Im back on the Trump bandwagon. Let me tell you why.

What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm talking about the war you scumbags are waging on civil rights, and the intent of your filthy party to crush the United States Constitution through the use of corrupt and treasonous Justices of the ilk of Ginsburg and Kagan.

You Republicans cherry pick what you think is and isn't constitutional and you have a warped sense of reality.

Here is what is Constitutional, Monkey Boi.

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

Give you an example. Texas Republicans tried to pass the most radical voter id laws.

Which article or amendment states (voter fraud, being vital to the democrat party, shall not be infringed by common sense verification of voters?"


See, you think that your party has a constitutional "right" to engage in election fraud.

Case went to court and it turns out their voter id laws WERE UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Now how is that possible if you are the party of the constitution? Can you understand why we see through your bullshit? Can you understand why you lose elections when people show up to vote? You only win midterms because people don't show up. You've convinced them it doesn't matter. Oh it matters.

Leftist judges declaring elements not found to be present, and elements present to be null, does not alter what the Constitution actually says. Further, the 7 to 6 decision shows a fractured court. Also be aware that only a few provisions were struck by the court. I know you democrats are thinking that you'll have every illegal in the nation voting for Hillary, but that won't be the cae.

Do you think Ron Paul agrees 100% with Mitt Romney on what is and isn't Constitutional? No. So you have to stop with the right wing talking points. Trying to suggest your party is the constitutional party is laughable. You sir are a joke.

Do you think Hillary agrees 100% with Raul Castro on what is and isn't Constitutional?

The Khmer Rouge democrats are engaged in a concerted war to end the Bill of Rights.

That is simply fact.
I think rubio kasich Christie and fiorino would disagree but carson and cruz' and Rand paul would agree. You Republicans are a mixed bag of nuts. Like religious people there are all levels of crazy.

Didn't bush say the constitution was just a piece of paper?

Bush did not say it, only in the minds of the crazy left wing whackadoodles. Which you seem to be one.

Bush: The Constitution a ‘Goddamned Piece of Paper’?
[wipipedia? If you have to resort to that you've lost. Rewritting history won't work.

Hillary will continue the same shit with the same dismal results.

I actually have no problem with what Wiki has about this. Silly Bonobo didn't bother to read it prior to posting, and it SURE THE FUCK doesn't support his idiocy.
Didn't bush say the constitution was just a piece of paper?

And proved it by wiping his ass with it.

More left wing whackadoodle BS. You nuts are really something.

Interesting how you see defending the Constitution as 'left wing'. But you're mistaken. They're no better than the neo-cons.

Funny how that is what you got out of my post. I said nothing of the sort but leave it to you nutjobs to distort and twist.

Bush never said the above, so it is a stupid, uninformed and unintelligent statement. Secondly, your statement is utter bullshit and that is why you reference ass wiping. because of the crap coming out of your post.
Didn't bush say the constitution was just a piece of paper?

And proved it by wiping his ass with it.

More left wing whackadoodle BS. You nuts are really something.

Interesting how you see defending the Constitution as 'left wing'. But you're mistaken. They're no better than the neo-cons.

Funny how that is what you got out of my post. I said nothing of the sort but leave it to you nutjobs to distort and twist.

Bush never said the above, so it is a stupid, uninformed and unintelligent statement. Secondly, your statement is utter bullshit and that is why you reference ass wiping. because of the crap coming out of your post.

So, 'nuthin'?
Interesting how you see defending the Constitution as 'left wing'. But you're mistaken. They're no better than the neo-cons.

At this juncture, defending the Constitution means defeating Hillary. One more SCOTUS justice like Kagan, and the Constitution is over.

Then you should be voting for Johnson. If all of the Trumpsters came on board, I bet we could do it!
Didn't bush say the constitution was just a piece of paper?

And proved it by wiping his ass with it.

More left wing whackadoodle BS. You nuts are really something.

Interesting how you see defending the Constitution as 'left wing'. But you're mistaken. They're no better than the neo-cons.

Funny how that is what you got out of my post. I said nothing of the sort but leave it to you nutjobs to distort and twist.

Bush never said the above, so it is a stupid, uninformed and unintelligent statement. Secondly, your statement is utter bullshit and that is why you reference ass wiping. because of the crap coming out of your post.

So, 'nuthin'?

About what? Tough to respond to anything when you said nothing based on nothing But hey, idiots like yourself entertain me. Thanks.

