I'm a Democrat, The Deborah Ramirez story sounds fishy

That is an important point. This tactic WILL be used against democrats in the future. It's inevitable once Republicans get over their natural tendencies to fight fair.

Uh, dude, Republicans have ALREADY used this tactic. They dragged out every lying ass-bimbo Clinton ever looked at funny and gave them a shitload of money to lie.

Where the fuck have you been?
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.

I agree and I’m not sure that that isn’t happening to Ford, however I have no idea. However for Ford to come up with a memory 30 years after the event it has the overtones of false memory syndrome.

We all need to walk carefully as these accusations destroy people’s lives.
Thank god all of us are not judged by our high school or college behavior.
None of us would have a job.
Sorry but most of us are NOT people who engaged in sexual assault. I have NEVER dangled my dingle in anyone's face at a party.

Apparently you can't say the same

Your dingle doesn't dangle if it is the size of a Vienna sausage.
Hey Golfing gator you must hang out in good places, Never had someone yell down the hall anything.

This part of her story seals that it is a lie to me...

“Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’

That is not how men do things, men do not use full names like that, especially not drunk young men, one of which I was for many years. I do not think I ever heard a guy call another guy by his full name, ever.
That is an important point. This tactic WILL be used against democrats in the future. It's inevitable once Republicans get over their natural tendencies to fight fair.
Winner here! This is what I have been saying. The Democrats have gotten away with these things by counting on Republicans natural tendency towards fair play.
But this should be the final nail in that delusional coffin for the GOP. It is this change that will do the Democrats in. They once again have overplayed their hand.
They act like animals. Treat them like animals.
Aside from the general ugliness of all this, I think it's also fair to wonder if this is going to be the new political weapon of choice going forward. If that's the case, we haven't even SEEN ugly yet.

This is what happens when we allow the overall environment to deteriorate. As usual, we're doing this to ourselves.

Stormy Mac, defending of White Male Privilege!

When a president who brags about grabbing women by the pussy, appoints a guy who liked to molest women when he was young, that is kind of a big deal.

If they keep Kavanaugh from being seated and then lose seats in the Senate in Nov, they will be very sorry for their actions. Kavanaugh is about as good as they will get from a Repub POTUS.

It's equally possible they'll gain seats in November, and block any non-moderate Trump puts up.

Trump tweeting his usual misogyny will remind women what is at stake here.

Nothing like a man telling women what to think.
Run a poll on this board joe. The Democrats have lost women.
This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.
Aside from the general ugliness of all this, I think it's also fair to wonder if this is going to be the new political weapon of choice going forward. If that's the case, we haven't even SEEN ugly yet.

This is what happens when we allow the overall environment to deteriorate. As usual, we're doing this to ourselves.
Democrats and leftists are doing it. Quit pretending we are all responsible.
Thank god all of us are not judged by our high school or college behavior.
None of us would have a job.

Especially unsubstantiated reports of your high school behavior.
Think about this ...these people were never normal high schoolers. They were the outsiders building a resentment towards the kids having fun. That desire, that important rage driven desire, to tear down the people who they couldn’t be is what we see expressed here.
The Democrat Party has for some time been the party of self proclaimed victims and the pathology of victimhood
I was traumatized at UConn senior year. I resided in a coed dorm. Underclassmen used to walk the halls buck naked sometimes! My roommate was banging a coed and actually asked for help from one of them when he ran "dry" and was amazed she had a shaved pussy. Folks back then (mid 80s) we had to deal with massive bushes usually. :p That said, I used to bang a chick from the floor below on my comforter in my room (or on the carpet in her room - big mistake she had major rug burns on her back - I feel bad about that). Anyhow the comforter was called renamed the "sperm blanket" by my friends in the room next door who often listened to the action.
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Thank god all of us are not judged by our high school or college behavior.
None of us would have a job.
Sorry but most of us are NOT people who engaged in sexual assault. I have NEVER dangled my dingle in anyone's face at a party.

Apparently you can't say the same

Your dingle doesn't dangle if it is the size of a Vienna sausage.
I'm sorry if I am not up to the standard you are used to
I was traumatized at UConn senior year. I resided in a coed dorm. Underclassmen used to walk the halls buck naked sometimes! My roommate was banging a coed and actually asked for help from one of them when he ran "dry" and was amazed she had a shaved pussy. Folks back then (mid 80s) we had to deal with massive bushes usually. :p That said, I used to bang a chick from the floor below on my comforter in my room (or on the carpet in her room - big mistake she had major rug burns on her back - I feel bad about that). Anyhow the comforter was called renamed the "sperm blanket" by my friends in the room next door who often listened to the action.

Nobody believes your Nazi ass ever went to college or got laid.
That is an important point. This tactic WILL be used against democrats in the future. It's inevitable once Republicans get over their natural tendencies to fight fair.

Uh, dude, Republicans have ALREADY used this tactic. They dragged out every lying ass-bimbo Clinton ever looked at funny and gave them a shitload of money to lie.

Where the fuck have you been?

I remember that. I also remember the democrats accepting help from one of the sleaziest pornographers in the country as their first lady attacked and smeared the women her husband victimized. Real classy move by the democrats there. And now the democrats are taking another turn around the flag pole.
That is an important point. This tactic WILL be used against democrats in the future. It's inevitable once Republicans get over their natural tendencies to fight fair.

Uh, dude, Republicans have ALREADY used this tactic. They dragged out every lying ass-bimbo Clinton ever looked at funny and gave them a shitload of money to lie.

Where the fuck have you been?
/——/ Lying bimbo??? You sound just like Hillary
Thank god all of us are not judged by our high school or college behavior.
None of us would have a job.
Sorry but most of us are NOT people who engaged in sexual assault. I have NEVER dangled my dingle in anyone's face at a party.

Apparently you can't say the same

Your dingle doesn't dangle if it is the size of a Vienna sausage.
I'm sorry if I am not up to the standard you are used to

I had to lower my standards a great deal to keep you off "ignore" for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty.
I had to lower my standards a great deal to keep you off "ignore" for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty.

Anyone who thinks a political discussion needs to descend into comments about someone's supposed genitalia size already has the lowest standards...

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