I'm a White Male Standing in the Voting Booth

Trump has America's best interest at heart. Asia has Hillary's interest.
Trump wants us out of the UN. Hillary is a UN representative.
Trumps wants us to use our immigration laws, not to prevent it, but to do it legally. Hillary wants to flood this country with Muslims and illegals.
Trump wants us to become self sufficient. Hillary want to continue Obama's redistribution of our wealth and resources, and jobs.
Trump wants to fix the VA. Hillary and Obama have done NOTHING.
Trump isn't beholding to anyone. Hillary owes millions of dollars worth of favors to the Saudi government and others in the region. She owes George Soros millions and millions of dollars worth of whatever he wants.
Trump will actually answer the phone at 3am and have support on it's way. Hillary will go to bed. And MF anyone who dare wake her.
Trump wants us to succeed. Hillary wants the UN to succeed
Trump is an American. Hillary is a globalist. Globalist want to redistribute our wealth.
Let Trump have a shot at making us better. We've already seen what Hillary is capable of. The scandals just keep coming.
Did you have a fall recently and crack your head on something? Seek medical attention!

Point to where you think I have gone astray......
Oh Tay! I'll respond to your top five!
1. Trump has America's best interest at heart.
If that were true, Trump wouldn't be so busy alienating so many US allies such as all of NATO and those on the Eastern Rim like Japan and Korea.
2. Trump wants us out of the UN.
No he doesn't!
In the light of his understanding of the UN and how it works, Trump would be less likely to weaken it from Washington and more prone to trying to control it directly in New York. Stephen Schlesinger, author of Act of Creation, a history of the UN’s founding, said that Tea Party right-wingers might be encouraged by the opportunity of a Trump presidency in their campaign to defund and cripple the UN, but there is another possibility. “My own theory is that Trump in the White House, given his glorious ego, will seek to control the UN as sort of a world master,” Schlesinger said, in an email interview. “He will not be happy just running the USA, he will want world domination manifested through the UN. It’s in his nature.” ~~ Where Do the Presidential Candidates Stand on the United Nations? ~~
3. Trumps wants us to use our immigration laws, not to prevent it, but to do it legally.
Trump still wants to build that WALL. Trump still wants Mexico to pay for it! Trump still wants to amend Amendment XIV and put an end to natural born citizenship. Immigration Reform
4. Trump wants us to become self sufficient.
The US would have to become self sufficient if trump's isolationist plan were put in play! And that says nothing about his pie in the sky trade plans that would result in tariff wars!
Frustrated with Donald Trump’s ability to blunt attacks on his domestic policies, his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination increasingly are taking aim at his approach to foreign policy, arguing that the flamboyant business leader has disqualified himself from consideration as commander in chief because of his “isolationist” views. ~~ Donald Trump’s ‘isolationist’ foreign policy attacked by 2016 Republican rivals ~~
5. Trump wants to fix the VA.
I'm a vet and VERY familiar with both the VHA (health) and VBA (benefits) under the VA umbrella. Trumps suggests even more of the VA being privatized. His plan is absurd and could NEVER be funded by the GOP and Tea Party conservative factions in Congress. Here is his stupid, STUPID plan for the VA again from his website; Veterans Administration Reforms
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No white liberals have responded yet. Puts them in a conundrum. Vote FOR America or vote AGAINST America. Very simple ballot.

That of course wasn't your question. As usual for you it was about race.

As an American, vote for America- vote for Hilary Clinton.

For all of her flaws- she is not Donald Trump.

She is not thin skinned
She has actual relevant experience.
She has worked for the benefit of Americans
She actually knows that Russia has already invaded Ukraine.
She supports U.S. allies.
She hasn't signaled Russia and China that the United States might not support our allies.
She hasn't suggested a 45% import tax on goods purchased by poor and middle class Americans.

Hillary has flaws- Trump is a disaster who has left a trail of failed business's in his wake- and has never cared about anyone but himself.
Your on meds.
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?
if you are an uneducated white christian vote for the dumph, only problem not enough of you guys to elect a national dog catcher
I'm uneducated? I have a Masters Degree. I have served my country in combat. Those kids I served with in an infantry platoon were from all parts of everything from all 50 states. Black, white, Asian, Native American, Mexican...they will vote Trump.
Trump has America's best interest at heart. Asia has Hillary's interest.
Trump wants us out of the UN. Hillary is a UN representative.
Trumps wants us to use our immigration laws, not to prevent it, but to do it legally. Hillary wants to flood this country with Muslims and illegals.
Trump wants us to become self sufficient. Hillary want to continue Obama's redistribution of our wealth and resources, and jobs.
Trump wants to fix the VA. Hillary and Obama have done NOTHING.
Trump isn't beholding to anyone. Hillary owes millions of dollars worth of favors to the Saudi government and others in the region. She owes George Soros millions and millions of dollars worth of whatever he wants.
Trump will actually answer the phone at 3am and have support on it's way. Hillary will go to bed. And MF anyone who dare wake her.
Trump wants us to succeed. Hillary wants the UN to succeed
Trump is an American. Hillary is a globalist. Globalist want to redistribute our wealth.
Let Trump have a shot at making us better. We've already seen what Hillary is capable of. The scandals just keep coming.
Did you have a fall recently and crack your head on something? Seek medical attention!