Then you should be voting for Johnson. If all of the Trumpsters came on board, I bet we could do it!

I will be voting Johnson.

But I'm in the peoples republic and my vote doesn't count. Still, Trump is VASTLY preferable to Hillary - if for no other reason than the SCOTUS picks. Trump will be a shitty president, no question. But his judicial picks will be good, based on the list he released. Hillary will appoint fucking Barack Obama, as pay-off for his current support.
Trump will nominate supreme court justices amenable to current Republican Party - but I'm not sure the OP understands exactly what that means.

1. Overturn Roe/Wade.

2. Protect Citizens United so that corporations and wealthy individuals can continue to buy government officials in the dark. (Republicans tend to hate the disinfectant of daylight, especially when it comes to the money paid by the elites to their puppet politicians.)

3. Enlarge the police and surveillance power of state and federal law enforcement. Unless the issue is guns, republican justices favor a very invasive state sector that watches free citizens very closely. "Hi, I'm from big government and I'm here to protect you".

4. War on drugs. Republicans favor the power of centralized federal bureaucrats over state's rights. Look for a Conservative lead Supreme Court to take an activist stand against legalization in Colorado and Washington. Republicans hate when citizens take control of their own lives and vote contrary to the desires of the elites in Washington (who want to restore the full federal power of the war on drugs).

Look for Trump's nominee to help the activist conservative court destroy the freedom and rights of any state who passed laws that the conservative movement does not like. Republicans only favor state's rights when it fits into their agenda, otherwise they favor centralized power.
I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow many more muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.
Trump will get far more Americans killed than Clinton will.

Far more.
Trump will nominate supreme court justices amenable to current Republican Party - but I'm not sure the OP understands exactly what that means.

1. Overturn Roe/Wade.

Roe v. Wade is illegitimate under American law. The SCOTUS is not a legislative body, it had no legal standing to craft new law. If we want federal abortion, have congress pass law. That's how it works under the United States Constitution.

2. Protect Citizens United so that corporations and wealthy individuals can continue to buy government officials in the dark. (Republicans tend to hate the disinfectant of daylight, especially when it comes to the money paid by the elites to their puppet politicians.)


Another lying leftist

I'll be happy to shred you on CU, in either the CDZ or one on one. That the democratic party seeks to end the 1st amendment is no secret, that stopping them is support of the Constitution is obvious.

3. Enlarge the police and surveillance power of state and federal law enforcement. Unless the issue is guns, republican justices favor a very invasive state sector that watches free citizens very closely. "Hi, I'm from big government and I'm here to protect you".

More lies.

Obama has enlarged the federalization of police more than any administration in history.

4. War on drugs. Republicans favor the power of centralized federal bureaucrats over state's rights. Look for a Conservative lead Supreme Court to take an activist stand against legalization in Colorado and Washington. Republicans hate when citizens take control of their own lives and vote contrary to the desires of the elites in Washington (who want to restore the full federal power of the war on drugs).

Look for Trump's nominee to help the activist conservative court destroy the freedom and rights of any state who passed laws that the conservative movement does not like. Republicans only favor state's rights when it fits into their agenda, otherwise they favor centralized power.

More stupid lies.

Which democrat has fought against the war on certain people who use drugs?

Oh that's right, not a fucking one.

You're just lying, as leftists do - 100% of the time.
The other factor that make Hillary a no go is that she is bought and paid for by the Saudis, Wall Street and anyone else with deep pockets and shady motives. She will be nothing more than a marionette bouncing on the end of the strings of the fat cats that bought her. Trump is owned by no one, hell the GOP is afraid of him.

View attachment 84692

You Dummycrats would be in SERIOUS trouble if we took money outta politics!
Do it!

Sorry we don't continue fighting you with one hand tied behind our back.

Not all rich people are evil. Just Republicans.

Dick Armey TRIED to do it when the CFR debate was going on. Your side didn't want any part of it.

You candidate funnels money from foreign countries through her foundation for political favors. Her entire campaign is being funded by Wall Street while you morons sit here and rail about corporatism. The very people who are fucking us all over are the ones who have your candidate in their back pocket. And all you do is look at it like a football rivalry or something.

