“I'm a Republican. What on Earth Is Wrong With My Party?”


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
“I am a Republican in the era of Donald Trump, and I am emotionally depleted by the constant cruelty of the President of the United States.

I’ve told myself repeatedly that I am done being shocked by a degenerate of such magnitude that I wouldn’t want to invite him to a family gathering for fear of what he might say in front of my mother.
The GOP’s journey from embracing compassionate conservatism to accepting Trump’s unparalleled capacity for casual cruelty cannot be dismissed as craven politics; it’s a threat to our security when the President taunts a nuclear-armed rogue dictator on social media.”

I'm a Republican. What on Earth Is Wrong With My Party?

The disaster that is the failed Trump presidency, that Trump is in fact unfit to be president, goes beyond partisan politics, as Republicans increasingly come to the realization that Trump has no business being president.

But as to what’s wrong with the GOP – and Trump is indeed one of many things wrong with the GOP – is a question that long predates the advent of Trump.

For more than 40 years the GOP has sustained an increase in extremists and ideologues; bigots, racists, and reactionaries hostile to the rights and protected liberties of women, gay Americans, and immigrants have found refuge among the ranks of Republicans who are unwilling to confront that bigotry and racism out of a fear of losing a political advantage.

Although it’s laudable that many Republicans have come to the realization that Trump is a reprehensible bigot and racist, and that there is something very wrong with the Republican Party, they should also come to the realization that they have only themselves to blame, where “compassionate conservatism” is in fact an oxymoron.
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it must be exhausting to stay in a perpetual state of outrage over things that are not outrageous...
“I am a Republican in the era of Donald Trump, and I am emotionally depleted by the constant cruelty of the President of the United States.

I’ve told myself repeatedly that I am done being shocked by a degenerate of such magnitude that I wouldn’t want to invite him to a family gathering for fear of what he might say in front of my mother.
The GOP’s journey from embracing compassionate conservatism to accepting Trump’s unparalleled capacity for casual cruelty cannot be dismissed as craven politics; it’s a threat to our security when the President taunts a nuclear-armed rogue dictator on social media.”

I'm a Republican. What on Earth Is Wrong With My Party?

The disaster that is the failed Trump presidency, that Trump is in fact unfit to be president, goes beyond partisan politics, as Republicans increasingly come to the realization that Trump has no business being president.

But as to what’s wrong with the GOP – and Trump is indeed one of many things wrong with the GOP – is a question that long predates the advent of Trump.

For more than 40 years the GOP has sustained an increase in extremists and ideologues; bigots, racists, and reactionaries hostile to the rights and protected liberties of women, gay Americans, and immigrants have found refuge among the ranks of Republicans who are unwilling to confront that bigotry and racism out of a fear of losing a political advantage.

Although it’s laudable that many Republicans have come to the realization that Trump is a reprehensible bigot and racist, and that there is something very wrong with the Republican Party, they should also come to the realization that they have only themselves to blame, where “compassionate conservatism” is in fact an oxymoron.

The problem is that bitching back at the media bias, by beating them at their own game,
has become a full time job for Trump. That's his main role that nobody else can do quite like he does,
he acts as the pitbull to bark down the bigger bullies come at him in packs and herds.

What is curious to me about Trump, is he is actually using the dynamic and playing the role of typical liberal Democrats.
What distinguishes the real Conservatives to me, is they usually cite either Christian laws or Constitutional laws DIRECTLY by
invoking this authority of law themselves. Trump seems to go through other people who cite this directly, not him.
He depends on the leadership of others. That's normally what Democrats do. They don't follow the law themselves,
so they don't have direct authority to enforce and invoke the "authority of law." They depend on others who lead using Christian or Constitutional laws,
and just rely on others.

Trump is a secular gentile. He respects Christian authority, but more as a follower of other followers and leaders,
and not directly invoking this himself. Not through the church laws, but as a secular gentile under natural laws who receives and respects the authority of Christ.
That's why he gets out of line, and then has to receive correction from others.

And as for Constitutional laws, he still relies on other Constitutionalists like Ted Cruz or others in Congress.
I don't see Trump citing and enforcing these laws directly.

The main difference between him and liberals and Democrats who do similar,
is the Democrats like Obama and Clinton had lawyers and lobbyists backing them up to do things outside the Constitution.
Trump is surrounded by peers who check him against the Constitution and won't support him in going outside those lines.
So Trump cannot get away with it like the Democrats can who don't listen to Constitutional checks and balances.

In the meantime Trump uses his free speech to speak his mind and say what he believes as an individual.

