Illinois Firearm Identification card ruled unConstitutional in state court....yes, this is correct.

Tell the civilians killed in any of our undeclared wars that

All that means is that people with guns aren't as trigger happy as you say they are

No, it means DGU's don't happen all that often... not that the gun nuts aren't trigger happy. Listening to you people talk all day about how you'd like to shoot you a darkie just like Zimmerman did, (some kid buying candy), but for every 5500 times it happens, 5499 times you don't... just doesn't pass the laugh test.

While the gun makes you feel better about your tiny... hands... incidents where you can actually use it are rare.
Zimmerman is a minority you fucking retard.
Only fools look at everything through race... You have a penis Obsession apparently… You need to get your mothers basement more you fucking moron
Tell the civilians killed in any of our undeclared wars that

All that means is that people with guns aren't as trigger happy as you say they are

No, it means DGU's don't happen all that often... not that the gun nuts aren't trigger happy. Listening to you people talk all day about how you'd like to shoot you a darkie just like Zimmerman did, (some kid buying candy), but for every 5500 times it happens, 5499 times you don't... just doesn't pass the laugh test.

While the gun makes you feel better about your tiny... hands... incidents where you can actually use it are rare.
Do you ever stop lying?
Again....Voter I.D.....I know, you head just exploded because you can't stand an I.D. to vote, but demand an I.D. for the 2nd Amendment.....which criminals can't use because they can't buy guns with or without moron.

YOu can't kill someone with a vote.

That said, I have no problem with voter ID if everyone gets an ID card for free and there is a central national database.

For guns... there is absolutely no good reason for a citizen to own a gun. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.

But I'm kind of willing to let people have guns if they undergo STRICT background checks, (not the half-ass bullshit we have now), are required to carry insurance and prove they are proficient with their weapon. This is the standard I had to meet when I was in the armed forces. Kind of makes sense if you are going to cite the Militia Amendment as your reason why you can have a gun.

But guns in the home are more dangerous to the household than the bad guy, and no, you aren't going to overthrow the government with your guns. So those are really stupid reasons to want one.

For guns... there is absolutely no good reason for a citizen to own a gun. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.

The Centers for Disease Control state 1.1 million Americans use guns for self defense...stopping violent rapes, robberies and murders....those 1.1 million Americans would disagree with your statement.

The 12 million innocent men, women and children in Europe, murdered by the German socialists with the cooperation of most of the goverments of Europe....would disagree with your statement...

The 10s of thousands of innocent Mexican men, women and children murdered by the drug cartels with the help of the Mexican police and military, would disagree with your statement.....

I already showed that Klecks CDC quote was just plain fabricated. I posted the REAL CDC report and it didn't have anything close to your figures. I guess you, like Kleck, thought no one would be able to find that real CDC report. I did and you know it so stop with the fake CDC numbers already.
Again....Voter I.D.....I know, you head just exploded because you can't stand an I.D. to vote, but demand an I.D. for the 2nd Amendment.....which criminals can't use because they can't buy guns with or without moron.

YOu can't kill someone with a vote.

That said, I have no problem with voter ID if everyone gets an ID card for free and there is a central national database.

For guns... there is absolutely no good reason for a citizen to own a gun. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.

But I'm kind of willing to let people have guns if they undergo STRICT background checks, (not the half-ass bullshit we have now), are required to carry insurance and prove they are proficient with their weapon. This is the standard I had to meet when I was in the armed forces. Kind of makes sense if you are going to cite the Militia Amendment as your reason why you can have a gun.

But guns in the home are more dangerous to the household than the bad guy, and no, you aren't going to overthrow the government with your guns. So those are really stupid reasons to want one.

For guns... there is absolutely no good reason for a citizen to own a gun. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.

The Centers for Disease Control state 1.1 million Americans use guns for self defense...stopping violent rapes, robberies and murders....those 1.1 million Americans would disagree with your statement.

The 12 million innocent men, women and children in Europe, murdered by the German socialists with the cooperation of most of the goverments of Europe....would disagree with your statement...

The 10s of thousands of innocent Mexican men, women and children murdered by the drug cartels with the help of the Mexican police and military, would disagree with your statement.....

