Illinois Firearm Identification card ruled unConstitutional in state court....yes, this is correct.

that number includes gang members from 16 to 18

More kids are killed by their parents than in mass shootings every year

And funny thing, we actually have whole agencies dedicated to protecting kids from bad parents.

We need whole agencies dedicated to protecting us from gun nuts.
ANd yet parents still kill more kids than mass shooters. Once again government doing what it does best...nothing

We stopped the mass shootings in this state cold. And we fought the NRA and other gunnutter groups tooth and nail in federal court in order to do it. It cost the Tax Payer Millions to win those suits. It also nearly bankrupted the NRA and a few other gunnutter groups. So what did the fruitcake mass shooters do? They went to other states and continued their mass shootings. To this day, you gunnutters comdemn us for our laws but you also ignore the other changes we made and the education we also did to change behavior. We still have a couple or 3 nutcases try to get in position to try and go for the new record for mass killings but they are now stopped cold before they get into position to start. And they can't seem to carry enough ammo mags to get the job done as convenient anymore either. Last year, we stopped a 17 year old headed for a Middle School with his Daddy's AR-15 and 4 30 round mags under a rain coat BEFORE he got to the school front gate only about 9 miles from where I sit. There was a blip in the local news and then it was quieted. Nothing else was heard about it. He's a minor and it never went to criminal court. Although he may never see sunlight again. He said he was going for the record, the one set in Nevada. Personally, I don't think he could have made it. He didn't have enough ammo.

When the Government does something, you gunnutters go insane. We just went to a Red Flag Law which was a long time coming. Fruitcakes with guns, violent criminals with guns, etc. can now be stopped from possessing guns, period in a legal manner even if it's a temporary manner. People who threaten suicide that have guns can now lose their firearms until they get the help they need. People that threaten their estranged mates and children that own guns can now have their guns removed temporarily from their possession. People that are identified as being overly violent in nature can have their guns removed. Yes, they can obtain guns illegally but they will be watched at that point and trying to obtain guns that way will usually result in a prison sentence and you can't bring your guns into prison very easily. In the Red areas of this state, the Sheriffs are saying they will not support it. Well, just before the elections. But after the elections, they change their minds. Another reason they change their minds is that a Sheriff can be jailed as easily as a citizen on contempt charges. One by one, all end up supporting it. There are a couple of lawsuits pending on this but it's a forgone conclusion that the law will stand.

So don't give me that crap about the Government not doing something about it. The Government would like to but the Government likes to be reelected and it takes balls to do something about it when you may end up destroying your political career.

What after Columbine? And how do you know that all the would be mass shooters left CO to go on a murder rampage in another state?

Can you smell the shit coming out of your mouth?

How many states have had multiple mass shootings ? CA comes to mind even with their tough gun laws.
that number includes gang members from 16 to 18

More kids are killed by their parents than in mass shootings every year

And funny thing, we actually have whole agencies dedicated to protecting kids from bad parents.

We need whole agencies dedicated to protecting us from gun nuts.
ANd yet parents still kill more kids than mass shooters. Once again government doing what it does best...nothing

We stopped the mass shootings in this state cold. And we fought the NRA and other gunnutter groups tooth and nail in federal court in order to do it. It cost the Tax Payer Millions to win those suits. It also nearly bankrupted the NRA and a few other gunnutter groups. So what did the fruitcake mass shooters do? They went to other states and continued their mass shootings. To this day, you gunnutters comdemn us for our laws but you also ignore the other changes we made and the education we also did to change behavior. We still have a couple or 3 nutcases try to get in position to try and go for the new record for mass killings but they are now stopped cold before they get into position to start. And they can't seem to carry enough ammo mags to get the job done as convenient anymore either. Last year, we stopped a 17 year old headed for a Middle School with his Daddy's AR-15 and 4 30 round mags under a rain coat BEFORE he got to the school front gate only about 9 miles from where I sit. There was a blip in the local news and then it was quieted. Nothing else was heard about it. He's a minor and it never went to criminal court. Although he may never see sunlight again. He said he was going for the record, the one set in Nevada. Personally, I don't think he could have made it. He didn't have enough ammo.