If we all get over the fact that he is using the media for this, we can all do the same.
And all agree to use the Constitution to check and balance the actions, legislation and rulings that come out of govt.
“I am a Republican in the era of Donald Trump, and I am emotionally depleted by the constant cruelty of the President of the United States.

I’ve told myself repeatedly that I am done being shocked by a degenerate of such magnitude that I wouldn’t want to invite him to a family gathering for fear of what he might say in front of my mother.
The GOP’s journey from embracing compassionate conservatism to accepting Trump’s unparalleled capacity for casual cruelty cannot be dismissed as craven politics; it’s a threat to our security when the President taunts a nuclear-armed rogue dictator on social media.”

I'm a Republican. What on Earth Is Wrong With My Party?

The disaster that is the failed Trump presidency, that Trump is in fact unfit to be president, goes beyond partisan politics, as Republicans increasingly come to the realization that Trump has no business being president.

But as to what’s wrong with the GOP – and Trump is indeed one of many things wrong with the GOP – is a question that long predates the advent of Trump.

For more than 40 years the GOP has sustained an increase in extremists and ideologues; bigots, racists, and reactionaries hostile to the rights and protected liberties of women, gay Americans, and immigrants have found refuge among the ranks of Republicans who are unwilling to confront that bigotry and racism out of a fear of losing a political advantage.

Although it’s laudable that many Republicans have come to the realization that Trump is a reprehensible bigot and racist, and that there is something very wrong with the Republican Party, they should also come to the realization that they have only themselves to blame, where “compassionate conservatism” is in fact an oxymoron.
The problem with the Republican Party is a lot of Republican,neocons, should just switch to the democrat party. You are offended by the language Trump uses in private conversations. Do you ever say things in private conversation that you wouldn’t say around the family table? Most normal men use a more course language in private to get their point across. I love the fact Trump is not PC. It takes a great man to correct the damage obama has done to our country and Trump has the ability to do just that. Most politicians use their positions to become wealthy, just compare their wealth before they are elected to what they are worth when they retire. Trump doesn’t need to get rich, he already is rich. He is a true Patriot with making America great again his only goal. So if you don’t like the great economy and being able to be proud of our country again you should just become a democrat because tearing our country apart seems to be all they stand for.
Donald Trump Didn’t Want to Be President

from the op:

As the campaign came to an end, Trump himself was sanguine. His ultimate goal, after all, had never been to win. “I can be the most famous man in the world,” he had told his aide Sam Nunberg at the outset of the race. His longtime friend Roger Ailes, the former head of Fox News, liked to say that if you want a career in television, first run for president. Now Trump, encouraged by Ailes, was floating rumors about a Trump network. It was a great future. He would come out of this campaign, Trump assured Ailes, with a far more powerful brand and untold opportunities.

“This is bigger than I ever dreamed of,” he told Ailes a week before the election. “I don’t think about losing, because it isn’t losing. We’ve totally won.”

The problem with the Republican Party is a lot of Republican,neocons, should just switch to the democrat party. You are offended by the language Trump uses in private conversations. Do you ever say things in private conversation that you wouldn’t say around the family table? Most normal men use a more course language in private to get their point across. I love the fact Trump is not PC. It takes a great man to correct the damage obama has done to our country and Trump has the ability to do just that. Most politicians use their positions to become wealthy, just compare their wealth before they are elected to what they are worth when they retire. Trump doesn’t need to get rich, he already is rich. He is a true Patriot with making America great again his only goal. So if you don’t like the great economy and being able to be proud of our country again you should just become a democrat because tearing our country apart seems to be all they stand for.

Republican Rep. Mia Love condemned President Donald Trump on Thursday over his reported comments referring to immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti and some African nations as coming from “shithole countries.”

The Utah representative, whose family is from Haiti, called on the president to apologize and said his remarks were “unkind” and “divisive.”

“The President’ comments are unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation’s values. This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation. My parents came from one of those countries but proudly took an oath of allegiance to the United States and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with,” Love said in a statement on Thursday.

“They never took a thing from our federal government. They worked hard, paid taxes, and rose from nothing to take care of and provide opportunities for their children. They taught their children to do the same. That’s the American Dream,” the statement continued. “The President must apologize to both the American people and the nations he so wantonly maligned.”

Haitian-American GOP Rep. Mia Love Slams Trump's 'Shithole Countries' Comment

“I am a Republican in the era of Donald Trump, and I am emotionally depleted by the constant cruelty of the President of the United States.

