Illinois First State To Ban Fossil Fuel

Solar is one of the least efficient renewables. Also, how's that going to work in IL where the sun is not available to generate electricity for 2/3 of the day 5 months out of the year. Are you going to snap your fingers or wiggle your nose to get all of the required infrastructure done overnight for your pipe dream. They've been working on the problem for 50 years in CA and their 37M populace suffers brown outs in the middle of the summer in the "sunshine state" LMAO.
That's the problem with people of your ilk. You only see what is in front of your face as if solar will never become more efficient. Just imagine if everyone on Earth thought like you. We'd be living in caves without a campfire.
Solar is one of the least efficient renewables. Also, how's that going to work in IL where the sun is not available to generate electricity for 2/3 of the day 5 months out of the year. Are you going to snap your fingers or wiggle your nose to get all of the required infrastructure done overnight for your pipe dream. They've been working on the problem for 50 years in CA and their 37M populace suffers brown outs in the middle of the summer in the "sunshine state" LMAO.
So you arent going to admit at some point, oil will run out? I understand. You cant cave in to agreeing with a supposed lib on anything in front of your fellow wack pack right winger buddies.
Here in Wisconsin, it has been proven that the human body and cargo can be transported using exclusively solar-charged batteries. When one owns the equipment to do so, reactionary forces as those on this thread don't mean all that much, in comparing moving lips to much less moving parts for this technology.

Future Batteries Coming Soon: Charge in Seconds, Last Months and Power Over the Air
That's the problem with people of your ilk. You only see what is in front of your face as if solar will never become more efficient. Just imagine if everyone on Earth thought like you. We'd be living in caves without a campfire.
You are a moron. After fifty years, I would think they would have improved something. They haven't. It is no more efficient now than they were 50 years ago--Oh and don't go patting your industry on the back for being environmentally friendly as silicon production for solar cells is very inefficient and polluting. Add this to the depletion of rare earth minerals for solar energy production is less of a problem than fossil fuel depletion. Run along now, your woulda, coulda, shoulda potential is bullshit. Ask Obama about that amazing solar success story, Solyndra. They got rich on YOUR tax dollars before declaring bankruptcy and running away.
You are a moron. After fifty years, I would think they would have improved something. They haven't. It is no more efficient now than they were 50 years ago--Oh and don't go patting your industry on the back for being environmentally friendly as silicon production for solar cells is very inefficient and polluting. Add this to the depletion of rare earth minerals for solar energy production is less of a problem than fossil fuel depletion. Run along now, your woulda, coulda, shoulda potential is bullshit. Ask Obama about that amazing solar success story, Solyndra. They got rich on YOUR tax dollars before declaring bankruptcy and running away.
Solar panels and batteries have the same efficiency now as they did 50 years ago? Huh interesting. I did not know that. I learn something new every day on here. But I guess I"d expect that from a guy who thinks there is an endless supply of oil.

I think people reading what you just wrote know who the moron is here in this discussion.
You all have banned and fakely mandated more bullshit in last 18 months then at any time in this Nations history over 37,500 deaths while causing 200,000 deaths due to stresses and repercussion of your fake fear mongering
When I was in school in the seventies the mantra from the lying left was we were going to be in a second ice age by the mid eighties. I never believe a lie from them anymore.
Wow you actually believe oil will never run out. I guess you believe the world ends after my future grandkids die. That is a bold prediction in and of itself.
We’ve been gonna run out of oil any minute since late 1970’s. The earth literally pisses an over abundance of oil and farts and belches unlimited natural gas.
We’ve been gonna run out of oil any minute since late 1970’s. The earth literally pisses an over abundance of oil and farts and belches unlimited natural gas.
And because that happens, the Earth will never run out of either. What great logical thinkers we have amongst us in this forum!
Here in Wisconsin, it has been proven that the human body and cargo can be transported using exclusively solar-charged batteries. When one owns the equipment to do so, reactionary forces as those on this thread don't mean all that much, in comparing moving lips to much less moving parts for this technology.

Future Batteries Coming Soon: Charge in Seconds, Last Months and Power Over the Air
Are all you Dims so goofy??

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