Point to where you think I have gone astray......
Oh Tay! I'll respond to your top five!
1. Trump has America's best interest at heart.
If that were true, Trump wouldn't be so busy alienating so many US allies such as all of NATO and those on the Eastern Rim like Japan and Korea.
2. Trump wants us out of the UN.
No he doesn't!
In the light of his understanding of the UN and how it works, Trump would be less likely to weaken it from Washington and more prone to trying to control it directly in New York. Stephen Schlesinger, author of Act of Creation, a history of the UN’s founding, said that Tea Party right-wingers might be encouraged by the opportunity of a Trump presidency in their campaign to defund and cripple the UN, but there is another possibility. “My own theory is that Trump in the White House, given his glorious ego, will seek to control the UN as sort of a world master,” Schlesinger said, in an email interview. “He will not be happy just running the USA, he will want world domination manifested through the UN. It’s in his nature.” ~~ Where Do the Presidential Candidates Stand on the United Nations? ~~
3. Trumps wants us to use our immigration laws, not to prevent it, but to do it legally.
Trump still wants to build that WALL. Trump still wants Mexico to pay for it! Trump still wants to amend Amendment XIV and put an end to natural born citizenship. Immigration Reform
4. Trump wants us to become self sufficient.
The US would have to become self sufficient if trump's isolationist plan were put in play! And that says nothing about his pie in the sky trade plans that would result in tariff wars!
Frustrated with Donald Trump’s ability to blunt attacks on his domestic policies, his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination increasingly are taking aim at his approach to foreign policy, arguing that the flamboyant business leader has disqualified himself from consideration as commander in chief because of his “isolationist” views. ~~ Donald Trump’s ‘isolationist’ foreign policy attacked by 2016 Republican rivals ~~
5. Trump wants to fix the VA.
I'm a vet and VERY familiar with both the VHA (health) and VBA (benefits) under the VA umbrella. Trumps suggests even more of the VA being privatized. His plan is absurd and could NEVER be funded by the GOP and Tea Party conservative factions in Congress. Here is his stupid, STUPID plan for the VA again from his website; Veterans Administration Reforms
You ever stood for anything in your life? As a man....have you ever stood for something?
You ever stood for anything in your life? As a man....have you ever stood for something?
Of course I have! I stand when I squash fucking bugs like yourself who don't know Shit from Shinola! And my Oath doesn't have an expiration date just like yours doesn't. Does your CIB trump my CAR braggart! And why are you trying to run away from that REMF tag you own? Piss off on that bragging shit poser and pretending you're something you're not!
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

If you support criminals, vote for Hillary. You could even rape someone, and she's on your side.

If you don't support criminals, then avoid Hillary.
Name a single criminal indictment, arrest, or conviction against Hillary Clinton or STFU about it. You failed. Grow a pair pussy.
You ever stood for anything in your life? As a man....have you ever stood for something?
Of course I have! I stand when I squash fucking bugs like yourself who don't know Shit from Shinola! And my Oath doesn't have an expiration date just like yours doesn't. Does your CIB trump my CAR braggart! And why are you trying to run away from that REMF tag you own? Piss off on that bragging shit poser and pretending you're something you're not!
Went to bed before responding?...so this morning I just want to say "fuck you." Have a nice day.
You ever stood for anything in your life? As a man....have you ever stood for something?
Of course I have! I stand when I squash fucking bugs like yourself who don't know Shit from Shinola! And my Oath doesn't have an expiration date just like yours doesn't. Does your CIB trump my CAR braggart! And why are you trying to run away from that REMF tag you own? Piss off on that bragging shit poser and pretending you're something you're not!
Went to bed before responding?...so this morning I just want to say "fuck you." Have a nice day.
Your response translates to the childish retort, "OH Yeah"?
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

Well if what you are preoccupied with thinking about being white and male in the voting booth, then by all signs Trump is your guy.
You ever stood for anything in your life? As a man....have you ever stood for something?
Of course I have! I stand when I squash fucking bugs like yourself who don't know Shit from Shinola! And my Oath doesn't have an expiration date just like yours doesn't. Does your CIB trump my CAR braggart! And why are you trying to run away from that REMF tag you own? Piss off on that bragging shit poser and pretending you're something you're not!
Went to bed before responding?...so this morning I just want to say "fuck you." Have a nice day.
Your response translates to the childish retort, "OH Yeah"?

