I'm a "zero growth" conservative

Christianity makes a whole lot of difference......would you rather have a country run by Muslims or by Commies?
I'd rather live in a country like we used to have when the Christians weren't trying to make Christianity the state religion that all must believe in and obey.
Seriously.....who the hell is trying to make Christianity a state religion?
Nearly every member of the Trump administration, and millions of morons here who free true freedom and all other religions. For example, Roy Moore and his mindless minions.
You are seriously misinformed....
We can both read their words and read between the lines. Trump isn't endorsed by the KKK because he's just such a nice guy.

Trump is endorsed by the KKK for the same reason Obama was listed as the Communist Party's nominee. They think they can get a better deal with Trump than they can with Hillary. Obama was better for Communists than any Republican.
The OP has the right idea for everything other thsn the Christian hierarchy. A proper society is based on Morals, not religion.

As for immigration... today's immigrants aren't like those of the past. They refuse to integrate themselves into AMERICAN Society and become part of this nation.
We've heard that old complaint since the country was founded, and it's always bullshit from people unhappy about the new blood that keeps the nation alive and interesting. Change makes white pride run for their safe spaces.
I don't know why people around the world feel they need to come to America.

As far as i'm concerned they have a job to do in their country which is to arm themselves, throw out their corrupt government, and replace it with a constitution and Christian leadership.

The left wing has been telling everyone the "American dream" is to come to America and get rich, ...but it isn't

Living in Los Angeles , one of the most racially diverse cities in the world, I fail to see the big benefits of diversity.

Mainly what you see is people who are disgraced because they know their home country is pure crap.

The Democrats tell them the reason why they fail in their country is because America did something to them, so they come here with the attitude that everyone owes them big.

I don't really agree with Trump that we want mostly educated people coming here because it promotes the big myth that everyone coming here from Asia is a big genius. If they're so freaking smart then why is their country crap?

If I had it my way i'd slam the borders closed and not let anyone in for 50 years.
Christian leadership? So, you want a theocracy? What difference does the "Christian" part make since it doesn't stop someone like Trump from treating most Americans and the rest of the world like shit.
Christianity makes a whole lot of difference......would you rather have a country run by Muslims or by Commies?
I'd rather live in a country like we used to have when the Christians weren't trying to make Christianity the state religion that all must believe in and obey.
What part of thou shalt not kill, thou shall not bear false witness (lie) and thou shalt no steal do you have a problem with? Or is it that love one another part that gets you hyped?
Three of ten but you want the Ten Commandments to be what America looks to? I guess the others don't matter, right?
Nah all ten matter to me but those three pretty much are written even into man's law so again which part is it that really twist your knickers?
I'd rather live in a country like we used to have when the Christians weren't trying to make Christianity the state religion that all must believe in and obey.
Seriously.....who the hell is trying to make Christianity a state religion?
Nearly every member of the Trump administration, and millions of morons here who free true freedom and all other religions. For example, Roy Moore and his mindless minions.
You are seriously misinformed....
We can both read their words and read between the lines. Trump isn't endorsed by the KKK because he's just such a nice guy.

Trump is endorsed by the KKK for the same reason Obama was listed as the Communist Party's nominee. They think they can get a better deal with Trump than they can with Hillary. Obama was better for Communists than any Republican.
Answer your own question, why does the KKK like Trump? Right, because he and his pals are racists.
Seriously.....who the hell is trying to make Christianity a state religion?
Nearly every member of the Trump administration, and millions of morons here who free true freedom and all other religions. For example, Roy Moore and his mindless minions.
You are seriously misinformed....
We can both read their words and read between the lines. Trump isn't endorsed by the KKK because he's just such a nice guy.

Trump is endorsed by the KKK for the same reason Obama was listed as the Communist Party's nominee. They think they can get a better deal with Trump than they can with Hillary. Obama was better for Communists than any Republican.
Answer your own question, why does the KKK like Trump? Right, because he and his pals are racists.

Really? Name one racist thing Trump has ever said or done.

I won't hold my breath for you to find something taken out of context, an exaggeration or outright lie.

You want to find real racists? They are in the Democrat Party. Check out the Wikileaks e-mails!
Christian leadership? So, you want a theocracy? What difference does the "Christian" part make since it doesn't stop someone like Trump from treating most Americans and the rest of the world like shit.
Christianity makes a whole lot of difference......would you rather have a country run by Muslims or by Commies?
I'd rather live in a country like we used to have when the Christians weren't trying to make Christianity the state religion that all must believe in and obey.
What part of thou shalt not kill, thou shall not bear false witness (lie) and thou shalt no steal do you have a problem with? Or is it that love one another part that gets you hyped?
Three of ten but you want the Ten Commandments to be what America looks to? I guess the others don't matter, right?
Nah all ten matter to me but those three pretty much are written even into man's law so again which part is it that really twist your knickers?
Those three are as old as the hills, written long before the Jews wrote them down, and these three are good so let's post them on every wall the government owns then is the definition of illogical. We could do the same with the fucking Koran but you'd scream bloody murder and start burning buildings to the ground if we did.
Here is the future of the those white Christian or otherwise under-educated under class if they don't change.

Get some training and education, people. Some with you non-whites who are as lazy.

Nearly every member of the Trump administration, and millions of morons here who free true freedom and all other religions. For example, Roy Moore and his mindless minions.
You are seriously misinformed....
We can both read their words and read between the lines. Trump isn't endorsed by the KKK because he's just such a nice guy.