I’ve told myself repeatedly that I am done being shocked by a degenerate of such magnitude that I wouldn’t want to invite him to a family gathering for fear of what he might say in front of my mother.
The GOP’s journey from embracing compassionate conservatism to accepting Trump’s unparalleled capacity for casual cruelty cannot be dismissed as craven politics; it’s a threat to our security when the President taunts a nuclear-armed rogue dictator on social media.”

I'm a Republican. What on Earth Is Wrong With My Party?

The disaster that is the failed Trump presidency, that Trump is in fact unfit to be president, goes beyond partisan politics, as Republicans increasingly come to the realization that Trump has no business being president.

But as to what’s wrong with the GOP – and Trump is indeed one of many things wrong with the GOP – is a question that long predates the advent of Trump.

For more than 40 years the GOP has sustained an increase in extremists and ideologues; bigots, racists, and reactionaries hostile to the rights and protected liberties of women, gay Americans, and immigrants have found refuge among the ranks of Republicans who are unwilling to confront that bigotry and racism out of a fear of losing a political advantage.

Although it’s laudable that many Republicans have come to the realization that Trump is a reprehensible bigot and racist, and that there is something very wrong with the Republican Party, they should also come to the realization that they have only themselves to blame, where “compassionate conservatism” is in fact an oxymoron.
Was that authored by Jake Starkey? WTF is he anyway?
Republican Rep. Mia Love condemned President Donald Trump on Thursday over his reported comments referring to immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti and some African nations as coming from “shithole countries.”

The Utah representative, whose family is from Haiti, called on the president to apologize and said his remarks were “unkind” and “divisive.”

“The President’ comments are unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation’s values. This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation. My parents came from one of those countries but proudly took an oath of allegiance to the United States and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with,” Love said in a statement on Thursday.

“They never took a thing from our federal government. They worked hard, paid taxes, and rose from nothing to take care of and provide opportunities for their children. They taught their children to do the same. That’s the American Dream,” the statement continued. “The President must apologize to both the American people and the nations he so wantonly maligned.”

Haitian-American GOP Rep. Mia Love Slams Trump's 'Shithole Countries' Comment

One of the main problems with the Republican Party is that they have members that believe every lie democrats tell. She probably still thinks Romney doesn’t pay taxes. Some Republicans are so dumb. Democrats lie, Republican believe it so it’s all Trump fault. Drink some more kool-ade mia.
Or maybe the idea that you're a Republican is a simple delusion.



National Review (NR) is an American semi-monthly conservative editorial magazine focusing on news and commentary pieces on political, social, and cultural affairs. The magazine was founded by the author William F. Buckley Jr. in 1955.[3] It is currently edited by Rich Lowry.

Since its founding, the magazine has played a significant role in the development of conservatism in the United States, helping to define its boundaries[3] and promoting fusionism while establishing itself as a leading voice on the American right.[3][4][5]
“I am a Republican in the era of Donald Trump, and I am emotionally depleted by the constant cruelty of the President of the United States.

I’ve told myself repeatedly that I am done being shocked by a degenerate of such magnitude that I wouldn’t want to invite him to a family gathering for fear of what he might say in front of my mother.
The GOP’s journey from embracing compassionate conservatism to accepting Trump’s unparalleled capacity for casual cruelty cannot be dismissed as craven politics; it’s a threat to our security when the President taunts a nuclear-armed rogue dictator on social media.”

I'm a Republican. What on Earth Is Wrong With My Party?

The disaster that is the failed Trump presidency, that Trump is in fact unfit to be president, goes beyond partisan politics, as Republicans increasingly come to the realization that Trump has no business being president.

But as to what’s wrong with the GOP – and Trump is indeed one of many things wrong with the GOP – is a question that long predates the advent of Trump.

For more than 40 years the GOP has sustained an increase in extremists and ideologues; bigots, racists, and reactionaries hostile to the rights and protected liberties of women, gay Americans, and immigrants have found refuge among the ranks of Republicans who are unwilling to confront that bigotry and racism out of a fear of losing a political advantage.

Although it’s laudable that many Republicans have come to the realization that Trump is a reprehensible bigot and racist, and that there is something very wrong with the Republican Party, they should also come to the realization that they have only themselves to blame, where “compassionate conservatism” is in fact an oxymoron.

How is his Presidency a failure.....he has turned around the economy, he defeated isis,which obama said couldn't be done, he passed a massive tax cut, appointed real judges, cut regualtions that were destroying the country, got North Korea to restart talks with South Korea, he's arming Ukraine against the Russians

You really are a stupid person....you absorb whatever the left wing spews and think it is real and truthful......you have a weak mind....you need to strengthen it....

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