pull out their guns 1.1 times, but only kill 200 people?

Given how much you gun nuts fantasize every day about shooting you a darkie and winning the Zimmerman Prize, that's a little hard to believe.
Tell that to the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Justice....they did only 2 of about a dozen studies that show defensive gun uses are common and happen every single day.

All those studies are bullshit, and just copy each other.

Here's why common sense tells us that those studies are bullshit.

According to the FBI, there are only 200 gun deaths a year that are ruled justified self-defense by civilians. (We'll leave cops and their 900-1200 shootings to the side because you pretty much have to catch one of them on tape shooting a kid in the back 16 times while he's lying on the ground to convict him.)

So you would have to believe that gun nuts pull out their guns 1.1 times, but only kill 200 people?

Given how much you gun nuts fantasize every day about shooting you a darkie and winning the Zimmerman Prize, that's a little hard to believe.

And if you didn't lie and hide the truth, you wouldn't have anything to post..........

Most self defense does not require killing the criminal attacker....since they aren't in it to do or die, but to victimize and escape when the victim shows their gun, the criminal runs away, or surrenders....and even when they are shot, a gun is not a death ray, they are typically injured, then is only in the most rare cases where the criminal is so stupid, that they press their attack after the victim presents a gun...

And these are the gun studies...notice how many there are, and how high the numbers are...

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

The name of the group doing the study, the year of the study, the number of defensive gun uses and if police and military defensive gun uses are included.....notice the bill clinton and obama defensive gun use research is highlighted.....

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, no military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, no military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, no military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, no military)

CDC...1996-1998... 1.1 million averaged over those years.( no cops, no military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, no military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, no military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops,no military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, no military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, no military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
Tell that to the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Justice....they did only 2 of about a dozen studies that show defensive gun uses are common and happen every single day.

All those studies are bullshit, and just copy each other.

Here's why common sense tells us that those studies are bullshit.

According to the FBI, there are only 200 gun deaths a year that are ruled justified self-defense by civilians. (We'll leave cops and their 900-1200 shootings to the side because you pretty much have to catch one of them on tape shooting a kid in the back 16 times while he's lying on the ground to convict him.)

So you would have to believe that gun nuts pull out their guns 1.1 times, but only kill 200 people?

Given how much you gun nuts fantasize every day about shooting you a darkie and winning the Zimmerman Prize, that's a little hard to believe.

You say really stupid things. No wonder no one takes you seriously. The fact remains, the vast majority of gun owners NEVER shoot another person, and the vast majority of guns NEVER are used to harm a human being.

You know, with as many guns as you have regular nightmares about, there's likely one right behind you. Now go change your underwear and get back to work. How are people going to know they hate black people if you're not there gibbering about it everyday?

Show us on the doll where the big black scary gun touched you.
Tell that to the 1.1 million Americans who used their legally owned guns to stop criminals from raping, robbing and murdering them and their families....

Were they riding unicorns at the time?

DGU's are a lie. They almost never happen.

Irrational gun phobia, check.
Dark skin fetish, check.
Phallic size fetish, check.
And now, denial of reality.

A real recipe for credibility when talking about guns.
And if you didn't lie and hide the truth, you wouldn't have anything to post..........

Most self defense does not require killing the criminal attacker....since they aren't in it to do or die, but to victimize and escape when the victim shows their gun, the criminal runs away, or surrenders...

You see, that's not credible... If someone is desperate enough to commit an act of violence, he's not going to be deterred by merely seeing a gun like Dracula seeing a cross.


But you guys would argue that for every 5500 times a gun is pulled during a confrontation, the mere sight of the gun is enough to scare people off 5499 of them! This just doesn't pass the laugh test, buddy.

And these are the gun studies...notice how many there are, and how high the numbers are...

And they are all bullshit. I'm sure the NRA spends a lot of money on them, but they just don't pass the laugh test for the exact reason I list above.

The fact that these numbers fluctuate so wildly should make you question it.

Funny thing about numbers... they are actually meant to be precise. If you tell me, 'Well, the number is either 5 Million or 45K.. One of those, I'm not sure which", I'd really question that.
And if you didn't lie and hide the truth, you wouldn't have anything to post..........

Most self defense does not require killing the criminal attacker....since they aren't in it to do or die, but to victimize and escape when the victim shows their gun, the criminal runs away, or surrenders...

You see, that's not credible... If someone is desperate enough to commit an act of violence, he's not going to be deterred by merely seeing a gun like Dracula seeing a cross.

View attachment 254310

But you guys would argue that for every 5500 times a gun is pulled during a confrontation, the mere sight of the gun is enough to scare people off 5499 of them! This just doesn't pass the laugh test, buddy.