Here's MY idea for campaign finance reform... if you're running of any federal office, you get to have one 8 1/2 x 14 sheet of paper, both sides... you can put pictures or logos on it, or whatever you please.., list your platform... write an essay... whatever you like. But that's ALL you get to do. No TV commercials or appearances. No interviews, no press conferences, no public appearances. The reason you must eliminate those things is to make it fair. Some venues are better than others, some networks are more prestigious, there is too many elements that could give one candidate an advantage unfairly, so we have to eliminate all possibilities. You have your sheet... people can speak on your behalf... but that's it for campaigning. You can't raise funds, you can't accept contributions from anyone.
The other factor that make Hillary a no go is that she is bought and paid for by the Saudis, Wall Street and anyone else with deep pockets and shady motives. She will be nothing more than a marionette bouncing on the end of the strings of the fat cats that bought her. Trump is owned by no one, hell the GOP is afraid of him.

View attachment 84692

You Dummycrats would be in SERIOUS trouble if we took money outta politics!
Do it!

Sorry we don't continue fighting you with one hand tied behind our back.

Not all rich people are evil. Just Republicans.

Dick Armey TRIED to do it when the CFR debate was going on. Your side didn't want any part of it.

You candidate funnels money from foreign countries through her foundation for political favors. Her entire campaign is being funded by Wall Street while you morons sit here and rail about corporatism. The very people who are fucking us all over are the ones who have your candidate in their back pocket. And all you do is look at it like a football rivalry or something.

Here's MY idea for campaign finance reform... if you're running of any federal office, you get to have one 8 1/2 x 14 sheet of paper, both sides... you can put pictures or logos on it, or whatever you please.., list your platform... write an essay... whatever you like. But that's ALL you get to do. No TV commercials or appearances. No interviews, no press conferences, no public appearances. The reason you must eliminate those things is to make it fair. Some venues are better than others, some networks are more prestigious, there is too many elements that could give one candidate an advantage unfairly, so we have to eliminate all possibilities. You have your sheet... people can speak on your behalf... but that's it for campaigning. You can't raise funds, you can't accept contributions from anyone.
But then a nut like trump wins because of name recognition.

I'm sorry while I agree with you I want to see if you re elect all those Republicans who are also funded by foreign countries and wallstreet. Citizens united made it legal to take money from anyone and you don't even have to say who the money is from.

This is why I don't buy Republicans care about taking money when it was the cons on the supreme Court who passed citizens united.
Trump will nominate supreme court justices amenable to current Republican Party - but I'm not sure the OP understands exactly what that means.

1. Overturn Roe/Wade.

2. Protect Citizens United so that corporations and wealthy individuals can continue to buy government officials in the dark. (Republicans tend to hate the disinfectant of daylight, especially when it comes to the money paid by the elites to their puppet politicians.)

3. Enlarge the police and surveillance power of state and federal law enforcement. Unless the issue is guns, republican justices favor a very invasive state sector that watches free citizens very closely. "Hi, I'm from big government and I'm here to protect you".

4. War on drugs. Republicans favor the power of centralized federal bureaucrats over state's rights. Look for a Conservative lead Supreme Court to take an activist stand against legalization in Colorado and Washington. Republicans hate when citizens take control of their own lives and vote contrary to the desires of the elites in Washington (who want to restore the full federal power of the war on drugs).

Look for Trump's nominee to help the activist conservative court destroy the freedom and rights of any state who passed laws that the conservative movement does not like. Republicans only favor state's rights when it fits into their agenda, otherwise they favor centralized power.

You are really trying to convince me to vote for Trump.
The other factor that make Hillary a no go is that she is bought and paid for by the Saudis, Wall Street and anyone else with deep pockets and shady motives. She will be nothing more than a marionette bouncing on the end of the strings of the fat cats that bought her. Trump is owned by no one, hell the GOP is afraid of him.

View attachment 84692

You Dummycrats would be in SERIOUS trouble if we took money outta politics!
Do it!

Sorry we don't continue fighting you with one hand tied behind our back.

Not all rich people are evil. Just Republicans.

Dick Armey TRIED to do it when the CFR debate was going on. Your side didn't want any part of it.

You candidate funnels money from foreign countries through her foundation for political favors. Her entire campaign is being funded by Wall Street while you morons sit here and rail about corporatism. The very people who are fucking us all over are the ones who have your candidate in their back pocket. And all you do is look at it like a football rivalry or something.

