Im back on the Trump bandwagon. Let me tell you why.

I was stating a fact, you have an issue with the facts? You mentioned you weren't in this country, I wonder why?

And you mentioned those facts because?

Because I wanted to. It is relevant to the discussion. You have nothing at stake, we do.

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Tell that to the rest of the world who are still getting themselves out of the bush great recession.

More lies and crying from the guy who takes his politics from a 70's sitcom. Lol! You are pretty funny this morning Meathead.

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I get a vote, that's all I need, you get nothing which is all you get.

And I don't care...

It seems to bug you because you get upset when I bring up the fact you don't get a vote.

it doesn't bug me one iota. In fact, it is the total opposite. I'm glad I don't get to vote in the second worst political system in the world (the worst being the UK's FFP).

I am also happy you don't live here. Makes for a better America. I hope you like where ever it is you are from because we don't want you here.
Yep, Trump is a joke, been saying that for a long time. If Clinton sits tight, doesn't campaign, Trump will lose this, easily.

i've already taken the bet with Redfish. If Hillary loses I'll no longer post here. If Trump does, you will no longer post here. Want to take the bet? I'm game...

I just said Trump is going to lose nutjob, why the hell would I take that stupid bet. Also if Trump wins, you wouldn't post here anyway. I would gain nothing. Now why would I do that? You would have zero to lose and I would not be able to post because I would be betting against what I think would happen. Funny nutter!

Besides I don't care who post here or not, you are all here for my entertainment.
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Nothing in my post asked you to agree or support past Republican Presidents.

My point was that the bitter partisanship you have seen over the last 8 years is not something that began BECAUSE some guy with black skin was elected.

And yet, that is the narrative that the Left has been shoving down the throats of the American people.

And that is tearing this nation apart.

Do you have something to say now, that actually addresses my point?

Where did I say that anything in your posts said otherwise? There are no restrictions/rules about what I or you post or in what context.

I agree the bitter partisanship has been going on for a while. However, if you believe with Obama that to some people it has nothing to do with him being black, or with Hillary it has nothing to do with her being a woman, I've got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. I'm not saying that this is a reason the majority hate them, but for some it is an absolute issue. And that is helping tear your nation apart. That aside, both sides are to blame. However, I put more blame on the right because they keep on selecting and electing fucking retards. And it's not like they don't have great candidates. Hillary would be toast if Rubio or Bush had been the GoP candidate. Cruz would have been closer and I think Hillary would have won that. Cruz is just so unlikable on so many levels. Not because he's a dumb hick like Trump, but because he just has a nasty streak.

When you hit the "reply" button, you are implying that your post will be a "reply" to my post.

But your post in no way addressed my point.

Your admit now that the partisan ship greatly predates Obama, but still need to smear the Right with the accusation of racism.

That is making, normal partisan politics, personal.

That is what is tearing this nation apart.

And that is on you and the Left.

Your dislike of Republican presidents is irrelevant to that. One can oppose a candidate, even with bitter partisanship, without personally smearing and hating your ideological opponents.

But the LEft has been taking it to the next level, ie personal and hatred, for a long time.

And this nation is being torn apart by it.
Well, Clinton had a part in the Great Recession. Yet you nutters claim otherwise because you don't seem to understand economics. Obama was there, the economy had to go up. If it was McCain, the economy would have gone up. The economy runs in cycles.

I'd go far back as Ronnie Raygun....his economic policies were a disaster. Mind you, you get that when you vote in a guy with Alzheimers.

Wow, no going after people that have health issues. What I find very amusing is that Reagan left office in 88 and 28 years later the left is still powerless to correct anything. Lol! The left must be a bunch of idiots or just wanting to continue the policies and then whine and cry.

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We have been on a down hill slide since Reagan no doubt. Change doesn't happen overnight and if class warfare exists, we're losing.

The rich are doing great. Ask any Republican on usmb and they're very successful. So why are they so angry? 8 years ago they told union workers who lost their manufacturing jobs to suck it up and go back to school or start a business.

So I don't understand what Republicans are going to do for these people now. Tariffs? Bullshit.

I'm republican and I am doing OK. I'm certainly not rich.

And if outsourcing and imports are what partially drove down jobs and wages, then Tariffs are certainly an possible answer.

We are angry because lefties are being fucking assholes.

It is not racist to want to deport illegals. It is an asshole move to call someone a racist for no reason.

It is not racist to want to bring back manufacturing jobs. It is an asshoel move to call someone a racist for no reason.
What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm talking about the war you scumbags are waging on civil rights, and the intent of your filthy party to crush the United States Constitution through the use of corrupt and treasonous Justices of the ilk of Ginsburg and Kagan.

You Republicans cherry pick what you think is and isn't constitutional and you have a warped sense of reality.

