I'm a Democrat, The Deborah Ramirez story sounds fishy

If Schumer is the new left's Robespiere, let's not forget what eventually happened to that historical figure...
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.

Yep, this stuff is going to put off a lot of people. Everyone but the very hard-core Democrat base, and a LOT of men. A LOT of men.

Stupid, stupid game the Dems are playing, and I hope to heaven it blows up in their faces.

Ironic statement of the year. You guys forget about the Clinton witch hunts for the last 30 years?

Yeah it’s blown up in somebody’s faces alright. Yours.

And you still owe the country another 29 years. Of which with the shifting population demographics, will get paid.

with one key difference. Clinton did act sexually inappropriately with Monica Lewinsky and that can be proven.

You can defend the man all you want, but his own actions undermine his credibility and thus your defense of him.

this from a guy who voted or him. Twice.
So....no evidence shows that she told the truth, but now you want evidence that she lied....go figure.
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected acording to a persons prejudices. Some people think everything trump says is true, for example. Others believe everything the bible says is true. In both cases, there are those who don't believe it's true. I prefer facts to truth. Thanks for asking.

You claim to prefer facts to truth, but don't seem to understand the difference between allegations and facts.

That you prefer facts to truth, suggests you don't understand the concept of truth.
That pretty much goes along with my feelings about Ford's claim that years ago she asked her husband to put two front doors on their home because Brett might someday be SC Justice and might come after her?

Yes, imagine that, a rape survivor being paranoid about being trapped again.

Hey, you guys keep going with this... it'll work wonders for you.

Yes, Joe, yes Joe, a rape survivor, except she was never raped. By her own admission, even if her claims are 100% true, she was felt up through two layers of clothing at a party she knew she didn't belong at, didn't want to admit to her parents she went to, but went to anyway looking for a wild time.

And worried about what? Being trapped in her home 3.6 decades later, on her 2nd floor sleeping in a locked house with her husband? That had prescience 6 years in advance that some day a guy who she barely knew as a kid might someday become a Supreme Court Justice? Does this sound like a normal credible person to you? One whom we can take at her word that somehow otherwise seems to have managed an advanced career and life? Who was afraid to fly to the hearing to meet a deadline yet has spent her life flying all over the world? Over an event no one in the world seems to remember but her?
If Trump offers me the supreme court, i would reject it

there would be no greater privilege for me to serve on the supreme court, BUT AT WHAT COST???

Which is why he should nominate a moderate woman who supports a woman's right to choose.

Then there wouldn't be an issue.

Yes, that would a wet dream for the party out of power, until they regain power and shove far left liberals down the rest of the country's throat.

I suggest the opposite course. Even if the Republicans lose both the House and Senate, Trump should keep nominating Conservative jurists and force Democrats to reject them all. Leave the seat open it need be.

After the Democrats have rejected enough of them for not being progressive enough their fake concern about morality will be exposed and the naked politics of these tactics will be exposed.
The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.

It also creates an unfair aura of doubt over real allegations

I truly believe that fair minded people see this and that it will cause independent voters to lean towards voting against democrats, whether that is fair or not is a different discussion
What truth? You mean the unprovable allegation from an unspecified year that took place at an unknown location for which not a single person has corroborated? That truth? Or the truth that was a made up story about one drunk young man yelling his whole name, first and last, out loud?
At the time, I choose to believe in Christine Blasey Ford. Now if irrefutable evidence shows that she lied, that's different but so far, none has been introduced.


You have every right to simply believe her.

Having done investigations for 30 years and having I interviewed 1000s of people making legal claims, I believe that is naive.

By your avatar you appear young. Having children, should you choose to do so, will challenge that approach to viewing the circumstances of life.

What undermines your argument here is your insistence that there is no proof Blasey lied. I know that critical thinking has suffered under the current educational system, but you might consider challenging your own perspective and educate yourself on the logical fallacy of proving a negative.