I already showed that Klecks CDC quote was just plain fabricated. I posted the REAL CDC report and it didn't have anything close to your figures. I guess you, like Kleck, thought no one would be able to find that real CDC report. I did and you know it so stop with the fake CDC numbers already.
Prove it.
Again....Voter I.D.....I know, you head just exploded because you can't stand an I.D. to vote, but demand an I.D. for the 2nd Amendment.....which criminals can't use because they can't buy guns with or without moron.

YOu can't kill someone with a vote.

That said, I have no problem with voter ID if everyone gets an ID card for free and there is a central national database.

For guns... there is absolutely no good reason for a citizen to own a gun. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.

But I'm kind of willing to let people have guns if they undergo STRICT background checks, (not the half-ass bullshit we have now), are required to carry insurance and prove they are proficient with their weapon. This is the standard I had to meet when I was in the armed forces. Kind of makes sense if you are going to cite the Militia Amendment as your reason why you can have a gun.

But guns in the home are more dangerous to the household than the bad guy, and no, you aren't going to overthrow the government with your guns. So those are really stupid reasons to want one.

For guns... there is absolutely no good reason for a citizen to own a gun. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.

The Centers for Disease Control state 1.1 million Americans use guns for self defense...stopping violent rapes, robberies and murders....those 1.1 million Americans would disagree with your statement.

The 12 million innocent men, women and children in Europe, murdered by the German socialists with the cooperation of most of the goverments of Europe....would disagree with your statement...

The 10s of thousands of innocent Mexican men, women and children murdered by the drug cartels with the help of the Mexican police and military, would disagree with your statement.....

I already showed that Klecks CDC quote was just plain fabricated. I posted the REAL CDC report and it didn't have anything close to your figures. I guess you, like Kleck, thought no one would be able to find that real CDC report. I did and you know it so stop with the fake CDC numbers already.
Prove it.

I did last week. I am not going to keep covering the same thing over and over. 2boy knows this. He's just hoping to sneak it by. If you want to see it, YOU go digging through the thousands of BS posts that you and your gunnutters have littered this area with to find it.
Again....Voter I.D.....I know, you head just exploded because you can't stand an I.D. to vote, but demand an I.D. for the 2nd Amendment.....which criminals can't use because they can't buy guns with or without moron.

YOu can't kill someone with a vote.

That said, I have no problem with voter ID if everyone gets an ID card for free and there is a central national database.

For guns... there is absolutely no good reason for a citizen to own a gun. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.

But I'm kind of willing to let people have guns if they undergo STRICT background checks, (not the half-ass bullshit we have now), are required to carry insurance and prove they are proficient with their weapon. This is the standard I had to meet when I was in the armed forces. Kind of makes sense if you are going to cite the Militia Amendment as your reason why you can have a gun.

But guns in the home are more dangerous to the household than the bad guy, and no, you aren't going to overthrow the government with your guns. So those are really stupid reasons to want one.

For guns... there is absolutely no good reason for a citizen to own a gun. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.

The Centers for Disease Control state 1.1 million Americans use guns for self defense...stopping violent rapes, robberies and murders....those 1.1 million Americans would disagree with your statement.

The 12 million innocent men, women and children in Europe, murdered by the German socialists with the cooperation of most of the goverments of Europe....would disagree with your statement...

The 10s of thousands of innocent Mexican men, women and children murdered by the drug cartels with the help of the Mexican police and military, would disagree with your statement.....

I already showed that Klecks CDC quote was just plain fabricated. I posted the REAL CDC report and it didn't have anything close to your figures. I guess you, like Kleck, thought no one would be able to find that real CDC report. I did and you know it so stop with the fake CDC numbers already.
Prove it.

I did last week. I am not going to keep covering the same thing over and over. 2boy knows this. He's just hoping to sneak it by. If you want to see it, YOU go digging through the thousands of BS posts that you and your gunnutters have littered this area with to find it.
You didn't prove anything. Posting some chart or a link to somewhere is only providing an unproven claim.
YOu can't kill someone with a vote.

That said, I have no problem with voter ID if everyone gets an ID card for free and there is a central national database.

For guns... there is absolutely no good reason for a citizen to own a gun. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.

But I'm kind of willing to let people have guns if they undergo STRICT background checks, (not the half-ass bullshit we have now), are required to carry insurance and prove they are proficient with their weapon. This is the standard I had to meet when I was in the armed forces. Kind of makes sense if you are going to cite the Militia Amendment as your reason why you can have a gun.

