I'm a White Male Standing in the Voting Booth

I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

Hillary's people will make sure your vote gets counted the way they see fit either way.

Gats, the 2012 election is still a jaw-dropping quandary to me...and it remains my fondest hope that it turns out that the Democrats stole that election, and 65 million of my countrymen weren't stupid enough to have voted for the failure in the White House.
Need voter ID laws to prevent urban voter fraud.
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?
I'm voting for Hillary because Republicans treat all non rich people like ni%&ers
Sure. What about Joe Bidens three homes? What about George Soros? What about Hillary speeches to Wall Street bankers? What about NAFTA that lost millions of American jobs?
Are you against rich people now?

George Soros doesn't treat poor people bad but Republican policies do. George, hillary and gore want to change that. Republicans don't.

Why do you think most rich people vote Republican? They know GOP policies benefit them. So do you.

Fdr was called a traitor to his class. Republicans don't like presidents who protect and defend the poor and middle class.
Hmmmmmm. No rich people vote Democrat? The Kennedy's are poor? Bill and Hillary are struggling in poverty?Biden? Kerry? You use rhetoric that used to be true. All bets off the table after Democrat Party backstabbed working class Union workers who supported them for generations when Ol' Bill signed NAFTA. Fuck Democrats. I'm not black so I don't vote Democrat like a robot.
You know, a part of me says fuck the unions. At least here in Michigan. Too many of them vote for Republican governors and state/local senators and house members. Then the GOP house/senate and governor made Michigan a right to work state. The democratic party didn't abandon them they got arrogant and cocky and voted GOP thinking they were protected.

The old timers made a lot of money and became part of the investor class but only by being in a liberal union.

Baby boomers ruined america
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

Why are your melanin distribution and your genitals deciding factors? You don't have to date either of them.
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?
I'm voting for Hillary because Republicans treat all non rich people like ni%&ers
Sure. What about Joe Bidens three homes? What about George Soros? What about Hillary speeches to Wall Street bankers? What about NAFTA that lost millions of American jobs?
Are you against rich people now?

George Soros doesn't treat poor people bad but Republican policies do. George, hillary and gore want to change that. Republicans don't.

Why do you think most rich people vote Republican? They know GOP policies benefit them. So do you.

Fdr was called a traitor to his class. Republicans don't like presidents who protect and defend the poor and middle class.
Hmmmmmm. No rich people vote Democrat? The Kennedy's are poor? Bill and Hillary are struggling in poverty?Biden? Kerry? You use rhetoric that used to be true. All bets off the table after Democrat Party backstabbed working class Union workers who supported them for generations when Ol' Bill signed NAFTA. Fuck Democrats. I'm not black so I don't vote Democrat like a robot.
You know, a part of me says fuck the unions. At least here in Michigan. Too many of them vote for Republican governors and state/local senators and house members. Then the GOP house/senate and governor made Michigan a right to work state. The democratic party didn't abandon them they got arrogant and cocky and voted GOP thinking they were protected.

The old timers made a lot of money and became part of the investor class but only by being in a liberal union.

Baby boomers ruined america
No the Democratic Party left them. Too much gay marriage, gun control, and race baiting. Pissed people off. Then came NAFTA and a Democratic President who signed it. But you are right, the pist war booming middle class and industrial jobs did make lots of Republicans out of the Boomers.
I'm voting for Hillary because Republicans treat all non rich people like ni%&ers
Sure. What about Joe Bidens three homes? What about George Soros? What about Hillary speeches to Wall Street bankers? What about NAFTA that lost millions of American jobs?
Are you against rich people now?

George Soros doesn't treat poor people bad but Republican policies do. George, hillary and gore want to change that. Republicans don't.

Why do you think most rich people vote Republican? They know GOP policies benefit them. So do you.

