I'm an eternal Optimist. That's why I have fought for AMERICA


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
I believed that my participation in Viet Nam was important. To hell with all the critisisms, I believed and still believe my particiation there was imortant.

I fought in Grenada, Panama and the '91 Gulf War. All of these in consideration that my contribution was important. I've seen more violence, death, injury and fear than any of you can comprehend even on an elementary level. But, I've always been an optimist. I've had the ideals and objectives, as I believe them to be, of Amercanism in the forefront of my personal cosiderations.

This WAR ON IRAQ is certainly more immoral than anything I have ever experienced. A credible excuse for this WAR ON IRAQ, I suspect, will not be forthcoming.

Thousands of American lives and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives have already been spent. When do we stop the murder?

I've, in other posts, confessed my allegiance to America and willingness to die for American objectives. I maintain that GWB nor his cohorts in industry, corpoation or even in government share my sacrifice or understand my present place in American Society.

Kiss my ass, fellow Americans, that allow yourselves to be so influenced by corporate/military dollars to the exclusion of you own interests and national detriment.


Psychoblues said:
I believed that my participation in Viet Nam was important. To hell with all the critisisms, I believed and still believe my particiation there was imortant.

I fought in Grenada, Panama and the '91 Gulf War. All of these in consideration that my contribution was important. I've seen more violence, death, injury and fear than any of you can comprehend even on an elementary level. But, I've always been an optimist. I've had the ideals and objectives, as I believe them to be, of Amercanism in the forefront of my personal cosiderations.

This WAR ON IRAQ is certainly more immoral than anything I have ever experienced. A credible excuse for this WAR ON IRAQ, I suspect, will not be forthcoming.

Thousands of American lives and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives have already been spent. When do we stop the murder?

I've, in other posts, confessed my allegiance to America and willingness to die for American objectives. I maintain that GWB nor his cohorts in industry, corpoation or even in government share my sacrifice or understand my present place in American Society.

Kiss my ass, fellow Americans, that allow yourselves to be so influenced by corporate/military dollars to the exclusion of you own interests and national detriment.



Horse crap.

I have seen as much if not more as you have....it lends no special credence to anything you have to say. Your opinion of the war in Iraq is based on distortions. Those distortions are either self induced or drug induced but distortions never the less. Your place in society is largely determined by yourself; understanding by the government, corporations or current administration is not a requirement and as for your sacrifice there are many who gave more (much more). Most are far more noble than you ever thought of being. They do not whine, they do not seek patronization because of their past service, and they do not expect special dispensation. As for kissing your ass, that will definitely NOT happen from this quarter. I fully understand that you expect others to bow down before you and laud your service as saving civilization as we know it but the truth of the matter is that your service, while at one time may have been honorable, it is over. Your statements on this board show that you have delusions of grandeur; that you view yourself and your opinions as unique and special, you have developed a great arrogance based on those delusions. Your opinions are shaded by your own ghosts. All of that notwithstanding, I am here (as I promised I would be) to remind you that you are just another vet (if you really are) that your service, while appreciated is NOT a ticket to say or do as you please, does not make you any more special than any other citizen of this nation and does not relieve you of the responsibility for your statements.

As a vet who has served as long and made as many (if not more) sacrifices as you, I am here to tell you that you are full of crap.
CSM said:
Horse crap.

I have seen as much if not more as you have....it lends no special credence to anything you have to say. Your opinion of the war in Iraq is based on distortions. Those distortions are either self induced or drug induced but distortions never the less. Your place in society is largely determined by yourself; understanding by the government, corporations or current administration is not a requirement and as for your sacrifice there are many who gave more (much more). Most are far more noble than you ever thought of being. They do not whine, they do not seek patronization because of their past service, and they do not expect special dispensation. As for kissing your ass, that will definitely NOT happen from this quarter. I fully understand that you expect others to bow down before you and laud your service as saving civilization as we know it but the truth of the matter is that your service, while at one time may have been honorable, it is over. Your statements on this board show that you have delusions of grandeur; that you view yourself and your opinions as unique and special, you have developed a great arrogance based on those delusions. Your opinions are shaded by your own ghosts. All of that notwithstanding, I am here (as I promised I would be) to remind you that you are just another vet (if you really are) that your service, while appreciated is NOT a ticket to say or do as you please, does not make you any more special than any other citizen of this nation and does not relieve you of the responsibility for your statements.

As a vet who has served as long and made as many (if not more) sacrifices as you, I am here to tell you that you are full of crap.