But guns in the home are more dangerous to the household than the bad guy, and no, you aren't going to overthrow the government with your guns. So those are really stupid reasons to want one.

For guns... there is absolutely no good reason for a citizen to own a gun. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.

The Centers for Disease Control state 1.1 million Americans use guns for self defense...stopping violent rapes, robberies and murders....those 1.1 million Americans would disagree with your statement.

The 12 million innocent men, women and children in Europe, murdered by the German socialists with the cooperation of most of the goverments of Europe....would disagree with your statement...

The 10s of thousands of innocent Mexican men, women and children murdered by the drug cartels with the help of the Mexican police and military, would disagree with your statement.....

I already showed that Klecks CDC quote was just plain fabricated. I posted the REAL CDC report and it didn't have anything close to your figures. I guess you, like Kleck, thought no one would be able to find that real CDC report. I did and you know it so stop with the fake CDC numbers already.
Prove it.

I did last week. I am not going to keep covering the same thing over and over. 2boy knows this. He's just hoping to sneak it by. If you want to see it, YOU go digging through the thousands of BS posts that you and your gunnutters have littered this area with to find it.
You didn't prove anything. Posting some chart or a link to somewhere is only providing an unproven claim.

The link was at the site itself. YOu want to read it, go find it. I did that means that you can as well. Or are you too lazy and it's just easier to make shit up.
Almost all parents don't allow their kids to use guns unless under their direct supervision.
If parents were supervising their kids with the lawn darts no one would have died.

No parents?

Um, more people are shot and killed by kids than by terrorists in the US.
that number includes gang members from 16 to 18

More kids are killed by their parents than in mass shootings every year
Let me ask you this if you were to break into a home with malicious intent ( because we are all criminals just waiting to commit crimes) and the home owner stuck a shotgun in your face would he have to fire it to get you to stop or would you piss your pants and run?

I bet you can guess what I think you would do.

I wouldn't break into someone's house. But someone who would would have to be pretty desperate or deranged, so no, they would not be deterred 5499 times out of 5500. this is what makes Dick Tiny's claims of 1.1 M DGU's so silly. It assumes the mere site of a gun is like a cross to a vampire for a drug-addled home invader.

I will repeat the CDC study, and the rest...

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

YOu can repeat your NRA Propaganda all day... but the fact remains... you can't have 1.1 Million DGU's and ONLY 200 dead bodies.

Mathematically, it doesn't make sense.
that number includes gang members from 16 to 18

More kids are killed by their parents than in mass shootings every year

And funny thing, we actually have whole agencies dedicated to protecting kids from bad parents.

We need whole agencies dedicated to protecting us from gun nuts.
Let me ask you this if you were to break into a home with malicious intent ( because we are all criminals just waiting to commit crimes) and the home owner stuck a shotgun in your face would he have to fire it to get you to stop or would you piss your pants and run?

I bet you can guess what I think you would do.

I wouldn't break into someone's house. But someone who would would have to be pretty desperate or deranged, so no, they would not be deterred 5499 times out of 5500. this is what makes Dick Tiny's claims of 1.1 M DGU's so silly. It assumes the mere site of a gun is like a cross to a vampire for a drug-addled home invader.

I will repeat the CDC study, and the rest...

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

YOu can repeat your NRA Propaganda all day... but the fact remains... you can't have 1.1 Million DGU's and ONLY 200 dead bodies.

Mathematically, it doesn't make sense.

But you're just a criminal in waiting like all the gun owners are murderers in waiting.

And I never quoted a number of DGUs. Why is it you can't seem to keep the people you respond to straight in your head?

I don't care if there are no DGUs annually I don't care if there are 10 million because it doesn't matter
that number includes gang members from 16 to 18

More kids are killed by their parents than in mass shootings every year

And funny thing, we actually have whole agencies dedicated to protecting kids from bad parents.

We need whole agencies dedicated to protecting us from gun nuts.
ANd yet parents still kill more kids than mass shooters. Once again government doing what it does best...nothing
The same 'national ID' issue raged back when SS debuted

the Gub'Mit assured the public then SS#'s would not ID them

Let me ask you this if you were to break into a home with malicious intent ( because we are all criminals just waiting to commit crimes) and the home owner stuck a shotgun in your face would he have to fire it to get you to stop or would you piss your pants and run?

I bet you can guess what I think you would do.