Fdr was called a traitor to his class. Republicans don't like presidents who protect and defend the poor and middle class.
Hmmmmmm. No rich people vote Democrat? The Kennedy's are poor? Bill and Hillary are struggling in poverty?Biden? Kerry? You use rhetoric that used to be true. All bets off the table after Democrat Party backstabbed working class Union workers who supported them for generations when Ol' Bill signed NAFTA. Fuck Democrats. I'm not black so I don't vote Democrat like a robot.
You know, a part of me says fuck the unions. At least here in Michigan. Too many of them vote for Republican governors and state/local senators and house members. Then the GOP house/senate and governor made Michigan a right to work state. The democratic party didn't abandon them they got arrogant and cocky and voted GOP thinking they were protected.

The old timers made a lot of money and became part of the investor class but only by being in a liberal union.

Baby boomers ruined america
No the Democratic Party left them. Too much gay marriage, gun control, and race baiting. Pissed people off. Then came NAFTA and a Democratic President who signed it. But you are right, the pist war booming middle class and industrial jobs did make lots of Republicans out of the Boomers.
And I'll be honest. I'm not anti union but working in a union shop that protects bad workers can make some union guys who do work hard anti union.

But they forget they wouldn't have been paid so well if it weren't for unions
Sure. What about Joe Bidens three homes? What about George Soros? What about Hillary speeches to Wall Street bankers? What about NAFTA that lost millions of American jobs?
Are you against rich people now?

George Soros doesn't treat poor people bad but Republican policies do. George, hillary and gore want to change that. Republicans don't.

Why do you think most rich people vote Republican? They know GOP policies benefit them. So do you.

Fdr was called a traitor to his class. Republicans don't like presidents who protect and defend the poor and middle class.
Hmmmmmm. No rich people vote Democrat? The Kennedy's are poor? Bill and Hillary are struggling in poverty?Biden? Kerry? You use rhetoric that used to be true. All bets off the table after Democrat Party backstabbed working class Union workers who supported them for generations when Ol' Bill signed NAFTA. Fuck Democrats. I'm not black so I don't vote Democrat like a robot.
You know, a part of me says fuck the unions. At least here in Michigan. Too many of them vote for Republican governors and state/local senators and house members. Then the GOP house/senate and governor made Michigan a right to work state. The democratic party didn't abandon them they got arrogant and cocky and voted GOP thinking they were protected.

The old timers made a lot of money and became part of the investor class but only by being in a liberal union.

Baby boomers ruined america
No the Democratic Party left them. Too much gay marriage, gun control, and race baiting. Pissed people off. Then came NAFTA and a Democratic President who signed it. But you are right, the pist war booming middle class and industrial jobs did make lots of Republicans out of the Boomers.
And I'll be honest. I'm not anti union but working in a union shop that protects bad workers can make some union guys who do work hard anti union.

But they forget they wouldn't have been paid so well if it weren't for unions
Been there done that my friend. I feel you. Worked in heavy industry for many years.
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

Your question, of course, is rhetorical. No white male in his right mind would ever vote for a dishonest harridan like Mrs. Clinton.

Now, for another rhetorical question: You are black male. Are you better off now than you were in 2008? Are you ready to vote for a Democrat again?

I can already hear your answer.

Of course I am. Yes, I am better off. I AM ALWAYS better off under a Democratic president, until some Republican son of a bitch comes along and snatches all that away from me.. Under a Democratic president I have wealth, my kids can go to good schools, I can find good jobs (should I choose to be a worker rather than a free loader), I can always go the super market and find good food to pay for with cash, but DAMN IT, every time a Republican is elected president, the son of a bitch takes all that away from me. I can find happiness only with a Democratic president. Just like that loving old white bastard predicted, I will vote Democrat for the next 200 years, dead or alive. I will vote often, all on the same day. I will vote Democrat to maintain the beauty and dignity and safety of my neighborhood, and maintain the educational high marks of our schools. I will vote Democrat, just BECAUSE.

