I'm a Democrat, The Deborah Ramirez story sounds fishy

Christine Ford and Deborah Ramirez arent the victims, Kavanaugh is. why didnt somebody call the police 30 years ago? whats going on. there's something going on. WHATS GOING ON???

What's "going on" is the norm...

Out of every 100 incidents of rape and sexual assault, 77 weren't reported to the police in 2016, according to data by the Bureau of Justice Crime Victimization Survey, analyzed by FiveThirtyEight.
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.

You must be the world loneliest person.
this is a sleazy attack. the victim is Brett Kavanaugh. we've had to sit here for damn near two years and watch them try to destroy our president with a special counsel looking for a crime where there arent any. this is an attack on the presidency. its an attack on the Senate Judiciary Committee. this is an attack on the Supreme Court. This is an attack on the Republican party. this is an attack on america. we're not gonna stand for this!
You didn't read carefully, which is why I post the entire section for you:
Thank you but I'm just not interested in reading news commentary from people I'm unfamiliar with. Sorry.
Guess you'll never learn anything new then.
/——-/ And now this:
Stormy Daniels' Lawyer Suggests Kavanaugh Ran a Gang Rape Ring In High School
Let’s you know how genuine Stormy Daniels is.
I don't know what to believe here, so: Deborah Ramirez: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This part of her story seals that it is a lie to me...

“Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’

That is not how men do things, men do not use full names like that, especially not drunk young men, one of which I was for many years. I do not think I ever heard a guy call another guy by his full name, ever.

Depends... Was there another Brett there?

You think a bunch of drunk frat boys are going to stop and think about that. And as was pointed out, no way in hell they use the word “penis”.

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Fraternities in high school now?

The story continues to evolve....

The second accuser's story was from his freshman year in college

Do try and keep up
Third worlders are doing this. People used to being catered to and who can’t accept losing.
I’m thinking they will eventually get used to it though.
And it was your party who made victimhood synonymous with sainthood.
i don't think it was any one party but something that has grown over time on both sides cause we're in this "payback" mentality. only when we "payback" it's in a "hold my beer" fashion and we take it to another level.

unless we really want the most fucked up government on the planet, we need to end these bullshit identity politics and character assassinations.

Its more than that iceberg. We have allowed the fringe extreme to be heard as if they had something to contribute. The very ones who kicked the supports out from under our society are the ones screaming about it.
This comes slow and hard to people of good will...but this isnt fixable. That view has to spread slowly through the majority's consciousness before we can do anything about this. A fish doesn't notice water and even conservatives dont always notice the cultural Marxist milieu they accept and work within unconsciously.
When voting doesn't matter...and it hasn't for quite a long time...then we have to move on to the alternative.
Trump has made lying to the faces of the Rube Herd fashionable. There are no more moral legs left to stand on by anyone.
It’s Trumps fault these women are liars huh.
It's Trump's fault you have no moral leg to stand on to protest these tactics.

OH horse shit, for as bad a Trump is, falsely accusing people of sexual assault is worse, and you know my view on Trump.
Trump falsely accused Ted Cruz's dad of killing Kennedy. He falsely accused Obama of being born in Kenya. Need I go on?



Leg. To stand on.
Trump has made lying to the faces of the Rube Herd fashionable. There are no more moral legs left to stand on by anyone.
It’s Trumps fault these women are liars huh.
It's Trump's fault you have no moral leg to stand on to protest these tactics.

OH horse shit, for as bad a Trump is, falsely accusing people of sexual assault is worse, and you know my view on Trump.
Trump falsely accused Ted Cruz's dad of killing Kennedy. He falsely accused Obama of being born in Kenya. Need I go on?



Leg. To stand on.

Yes, you need to.
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.
Who cares if it's TRUE? A guy flashed you at a drunken party? So? Merely trying to present that story as if it was a bad thing, makes her an awful person. That's what happens at young drunk people parties. If you arent grown up enough to handle it, dont fucking go to them.
What truth? You mean the unprovable allegation from an unspecified year that took place at an unknown location for which not a single person has corroborated? That truth? Or the truth that was a made up story about one drunk young man yelling his whole name, first and last, out loud?
At the time, I choose to believe in Christine Blasey Ford. Now if irrefutable evidence shows that she lied, that's different but so far, none has been introduced.
I want irrefutable evidence that this actually happened.