Here's MY idea for campaign finance reform... if you're running of any federal office, you get to have one 8 1/2 x 14 sheet of paper, both sides... you can put pictures or logos on it, or whatever you please.., list your platform... write an essay... whatever you like. But that's ALL you get to do. No TV commercials or appearances. No interviews, no press conferences, no public appearances. The reason you must eliminate those things is to make it fair. Some venues are better than others, some networks are more prestigious, there is too many elements that could give one candidate an advantage unfairly, so we have to eliminate all possibilities. You have your sheet... people can speak on your behalf... but that's it for campaigning. You can't raise funds, you can't accept contributions from anyone.

Both sides of the aisle wanted CFR, it was a disaster and many knew it would lead to a disastrous conclusion.
The other factor that make Hillary a no go is that she is bought and paid for by the Saudis, Wall Street and anyone else with deep pockets and shady motives. She will be nothing more than a marionette bouncing on the end of the strings of the fat cats that bought her. Trump is owned by no one, hell the GOP is afraid of him.

View attachment 84692

You Dummycrats would be in SERIOUS trouble if we took money outta politics!
Do it!

Sorry we don't continue fighting you with one hand tied behind our back.

Not all rich people are evil. Just Republicans.

Dick Armey TRIED to do it when the CFR debate was going on. Your side didn't want any part of it.

You candidate funnels money from foreign countries through her foundation for political favors. Her entire campaign is being funded by Wall Street while you morons sit here and rail about corporatism. The very people who are fucking us all over are the ones who have your candidate in their back pocket. And all you do is look at it like a football rivalry or something.

Here's MY idea for campaign finance reform... if you're running of any federal office, you get to have one 8 1/2 x 14 sheet of paper, both sides... you can put pictures or logos on it, or whatever you please.., list your platform... write an essay... whatever you like. But that's ALL you get to do. No TV commercials or appearances. No interviews, no press conferences, no public appearances. The reason you must eliminate those things is to make it fair. Some venues are better than others, some networks are more prestigious, there is too many elements that could give one candidate an advantage unfairly, so we have to eliminate all possibilities. You have your sheet... people can speak on your behalf... but that's it for campaigning. You can't raise funds, you can't accept contributions from anyone.

Both sides of the aisle wanted CFR, it was a disaster and many knew it would lead to a disastrous conclusion.
What state do you live in? And boss you?

Anyone who lives in a solid blue or red state that knows their candidate is going to lose no matter what shouldn't throw away their vote on hillary or the Republican party. Vote for green or liberal or libertarian or tea-party. That vote will give their parties more power money and influence.

I can't do it. I need hillary to win michigan
The other factor that make Hillary a no go is that she is bought and paid for by the Saudis, Wall Street and anyone else with deep pockets and shady motives. She will be nothing more than a marionette bouncing on the end of the strings of the fat cats that bought her. Trump is owned by no one, hell the GOP is afraid of him.

View attachment 84692

You Dummycrats would be in SERIOUS trouble if we took money outta politics!
Do it!

Sorry we don't continue fighting you with one hand tied behind our back.

Not all rich people are evil. Just Republicans.

Dick Armey TRIED to do it when the CFR debate was going on. Your side didn't want any part of it.

You candidate funnels money from foreign countries through her foundation for political favors. Her entire campaign is being funded by Wall Street while you morons sit here and rail about corporatism. The very people who are fucking us all over are the ones who have your candidate in their back pocket. And all you do is look at it like a football rivalry or something.

Here's MY idea for campaign finance reform... if you're running of any federal office, you get to have one 8 1/2 x 14 sheet of paper, both sides... you can put pictures or logos on it, or whatever you please.., list your platform... write an essay... whatever you like. But that's ALL you get to do. No TV commercials or appearances. No interviews, no press conferences, no public appearances. The reason you must eliminate those things is to make it fair. Some venues are better than others, some networks are more prestigious, there is too many elements that could give one candidate an advantage unfairly, so we have to eliminate all possibilities. You have your sheet... people can speak on your behalf... but that's it for campaigning. You can't raise funds, you can't accept contributions from anyone.

Both sides of the aisle wanted CFR, it was a disaster and many knew it would lead to a disastrous conclusion.
What state do you live in? And boss you?

Anyone who lives in a solid blue or red state that knows their candidate is going to lose no matter what shouldn't throw away their vote on hillary or the Republican party. Vote for green or liberal or libertarian or tea-party. That vote will give their parties more power money and influence.

I can't do it. I need hillary to win michigan

Excuses, excuses, if not now when?

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