Illinois First State To Ban Fossil Fuel

You fucking democrats. Another lie. Show me where I said oil will never run out. I think it is a non-existent problem being pushed by a democrat/globalist group of morons, yep, that would be you. Tell the truth for a change and maybe you'll find someone who will support your bullshit.

I said "So was that a yes or a no that you agree that oil will run out." You responded by saying "So that would be a "no" Skippy." You literally just said that you dont agree with me that oil will run out. I mean, how else am I supposed to interpret that? So you now are saying that oil will run out?
What great logical thinkers we have amongst us in this forum!
Too bad you're not one of them. Fifty years ago, when you were born, they were telling us that same sky was falling. I see a wonderful, blue sky with white billowing clouds floating overhead showing that God's promise is real and your insignificant whining is BULLSHIT.
I said "So was that a yes or a no that you agree that oil will run out." You responded by saying "So that would be a "no" Skippy." You literally just said that you dont agree with me that oil will run out. I mean, how else am I supposed to interpret that? So you now are saying that oil will run out?
And you just proved why you doomdayers believe what you read in the papers. You learned well from them, to pick and choose the part of a statement that you want so that you can put your own context to it. You conveniently left out the prefacing statement, "Not in your, your progeny's or their progeny's life... Now deny that, you lying democrat POS.
And you just proved why you doomdayers believe what you read in the papers. You learned well from them, to pick and choose the part of a statement that you want so that you can put your own context to it. You conveniently left out the prefacing statement, "Not in your, your progeny's or their progeny's life... Now deny that, you lying democrat POS.
So when you said oil wont run out, it just wont be until my future grandkids come along? Which would actually be sooner than predicted.

So I guess what we can sum up from what you are saying is that oil is going to run out, and it's going to be sooner than what the scientists predict?

You know what might be helpful? Try just saying what you mean. For all you know I could already have grandkids, which would mean you think oil is going to run out today.
So when you said oil wont run out, it just wont be until my future grandkids come along? Which would actually be sooner than predicted.

So I guess what we can sum up from what you are saying is that oil is going to run out, and it's going to be sooner than what the scientists predict?

You know what might be helpful? Try just saying what you mean. For all you know I could already have grandkids, which would mean you think oil is going to run out today.
Let me guess
18-22 year old with bitter single mother who is staunch liberal and decries all who have made something out of and enjoy life while she can’t. Feeds her son nonsense.
How far off am I?
Try just saying what you mean
I said it very clearly, but you seem to have a problem with comprehension and trying to put YOUR words into other people's posts. Typical lying democrat bullshit. I also told you to run along three or four times, that is something else that you seem unable to comprehend. Now run along junior.
Been gonna run out of oil any minutes for over 40 years. It’s why the younger crowd is absent fact and should not comment
Here in Wisconsin, it has been proven that the human body and cargo can be transported using exclusively solar-charged batteries. When one owns the equipment to do so, reactionary forces as those on this thread don't mean all that much, in comparing moving lips to much less moving parts for this technology.

Future Batteries Coming Soon: Charge in Seconds, Last Months and Power Over the Air
ROTFL! Nice promises but nobody has powered an auto with them yet.
I said it very clearly, but you seem to have a problem with comprehension and trying to put YOUR words into other people's posts. Typical lying democrat bullshit. I also told you to run along three or four times, that is something else that you seem unable to comprehend. Now run along junior.
Ok then. You said exactly this when I asked "So was that a yes or a no that you agree that oil will run out. "

"Not in your, your progeny's, or their progeny's lifetimes. So that would be a "no" Skippy.

So lets break this down. That means in my current lifetime, my kids lifetime, or my grandkids lifetime will the Earth run out of oil. So that could range from today until lets say 200 years from now. But that leaves open the door the Earth COULD run out of oil after that. Your very next sentence you literally said "no", you dont agree with me that oil will run out. Which to normal people would mean you believe there is an infinite supply. BUT if we were to get inside your brain and make assumptions, what you meant to say is that oil will run out, but it wont be for hundreds of years.

You had to go the route you did so you wouldnt be agreeing with me in just simply saying yes, oil will eventually run out.

Does that about sum it up?
You fucking democrats. Another lie. Show me where I said oil will never run out. I think it is a non-existent problem being pushed by a democrat/globalist group of morons, yep, that would be you. Tell the truth for a change and maybe you'll find someone who will support your bullshit.
So you're saying oil will run out, but not in your lifetime, so we dont need to worry about it.
Does that about sum it up?
Only in your moronic mind. Read the words that were written and quit trying to put your own context to it. It ain't rocket science, people way younger than you have been able to understand the English language for millenia. I am sure your local CC has a remedial reading and comprehension class. Do us all a favor and enroll in it.
Only in your moronic mind. Read the words that were written and quit trying to put your own context to it. It ain't rocket science, people way younger than you have been able to understand the English language for millenia. I am sure your local CC has a remedial reading and comprehension class. Do us all a favor and enroll in it.
Hmmm maybe someone can help me out here. I guess I dont read crazy talk too well.
Solar panels and batteries have the same efficiency now as they did 50 years ago? Huh interesting. I did not know that. I learn something new every day on here. But I guess I"d expect that from a guy who thinks there is an endless supply of oil.

I think people reading what you just wrote know who the moron is here in this discussion.
In 1880, Rockefeller Was Warned That Oil Would Run Out by 1900. Nothing's Changed About the Peak Oil Myth.

We have barely scratched the surface of Earth's resources. There is as much undiscovered petroleum energy left as the energy produced if everything growing on Earth burned for a thousand years.
I said "So was that a yes or a no that you agree that oil will run out." You responded by saying "So that would be a "no" Skippy." You literally just said that you dont agree with me that oil will run out. I mean, how else am I supposed to interpret that? So you now are saying that oil will run out?

Whether or not oil will run out is irrelevant. Your politicians aren’t getting votes for that. Their getting votes by claiming global warming will destroy us all. The problem is everyone of the predictions they have made are false. Not a single one has come true.

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