When the Government does something, you gunnutters go insane. We just went to a Red Flag Law which was a long time coming. Fruitcakes with guns, violent criminals with guns, etc. can now be stopped from possessing guns, period in a legal manner even if it's a temporary manner. People who threaten suicide that have guns can now lose their firearms until they get the help they need. People that threaten their estranged mates and children that own guns can now have their guns removed temporarily from their possession. People that are identified as being overly violent in nature can have their guns removed. Yes, they can obtain guns illegally but they will be watched at that point and trying to obtain guns that way will usually result in a prison sentence and you can't bring your guns into prison very easily. In the Red areas of this state, the Sheriffs are saying they will not support it. Well, just before the elections. But after the elections, they change their minds. Another reason they change their minds is that a Sheriff can be jailed as easily as a citizen on contempt charges. One by one, all end up supporting it. There are a couple of lawsuits pending on this but it's a forgone conclusion that the law will stand.

So don't give me that crap about the Government not doing something about it. The Government would like to but the Government likes to be reelected and it takes balls to do something about it when you may end up destroying your political career.

What after Columbine? And how do you know that all the would be mass shooters left CO to go on a murder rampage in another state?

Can you smell the shit coming out of your mouth?

How many states have had multiple mass shootings ? CA comes to mind even with their tough gun laws.

Mass shooting in CA. He was a combat experienced Marine that used a handgun. He was so good that even the a pair of armed cops could not go against him. It took a whole bunch of them with special weapons to take him down. Those tough gun laws prevented him from easily getting his hands on a full equipped AR-15 and plenty of 30 round mags and lots of ammo. Instead of 13 dead, he would have killed everyone including most of the cops. He could have easily have become the new record holder. He was the exception. All the others before him were amateurs. He was a stone cold Professional. I know your narrow mind won't allow you to see it but those laws saved the lives of more than 50 people that day. What attacked that club was a real live Rambo with a death wish. He brought what was easily obtainable to him.

No gun laws or lack of gun laws would have stopped that Combat Experienced Marine from entering into that Club. The only thing we can do is keep the body count down. I know you think the body count was up at 13 not counting the shooter but that type of shooter with the right tool could have slaughtered everyone in the building and most of the cops sent there to stop him. The Cops were amateurs compared to him as well. Just how high the body count could have been would be anyone's guess but it would have been over 70. he would have run out of people to shoot and took his own life at that point. Or he could have left the building and moved to another location and........

Like I said, you can't stop the mass shooting but you can reduce the body count. If that is all you can do, then you need to do it.
Those tough gun laws prevented him from easily getting his hands on a full equipped AR-15 and plenty of 30 round mags and lots of ammo.
All of this is a lie - anyone who wants an AR15 and any number of 20-30-50-100rd magazines - even belt-feds - can get them, even in CA.
Please - keep lying to us, stolen valor.
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that number includes gang members from 16 to 18

More kids are killed by their parents than in mass shootings every year

And funny thing, we actually have whole agencies dedicated to protecting kids from bad parents.

We need whole agencies dedicated to protecting us from gun nuts.
ANd yet parents still kill more kids than mass shooters. Once again government doing what it does best...nothing

We stopped the mass shootings in this state cold. And we fought the NRA and other gunnutter groups tooth and nail in federal court in order to do it. It cost the Tax Payer Millions to win those suits. It also nearly bankrupted the NRA and a few other gunnutter groups. So what did the fruitcake mass shooters do? They went to other states and continued their mass shootings. To this day, you gunnutters comdemn us for our laws but you also ignore the other changes we made and the education we also did to change behavior. We still have a couple or 3 nutcases try to get in position to try and go for the new record for mass killings but they are now stopped cold before they get into position to start. And they can't seem to carry enough ammo mags to get the job done as convenient anymore either. Last year, we stopped a 17 year old headed for a Middle School with his Daddy's AR-15 and 4 30 round mags under a rain coat BEFORE he got to the school front gate only about 9 miles from where I sit. There was a blip in the local news and then it was quieted. Nothing else was heard about it. He's a minor and it never went to criminal court. Although he may never see sunlight again. He said he was going for the record, the one set in Nevada. Personally, I don't think he could have made it. He didn't have enough ammo.