From another veteran, what CSM said..... :clap:
Psychoblues said:
I believed that my participation in Viet Nam was important. To hell with all the critisisms, I believed and still believe my particiation there was imortant.

I fought in Grenada, Panama and the '91 Gulf War. All of these in consideration that my contribution was important. I've seen more violence, death, injury and fear than any of you can comprehend even on an elementary level. But, I've always been an optimist. I've had the ideals and objectives, as I believe them to be, of Amercanism in the forefront of my personal cosiderations.

This WAR ON IRAQ is certainly more immoral than anything I have ever experienced. A credible excuse for this WAR ON IRAQ, I suspect, will not be forthcoming.

Thousands of American lives and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives have already been spent. When do we stop the murder?

I've, in other posts, confessed my allegiance to America and willingness to die for American objectives. I maintain that GWB nor his cohorts in industry, corpoation or even in government share my sacrifice or understand my present place in American Society.

Kiss my ass, fellow Americans, that allow yourselves to be so influenced by corporate/military dollars to the exclusion of you own interests and national detriment.



You are becoming boring and tiresome.

Your pitiful rants, all while thumping your "I'm a Veteran" chest about how great your sacrifices have been, are just sad.

When you say things like..."I've seen more violence, death, injury and fear than any of you can comprehend even on an elementary level" you sound like a stuck up, pathetic individual.

You have no clue as to the amount of "violence, death, injury and fear" any of us on this board has seen or experienced. But apparently, you think you have cornered the market on this subject and no one else's life compares to yours.

How you can in one sentence talk about your experiences defending the American People, then in another sentence tell those same Americans to kiss your ass....speaks volumes of the kind of person you are.

And even more of the kind of Veteran you are.

I have said it before...I will say it again.

Please do not tell people you are a Veteran.

You are an embarrassment to those who have served and a disgrace to those who have died defending our country.
Psychoblues said:
I believed that my participation in Viet Nam was important. To hell with all the critisisms, I believed and still believe my particiation there was imortant.

I fought in Grenada, Panama and the '91 Gulf War. All of these in consideration that my contribution was important. I've seen more violence, death, injury and fear than any of you can comprehend even on an elementary level. But, I've always been an optimist. I've had the ideals and objectives, as I believe them to be, of Amercanism in the forefront of my personal cosiderations.

This WAR ON IRAQ is certainly more immoral than anything I have ever experienced. A credible excuse for this WAR ON IRAQ, I suspect, will not be forthcoming.

Thousands of American lives and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives have already been spent. When do we stop the murder?

I've, in other posts, confessed my allegiance to America and willingness to die for American objectives. I maintain that GWB nor his cohorts in industry, corpoation or even in government share my sacrifice or understand my present place in American Society.

Kiss my ass, fellow Americans, that allow yourselves to be so influenced by corporate/military dollars to the exclusion of you own interests and national detriment.



That shows us you wasted your time in the Service of your Nation -you went through ALL THAT to end up a nincompoop. :)
You've already claimed to have been in wars that ended before you were born, and you act like NO veteran I have ever met (and I know several dozen just within my own family). Give me ONE good reason I should believe that you are a veteran of any kind.
I certainly do not have psycho's or CSM(for that matter) credentials to speak but just being a VN era vet with only one tour and a 19% VA disability all I can say is... :huh:
So when do we hit Iran? :bat:
archangel said:
I certainly do not have psycho's or CSM(for that matter) credentials to speak but just being a VN era vet with only one tour and a 19% VA disability all I can say is... :huh:
So when do we hit Iran? :bat:

I thought the va awarded Disability in whole levels - 0, 10, 20, 30. I hadn't heard of anyone getting an odd-number rating.

Weird. maybe policies have changed?
dmp said:
I thought the va awarded Disability in whole levels - 0, 10, 20, 30. I hadn't heard of anyone getting an odd-number rating.

Weird. maybe policies have changed?

the actual book rating on points was 19%...I am a nitpicker...so 19% was used, it was rounded to 20% though... :crutch:
I've never heard a veteran talk about the U.S. like you have, you are a disgrace to my family members who have fought in wars. You shouldn't worry why Bush went into Iraq, instead you should just be proud of what we've done. Seems to me like all you do is get your info about the war from the MSM, which by the way, is a BS source....duh!

Shit, if anything Vietnam was worse then Iraq so how can you say you fought proudly in Vietnam when there was more civilian deaths and atrocities then then there are now in this war?? That makes no sense at all.

You = :poop:
I don't understand why you would say that the Iraq war is immoral, but then say that Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, and the '91 Gulf War weren't. Our country was not threatened by any of these.

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