Illustration in Pennies of COVID Deaths. For This We Ransacked the World and Our Freedoms? (Best of Best)

Maybe it's the person valuing human lives in terms of pennies who is the real problem

You'd rather he use thumb tacks? Or maybe jelly beans?
The three people I knew who died of COVID were nowhere near 80 years old.
Then you are either lying, unlucky, or it wasn't COVID as the CDC itself confirmed for many cases.

The bulk of deaths worldwide due to the Wuhan Covid-19 virus was to people 50 and over and those with comorbid diseases.

It really is pretty much a flu mortality rate just like Fauci said it might turn out to be, last March. They have a lot of fun playing with us like that. In fact after 84 it looks like you'd be better off getting COVID than the flu. I've talked to nurses who say they've seen 90 years recover no problem.

Below source: Bloomberg News

Maybe it's the person valuing human lives in terms of pennies who is the real problem

You'd rather he use thumb tacks? Or maybe jelly beans?
The three people I knew who died of COVID were nowhere near 80 years old.
Then you are either lying, unlucky, or it wasn't COVID as the CDC itself confirmed for many cases.

The bulk of deaths worldwide due to the Wuhan Covid-19 virus was to people 50 and over and those with comorbid diseases.

It really is pretty much a flu mortality rate just like Fauci said it might turn out to be, last March. They have a lot of fun playing with us like that. In fact after 84 it looks like you'd be better off getting COVID than the flu. I've talked to nurses who say they've seen 90 years recover no problem.

Below source: Bloomberg News

I've had the flu and Covid. I would gladly take the flu over Covid any day of the week. I see exactly why Covid can kill you. Luckily I was in great shape when I caught it.
Maybe it's the person valuing human lives in terms of pennies who is the real problem

You'd rather he use thumb tacks? Or maybe jelly beans?
The three people I knew who died of COVID were nowhere near 80 years old.

The people that I know that died from Covid were either Obese, and/or had one or more disorder(s) or disease(s) in additional to Covid.

But those people were alive and able to live their lives. True?
Maybe it's the person valuing human lives in terms of pennies who is the real problem

You'd rather he use thumb tacks? Or maybe jelly beans?
The three people I knew who died of COVID were nowhere near 80 years old.
Then you are either lying, unlucky, or it wasn't COVID as the CDC itself confirmed for many cases.
Munkle, you don't have the stones to call me a liar to my face, so don't do it from the safety of your keyboard. My statement did not require comment from you. We all know you are a pathetic example of human excrement come to life!

Why don't you report him like you always do you crybaby snitch.
Tell me this brilliantly simple illustration isn't shocking to you. Even I was shocked and I thought I had a pretty good grasp.

I thought I was really well-versed on this stuff but I gasped aloud when I saw this
Tell me this brilliantly simple illustration isn't shocking to you. Even I was shocked and I thought I had a pretty good grasp.

That was a pretty stupid demonstration. What human besides yourself is only worth a penny?

Leftists focusing on the object in the object lesson because the screw up is so massive, if they start really looking at it the entire last year and a half crumbles
Maybe it's the person valuing human lives in terms of pennies who is the real problem

You'd rather he use thumb tacks? Or maybe jelly beans?
The three people I knew who died of COVID were nowhere near 80 years old.

The people that I know that died from Covid were either Obese, and/or had one or more disorder(s) or disease(s) in additional to Covid.

But those people were alive and able to live their lives. True?

One of the worst things we did is keep my students out of school, quarantine them, keep them masked even at recess, for the sake of old and unhealthy people for OVER A YEAR. Well beyond the time we knew the children were not even spreading it.

That the fear of my fellow teachers kept this going is something I will never reconcile. Disgusting.
Tell me this brilliantly simple illustration isn't shocking to you. Even I was shocked and I thought I had a pretty good grasp.

And here it is for the rest of the world that might like to share it who don't want to view an embedded video they can't save:

Maybe it's the person valuing human lives in terms of pennies who is the real problem

In a lot of ways we erred on the side of caution. As we're seeing with Missouri right now with over a thousand new cases a's a costly error when you do not.

"erring on the side of caution" WAS THE ERROR
You're an idiot. Really--as dumb as a box of rocks.

Not when you went on to explain how "erring on the side of caution" was not the error at all!
And how many deaths would there have been if we had not taken the precautions we did?

And how many survived but are suffering long term effects of the virus?
And how many deaths would there have been if we had not taken the precautions we did?

And how many survived but are suffering long term effects of the virus?

And how many deaths of despair because we DID take the "precautions" we did?

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