When the Government does something, you gunnutters go insane. We just went to a Red Flag Law which was a long time coming. Fruitcakes with guns, violent criminals with guns, etc. can now be stopped from possessing guns, period in a legal manner even if it's a temporary manner. People who threaten suicide that have guns can now lose their firearms until they get the help they need. People that threaten their estranged mates and children that own guns can now have their guns removed temporarily from their possession. People that are identified as being overly violent in nature can have their guns removed. Yes, they can obtain guns illegally but they will be watched at that point and trying to obtain guns that way will usually result in a prison sentence and you can't bring your guns into prison very easily. In the Red areas of this state, the Sheriffs are saying they will not support it. Well, just before the elections. But after the elections, they change their minds. Another reason they change their minds is that a Sheriff can be jailed as easily as a citizen on contempt charges. One by one, all end up supporting it. There are a couple of lawsuits pending on this but it's a forgone conclusion that the law will stand.

So don't give me that crap about the Government not doing something about it. The Government would like to but the Government likes to be reelected and it takes balls to do something about it when you may end up destroying your political career.

What after Columbine? And how do you know that all the would be mass shooters left CO to go on a murder rampage in another state?

Can you smell the shit coming out of your mouth?

How many states have had multiple mass shootings ? CA comes to mind even with their tough gun laws.

Mass shooting in CA. He was a combat experienced Marine that used a handgun. He was so good that even the a pair of armed cops could not go against him. It took a whole bunch of them with special weapons to take him down. Those tough gun laws prevented him from easily getting his hands on a full equipped AR-15 and plenty of 30 round mags and lots of ammo. Instead of 13 dead, he would have killed everyone including most of the cops. He could have easily have become the new record holder. He was the exception. All the others before him were amateurs. He was a stone cold Professional. I know your narrow mind won't allow you to see it but those laws saved the lives of more than 50 people that day. What attacked that club was a real live Rambo with a death wish. He brought what was easily obtainable to him.

No gun laws or lack of gun laws would have stopped that Combat Experienced Marine from entering into that Club. The only thing we can do is keep the body count down. I know you think the body count was up at 13 not counting the shooter but that type of shooter with the right tool could have slaughtered everyone in the building and most of the cops sent there to stop him. The Cops were amateurs compared to him as well. Just how high the body count could have been would be anyone's guess but it would have been over 70. he would have run out of people to shoot and took his own life at that point. Or he could have left the building and moved to another location and........

Like I said, you can't stop the mass shooting but you can reduce the body count. If that is all you can do, then you need to do it.

Stop telling me what I think. You have enough trouble thinking for yourself.

And mass shootings only account for 1% or less of all murders so stopping them won't do Jack shit for the body count
And funny thing, we actually have whole agencies dedicated to protecting kids from bad parents.

We need whole agencies dedicated to protecting us from gun nuts.
ANd yet parents still kill more kids than mass shooters. Once again government doing what it does best...nothing

We stopped the mass shootings in this state cold. And we fought the NRA and other gunnutter groups tooth and nail in federal court in order to do it. It cost the Tax Payer Millions to win those suits. It also nearly bankrupted the NRA and a few other gunnutter groups. So what did the fruitcake mass shooters do? They went to other states and continued their mass shootings. To this day, you gunnutters comdemn us for our laws but you also ignore the other changes we made and the education we also did to change behavior. We still have a couple or 3 nutcases try to get in position to try and go for the new record for mass killings but they are now stopped cold before they get into position to start. And they can't seem to carry enough ammo mags to get the job done as convenient anymore either. Last year, we stopped a 17 year old headed for a Middle School with his Daddy's AR-15 and 4 30 round mags under a rain coat BEFORE he got to the school front gate only about 9 miles from where I sit. There was a blip in the local news and then it was quieted. Nothing else was heard about it. He's a minor and it never went to criminal court. Although he may never see sunlight again. He said he was going for the record, the one set in Nevada. Personally, I don't think he could have made it. He didn't have enough ammo.

