I'm a Democrat, The Deborah Ramirez story sounds fishy

I don't know what to believe here, so: Deborah Ramirez: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This part of her story seals that it is a lie to me...

“Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’

That is not how men do things, men do not use full names like that, especially not drunk young men, one of which I was for many years. I do not think I ever heard a guy call another guy by his full name, ever.

Depends... Was there another Brett there?

You think a bunch of drunk frat boys are going to stop and think about that. And as was pointed out, no way in hell they use the word “penis”.

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Good point!
Men only say ‘penis’ if they’re at the doctors....
...or they are the doctor

Good point. Hadn't really thought about that part. I was too stuck on the whole "His full name? Really? How 'convenient'."
So....no evidence shows that she told the truth, but now you want evidence that she lied....go figure.
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected acording to a persons prejudices. Some people think everything trump says is true, for example. Others believe everything the bible says is true. In both cases, there are those who don't believe it's true. I prefer facts to truth. Thanks for asking.

The facts are there is not even a single bit of corroborating evidence to support the stories from either woman that has come forward.
So....no evidence shows that she told the truth, but now you want evidence that she lied....go figure.
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected acording to a persons prejudices. Some people think everything trump says is true, for example. Others believe everything the bible says is true. In both cases, there are those who don't believe it's true. I prefer facts to truth. Thanks for asking.

The facts are there is not even a single bit of corroborating evidence to support the stories from either woman that has come forward.

This is what Leftists are saying: women have been assaulted and abused for thousands of years. So if one powerful man goes down unfairly, along with his wife and daughters--meh, what do we care?

That's where we are now, in America.

You've come a long way, bitter harpies.
I remember that. I also remember the democrats accepting help from one of the sleaziest pornographers in the country as their first lady attacked and smeared the women her husband victimized. Real classy move by the democrats there. And now the democrats are taking another turn around the flag pole.

Really? Pointing out that they were lying was smearing them? Like Kathleen Willey, who kept writing letters to the White House begging for a job a YEAR after Clinton supposedly groped her. Yup, that was some smear, pointing out what she actually said and did.

All Larry Flynt did was point out the Republicans who were attacking Clinton were themselves banging their interns and lobbyists.
In all seriousness, the ruination of people's lives pales in importance to political advantage.

That's merely collateral damage in this self-imposed "war", nothing more.

Okay, let's look at that. Who is making the "War" here.

The War is that they want to put Kavanaugh on SCOTUS so he can roll back abortion and gay rights. So, yeah, in a war, you take out the target.

That means looking into his past and showing that a guy who groped women in college really isn't the one you want deciding if a woman should be able to end her pregnancy or whether or not she is being harrassed at work.
I remember that. I also remember the democrats accepting help from one of the sleaziest pornographers in the country as their first lady attacked and smeared the women her husband victimized. Real classy move by the democrats there. And now the democrats are taking another turn around the flag pole.

Really? Pointing out that they were lying was smearing them? Like Kathleen Willey, who kept writing letters to the White House begging for a job a YEAR after Clinton supposedly groped her. Yup, that was some smear, pointing out what she actually said and did.

All Larry Flynt did was point out the Republicans who were attacking Clinton were themselves banging their interns and lobbyists.

Which help the democrats gratefully accepted, finding nothing wrong in his exploitation of women after decades of proclaiming pron to be evil for that very reason. Interesting that Willey wanting a job disqualifies her accusation while Anita Hill following Clarence Thomas from job to job for years doesn't.
In all seriousness, the ruination of people's lives pales in importance to political advantage.

That's merely collateral damage in this self-imposed "war", nothing more.

Okay, let's look at that. Who is making the "War" here.

The War is that they want to put Kavanaugh on SCOTUS so he can roll back abortion and gay rights. So, yeah, in a war, you take out the target.

That means looking into his past and showing that a guy who groped women in college really isn't the one you want deciding if a woman should be able to end her pregnancy or whether or not she is being harrassed at work.

Where is the accusation that Kav groped women in college?