Here is what is Constitutional, Monkey Boi.

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

Give you an example. Texas Republicans tried to pass the most radical voter id laws.

Which article or amendment states (voter fraud, being vital to the democrat party, shall not be infringed by common sense verification of voters?"


See, you think that your party has a constitutional "right" to engage in election fraud.

Case went to court and it turns out their voter id laws WERE UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Now how is that possible if you are the party of the constitution? Can you understand why we see through your bullshit? Can you understand why you lose elections when people show up to vote? You only win midterms because people don't show up. You've convinced them it doesn't matter. Oh it matters.

Leftist judges declaring elements not found to be present, and elements present to be null, does not alter what the Constitution actually says. Further, the 7 to 6 decision shows a fractured court. Also be aware that only a few provisions were struck by the court. I know you democrats are thinking that you'll have every illegal in the nation voting for Hillary, but that won't be the cae.

Do you think Ron Paul agrees 100% with Mitt Romney on what is and isn't Constitutional? No. So you have to stop with the right wing talking points. Trying to suggest your party is the constitutional party is laughable. You sir are a joke.

Do you think Hillary agrees 100% with Raul Castro on what is and isn't Constitutional?

The Khmer Rouge democrats are engaged in a concerted war to end the Bill of Rights.

That is simply fact.
Don't believe everything you read on Wiki. LOL.

You posted Wikipedia, claiming it supported the ThinkHatred narrative you promote. It doesn't. You didn't bother to read it before posting.

Oh, and if you go back click on all the links and follow the money and bills that were passed 2000-2006, yes the GOP did cause the great recession. Wasn't anything Clinton did. Wasn't anything Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid did. It was Bush Co. Tom Delay and Dennis Pedophile Hastert.

What a fucking moron.

You don't even know what a CDO is. You're just a mindless hack spewing shit for you party.

Don't forget the great recession worked out great for the top 1%. Mission accomplished. They now make more and pay labor less.

Izzatrite, shit fer brains?
I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow many more muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.

Mr. Rocko, it's truly a sad day when Americans have forgotten altogether that the Supreme Court is supposed to be a panel of justices who enforce the law, rather than make politically biased decisions rationalizing their rulings.
We've just endured eight long years of Anti-American Leftist Globalism. It would be very unwise to give Clinton the Presidency. It could mean the end of our Republic. I hope Americans understand that and keep her out of the White House.
Are you an ex Pat? I encourage your perspective as an outside observer. Tells these Republicans what a joke trump is and how you felt about bush

Not an ex pat. I don't need to tell Repubs what a joke Turmp is. They already know. I think if Hillary says nothing between now and the election she'll win in a land slide. As mentioned down here recently, Trumps main emotion is anger. The Khans spoke during one of the least rated parts of the convention. If Trump had just STFU and said nothing, nobody would have noticed. But he is a narcissistic egomaniac. He can't believe anybody would have the balls to try him on. That's what happens when you're surrounded by sycophantic 'yes' men and women. You think you're invincible and your opinion really matters.

Yep, Trump is a joke, been saying that for a long time. If Clinton sits tight, doesn't campaign, Trump will lose this, easily.
If trump wouldn't have made several mistakes he'd be in this no doubt.

But now it's too late for trump to hide who he is. His plan is to double down and hope he proves everyone wrong like he did in the GOP primaries.

Im sure for years trump has been telling people he could be potus. I think we know now he can not. But he's laying ground for the next potential CEO president. First Romney now trump next president walton
We've just endured eight long years of Anti-American Leftist Globalism. It would be very unwise to give Clinton the Presidency. It could mean the end of our Republic. I hope Americans understand that and keep her out of the White House.
NAFTA was the end of America as we knew it. It was those well paid blue collar union workers in manufacturing that created the middle class. They brought all our wages up. As unions disappeared so did the middle class. No coincidence
I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow many more muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.

Mr. Rocko, it's truly a sad day when Americans have forgotten altogether that the Supreme Court is supposed to be a panel of justices who enforce the law, rather than make politically biased decisions rationalizing their rulings.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. Thats why i was appauled when hillary clinton openly said she want to nominate a progressive. It shouldnt be about ideololgy, it should be about knowledge on the constitution.
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Don't believe everything you read on Wiki. LOL.

You posted Wikipedia, claiming it supported the ThinkHatred narrative you promote. It doesn't. You didn't bother to read it before posting.

Oh, and if you go back click on all the links and follow the money and bills that were passed 2000-2006, yes the GOP did cause the great recession. Wasn't anything Clinton did. Wasn't anything Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid did. It was Bush Co. Tom Delay and Dennis Pedophile Hastert.

What a fucking moron.

You don't even know what a CDO is. You're just a mindless hack spewing shit for you party.

