I'm a Democrat, The Deborah Ramirez story sounds fishy

I'm a Democrat, The Deborah Ramirez story sounds fishy

no shit LOL

but I thought DemonRats believe in Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick and Bigfoot and The Easter Bunny and Santa and Elvis Sightings....

Mercy Lord!:rolleyes:
sounds as fishy as Hillary Claiming she was almost hit by several bullets that infamous day, i dont know how she was able to bend down to avoid the sniper shots with all of her cath bags
Which help the democrats gratefully accepted, finding nothing wrong in his exploitation of women after decades of proclaiming pron to be evil for that very reason. Interesting that Willey wanting a job disqualifies her accusation while Anita Hill following Clarence Thomas from job to job for years doesn't.

Not sure what "pron" is.. and frankly, not even sure who declared it evil. Larry Flynt paid ugly women to take their clothes off because the good looking ones went to Playboy

Yes, Willey continuing to ask for a job at the White House after Clinton supposedly groped her makes her whole story suspect. Or would you go back to a place that groped you on the job interview. I know i wouldn't.

For Anita Hill, I've expressed many times on these threads that her moving with Thomas (just once) makes her story suspect. Do try to pay attention.

So what else do you got?

Where is the accusation that Kav groped women in college?

And yes, to the left it is all about one thing, and one thing only, abortion. They are so terrified of losing Roe that they will gladly destroy anyone, anything, and any vestige of integrity they might have had to preserve it.

Yes, they are. They should be.

you guys want to retroactively declare 40 million women as murderers, damn straight they are going to fight back. If you guys were smart, you'd withdraw this nomination, and nominate someone who supports Roe as settled law and common sense.

But this is what happens when you let your party get hijacked by religious nutters.
"I cant imagine that Dr Ford cannot remember any other details than she can. It's been 40 years for me. But I remember everything"

-Juanita Broadderick

Quote from an actual Bill Clinton rape victim.

Except she couldn't remember the date.
Or the Room number.

And no one remembers seeing her with the big welt on her lip she claimed she had.

Oh yeah, and she filed TWO affadavitts saying it never happened.
If Trump offers me the supreme court, i would reject it

there would be no greater privilege for me to serve on the supreme court, BUT AT WHAT COST???

we need talent!
So....no evidence shows that she told the truth, but now you want evidence that she lied....go figure.
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected acording to a persons prejudices. Some people think everything trump says is true, for example. Others believe everything the bible says is true. In both cases, there are those who don't believe it's true. I prefer facts to truth. Thanks for asking.

Ford has zero facts or evidence.
If Trump offers me the supreme court, i would reject it

there would be no greater privilege for me to serve on the supreme court, BUT AT WHAT COST???

Which is why he should nominate a moderate woman who supports a woman's right to choose.

Then there wouldn't be an issue.

You've set the standard, so expect a nasty fight over anyone who admits they want to continue the process of abortion. Sad, but it will happen.
Yes actually she does, but unlikely we'll get to them prior to the Roger Ramjet confirmation ..
Which is OK actually - Impeaching a sitting Justice will be kinda fun!

You can't even stop his confirmation, despite pulling every dirty trick you have out of your bag, and you think you're going to impeach someone?

Idiot, please.

If enough corroborated dirt comes out on this asshole, congress will have no excuse not to act.
So what if nothing is corroborated? Is Congress going to go after the lying sluts?

Yep, we get it. Anytime you are accused of something, transfer your angst to the opposite direction.
You know, the Pee Wee Herman thing - "I KNOW you are but what am I?"
I know what YOU are - A fucking angry little boy and certifiable IDIOT.
In other words, Kavanaugh is guilty until proven innocent.

You're a sleazy amoral bag of shit.

Sleazy amoral bags of shit are guys who call women who bravely come forward with serious accusations "lying sluts".
You can't even stop his confirmation, despite pulling every dirty trick you have out of your bag, and you think you're going to impeach someone?

Idiot, please.

If enough corroborated dirt comes out on this asshole, congress will have no excuse not to act.
So what if nothing is corroborated? Is Congress going to go after the lying sluts?

Yep, we get it. Anytime you are accused of something, transfer your angst to the opposite direction.
You know, the Pee Wee Herman thing - "I KNOW you are but what am I?"
I know what YOU are - A fucking angry little boy and certifiable IDIOT.
In other words, Kavanaugh is guilty until proven innocent.

You're a sleazy amoral bag of shit.

Sleazy amoral bags of shit are guys who call women who bravely come forward with serious accusations "lying sluts".

Or bimbos, as Hillary was wont to call them.
If enough corroborated dirt comes out on this asshole, congress will have no excuse not to act.
So what if nothing is corroborated? Is Congress going to go after the lying sluts?

Yep, we get it. Anytime you are accused of something, transfer your angst to the opposite direction.
You know, the Pee Wee Herman thing - "I KNOW you are but what am I?"
I know what YOU are - A fucking angry little boy and certifiable IDIOT.
In other words, Kavanaugh is guilty until proven innocent.

You're a sleazy amoral bag of shit.

Sleazy amoral bags of shit are guys who call women who bravely come forward with serious accusations "lying sluts".

Or bimbos, as Hillary was wont to call them.

Little to no evidence of this particular accusation.

