Illinois Firearm Identification card ruled unConstitutional in state court....yes, this is correct.

I never see metal detectors anywhere in my daily travels. And door locks are just good common sense or are you one of the idiots who likes to leave his doors and windows unlocked when you're sleeping? Anyone that dumb deserves to get murdered in their sleep. Security guard have been around literally forever and most of then are unarmed.

Are you some kind of retard. We aren't talking about locks on the home.

We are talking any workplace where they give you key cards and you hve to walk past three locked doors to get to your desk, and the managers have a button that lock them all down in case of an active shooter.

We can also add 'Active Shooter Drills" to the list of "Shit we have to put up with because some of you compensate for tiny Dicks and are terrified of the Darkies".

OK so if someone steals your car and runs over a dozen pedestrians I can hold you responsible

Is my car designed to kill people? No.

Is your gun designed to kill people? Yes!

Incidentally, I CAN be held responsible for injuries inflicted by my stolen car if I did something like leave the keys in the ignition while I ran in to buy a cup of coffee.

And key cards came into existence because of guns?

You are an idiot.

Funny how I never see a metal detector in my daily travels, I never see armed security guards but you have to go through 99 layers of security to sit at your desk at work.

Bull Shit.

And if my gun is in my house which is locked and alarmed and I report that gun stolen I am not in anyway culpable for what the asshole who stole my gun does with it just as you are not culpable if a person breaks into your car, steals it and runs over a gaggle of grandmas
Well, that and the historical understanding of the second, as well as the Supreme Court's understanding of the second. You know, the ones that count.

Yes, we are stuck with the Bizarre interpretation of Heller that threw out common sense, decency and 200 years of previous rulings.

Still bizarre, though, that a crazy person has a right to a gun because of Militias that don't exist anymore.
Funny how I never see a metal detector in my daily travels, I never see armed security guards but you have to go through 99 layers of security to sit at your desk at work.

Bull Shit.

And if my gun is in my house which is locked and alarmed and I report that gun stolen I am not in anyway culpable for what the asshole who stole my gun does with it just as you are not culpable if a person breaks into your car, steals it and runs over a gaggle of grandmas

Again, your gun is designed specifically to kill people... Cars aren't.

Reality is, most of us have to live in this world you gun nuts have made, and frankly, a lot of us are tired of it.
Well, that and the historical understanding of the second, as well as the Supreme Court's understanding of the second. You know, the ones that count.

Yes, we are stuck with the Bizarre interpretation of Heller that threw out common sense, decency and 200 years of previous rulings.

Still bizarre, though, that a crazy person has a right to a gun because of Militias that don't exist anymore.

Greater legal minds than yours figured that out.
Greater legal minds than yours figured that out.

Right. some knuckle dragger says, "Wow, Let's ignore the part about "Well-regulated Militias" and keep the part about "Right to bear arms", and then forget we have a crisis of 33,000 gun deaths a year, because, um, founding fathers or something'.


Gun Retards are always funny!
Greater legal minds than yours figured that out.

Right. some knuckle dragger says, "Wow, Let's ignore the part about "Well-regulated Militias" and keep the part about "Right to bear arms", and then forget we have a crisis of 33,000 gun deaths a year, because, um, founding fathers or something'.

View attachment 254336
Gun Retards are always funny!

Sounds like you're putting your legal expertise ahead of the legal experts on the court. Which law school did you graduate from?
Sounds like you're putting your legal expertise ahead of the legal experts on the court. Which law school did you graduate from?

The school that says you don't let crazy people buy semi-automatic weapons and a 100 round magazine, because that's nuts...
Funny how I never see a metal detector in my daily travels, I never see armed security guards but you have to go through 99 layers of security to sit at your desk at work.

Bull Shit.

And if my gun is in my house which is locked and alarmed and I report that gun stolen I am not in anyway culpable for what the asshole who stole my gun does with it just as you are not culpable if a person breaks into your car, steals it and runs over a gaggle of grandmas

Again, your gun is designed specifically to kill people... Cars aren't.

Reality is, most of us have to live in this world you gun nuts have made, and frankly, a lot of us are tired of it.

My gun is designed to fire a projectile.

Whether or not it kills anyone is 100% up to the person holding it.
And if you didn't lie and hide the truth, you wouldn't have anything to post..........

Most self defense does not require killing the criminal attacker....since they aren't in it to do or die, but to victimize and escape when the victim shows their gun, the criminal runs away, or surrenders...

You see, that's not credible... If someone is desperate enough to commit an act of violence, he's not going to be deterred by merely seeing a gun like Dracula seeing a cross.

View attachment 254310

But you guys would argue that for every 5500 times a gun is pulled during a confrontation, the mere sight of the gun is enough to scare people off 5499 of them! This just doesn't pass the laugh test, buddy.

And these are the gun studies...notice how many there are, and how high the numbers are...

And they are all bullshit. I'm sure the NRA spends a lot of money on them, but they just don't pass the laugh test for the exact reason I list above.

The fact that these numbers fluctuate so wildly should make you question it.