Now that's ironic. Your response from before was "dur I squash bugs like you!". Funny to see how people can dish out childish posts, but then can't handle it when they are responded to like a child.
You ever stood for anything in your life? As a man....have you ever stood for something?
Of course I have! I stand when I squash fucking bugs like yourself who don't know Shit from Shinola! And my Oath doesn't have an expiration date just like yours doesn't. Does your CIB trump my CAR braggart! And why are you trying to run away from that REMF tag you own? Piss off on that bragging shit poser and pretending you're something you're not!
Went to bed before responding?...so this morning I just want to say "fuck you." Have a nice day.
Your response translates to the childish retort, "OH Yeah"?

Now that's ironic. Your response from before was "dur I squash bugs like you!". Funny to see how people can dish out childish posts, but then can't handle it when they are responded to like a child.
Do you think there could be a history there you know nothing about maybe? You should think things through maybe? I got some sage advice from me Da once over 60 years ago...don't let your mouth overload your ass. I try to live by that!
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

Well if what you are preoccupied with thinking about being white and male in the voting booth, then by all signs Trump is your guy.

More Democrat hate. Be who you are! Unless you're white and/or male, then STFU.

In the end, it doesn't matter, liberty and making our own choices is equal. But your bigotry is repugnant
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

Well if what you are preoccupied with thinking about being white and male in the voting booth, then by all signs Trump is your guy.

More Democrat hate. Be who you are! Unless you're white and/or male, then STFU.

In the end, it doesn't matter, liberty and making our own choices is equal. But your bigotry is repugnant

LOL wtf? I'm white and male and somehow my vote is not hinged on that.

Latinos do not threaten my skin color, and vaginas don't threaten my dick, I'm pretty secure - why aren't you?
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

Well if what you are preoccupied with thinking about being white and male in the voting booth, then by all signs Trump is your guy.

More Democrat hate. Be who you are! Unless you're white and/or male, then STFU.

In the end, it doesn't matter, liberty and making our own choices is equal. But your bigotry is repugnant

LOL wtf? I'm white and male and somehow my vote is not hinged on that.

Latinos do not threaten my skin color, and vaginas don't threaten my dick, I'm pretty secure - why aren't you?

Try reading my post again, asshole. "it doesn't matter, liberty and making our own choices is equal. But your bigotry is repugnant." Nowhere does that support the excrement that dribbled out of your ass.

My point is your hypocrisy, which you repeated. Latinos, women, they can go in the voting booth thinking that. White males can't. I was talking about YOU, moron. Grow a dick and respond to what is actually said to you instead of thumping your dick on a tree to demonstrate your masculinity.

You said anyone thinking they are a white male is voting for Trump. Stop being a dick and a hypocrite and focus on the issues. I'm a white man. I also said it doesn't matter, liberty is the ideal solution for us all. Anything on what I actually said? Or you just going to drop trou and look for another tree?
Try reading my post again, asshole. "it doesn't matter, liberty and making our own choices is equal. But your bigotry is repugnant."

Try reading my post again, asshole. "it doesn't matter, liberty and making our own choices is equal. But your bigotry is repugnant."


I said being white male doesn't make any difference. Liberty is the same for us all. You were like, what? What does being a white male have to do with it??? Your reply had nothing to do with what I posted, talk about gibberish nonsense. Lay off the stupid.
I said being white male doesn't make any difference. Liberty is the same for us all. You were like, what? What does being a white male have to do with it??? Your reply had nothing to do with what I posted, talk about gibberish nonsense. Lay off the stupid.

LOL did you actually read what I was responding to? the OP certainly thinks being white male makes a difference:

I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?
I said being white male doesn't make any difference. Liberty is the same for us all. You were like, what? What does being a white male have to do with it??? Your reply had nothing to do with what I posted, talk about gibberish nonsense. Lay off the stupid.

LOL did you actually read what I was responding to? the OP certainly thinks being white male makes a difference:

I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

You want to be offended. It's classic how the never Trumpers are constantly proud of the stick up your ass. All he said was he's white and male, nowhere did he say that changed is vote. He said he doesn't want either one.

And he said "Why should I vote for Trump" and you came back with well if that's your standard, you're voting for Trump anyway ...

You gotta use your brain, guy

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