Don't forget the great recession worked out great for the top 1%. Mission accomplished. They now make more and pay labor less.

Izzatrite, shit fer brains?
Funny when bill hillary Bernie or Obama say what I say people eat that shit up.

You right wing parrots only repeat what you are told. Right wing talking points.

I've forgotten more than you'll ever even know. But one can only stay that intense for so long. No I don't know what the CDO is nor do we care. We're voting for Hillary not the slick businessman who's made a fortune going bankrupt. He fucked a lot of workers
I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow many more muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.

Mr. Rocko, it's truly a sad day when Americans have forgotten altogether that the Supreme Court is supposed to be a panel of justices who enforce the law, rather than make politically biased decisions rationalizing their rulings.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. Thats why i was appauled when hillary clinton openly said she want to nominate a progressive it shouldnt be about ideololgy, it should be about knowledge on the constitution.
Nah. You want someone who interprets the constitution like you do. For example abortion would be murder and illegal in your America, correct?
I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow many more muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.

Mr. Rocko, it's truly a sad day when Americans have forgotten altogether that the Supreme Court is supposed to be a panel of justices who enforce the law, rather than make politically biased decisions rationalizing their rulings.

We realize it, those on the Supreme Court and our politicians don't realize it.
What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm talking about the war you scumbags are waging on civil rights, and the intent of your filthy party to crush the United States Constitution through the use of corrupt and treasonous Justices of the ilk of Ginsburg and Kagan.

You Republicans cherry pick what you think is and isn't constitutional and you have a warped sense of reality.

Here is what is Constitutional, Monkey Boi.

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

Give you an example. Texas Republicans tried to pass the most radical voter id laws.

Which article or amendment states (voter fraud, being vital to the democrat party, shall not be infringed by common sense verification of voters?"


See, you think that your party has a constitutional "right" to engage in election fraud.

Case went to court and it turns out their voter id laws WERE UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Now how is that possible if you are the party of the constitution? Can you understand why we see through your bullshit? Can you understand why you lose elections when people show up to vote? You only win midterms because people don't show up. You've convinced them it doesn't matter. Oh it matters.

Leftist judges declaring elements not found to be present, and elements present to be null, does not alter what the Constitution actually says. Further, the 7 to 6 decision shows a fractured court. Also be aware that only a few provisions were struck by the court. I know you democrats are thinking that you'll have every illegal in the nation voting for Hillary, but that won't be the cae.

Do you think Ron Paul agrees 100% with Mitt Romney on what is and isn't Constitutional? No. So you have to stop with the right wing talking points. Trying to suggest your party is the constitutional party is laughable. You sir are a joke.

Do you think Hillary agrees 100% with Raul Castro on what is and isn't Constitutional?

The Khmer Rouge democrats are engaged in a concerted war to end the Bill of Rights.

That is simply fact.
You cry about voter fraud but the facts show its practically non existent. But then you ignore election fraud which does sway elections because you are a partisan hack.
What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm talking about the war you scumbags are waging on civil rights, and the intent of your filthy party to crush the United States Constitution through the use of corrupt and treasonous Justices of the ilk of Ginsburg and Kagan.

You Republicans cherry pick what you think is and isn't constitutional and you have a warped sense of reality.

Here is what is Constitutional, Monkey Boi.

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

Give you an example. Texas Republicans tried to pass the most radical voter id laws.

Which article or amendment states (voter fraud, being vital to the democrat party, shall not be infringed by common sense verification of voters?"


See, you think that your party has a constitutional "right" to engage in election fraud.

Case went to court and it turns out their voter id laws WERE UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Now how is that possible if you are the party of the constitution? Can you understand why we see through your bullshit? Can you understand why you lose elections when people show up to vote? You only win midterms because people don't show up. You've convinced them it doesn't matter. Oh it matters.

Leftist judges declaring elements not found to be present, and elements present to be null, does not alter what the Constitution actually says. Further, the 7 to 6 decision shows a fractured court. Also be aware that only a few provisions were struck by the court. I know you democrats are thinking that you'll have every illegal in the nation voting for Hillary, but that won't be the cae.

Do you think Ron Paul agrees 100% with Mitt Romney on what is and isn't Constitutional? No. So you have to stop with the right wing talking points. Trying to suggest your party is the constitutional party is laughable. You sir are a joke.

Do you think Hillary agrees 100% with Raul Castro on what is and isn't Constitutional?

The Khmer Rouge democrats are engaged in a concerted war to end the Bill of Rights.

That is simply fact.
I think rubio kasich Christie and fiorino would disagree but carson and cruz' and Rand paul would agree. You Republicans are a mixed bag of nuts. Like religious people there are all levels of crazy.

Didn't bush say the constitution was just a piece of paper?

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