There is an abundance of proof that Balsey lied. Take her claim about being afraid to fly, for instance. The prosecutor cut that claim to pieces.
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.

How about the part where she states she didn't actually see Kavanaugh do anything, but merely heard someone yell his name and it looked like he might be pulling his pants up.....and then the fact that the New York Times, NBC news, the Washington Post and the New Yorker all interviewed dozens....dozens....of people she said would know about the incident...and none of them said it happened........and only the New Yorker ran with the story.......
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.

I can call my BFF of 45 years and ask her about incidences I either told her about or we shared and she always remembers aspects and things about an incident that I don't.
She remembers whole chunks of things that I simply can't recall at all.
And vice-versa.
Dr. Ford gave the clinical explanation for what someone remembers when confronted with a shocking or violent situation yesterday.
Ramirez might have contacted friends who were at those parties who confirmed her memory and were able to fill in some of the missing pieces.
Also, Ramirez has nothing to gain by coming out and making these claims.
Just the opposite.
Thank god all of us are not judged by our high school or college behavior. None of us would have a job.
I would be more than happy to defend my college behavior. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I don't remember all that much of it.

Why don't you?
Without opening up a yearbook I can remember names, my dorm room number and the street it was on, who I smoked pot with, who I didn't.
The chick that snored so loudly everybody complained and she had to move off campus.
And the girl that started crying in the hallway one night, around 3:00am.
She said she had been attacked in her room, the last one down the hall on the left.
Her first name was Debbie.
We gathered around to try to console and get her back to bed because everybody in our dorm knew she drank and smoked way too much pot.
No one believed her, we just all wanted to go back to bed.
But as we sat there with her, she started complaining about her back hurting.
We pulled up her night shirt and she not only was forming bruises, but she had fucking bite marks on her back, too.
We flipped, fumbled until someone figured out to call 911.
Then a few us of went down the hall to her room and saw that her window had been opened, and her stuff and bedsheets were tossed everywhere.
The cops showed up and an ambulance came and took her to the hospital. They put yellow tape across her room and on the outside rooftop where the attacker entered.
We all were questioned separately and didn't get back to bed that night at all.

So you see, that happened 35 years ago, and I remember every fucking moment of it like it happened yesterday.
Thank god all of us are not judged by our high school or college behavior. None of us would have a job.
I would be more than happy to defend my college behavior. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I don't remember all that much of it.

Why don't you?
Without opening up a yearbook I can remember names, my dorm room number and the street it was on, who I smoked pot with, who I didn't.
The chick that snored so loudly everybody complained and she had to move off campus.
And the girl that started crying in the hallway one night, around 3:00am.
She said she had been attacked in her room, the last one down the hall on the left.
Her first name was Debbie.
We gathered around to try to console and get her back to bed because everybody in our dorm knew she drank and smoked way too much pot.
No one believed her, we just all wanted to go back to bed.
But as we sat there with her, she started complaining about her back hurting.
We pulled up her night shirt and she not only was forming bruises, but she had fucking bite marks on her back, too.
We flipped, fumbled until someone figured out to call 911.
Then a few us of went down the hall to her room and saw that her window had been opened, and her stuff and bedsheets were tossed everywhere.
The cops showed up and an ambulance came and took her to the hospital. They put yellow tape across her room and on the outside rooftop where the attacker entered.
We all were questioned separately and didn't get back to bed that night at all.

So you see, that happened 35 years ago, and I remember every fucking moment of it like it happened yesterday.
Good for you.

That can only mean he's guilty.
Thank god all of us are not judged by our high school or college behavior. None of us would have a job.
I would be more than happy to defend my college behavior. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I don't remember all that much of it.