When the Government does something, you gunnutters go insane. We just went to a Red Flag Law which was a long time coming. Fruitcakes with guns, violent criminals with guns, etc. can now be stopped from possessing guns, period in a legal manner even if it's a temporary manner. People who threaten suicide that have guns can now lose their firearms until they get the help they need. People that threaten their estranged mates and children that own guns can now have their guns removed temporarily from their possession. People that are identified as being overly violent in nature can have their guns removed. Yes, they can obtain guns illegally but they will be watched at that point and trying to obtain guns that way will usually result in a prison sentence and you can't bring your guns into prison very easily. In the Red areas of this state, the Sheriffs are saying they will not support it. Well, just before the elections. But after the elections, they change their minds. Another reason they change their minds is that a Sheriff can be jailed as easily as a citizen on contempt charges. One by one, all end up supporting it. There are a couple of lawsuits pending on this but it's a forgone conclusion that the law will stand.

So don't give me that crap about the Government not doing something about it. The Government would like to but the Government likes to be reelected and it takes balls to do something about it when you may end up destroying your political career.

What after Columbine? And how do you know that all the would be mass shooters left CO to go on a murder rampage in another state?

Can you smell the shit coming out of your mouth?

How many states have had multiple mass shootings ? CA comes to mind even with their tough gun laws.

Mass shooting in CA. He was a combat experienced Marine that used a handgun. He was so good that even the a pair of armed cops could not go against him. It took a whole bunch of them with special weapons to take him down. Those tough gun laws prevented him from easily getting his hands on a full equipped AR-15 and plenty of 30 round mags and lots of ammo. Instead of 13 dead, he would have killed everyone including most of the cops. He could have easily have become the new record holder. He was the exception. All the others before him were amateurs. He was a stone cold Professional. I know your narrow mind won't allow you to see it but those laws saved the lives of more than 50 people that day. What attacked that club was a real live Rambo with a death wish. He brought what was easily obtainable to him.

No gun laws or lack of gun laws would have stopped that Combat Experienced Marine from entering into that Club. The only thing we can do is keep the body count down. I know you think the body count was up at 13 not counting the shooter but that type of shooter with the right tool could have slaughtered everyone in the building and most of the cops sent there to stop him. The Cops were amateurs compared to him as well. Just how high the body count could have been would be anyone's guess but it would have been over 70. he would have run out of people to shoot and took his own life at that point. Or he could have left the building and moved to another location and........

Like I said, you can't stop the mass shooting but you can reduce the body count. If that is all you can do, then you need to do it.

Stop telling me what I think. You have enough trouble thinking for yourself.

And mass shootings only account for 1% or less of all murders so stopping them won't do Jack shit for the body count

I am not trying to tell you what to think. I am trying to get you to think.
But you're just a criminal in waiting like all the gun owners are murderers in waiting.

And I never quoted a number of DGUs. Why is it you can't seem to keep the people you respond to straight in your head?

I don't care if there are no DGUs annually I don't care if there are 10 million because it doesn't matter

Well, it kind of does matter.

If there really were 1.1 million DGU's, then you guys MIGHT have an argument that it makes up for the 33,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries, 400,000 gun crimes, and 270 Billion dollars a year in economic losses due to gun violence.

ANd yet parents still kill more kids than mass shooters. Once again government doing what it does best...nothing

Well, you know what, the thing is, when a kid is killed by a parent, there is often hell to pay. We had a case here in IL, where the DCFS visited a home in Joliet a bunch of times, and signed off that it was okay when the kid was dead and stuffed into a couch.

A whole bunch of people lost their jobs and they should have.

Oddly, though, when a mass shooter who is obviously crazy walks into a gun store and buys enough weaponry to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse, nobody every holds the gun store responsible.
ANd yet parents still kill more kids than mass shooters. Once again government doing what it does best...nothing

We stopped the mass shootings in this state cold. And we fought the NRA and other gunnutter groups tooth and nail in federal court in order to do it. It cost the Tax Payer Millions to win those suits. It also nearly bankrupted the NRA and a few other gunnutter groups. So what did the fruitcake mass shooters do? They went to other states and continued their mass shootings. To this day, you gunnutters comdemn us for our laws but you also ignore the other changes we made and the education we also did to change behavior. We still have a couple or 3 nutcases try to get in position to try and go for the new record for mass killings but they are now stopped cold before they get into position to start. And they can't seem to carry enough ammo mags to get the job done as convenient anymore either. Last year, we stopped a 17 year old headed for a Middle School with his Daddy's AR-15 and 4 30 round mags under a rain coat BEFORE he got to the school front gate only about 9 miles from where I sit. There was a blip in the local news and then it was quieted. Nothing else was heard about it. He's a minor and it never went to criminal court. Although he may never see sunlight again. He said he was going for the record, the one set in Nevada. Personally, I don't think he could have made it. He didn't have enough ammo.