Funny thing about numbers... they are actually meant to be precise. If you tell me, 'Well, the number is either 5 Million or 45K.. One of those, I'm not sure which", I'd really question that.

You don't know what you are talking about.....criminals are not suicide bombers...they are not looking to actually fight anyone, and they are not doing what they do to get killed........which is why they specifically target the old, women, the weak, isolated individuals, the disabled and children......

And those gun studies......notice that not one of them are paid for by the NRA, and two of the big ones....are from the U.S. Government, the Centers for Disease Control, and the Department of Justice.....
Sounds like you're putting your legal expertise ahead of the legal experts on the court. Which law school did you graduate from?

The school that says you don't let crazy people buy semi-automatic weapons and a 100 round magazine, because that's nuts...

You mean when you have 8 million AR-15 rifles in private hands....and maybe, maybe, 1 is used each year illegally?

With another 600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense?

Considering all the people who own and carry guns, are not the ones doing the gun murder in this country......criminals who already are barred by law from owning and carrying guns are doing have no leg to stand on with your arguments.
Greater legal minds than yours figured that out.

Right. some knuckle dragger says, "Wow, Let's ignore the part about "Well-regulated Militias" and keep the part about "Right to bear arms", and then forget we have a crisis of 33,000 gun deaths a year, because, um, founding fathers or something'.

View attachment 254336
Gun Retards are always funny!

Sounds like you're putting your legal expertise ahead of the legal experts on the court. Which law school did you graduate from?

He thinks he's a psychiatrist and a lawyer
Greater legal minds than yours figured that out.

Right. some knuckle dragger says, "Wow, Let's ignore the part about "Well-regulated Militias" and keep the part about "Right to bear arms", and then forget we have a crisis of 33,000 gun deaths a year, because, um, founding fathers or something'.

View attachment 254336
Gun Retards are always funny!
Suicides do not count
You don't know what you are talking about.....criminals are not suicide bombers...they are not looking to actually fight anyone, and they are not doing what they do to get killed........which is why they specifically target the old, women, the weak, isolated individuals, the disabled and children......

again, if they are desperate enough to risk going to jail, they are probably desperate enough to try to knock the gun out of the hand of Dick Tiny trying to intimidate him...

The idea that they run away 5499 times out of 5500 is just... silly.
You mean when you have 8 million AR-15 rifles in private hands....and maybe, maybe, 1 is used each year illegally?

Millions of bottles of Tylenol, only a dozen or so were poisoned. They changed the way they were packaged and marketed.

Millions of Lawn Darts, only one killed a kid... they were pulled off the market.

You mean when you have 8 million AR-15 rifles in private hands....and maybe, maybe, 1 is used each year illegally?

Millions of bottles of Tylenol, only a dozen or so were poisoned. They changed the way they were packaged and marketed.

Millions of Lawn Darts, only one killed a kid... they were pulled off the market.


One of the dumbest comparisons ever.

Lawn darts were marketed as a children's toy
No child can buy a gun
One of the dumbest comparisons ever.

Lawn darts were marketed as a children's toy
No child can buy a gun

No, but plenty of you dun-der gun nuts who buy guns for kids, aren't there?

The only difference is that the people who made lawn darts were responsible enough to take them off the market when ONE CHILD died.
You don't know what you are talking about.....criminals are not suicide bombers...they are not looking to actually fight anyone, and they are not doing what they do to get killed........which is why they specifically target the old, women, the weak, isolated individuals, the disabled and children......

again, if they are desperate enough to risk going to jail, they are probably desperate enough to try to knock the gun out of the hand of Dick Tiny trying to intimidate him...

The idea that they run away 5499 times out of 5500 is just... silly.

So post your source of you're that confident.
One of the dumbest comparisons ever.

Lawn darts were marketed as a children's toy
No child can buy a gun

No, but plenty of you dun-der gun nuts who buy guns for kids, aren't there?

The only difference is that the people who made lawn darts were responsible enough to take them off the market when ONE CHILD died.

So, when one child died in a car accident, you think cars should have been banned?......good to know.
You don't know what you are talking about.....criminals are not suicide bombers...they are not looking to actually fight anyone, and they are not doing what they do to get killed........which is why they specifically target the old, women, the weak, isolated individuals, the disabled and children......

again, if they are desperate enough to risk going to jail, they are probably desperate enough to try to knock the gun out of the hand of Dick Tiny trying to intimidate him...

The idea that they run away 5499 times out of 5500 is just... silly.

You are an idiot...... not all criminals are Mexican drug cartel soldiers..... and Mexican drug cartel soldiers don't stick up old people on the moron.
So, when one child died in a car accident, you think cars should have been banned?......good to know.

We'd have a hard time living without cars... but funny thing.

Car ownership is licensed, insured and regulated out the nines. and they aren't designed to kill people like guns are.

Meanwhile, Tiny Dicks like you celebrate when they get rid of something as MINOR as a FOID Card. Like even asking a gun owner to prove he isn't crazy or a criminal is too much because Founding Fathers or something.

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