I wouldn't break into someone's house. But someone who would would have to be pretty desperate or deranged, so no, they would not be deterred 5499 times out of 5500. this is what makes Dick Tiny's claims of 1.1 M DGU's so silly. It assumes the mere site of a gun is like a cross to a vampire for a drug-addled home invader.

I will repeat the CDC study, and the rest...

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

YOu can repeat your NRA Propaganda all day... but the fact remains... you can't have 1.1 Million DGU's and ONLY 200 dead bodies.

Mathematically, it doesn't make sense.

But you're just a criminal in waiting like all the gun owners are murderers in waiting.

And I never quoted a number of DGUs. Why is it you can't seem to keep the people you respond to straight in your head?

I don't care if there are no DGUs annually I don't care if there are 10 million because it doesn't matter

I see the gunnuters in here come up with some pretty hairy numbers. To tell you the truth, Gun Violence doesn't even make the top 50 for the cause of death in the United States. It averages just over 14K per year. While that is still too high it's no where near to anything on the same scale as heart attacks or even the flu. And as for Successful Gun Suicides, it's slightly more than 400 a year which makes it the leading success story for suicide successes. Suicide isn't that common, really, or at least successful suicide isn't. But with a gun, almost every suicide attempt is usually fatal unlike a knife, poison, jumping etc..

So bringing up Gun Suicide as a reason not to do something about gun violence is just silly since it makes up such a small percentage of the gun deaths.

Unlike the normal fatal diseases, there are things we can do to lessen the fatalities from the firearms deaths. MOST are preventable through many methods. And I am not talking about gun confiscation. We should be talking about those other methods and doing something about them instead of one said saying "Confiscate all the guns" and the other side saying "Over my dead body".
Let me ask you this if you were to break into a home with malicious intent ( because we are all criminals just waiting to commit crimes) and the home owner stuck a shotgun in your face would he have to fire it to get you to stop or would you piss your pants and run?

I bet you can guess what I think you would do.

I wouldn't break into someone's house. But someone who would would have to be pretty desperate or deranged, so no, they would not be deterred 5499 times out of 5500. this is what makes Dick Tiny's claims of 1.1 M DGU's so silly. It assumes the mere site of a gun is like a cross to a vampire for a drug-addled home invader.

I will repeat the CDC study, and the rest...

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

YOu can repeat your NRA Propaganda all day... but the fact remains... you can't have 1.1 Million DGU's and ONLY 200 dead bodies.

Mathematically, it doesn't make sense.

Post your source.
Let me ask you this if you were to break into a home with malicious intent ( because we are all criminals just waiting to commit crimes) and the home owner stuck a shotgun in your face would he have to fire it to get you to stop or would you piss your pants and run?

I bet you can guess what I think you would do.

I wouldn't break into someone's house. But someone who would would have to be pretty desperate or deranged, so no, they would not be deterred 5499 times out of 5500. this is what makes Dick Tiny's claims of 1.1 M DGU's so silly. It assumes the mere site of a gun is like a cross to a vampire for a drug-addled home invader.

I will repeat the CDC study, and the rest...

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

YOu can repeat your NRA Propaganda all day... but the fact remains... you can't have 1.1 Million DGU's and ONLY 200 dead bodies.

Mathematically, it doesn't make sense.

Post your source.
why do you wanna see a pic of his ass?
that number includes gang members from 16 to 18

More kids are killed by their parents than in mass shootings every year

And funny thing, we actually have whole agencies dedicated to protecting kids from bad parents.

We need whole agencies dedicated to protecting us from gun nuts.
ANd yet parents still kill more kids than mass shooters. Once again government doing what it does best...nothing

We stopped the mass shootings in this state cold. And we fought the NRA and other gunnutter groups tooth and nail in federal court in order to do it. It cost the Tax Payer Millions to win those suits. It also nearly bankrupted the NRA and a few other gunnutter groups. So what did the fruitcake mass shooters do? They went to other states and continued their mass shootings. To this day, you gunnutters comdemn us for our laws but you also ignore the other changes we made and the education we also did to change behavior. We still have a couple or 3 nutcases try to get in position to try and go for the new record for mass killings but they are now stopped cold before they get into position to start. And they can't seem to carry enough ammo mags to get the job done as convenient anymore either. Last year, we stopped a 17 year old headed for a Middle School with his Daddy's AR-15 and 4 30 round mags under a rain coat BEFORE he got to the school front gate only about 9 miles from where I sit. There was a blip in the local news and then it was quieted. Nothing else was heard about it. He's a minor and it never went to criminal court. Although he may never see sunlight again. He said he was going for the record, the one set in Nevada. Personally, I don't think he could have made it. He didn't have enough ammo.