And these are the gun studies...notice how many there are, and how high the numbers are...

And they are all bullshit. I'm sure the NRA spends a lot of money on them, but they just don't pass the laugh test for the exact reason I list above.

The fact that these numbers fluctuate so wildly should make you question it.

Funny thing about numbers... they are actually meant to be precise. If you tell me, 'Well, the number is either 5 Million or 45K.. One of those, I'm not sure which", I'd really question that.
The fact remains, the vast majority of gun owners NEVER shoot another person, and the vast majority of guns NEVER are used to harm a human being.

So what?

Hey True story. We banned lawn darts because ONE kid got impaled through the head.

We put safety seals on all medicines because ONE maniac poisoned the Tylenol.

You know, with as many guns as you have regular nightmares about, there's likely one right behind you. Now go change your underwear and get back to work. How are people going to know they hate black people if you're not there gibbering about it everyday?

Guy, funny thing. In the Condo right next to mine, there was a gun nut. He shot out his patio door and sent a bullet flying across the parking lot. the cops didn't bust him. A few weeks later he took that same gun and shot himself.

I was in the army for 11 years, and handled guns you nutters only dream about touching. The one thing i took away from it is that a lot of people just shouldn't have guns, and we shouldn't have such low standards for people to have them.
The fact remains, the vast majority of gun owners NEVER shoot another person, and the vast majority of guns NEVER are used to harm a human being.

So what?

Hey True story. We banned lawn darts because ONE kid got impaled through the head.

We put safety seals on all medicines because ONE maniac poisoned the Tylenol.

You know, with as many guns as you have regular nightmares about, there's likely one right behind you. Now go change your underwear and get back to work. How are people going to know they hate black people if you're not there gibbering about it everyday?

Guy, funny thing. In the Condo right next to mine, there was a gun nut. He shot out his patio door and sent a bullet flying across the parking lot. the cops didn't bust him. A few weeks later he took that same gun and shot himself.

I was in the army for 11 years, and handled guns you nutters only dream about touching. The one thing i took away from it is that a lot of people just shouldn't have guns, and we shouldn't have such low standards for people to have them.

We shouldn't allow those with phallic and skin color obsessions (that's you) to own guns. They can't be trusted.
The fact remains, the vast majority of gun owners NEVER shoot another person, and the vast majority of guns NEVER are used to harm a human being.

So what?

Hey True story. We banned lawn darts because ONE kid got impaled through the head.

We put safety seals on all medicines because ONE maniac poisoned the Tylenol.

You know, with as many guns as you have regular nightmares about, there's likely one right behind you. Now go change your underwear and get back to work. How are people going to know they hate black people if you're not there gibbering about it everyday?

Guy, funny thing. In the Condo right next to mine, there was a gun nut. He shot out his patio door and sent a bullet flying across the parking lot. the cops didn't bust him. A few weeks later he took that same gun and shot himself.

I was in the army for 11 years, and handled guns you nutters only dream about touching. The one thing i took away from it is that a lot of people just shouldn't have guns, and we shouldn't have such low standards for people to have them.
One... No one has the right to own lawn darts, or Tylenol... You fucking moron

Two... anyone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business

Three... Suicide takes care of itself

Four... Cool story bro, Getting out of your mothers basement would be a good thing
One... No one has the right to own lawn darts, or Tylenol... You fucking moron

No one has a right to own guns. In fact, there are no "rights" at all. There are privileges society says you have. Any fool who thinks he has "Rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

The difference there was accountability. The makers of lawn darts were sued, so they took them off the market. The makers of Tylenol took precautions by putting two or three seals on every package.

If we held gun makers to the same liability standards, we wouldn't see them marketing to the gun nuts of the world.

Two... anyone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business

Well, no, when I have to live under lockdown because some maniac with a gun might show up at any time, then it is kind of my fucking business. It's my business when I have to support higher taxes to maintain this kind of a police state.

Three... Suicide takes care of itself

Yes, if you are a callous asshole who has never lost a loved one to suicide, I guess you are okay with it.

Four... Cool story bro, Getting out of your mothers basement would be a good thing

Dude, my mom passed away in 1983... I've accomplished more in life than you ever will.
We shouldn't allow those with phallic and skin color obsessions (that's you) to own guns. They can't be trusted.

Wow, totally avoided the points, did you?

Well, heck, son, we know you gun nuts really have nothing to stand on other than a bizarre interpretation of the Militia Amendment.

Well, that and the historical understanding of the second, as well as the Supreme Court's understanding of the second. You know, the ones that count.

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