And yes, to the left it is all about one thing, and one thing only, abortion. They are so terrified of losing Roe that they will gladly destroy anyone, anything, and any vestige of integrity they might have had to preserve it.
You're a smart person. Smart people know not to jump to conclusions. I'm waiting on Thursday with enthusiasm prior to having a final opinion on Dr Ford one way or another. Women with such serious accusations against someone about to get a lifetime appointment to the most powerful court in the land need to be heard and their accusations FULLY investigated by the FBI. Not by a some partisan politician or a reporter. A third of Americans are with us. They DON'T KNOW. The dummies jump on their predictable bandwagons.
I'm partisan to a point but that point has been reached with the Deborah Ramirez against Kavanaugh. I'm looking for facts, not suppositions.
Well Ramirez doesn’t have any so good luck!

Yes actually she does, but unlikely we'll get to them prior to the Roger Ramjet confirmation ..
Which is OK actually - Impeaching a sitting Justice will be kinda fun!

You can't even stop his confirmation, despite pulling every dirty trick you have out of your bag, and you think you're going to impeach someone?

Idiot, please.

If enough corroborated dirt comes out on this asshole, congress will have no excuse not to act.
You're a smart person. Smart people know not to jump to conclusions. I'm waiting on Thursday with enthusiasm prior to having a final opinion on Dr Ford one way or another. Women with such serious accusations against someone about to get a lifetime appointment to the most powerful court in the land need to be heard and their accusations FULLY investigated by the FBI. Not by a some partisan politician or a reporter. A third of Americans are with us. They DON'T KNOW. The dummies jump on their predictable bandwagons.
I'm partisan to a point but that point has been reached with the Deborah Ramirez against Kavanaugh. I'm looking for facts, not suppositions.
Well Ramirez doesn’t have any so good luck!

Yes actually she does, but unlikely we'll get to them prior to the Roger Ramjet confirmation ..
Which is OK actually - Impeaching a sitting Justice will be kinda fun!

You can't even stop his confirmation, despite pulling every dirty trick you have out of your bag, and you think you're going to impeach someone?

Idiot, please.

If enough corroborated dirt comes out on this asshole, congress will have no excuse not to act.
So what if nothing is corroborated? Is Congress going to go after the lying sluts?
I'm partisan to a point but that point has been reached with the Deborah Ramirez against Kavanaugh. I'm looking for facts, not suppositions.
Well Ramirez doesn’t have any so good luck!

Yes actually she does, but unlikely we'll get to them prior to the Roger Ramjet confirmation ..
Which is OK actually - Impeaching a sitting Justice will be kinda fun!

You can't even stop his confirmation, despite pulling every dirty trick you have out of your bag, and you think you're going to impeach someone?

Idiot, please.

If enough corroborated dirt comes out on this asshole, congress will have no excuse not to act.
So what if nothing is corroborated? Is Congress going to go after the lying sluts?

Yep, we get it. Anytime you are accused of something, transfer your angst to the opposite direction.
You know, the Pee Wee Herman thing - "I KNOW you are but what am I?"
I know what YOU are - A fucking angry little boy and certifiable IDIOT.
Lol. Pretty hard to find irrefutable evidence that she’s lying when the alleged incident happened 36 years ago and she can’t even provide a date or a LOCATION!Get it yet?So, in other words, although you already know her case is entirely devoid of evidence, and although you already know her case will be near impossible to prove false - as I’m sure you appreciate because that’s precisely why the allegations have been manufactured in this way - you just choose to believe her - unless the impossible happens.You do know you are completely lacking in logic here, right?
For someone so lacking in intelligence, you're pretty stupid. People believe in a lot of things without proof, like god for example. Colloquially it's called among other things; "a gut feeling" or in some cases, "love'....the latter you appear to be severely lacking in your life.

Secondly, this is my "opinion" which means a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. I find that amazing since all you consist of is opinion, 99% of it based on your convoluted ideological beliefs. Always lacking in even the most basic facts, you do nothing but shoot off your mouth about things you know nothing about.

Don't reply to me unless you can at least think in a semiliterate fashion.
You are the one clearly lacking in logic and intelligence.
Choosing to believe a woman’s accusations when there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE to support them and when they result in ruining a man’s reputation for life and negatively impact on his wife and children is pure willfully idiocy, you stoooopid woman.

Oh, and I will reply to your stupidity every single time I see fit.
In all seriousness, the ruination of people's lives pales in importance to political advantage.

That's merely collateral damage in this self-imposed "war", nothing more.

Okay, let's look at that. Who is making the "War" here.

The War is that they want to put Kavanaugh on SCOTUS so he can roll back abortion and gay rights. So, yeah, in a war, you take out the target.