Like Trump said what the Hell I have got to lose??
So Republicans take away your local supermarket? Public schools shut down under Reagan, Bush 1 or Bush 2? "I can only find happiness with a Democrat President...I will vote Democrat for next 200 years." Well, first, you won't live that long and second it shows your delusional intolerance toward helping yourself. Democrats are maintaining the beauty of your neighborhood? Obama came by and mowed your lawn?

I have been on this forum for several years. Longer, in fact, than you. If you I see my screen name, you know who I am.

If you are incapable of recognizing sarcasm, please pause before you are responding to whomever you are responding to. Otherwise keep your fingers off the keyboard.
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

Why are your melanin distribution and your genitals deciding factors? You don't have to date either of them.
Ask that of the Democratic Party that pushes division for political purposes.

You don't want me to do that, because then I'd ask you to prove your premise with facts.

So I'll ask you again, when you stand in the voting booth, do you mistake it for Match.com?
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

Hillary's people will make sure your vote gets counted the way they see fit either way.

Gats, the 2012 election is still a jaw-dropping quandary to me...and it remains my fondest hope that it turns out that the Democrats stole that election, and 65 million of my countrymen weren't stupid enough to have voted for the failure in the White House.

I know it was. Many polls showed Romney ahead in swing states and very close in others. Then, suddenly on election night none of them were close. Ghettos with 95 percent turnout and not one person voting Republican? Just one would be a near mathematical impossibility. They had I don't remember how many. Mitt was filling arenas and Obama wasn't filling high school gyms. We were told, oh, they were just staying home til election night. No, they didn't give a sh**. It's even worse this time around, and Hillary is ahead in the polls? It's clear to me that the corruption has spread to the media and corporate bosses. Look at Gallup; they got out of presidential polling? Someone got paid or threatened. But they couldn't have real polls countering the made up ones. We were told all the sudden their processes were not right, so they needed to quit. Electronic polling sold by Soros companies? Polling stations maintained by unions? Come on.
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

Hillary's people will make sure your vote gets counted the way they see fit either way.

Gats, the 2012 election is still a jaw-dropping quandary to me...and it remains my fondest hope that it turns out that the Democrats stole that election, and 65 million of my countrymen weren't stupid enough to have voted for the failure in the White House.

I know it was. Many polls showed Romney ahead in swing states and very close in others. Then, suddenly on election night none of them were close. Ghettos with 95 percent turnout and not one person voting Republican? Just one would be a near mathematical impossibility. They had I don't remember how many. Mitt was filling arenas and Obama wasn't filling high school gyms. We were told, oh, they were just staying home til election night. No, they didn't give a sh**. It's even worse this time around, and Hillary is ahead in the polls? It's clear to me that the corruption has spread to the media and corporate bosses. Look at Gallup; they got out of presidential polling? Someone got paid or threatened. But they couldn't have real polls countering the made up ones. We were told all the sudden their processes were not right, so they needed to quit. Electronic polling sold by Soros companies? Polling stations maintained by unions? Come on.

In that case, welcome to the Banana Republic of America.

We living in the afterglow of the once great nation, the United States.

I fear for my children.
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

Hillary's people will make sure your vote gets counted the way they see fit either way.

Gats, the 2012 election is still a jaw-dropping quandary to me...and it remains my fondest hope that it turns out that the Democrats stole that election, and 65 million of my countrymen weren't stupid enough to have voted for the failure in the White House.

I know it was. Many polls showed Romney ahead in swing states and very close in others. Then, suddenly on election night none of them were close. Ghettos with 95 percent turnout and not one person voting Republican? Just one would be a near mathematical impossibility. They had I don't remember how many. Mitt was filling arenas and Obama wasn't filling high school gyms. We were told, oh, they were just staying home til election night. No, they didn't give a sh**. It's even worse this time around, and Hillary is ahead in the polls? It's clear to me that the corruption has spread to the media and corporate bosses. Look at Gallup; they got out of presidential polling? Someone got paid or threatened. But they couldn't have real polls countering the made up ones. We were told all the sudden their processes were not right, so they needed to quit. Electronic polling sold by Soros companies? Polling stations maintained by unions? Come on.