Trump is endorsed by the KKK for the same reason Obama was listed as the Communist Party's nominee. They think they can get a better deal with Trump than they can with Hillary. Obama was better for Communists than any Republican.
Answer your own question, why does the KKK like Trump? Right, because he and his pals are racists.

Really? Name one racist thing Trump has ever said or done.

I won't hold my breath for you to find something taken out of context, an exaggeration or outright lie.
Start with Daddy won't let me rent to darkies.
We've heard that old complaint since the country was founded, and it's always bullshit from people unhappy about the new blood that keeps the nation alive and interesting. Change makes white pride run for their safe spaces.

Change for the sake of change is unnecessary and iften creates significant problems. In the past we took the better ideas from immigrants and forced them to take on those American Societal ideals that were better than theirs. We now allow them to maintain their entire Society inside American Society - like Cancer cells inside a healthy organ.
I don't know why people around the world feel they need to come to America.

As far as i'm concerned they have a job to do in their country which is to arm themselves, throw out their corrupt government, and replace it with a constitution and Christian leadership.

The left wing has been telling everyone the "American dream" is to come to America and get rich, ...but it isn't

Living in Los Angeles , one of the most racially diverse cities in the world, I fail to see the big benefits of diversity.

Mainly what you see is people who are disgraced because they know their home country is pure crap.

The Democrats tell them the reason why they fail in their country is because America did something to them, so they come here with the attitude that everyone owes them big.

I don't really agree with Trump that we want mostly educated people coming here because it promotes the big myth that everyone coming here from Asia is a big genius. If they're so freaking smart then why is their country crap?

If I had it my way i'd slam the borders closed and not let anyone in for 50 years.

What tribe are you a member of?
You are seriously misinformed....
We can both read their words and read between the lines. Trump isn't endorsed by the KKK because he's just such a nice guy.

Trump is endorsed by the KKK for the same reason Obama was listed as the Communist Party's nominee. They think they can get a better deal with Trump than they can with Hillary. Obama was better for Communists than any Republican.
Answer your own question, why does the KKK like Trump? Right, because he and his pals are racists.

Really? Name one racist thing Trump has ever said or done.

I won't hold my breath for you to find something taken out of context, an exaggeration or outright lie.
Start with Daddy won't let me rent to darkies.

How many years ago was that? 50?

That quote I believe was from he was 17 years old if I remember correctly. My parents used the N-word regularly back then, and there were never too less racist people in the world.
We've heard that old complaint since the country was founded, and it's always bullshit from people unhappy about the new blood that keeps the nation alive and interesting. Change makes white pride run for their safe spaces.

Change for the sake of change is unnecessary and iften creates significant problems. In the past we took the better ideas from immigrants and forced them to take on those American Societal ideals that were better than theirs. We now allow them to maintain their entire Society inside American Society - like Cancer cells inside a healthy organ.
I'm so sorry that you disapprove of the Amish and Mennonites not to mention the Hasidic Jews.
We can both read their words and read between the lines. Trump isn't endorsed by the KKK because he's just such a nice guy.

Trump is endorsed by the KKK for the same reason Obama was listed as the Communist Party's nominee. They think they can get a better deal with Trump than they can with Hillary. Obama was better for Communists than any Republican.
Answer your own question, why does the KKK like Trump? Right, because he and his pals are racists.

Really? Name one racist thing Trump has ever said or done.

I won't hold my breath for you to find something taken out of context, an exaggeration or outright lie.
Start with Daddy won't let me rent to darkies.

How many years ago was that? 50?

That quote I believe was from he was 17 years old if I remember correctly. My parents used the N-word regularly back then, and there were never too less racist people in the world.
If they used the N-word then they were - racists, like you.
We've heard that old complaint since the country was founded, and it's always bullshit from people unhappy about the new blood that keeps the nation alive and interesting. Change makes white pride run for their safe spaces.

Change for the sake of change is unnecessary and iften creates significant problems. In the past we took the better ideas from immigrants and forced them to take on those American Societal ideals that were better than theirs. We now allow them to maintain their entire Society inside American Society - like Cancer cells inside a healthy organ.
I'm so sorry that you disapprove of the Amish and Mennonites not to mention the Hasidic Jews.

Neither of those groups threaten to disrupt the American way of life.
We've heard that old complaint since the country was founded, and it's always bullshit from people unhappy about the new blood that keeps the nation alive and interesting. Change makes white pride run for their safe spaces.

Change for the sake of change is unnecessary and iften creates significant problems. In the past we took the better ideas from immigrants and forced them to take on those American Societal ideals that were better than theirs. We now allow them to maintain their entire Society inside American Society - like Cancer cells inside a healthy organ.
I'm so sorry that you disapprove of the Amish and Mennonites not to mention the Hasidic Jews.

Neither of those groups threaten to disrupt the American way of life.
They already do by refusing to integrate. That's allowed here, Snowflake.
I'm so sorry that you disapprove of the Amish and Mennonites not to mention the Hasidic Jews.

I disapprove of any individual or group thst fails to assimilate themselves into AMERICAN culture. I'd I ever ran for office one of my campaign themes would be "Assimilation or Eradication".
I'm so sorry that you disapprove of the Amish and Mennonites not to mention the Hasidic Jews.

I disapprove of any individual or group thst fails to assimilate themselves into AMERICAN culture. I'd I ever ran for office one of my campaign themes would be "Assimilation or Eradication".
Your Fascism has now been recorded. Ever here of liberty? Try it some time.

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