I'm a Democrat, The Deborah Ramirez story sounds fishy

That is an important point. This tactic WILL be used against democrats in the future. It's inevitable once Republicans get over their natural tendencies to fight fair.
What tactic? Coming out with the truth?

What truth?

The fact that these "incidents" don't get reported for decades is bad enough, but how they conveniently happen just at the perfect time to raise a political firestorm is the worst! None of these people can prove what they claim. It's all bullshit!

I say we let Ford have her say for the three minutes of answers that she can answer without committing perjury, let Kavanaugh say his peace and then hold the vote. Move on!

If you can prove anything after the fact, impeach him. After the Dems get steamrolled in November because of these atrocities, they won't have a pot to piss in.
/——/ A new movement I support
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this Kavanaugh things threatens every student, and every American. acts of sexual violence are vastly underreported on college campuses, and a victim of sexual assault is likely to suffer from depression, PTSD, substance abuse, and academic problems
I don't know what to believe here, so: Deborah Ramirez: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This part of her story seals that it is a lie to me...

“Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’

That is not how men do things, men do not use full names like that, especially not drunk young men, one of which I was for many years. I do not think I ever heard a guy call another guy by his full name, ever.

Depends... Was there another Brett there?

You think a bunch of drunk frat boys are going to stop and think about that. And as was pointed out, no way in hell they use the word “penis”.

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What truth? You mean the unprovable allegation from an unspecified year that took place at an unknown location for which not a single person has corroborated? That truth? Or the truth that was a made up story about one drunk young man yelling his whole name, first and last, out loud?
At the time, I choose to believe in Christine Blasey Ford. Now if irrefutable evidence shows that she lied, that's different but so far, none has been introduced.

So all the witnesses she said were there denying it happened wasn’t enough? What would convince you that it’s nonsense?

Well, if Brett Kavanaugh became a registered Democrat, I'll bet THAT would help.
Not funny.

Kavanaugh Friend Reportedly Admitted to Taking Turns Having Sex With Drunk Girl

The thing is men who commit sexual assault usually do it more than once. Especially if they get away with it.

This is starting to snow ball. More and more people are coming forward. And now it looks like Brett may have been involved in gang bangs.

Gangbangs with drunken women who can’t say no.
The cut dot com.

You Leftards are sooooo desperate.
I don't know what to believe here, so: Deborah Ramirez: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This part of her story seals that it is a lie to me...

“Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’

That is not how men do things, men do not use full names like that, especially not drunk young men, one of which I was for many years. I do not think I ever heard a guy call another guy by his full name, ever.

Depends... Was there another Brett there?

You think a bunch of drunk frat boys are going to stop and think about that. And as was pointed out, no way in hell they use the word “penis”.

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Fraternities in high school now?

The story continues to evolve....
acts of sexual violence are vastly underreported on college campuses

Is a typical left wing load of shit.

Why are there so many HATE HOAXES if all this 'ism shit is real??

The only real truth here is that left wing FemiNazi PRINCESSES will stand up and lie for the Left, because they become heroes when they do.

Anita Hill lied under oath about being a Reagan political appointee. Did anyone in the "US" media notice that.....

Sounds fishy? Really?

So drunk she couldn't get up off the floor 35 years ago, but thinks somebody's dick was pointed at her...though it might have been a dildo...but after 6 days of consultation with a Democratic Scum-Bag---she thinks it might have been Kavanaugh's dick...but everybody she says could verify her tale....says she's full of shit--INCLUDING HER BEST FRIEND from way back then--35 years ago.

Even the New York Times passed on this Horse Shit.

And you think you are Sherlock Holmes and some special kind of Free Thinker for thinking it sounds fishy.

FUCK every one of you Seditious Democrat Socialist Cocksuckers.
Thank god all of us are not judged by our high school or college behavior.
None of us would have a job.
Sorry but most of us are NOT people who engaged in sexual assault. I have NEVER dangled my dingle in anyone's face at a party.

Apparently you can't say the same
this Kavanaugh things threatens every student, and every American. acts of sexual violence are vastly underreported on college campuses, and a victim of sexual assault is likely to suffer from depression, PTSD, substance abuse, and academic problems
Why should anyone pay 6 figures to send their daughter to a university then?
they ought not. i agree.
Sounds fishy? Really?

So drunk she couldn't get up off the floor 35 years ago, but thinks somebody's dick was pointed at her...though it might have been a dildo...but after 6 days of consultation with a Democratic Scum-Bag---she thinks it might have been Kavanaugh's dick...but everybody she says could verify her tale....says she's full of shit--INCLUDING HER BEST FRIEND from way back then--35 years ago.

Even the New York Times passed on this Horse Shit.

And you think you are Sherlock Holmes and some special kind of Free Thinker for thinking it sounds fishy.

FUCK every one of you Seditious Democrat Socialist Cocksuckers.

Hey, I'm glad the OP is honest enough to admit this is lame. However, it's really sad that our society has gotten to the point where we have to be grateful for the slightest glimme of honesty and common sense when it pops up.
this Kavanaugh things threatens every student, and every American. acts of sexual violence are vastly underreported on college campuses, and a victim of sexual assault is likely to suffer from depression, PTSD, substance abuse, and academic problems
Why should anyone pay 6 figures to send their daughter to a university then?

Ben Shapiro made the point not long ago that if leftist estimates that 1 in 4 college women experience sexual assault while attending school, it would take a seriously abusive, sick parent to send his/her daughter into an environment like that.
And yet these Republicans totally believe men who said they were molested by Catholic priests when they were boys.
Christine Ford and Deborah Ramirez arent the victims, Kavanaugh is. why didnt somebody call the police 30 years ago? whats going on. there's something going on. WHATS GOING ON???
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.

It sounded fishy to me too...until I listened to the reporter. A guy that didn't talk to her related the same story with the same details. Also, Yale classmates were talking about it in July via email.

The first source of the New Yorker bombshell wasn’t Deborah Ramirez. It was Yale alumni.

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