In that case, welcome to the Banana Republic of America.

We living in the afterglow of the once great nation, the United States.

I fear for my children.

Odds Hillary Won Without Widespread Fraud: 1 in 77 Billion Says Berkeley, Stanford Studies - HNN - Higgins News Network
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

Hillary's people will make sure your vote gets counted the way they see fit either way.

Gats, the 2012 election is still a jaw-dropping quandary to me...and it remains my fondest hope that it turns out that the Democrats stole that election, and 65 million of my countrymen weren't stupid enough to have voted for the failure in the White House.

I know it was. Many polls showed Romney ahead in swing states and very close in others. Then, suddenly on election night none of them were close. Ghettos with 95 percent turnout and not one person voting Republican? Just one would be a near mathematical impossibility. They had I don't remember how many. Mitt was filling arenas and Obama wasn't filling high school gyms. We were told, oh, they were just staying home til election night. No, they didn't give a sh**. It's even worse this time around, and Hillary is ahead in the polls? It's clear to me that the corruption has spread to the media and corporate bosses. Look at Gallup; they got out of presidential polling? Someone got paid or threatened. But they couldn't have real polls countering the made up ones. We were told all the sudden their processes were not right, so they needed to quit. Electronic polling sold by Soros companies? Polling stations maintained by unions? Come on.

In that case, welcome to the Banana Republic of America.

We living in the afterglow of the once great nation, the United States.

I fear for my children.

Odds Hillary Won Without Widespread Fraud: 1 in 77 Billion Says Berkeley, Stanford Studies - HNN - Higgins News Network

That was fascinating.

So....Bernie got burned.

If that's the case, the November election is a foregone conclusion.

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

Hillary's people will make sure your vote gets counted the way they see fit either way.

Gats, the 2012 election is still a jaw-dropping quandary to me...and it remains my fondest hope that it turns out that the Democrats stole that election, and 65 million of my countrymen weren't stupid enough to have voted for the failure in the White House.

I know it was. Many polls showed Romney ahead in swing states and very close in others. Then, suddenly on election night none of them were close. Ghettos with 95 percent turnout and not one person voting Republican? Just one would be a near mathematical impossibility. They had I don't remember how many. Mitt was filling arenas and Obama wasn't filling high school gyms. We were told, oh, they were just staying home til election night. No, they didn't give a sh**. It's even worse this time around, and Hillary is ahead in the polls? It's clear to me that the corruption has spread to the media and corporate bosses. Look at Gallup; they got out of presidential polling? Someone got paid or threatened. But they couldn't have real polls countering the made up ones. We were told all the sudden their processes were not right, so they needed to quit. Electronic polling sold by Soros companies? Polling stations maintained by unions? Come on.

In that case, welcome to the Banana Republic of America.

We living in the afterglow of the once great nation, the United States.

I fear for my children.

Odds Hillary Won Without Widespread Fraud: 1 in 77 Billion Says Berkeley, Stanford Studies - HNN - Higgins News Network

That was fascinating.

So....Bernie got burned.

If that's the case, the November election is a foregone conclusion.

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.


This is why Hillary is very sloppy with her mistakes and very blatant when she should be sensitive. She doesn't think she has to try when it's rigged. Every state should pass propositions to improve voting processes. That's where it should start. We wouldn't have to if people had held politicians accountable in the first place; but America is not great after all.
I'm a white male standing in the voting booth. Why should I vote for Hillary? Why should I vote for Trump?

White men are quickly becoming the Maytag men of our country. Get used to it, Mr. Bush. And start practicing "Madame president""
Maytag men. Yep. May tag has moved to Mexico thanks to NAFTA. But you wouldn't know or care about that. Your an out of touch Burb liberal. Never worked a fucking real job in your life.
Think about who made sense.
Think about who has made nothing but excuses.

There is no reason to consider Trump if you do.
You just made the point for Trump. Nothing but excuses? Hillary can't tell the truth.

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