Our ruling

Trump said that Hillary Clinton "viciously" attacked women who accused Bill Clinton of abuse.

Bill Clinton certainly has been accused of sexual assault and having affairs. The record shows Hillary Clinton played a role in defending her husband, and that the Clintons’ first presidential campaign deployed tough tactics to defend against stories of consensual sex.

But in the cases of alleged abuse by Broaddrick, Willey and Jones, Hillary Clinton was largely silent. The words she allegedly had with Broaddrick are subject to interpretation. Approving the release of Willey’s letters does qualify as an attack, but using a person’s words against them is a fairly tame tactic. And Clinton did not attack Jones directly.

Overall, we rate the claim Mostly False.​

Trump: Clinton vicious with those who charged abuse by Bill
So what if nothing is corroborated? Is Congress going to go after the lying sluts?

Yep, we get it. Anytime you are accused of something, transfer your angst to the opposite direction.
You know, the Pee Wee Herman thing - "I KNOW you are but what am I?"
I know what YOU are - A fucking angry little boy and certifiable IDIOT.
In other words, Kavanaugh is guilty until proven innocent.

You're a sleazy amoral bag of shit.

Sleazy amoral bags of shit are guys who call women who bravely come forward with serious accusations "lying sluts".

Or bimbos, as Hillary was wont to call them.

Little to no evidence of this particular accusation.

Our ruling

Trump said that Hillary Clinton "viciously" attacked women who accused Bill Clinton of abuse.

Bill Clinton certainly has been accused of sexual assault and having affairs. The record shows Hillary Clinton played a role in defending her husband, and that the Clintons’ first presidential campaign deployed tough tactics to defend against stories of consensual sex.

But in the cases of alleged abuse by Broaddrick, Willey and Jones, Hillary Clinton was largely silent. The words she allegedly had with Broaddrick are subject to interpretation. Approving the release of Willey’s letters does qualify as an attack, but using a person’s words against them is a fairly tame tactic. And Clinton did not attack Jones directly.

Overall, we rate the claim Mostly False.​

Trump: Clinton vicious with those who charged abuse by Bill

Apparently, someone wasn't paying attention when she talked about the "bimbo eruptions" Bubba caused.
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.

That pretty much goes along with my feelings about Ford's claim that years ago she asked her husband to put two front doors on their home because Brett might someday be SC Justice and might come after her? :auiqs.jpg:
You've set the standard, so expect a nasty fight over anyone who admits they want to continue the process of abortion. Sad, but it will happen.

Yeah, you guys can try that. It'll fail, but do try it.

Or bimbos, as Hillary was wont to call them.

Yes, how dare a woman dislike women who slept with her husband.

I mean, I can't imagine any woman actually being cool with that.
That pretty much goes along with my feelings about Ford's claim that years ago she asked her husband to put two front doors on their home because Brett might someday be SC Justice and might come after her?

Yes, imagine that, a rape survivor being paranoid about being trapped again.

Hey, you guys keep going with this... it'll work wonders for you.
You've set the standard, so expect a nasty fight over anyone who admits they want to continue the process of abortion. Sad, but it will happen.

Yeah, you guys can try that. It'll fail, but do try it.

Or bimbos, as Hillary was wont to call them.

Yes, how dare a woman dislike women who slept with her husband.

I mean, I can't imagine any woman actually being cool with that.

Sure they'll try it because they'll eventually figure out that being nice to democrats is a waste of time. And I can't imagine any woman actually being cool with you labeling Bubba's victims as "women who slept with" Hillary's husband. How 1950's of you.

Didn't you get the memo? All sexual harassment allegations must be believed. It's the Kavanaugh standard.
Apparently, someone wasn't paying attention when she talked about the "bimbo eruptions" Bubba caused.

Do you have tape of her actually saying this, or are you just relying on third hand sources that she said this?

Well I did have one but she saw the tape recorder and threw it against the wall, then started shrieking profanities. Of course it's second hand, I didn't live in the White House. Christopher Anderson told me in his book.
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What truth? You mean the unprovable allegation from an unspecified year that took place at an unknown location for which not a single person has corroborated? That truth? Or the truth that was a made up story about one drunk young man yelling his whole name, first and last, out loud?
At the time, I choose to believe in Christine Blasey Ford. Now if irrefutable evidence shows that she lied, that's different but so far, none has been introduced.


You have every right to simply believe her.

Having done investigations for 30 years and having I interviewed 1000s of people making legal claims, I believe that is naive.

By your avatar you appear young. Having children, should you choose to do so, will challenge that approach to viewing the circumstances of life.

What undermines your argument here is your insistence that there is no proof Blasey lied. I know that critical thinking has suffered under the current educational system, but you might consider challenging your own perspective and educate yourself on the logical fallacy of proving a negative.
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.

There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.

These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.

The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.

This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.

Indeed, these new rules are designed to destroy political opponents without due process:

1. All men are innocent until accused.
2. If accused, a man must prove his innocence.
3. If a man knows another man who is guilty of something, then the man is also guilty even if he is innocent.

This applies to sexual matters for now. But before long, there will be some other identity politics set of rules that can be used against women and minorities to keep us in line.

What we are seeing is a 21st Century Reign of Terror with Chuck Schumer as Robespierre.

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