When the Government does something, you gunnutters go insane. We just went to a Red Flag Law which was a long time coming. Fruitcakes with guns, violent criminals with guns, etc. can now be stopped from possessing guns, period in a legal manner even if it's a temporary manner. People who threaten suicide that have guns can now lose their firearms until they get the help they need. People that threaten their estranged mates and children that own guns can now have their guns removed temporarily from their possession. People that are identified as being overly violent in nature can have their guns removed. Yes, they can obtain guns illegally but they will be watched at that point and trying to obtain guns that way will usually result in a prison sentence and you can't bring your guns into prison very easily. In the Red areas of this state, the Sheriffs are saying they will not support it. Well, just before the elections. But after the elections, they change their minds. Another reason they change their minds is that a Sheriff can be jailed as easily as a citizen on contempt charges. One by one, all end up supporting it. There are a couple of lawsuits pending on this but it's a forgone conclusion that the law will stand.

So don't give me that crap about the Government not doing something about it. The Government would like to but the Government likes to be reelected and it takes balls to do something about it when you may end up destroying your political career.

What after Columbine? And how do you know that all the would be mass shooters left CO to go on a murder rampage in another state?

Can you smell the shit coming out of your mouth?

How many states have had multiple mass shootings ? CA comes to mind even with their tough gun laws.

Mass shooting in CA. He was a combat experienced Marine that used a handgun. He was so good that even the a pair of armed cops could not go against him. It took a whole bunch of them with special weapons to take him down. Those tough gun laws prevented him from easily getting his hands on a full equipped AR-15 and plenty of 30 round mags and lots of ammo. Instead of 13 dead, he would have killed everyone including most of the cops. He could have easily have become the new record holder. He was the exception. All the others before him were amateurs. He was a stone cold Professional. I know your narrow mind won't allow you to see it but those laws saved the lives of more than 50 people that day. What attacked that club was a real live Rambo with a death wish. He brought what was easily obtainable to him.

No gun laws or lack of gun laws would have stopped that Combat Experienced Marine from entering into that Club. The only thing we can do is keep the body count down. I know you think the body count was up at 13 not counting the shooter but that type of shooter with the right tool could have slaughtered everyone in the building and most of the cops sent there to stop him. The Cops were amateurs compared to him as well. Just how high the body count could have been would be anyone's guess but it would have been over 70. he would have run out of people to shoot and took his own life at that point. Or he could have left the building and moved to another location and........

Like I said, you can't stop the mass shooting but you can reduce the body count. If that is all you can do, then you need to do it.

Stop telling me what I think. You have enough trouble thinking for yourself.

And mass shootings only account for 1% or less of all murders so stopping them won't do Jack shit for the body count

I am not trying to tell you what to think. I am trying to get you to think.

You still can't read very well.

I didn't say you were trying to tell me what to think I said "Don't tell me what I think"

You do not know what I think.

And as I said you have no proof that the Co gun laws "stopped mass shootings cold"
But you're just a criminal in waiting like all the gun owners are murderers in waiting.

And I never quoted a number of DGUs. Why is it you can't seem to keep the people you respond to straight in your head?

I don't care if there are no DGUs annually I don't care if there are 10 million because it doesn't matter

Well, it kind of does matter.

If there really were 1.1 million DGU's, then you guys MIGHT have an argument that it makes up for the 33,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries, 400,000 gun crimes, and 270 Billion dollars a year in economic losses due to gun violence.

ANd yet parents still kill more kids than mass shooters. Once again government doing what it does best...nothing

Well, you know what, the thing is, when a kid is killed by a parent, there is often hell to pay. We had a case here in IL, where the DCFS visited a home in Joliet a bunch of times, and signed off that it was okay when the kid was dead and stuffed into a couch.

A whole bunch of people lost their jobs and they should have.

Oddly, though, when a mass shooter who is obviously crazy walks into a gun store and buys enough weaponry to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse, nobody every holds the gun store responsible.