When the Government does something, you gunnutters go insane. We just went to a Red Flag Law which was a long time coming. Fruitcakes with guns, violent criminals with guns, etc. can now be stopped from possessing guns, period in a legal manner even if it's a temporary manner. People who threaten suicide that have guns can now lose their firearms until they get the help they need. People that threaten their estranged mates and children that own guns can now have their guns removed temporarily from their possession. People that are identified as being overly violent in nature can have their guns removed. Yes, they can obtain guns illegally but they will be watched at that point and trying to obtain guns that way will usually result in a prison sentence and you can't bring your guns into prison very easily. In the Red areas of this state, the Sheriffs are saying they will not support it. Well, just before the elections. But after the elections, they change their minds. Another reason they change their minds is that a Sheriff can be jailed as easily as a citizen on contempt charges. One by one, all end up supporting it. There are a couple of lawsuits pending on this but it's a forgone conclusion that the law will stand.

So don't give me that crap about the Government not doing something about it. The Government would like to but the Government likes to be reelected and it takes balls to do something about it when you may end up destroying your political career.
Let me ask you this if you were to break into a home with malicious intent ( because we are all criminals just waiting to commit crimes) and the home owner stuck a shotgun in your face would he have to fire it to get you to stop or would you piss your pants and run?

I bet you can guess what I think you would do.

I wouldn't break into someone's house. But someone who would would have to be pretty desperate or deranged, so no, they would not be deterred 5499 times out of 5500. this is what makes Dick Tiny's claims of 1.1 M DGU's so silly. It assumes the mere site of a gun is like a cross to a vampire for a drug-addled home invader.

I will repeat the CDC study, and the rest...

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

YOu can repeat your NRA Propaganda all day... but the fact remains... you can't have 1.1 Million DGU's and ONLY 200 dead bodies.

Mathematically, it doesn't make sense.

Post your source.
why do you wanna see a pic of his ass?

Well, I was expecting an empty post, but that's a lot more terrifying.
Let me ask you this if you were to break into a home with malicious intent ( because we are all criminals just waiting to commit crimes) and the home owner stuck a shotgun in your face would he have to fire it to get you to stop or would you piss your pants and run?

I bet you can guess what I think you would do.

I wouldn't break into someone's house. But someone who would would have to be pretty desperate or deranged, so no, they would not be deterred 5499 times out of 5500. this is what makes Dick Tiny's claims of 1.1 M DGU's so silly. It assumes the mere site of a gun is like a cross to a vampire for a drug-addled home invader.

I will repeat the CDC study, and the rest...

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

YOu can repeat your NRA Propaganda all day... but the fact remains... you can't have 1.1 Million DGU's and ONLY 200 dead bodies.

Mathematically, it doesn't make sense.

Post your source.
why do you wanna see a pic of his ass?

Well, I was expecting an empty post, but that's a lot more terrifying.

Would you two get a friggin room.
Let me ask you this if you were to break into a home with malicious intent ( because we are all criminals just waiting to commit crimes) and the home owner stuck a shotgun in your face would he have to fire it to get you to stop or would you piss your pants and run?

I bet you can guess what I think you would do.

I wouldn't break into someone's house. But someone who would would have to be pretty desperate or deranged, so no, they would not be deterred 5499 times out of 5500. this is what makes Dick Tiny's claims of 1.1 M DGU's so silly. It assumes the mere site of a gun is like a cross to a vampire for a drug-addled home invader.

I will repeat the CDC study, and the rest...

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

YOu can repeat your NRA Propaganda all day... but the fact remains... you can't have 1.1 Million DGU's and ONLY 200 dead bodies.

Mathematically, it doesn't make sense.

Post your source.
why do you wanna see a pic of his ass?

Well, I was expecting an empty post, but that's a lot more terrifying.

Would you two get a friggin room.
what the fuck crawled up your ass and took a shit? i make 1 statement and i'm supposed to "get a room"

if that's the case then hell son you should rent out 4 trump towers and get the fuck outta here from this thread alone.

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