That means looking into his past and showing that a guy who groped women in college really isn't the one you want deciding if a woman should be able to end her pregnancy or whether or not she is being harrassed at work.

Where is the accusation that Kav groped women in college?

And yes, to the left it is all about one thing, and one thing only, abortion. They are so terrified of losing Roe that they will gladly destroy anyone, anything, and any vestige of integrity they might have had to preserve it.

The allegations would make Kavanaugh a serial sexual abuser, yet none of this type of alleged behavior showed up in the multiple FBI background checks into him.

If the allegations against Kavanaugh are true, that would mean that he is a serial sexual abuser — a compulsive behavior that would likely persist throughout his life. If Kavanaugh were a serial sexual abuser, there would likely be victims from his law school days, his time in the Bush administration, and from his time serving as a federal judge — yet not a single person has stepped forward from any of these periods and made allegations. Why? - Ryan Saavedra

And he's quite right. Doesn't it seem weird and mysterious to anyone on the left that Kavanaugh was apparently this evil serial rapist in his teens, and then magically had this stellar, exemplary life and career afterward . . . when it was actually on the record and verifiable?
I'm appalled at how apparently fucked up young adults, teens, and children are in Maryland. That state needs a serious douching apparently.

And I thought we Alaskan's had "wild" parties when we started massive bonfires and danced stoned/drunk around them with the natives... Every once in a while a lady would rip off her shirt and burn her bra, but us DD's were always there to make sure they got dressed back up so they didn't get sick.
Well Ramirez doesn’t have any so good luck!

Yes actually she does, but unlikely we'll get to them prior to the Roger Ramjet confirmation ..
Which is OK actually - Impeaching a sitting Justice will be kinda fun!

You can't even stop his confirmation, despite pulling every dirty trick you have out of your bag, and you think you're going to impeach someone?

Idiot, please.

If enough corroborated dirt comes out on this asshole, congress will have no excuse not to act.
So what if nothing is corroborated? Is Congress going to go after the lying sluts?

Yep, we get it. Anytime you are accused of something, transfer your angst to the opposite direction.
You know, the Pee Wee Herman thing - "I KNOW you are but what am I?"
I know what YOU are - A fucking angry little boy and certifiable IDIOT.
In other words, Kavanaugh is guilty until proven innocent.

You're a sleazy amoral bag of shit.
Lol. Pretty hard to find irrefutable evidence that she’s lying when the alleged incident happened 36 years ago and she can’t even provide a date or a LOCATION!Get it yet?So, in other words, although you already know her case is entirely devoid of evidence, and although you already know her case will be near impossible to prove false - as I’m sure you appreciate because that’s precisely why the allegations have been manufactured in this way - you just choose to believe her - unless the impossible happens.You do know you are completely lacking in logic here, right?
For someone so lacking in intelligence, you're pretty stupid. People believe in a lot of things without proof, like god for example. Colloquially it's called among other things; "a gut feeling" or in some cases, "love'....the latter you appear to be severely lacking in your life.

Secondly, this is my "opinion" which means a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. I find that amazing since all you consist of is opinion, 99% of it based on your convoluted ideological beliefs. Always lacking in even the most basic facts, you do nothing but shoot off your mouth about things you know nothing about.

Don't reply to me unless you can at least think in a semiliterate fashion.
You are the one clearly lacking in logic and intelligence.
Choosing to believe a woman’s accusations when there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE to support them and when they result in ruining a man’s reputation for life and negatively impact on his wife and children is pure willfully idiocy, you stoooopid woman.

Oh, and I will reply to your stupidity every single time I see fit.
It's worse than having no evidence. All the evidence exonerates Kavanaugh. All her witnesses deny it happened. She has been caught lying multiple times.
I'm a Democrat, The Deborah Ramirez story sounds fishy

no shit LOL

but I thought DemonRats believe in Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick and Bigfoot and The Easter Bunny and Santa and Elvis Sightings....

Mercy Lord!:rolleyes:
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"I cant imagine that Dr Ford cannot remember any other details than she can. It's been 40 years for me. But I remember everything"

-Juanita Broadderick

Quote from an actual Bill Clinton rape victim.
"I cant imagine that Dr Ford cannot remember any other details than she can. It's been 40 years for me. But I remember everything"

-Juanita Broadderick

Quote from an actual Bill Clinton rape victim.

The DemonRat freak show HAS TO END NOW! ENOUGH!

Confirm Brett Kavanaugh !!!!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2:

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