It doesn't matter at all.
Just like it doesn't matter if free speech is educational or if freedom of assembly results in something useful

And what criminals cost society with violent crimes has nothing to do with people who don't commit crimes. And I still don't think your 270 billion is anything but bullshit.

And is a liquor store owner responsible if a guy buys 25 bottles of rum and then proceeds to run over every pedestrian he comes across? Is the car manufacturer responsible for not preventing a drunk from driving the car they made?

It doesn't matter how many guns a person owns as long as he's not committing crimes with those guns , or any crime for that matter.

And we both know that, except for a minuscule percentage, people who acquire and own their guns legally will never commit any crimes.
You still can't read very well.

I didn't say you were trying to tell me what to think I said "Don't tell me what I think"

You do not know what I think.

And as I said you have no proof that the Co gun laws "stopped mass shootings cold"

Well, since we haven't actually tried any serious gun laws.... um, yeah, we have no proof things we never tried don't work.

Except for Australia, which hasn't had a mass shooting since they banned guns in 1996. Or the UK, which has maybe one mass shooting every 20 years. (we're lucky if we can go 20 days).
And what criminals cost society with violent crimes has nothing to do with people who don't commit crimes. And I still don't think your 270 billion is anything but bullshit.

And is a liquor store owner responsible if a guy buys 25 bottles of rum and then proceeds to run over every pedestrian he comes across? Is the car manufacturer responsible for not preventing a drunk from driving the car they made?

Neither of those things are designed to kill people, and car manufacturers and liquor manufacturers promote safety and responsible use.

The Gun industry, though will fight tooth and nail even the most tepid gun control measure.
You still can't read very well.

I didn't say you were trying to tell me what to think I said "Don't tell me what I think"

You do not know what I think.

And as I said you have no proof that the Co gun laws "stopped mass shootings cold"

Well, since we haven't actually tried any serious gun laws.... um, yeah, we have no proof things we never tried don't work.

Except for Australia, which hasn't had a mass shooting since they banned guns in 1996. Or the UK, which has maybe one mass shooting every 20 years. (we're lucky if we can go 20 days).

More hyperbole.

And Australia had public mass shooting just last May.
And what criminals cost society with violent crimes has nothing to do with people who don't commit crimes. And I still don't think your 270 billion is anything but bullshit.

And is a liquor store owner responsible if a guy buys 25 bottles of rum and then proceeds to run over every pedestrian he comes across? Is the car manufacturer responsible for not preventing a drunk from driving the car they made?

Neither of those things are designed to kill people, and car manufacturers and liquor manufacturers promote safety and responsible use.

The Gun industry, though will fight tooth and nail even the most tepid gun control measure.

Every gun I ever bought comes with a users' manual that goes over gun safety very thoroughly.

And it works because less people are killed accidentally with firearms than dozens of other common items or consumer products
The latest was last Sept

The on in september was with a knife... the one in may was a family annihilation...

In fact, few of these mass murders since 1996 involved guns...

You are really going to have to try harder.

No you said that there were ZERO mass shootings in OZ since they passed there gun bans

and YOU were wrong

Gun laws don't stop people from killing with guns. Never have never will
No you said that there were ZERO mass shootings in OZ since they passed there gun bans

and YOU were wrong

Gun laws don't stop people from killing with guns. Never have never will

Except you had to really grasp to find anything that resembled a mass shooting, didn't you.

We can't go a week without an incident like that.

I'll trade Australia's gun violence for ours any day of the week.

Oh, New Zealand's parliment just passed a bunch of new gun laws. Amazing how that happens. yOu have a mass shooting, responsible people pass gun laws.
No you said that there were ZERO mass shootings in OZ since they passed there gun bans

and YOU were wrong

Gun laws don't stop people from killing with guns. Never have never will

Except you had to really grasp to find anything that resembled a mass shooting, didn't you.

We can't go a week without an incident like that.

I'll trade Australia's gun violence for ours any day of the week.

Oh, New Zealand's parliment just passed a bunch of new gun laws. Amazing how that happens. yOu have a mass shooting, responsible people pass gun laws.

SO what?

Mass shooting accounts for less than 1% of all murders.

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