The law just doesn't work your way.

Nothing has been introduced to substantiate her claim.

Her legal team can file a citation in Montgomery County, Maryland and initiate an investigation.

She will have to prove he assaulted her.
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.
Who cares if it's TRUE? A guy flashed you at a drunken party? So? Merely trying to present that story as if it was a bad thing, makes her an awful person. That's what happens at young drunk people parties. If you arent grown up enough to handle it, dont fucking go to them.

Well, it WOULD be a bad thing. Would I call the cops about it? No, no more than she did. I'd have just punched the guy in the dick and left. Of course, I wouldn't have been falling-down drunk, either.
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.

Indeed, these new rules are designed to destroy political opponents without due process:

1. All men are innocent until accused.
2. If accused, a man must prove his innocence.
3. If a man knows another man who is guilty of something, then the man is also guilty even if he is innocent.

This applies to sexual matters for now. But before long, there will be some other identity politics set of rules that can be used against women and minorities to keep us in line.

What we are seeing is a 21st Century Reign of Terror with Chuck Schumer as Robespierre.
So this is the end result of the age of Aquarius?

Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Party all the time, screw till your hearts content, regret it, and when you grow up accuse someone of sexually assaulting you.
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.

Indeed, these new rules are designed to destroy political opponents without due process:

1. All men are innocent until accused.
2. If accused, a man must prove his innocence.
3. If a man knows another man who is guilty of something, then the man is also guilty even if he is innocent.

This applies to sexual matters for now. But before long, there will be some other identity politics set of rules that can be used against women and minorities to keep us in line.

What we are seeing is a 21st Century Reign of Terror with Chuck Schumer as Robespierre.
So this is the end result of the age of Aquarius?

Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Party all the time, screw till your hearts content, regret it, and when you grow up accuse someone of sexually assaulting you.

Not sure if the 80s qualify as part of the Age of Aquarius.
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.

Indeed, these new rules are designed to destroy political opponents without due process:

1. All men are innocent until accused.
2. If accused, a man must prove his innocence.
3. If a man knows another man who is guilty of something, then the man is also guilty even if he is innocent.

This applies to sexual matters for now. But before long, there will be some other identity politics set of rules that can be used against women and minorities to keep us in line.

What we are seeing is a 21st Century Reign of Terror with Chuck Schumer as Robespierre.
So this is the end result of the age of Aquarius?

Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Party all the time, screw till your hearts content, regret it, and when you grow up accuse someone of sexually assaulting you.

Not sure if the 80s qualify as part of the Age of Aquarius.
Me either, but the 80's were part of the aftermath, until AIDS reared its ugly head.
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.
They are really digging out the outhouse now. The evidence is simple. You need who, what, when, where, how and sometimes why, These are needed in any crime, the fact she does not remember enough to make a case is suspicious in nature. I have done many investigation into assaults and found most to be true, but this one is a political from ground up.
Thank god all of us are not judged by our high school or college behavior.
None of us would have a job.
Went to a 50 year reunion and someone yelled out my last name and the sisters looked and started moving towards me. I in turn stepped behind a piller and disappeared. The rule is in my life now. Don't return to the scene of the crime. LOL
She is the one making the allegation, it is her job to support it. In this country people are considered innocent till PROVEN guilty. It would be physically impossible to have irrefutable evidence that you ask for because she has not provided enough detail. She cannot even tell us what year it happened.
Read back a bit and you'll find I said this story needs to be investigated.

HOW?! I am so tired of hearing, "Investigate. Investigate. Investigate!" from people who can't give us clue one how or what we're supposed to investigate. Is someone supposed to go talk to every person attending both Ford's and Kavanaugh's high schools, every member of Kavanaugh's freshman class at Yale? There are virtually no details being offered, and what little is offered has been denied. What is this magic you think investigators have that goes beyond taking details from a victim's story and asking people about them?
/——/ What ever it takes to get past the midterms

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