Why don't you?
Without opening up a yearbook I can remember names, my dorm room number and the street it was on, who I smoked pot with, who I didn't.
The chick that snored so loudly everybody complained and she had to move off campus.
And the girl that started crying in the hallway one night, around 3:00am.
She said she had been attacked in her room, the last one down the hall on the left.
Her first name was Debbie.
We gathered around to try to console and get her back to bed because everybody in our dorm knew she drank and smoked way too much pot.
No one believed her, we just all wanted to go back to bed.
But as we sat there with her, she started complaining about her back hurting.
We pulled up her night shirt and she not only was forming bruises, but she had fucking bite marks on her back, too.
We flipped, fumbled until someone figured out to call 911.
Then a few us of went down the hall to her room and saw that her window had been opened, and her stuff and bedsheets were tossed everywhere.
The cops showed up and an ambulance came and took her to the hospital. They put yellow tape across her room and on the outside rooftop where the attacker entered.
We all were questioned separately and didn't get back to bed that night at all.

So you see, that happened 35 years ago, and I remember every fucking moment of it like it happened yesterday.
Good for you.

That can only mean he's guilty.

Blasey Ford is not making this up. She's not been paid off by George Soros, as people down here in dumbass Texas think.
I know of someone who has a very successful, high profile legal career here in Houston and I also know this person has black-outs when he drinks.
There ARE very high-functioning alcoholics...and they are everywhere.
I think Kavanaugh's fear is that he just doesn't remember the incident and that if witnesses are called, they will.
Thank god all of us are not judged by our high school or college behavior. None of us would have a job.
I would be more than happy to defend my college behavior. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I don't remember all that much of it.

Why don't you?
Without opening up a yearbook I can remember names, my dorm room number and the street it was on, who I smoked pot with, who I didn't.
The chick that snored so loudly everybody complained and she had to move off campus.
And the girl that started crying in the hallway one night, around 3:00am.
She said she had been attacked in her room, the last one down the hall on the left.
Her first name was Debbie.
We gathered around to try to console and get her back to bed because everybody in our dorm knew she drank and smoked way too much pot.
No one believed her, we just all wanted to go back to bed.
But as we sat there with her, she started complaining about her back hurting.
We pulled up her night shirt and she not only was forming bruises, but she had fucking bite marks on her back, too.
We flipped, fumbled until someone figured out to call 911.
Then a few us of went down the hall to her room and saw that her window had been opened, and her stuff and bedsheets were tossed everywhere.
The cops showed up and an ambulance came and took her to the hospital. They put yellow tape across her room and on the outside rooftop where the attacker entered.
We all were questioned separately and didn't get back to bed that night at all.

So you see, that happened 35 years ago, and I remember every fucking moment of it like it happened yesterday.
Good for you.

That can only mean he's guilty.

Blasey Ford is not making this up. She's not been paid off by George Soros, as people down here in dumbass Texas think.
I know of someone who has a very successful, high profile legal career here in Houston and I also know this person has black-outs when he drinks.
There ARE very high-functioning alcoholics...and they are everywhere.
I think Kavanaugh's fear is that he just doesn't remember the incident and that if witnesses are called, they will.
Well, your ability to peer inside the minds of the principals involved is most impressive.

Me, I'm like many Americans who admit they don't know, can't know, for sure.

Hopefully I will soon.
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.

I can call my BFF of 45 years and ask her about incidences I either told her about or we shared and she always remembers aspects and things about an incident that I don't.
She remembers whole chunks of things that I simply can't recall at all.
And vice-versa.
Dr. Ford gave the clinical explanation for what someone remembers when confronted with a shocking or violent situation yesterday.
Ramirez might have contacted friends who were at those parties who confirmed her memory and were able to fill in some of the missing pieces.
Also, Ramirez has nothing to gain by coming out and making these claims.
Just the opposite.
So you're claiming women have better memories than men? That's sexism.
Sure they'll try it because they'll eventually figure out that being nice to democrats is a waste of time. And I can't imagine any woman actually being cool with you labeling Bubba's victims as "women who slept with" Hillary's husband. How 1950's of you.

Didn't you get the memo? All sexual harassment allegations must be believed. It's the Kavanaugh standard.

Okay... except we caught all Clinton's accusers in outright lies...

And with bags of money from the Right wing in their pockets.

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