Im back on the Trump bandwagon. Let me tell you why.

It started why before Clinton or Bush.
You might be too young to remember what dicks you lefties were under Reagan.
I've only read what dicks you were under Nixon.
My point stands.
It is you divisive assholes, who under Obama, started telling everyone that this normal bitter partisanship was because Obama was black and the GOP was racist.

It is you who have taken it to the next level and have torn this nation apart.

This is on you.

The only decent president you've had since Kennedy was Clinton. Bush Snr wasn't too bad. Ford didn't really last long enough to do anything. The rest have been pretty bad. Bush was the worst, then Raygun IMO. The GoP, for some reason, get attracted to douche bags. The irony is, that in several elections the GoP have had better candidates, but you don't elect them in the primaries. You go for those that spew the lowest common denominator like Trump.

Torn your nation apart? That's on the rabid right who believe they have a right to power and run the country. Plus you live in a country where ti's all about "Me! Me! Me!"...

And that is one you.

Nothing in my post asked you to agree or support past Republican Presidents.

My point was that the bitter partisanship you have seen over the last 8 years is not something that began BECAUSE some guy with black skin was elected.

And yet, that is the narrative that the Left has been shoving down the throats of the American people.

And that is tearing this nation apart.

Do you have something to say now, that actually addresses my point?
Well, Clinton had a part in the Great Recession. Yet you nutters claim otherwise because you don't seem to understand economics. Obama was there, the economy had to go up. If it was McCain, the economy would have gone up. The economy runs in cycles.

I'd go far back as Ronnie Raygun....his economic policies were a disaster. Mind you, you get that when you vote in a guy with Alzheimers.

Wow, no going after people that have health issues. What I find very amusing is that Reagan left office in 88 and 28 years later the left is still powerless to correct anything. Lol! The left must be a bunch of idiots or just wanting to continue the policies and then whine and cry.

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It is the type of attitude that you have that would push civil war rhetoric. I'd take Bush over Obama, Obama and his attitude have divided the country worse than Bush could have imagined.

Just because a person does not agree with you, doesn't mean they are drinking kool-aid, are whack jobs or anything else. It means they see the situation different than you. Suppressing ideas and free speech will do more to widen the gap.

So somebody from your side of the aisle talks about Civil War and I'm the one giving off such rhetoric? Pahleezee. Nope. Obama has only made those that hate him, hate him even more. Who cares? They hated him anyway.

Of course they can say what they like. I love free speech. It allows me to sort the wheat from the chaff.
Imagine if Clinton caused a great recession and president McCain had 8 years of job growth. Would Republicans be bashing him or praising him for getting us out of Obama's mess?

Well, Clinton had a part in the Great Recession. Yet you nutters claim otherwise because you don't seem to understand economics. Obama was there, the economy had to go up. If it was McCain, the economy would have gone up. The economy runs in cycles.
Just clueless. Clearly you defend the right and lean right. Not seeing the overall big picture. Clearly we will have to agree to disagree. Clearly you
1. Don't know what I know
2. Don't believe what I believe
3. Don't live where I live
4. Don't make what I make
5. Don't think like I think
6. Don't see what I see
7. Don't have what I have

Maybe republicanism works where you live. But even you don't realize it was us liberals who brought up your wages, got you benefits you wouldn't have if it weren't for us.

I love it when stupid brainwashed Americans ignorantly say "unions are not necessary anymore". That's ridiculous. As if the negotiations between labor and corporations are ever done.

Not thinking or living has nothing to do with facts.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME

For one person to think one party was guilty of the recession is pretty stupid. Of course being ignorant is something partisans like.

I never have said unions are not necessary anymore, that is a misleading and a lie. And Meathead, Bunker was a union man.

I also don't smoke what you smoke or deal what you deal.
Meathead was a professor. Yes Archie was the typical union member who voted himself out of a job when he voted conservative and that's why he got let go without a pension and ultimately opened his own business (Kelsey's bar) and he died broke. Thank god for social security and medicare
It started why before Clinton or Bush.
You might be too young to remember what dicks you lefties were under Reagan.
I've only read what dicks you were under Nixon.
My point stands.
It is you divisive assholes, who under Obama, started telling everyone that this normal bitter partisanship was because Obama was black and the GOP was racist.

It is you who have taken it to the next level and have torn this nation apart.

This is on you.

The only decent president you've had since Kennedy was Clinton. Bush Snr wasn't too bad. Ford didn't really last long enough to do anything. The rest have been pretty bad. Bush was the worst, then Raygun IMO. The GoP, for some reason, get attracted to douche bags. The irony is, that in several elections the GoP have had better candidates, but you don't elect them in the primaries. You go for those that spew the lowest common denominator like Trump.

Torn your nation apart? That's on the rabid right who believe they have a right to power and run the country. Plus you live in a country where ti's all about "Me! Me! Me!"...

And that is one you.

Nothing in my post asked you to agree or support past Republican Presidents.

My point was that the bitter partisanship you have seen over the last 8 years is not something that began BECAUSE some guy with black skin was elected.

And yet, that is the narrative that the Left has been shoving down the throats of the American people.

And that is tearing this nation apart.

Do you have something to say now, that actually addresses my point?

He is not an American, he know and doesn't care. He can't vote, his opinion is less than you or mine in this country because He has no vote or right to vote. Foreign liberals want to inject their opinions then blast us for ours.
Nothing in my post asked you to agree or support past Republican Presidents.

My point was that the bitter partisanship you have seen over the last 8 years is not something that began BECAUSE some guy with black skin was elected.

And yet, that is the narrative that the Left has been shoving down the throats of the American people.

And that is tearing this nation apart.

Do you have something to say now, that actually addresses my point?

Where did I say that anything in your posts said otherwise? There are no restrictions/rules about what I or you post or in what context.

I agree the bitter partisanship has been going on for a while. However, if you believe with Obama that to some people it has nothing to do with him being black, or with Hillary it has nothing to do with her being a woman, I've got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. I'm not saying that this is a reason the majority hate them, but for some it is an absolute issue. And that is helping tear your nation apart. That aside, both sides are to blame. However, I put more blame on the right because they keep on selecting and electing fucking retards. And it's not like they don't have great candidates. Hillary would be toast if Rubio or Bush had been the GoP candidate. Cruz would have been closer and I think Hillary would have won that. Cruz is just so unlikable on so many levels. Not because he's a dumb hick like Trump, but because he just has a nasty streak.
I'd take Bush over Carter, Bush wasn't great but he got us through 911 and instilled confidence back into the people. You wouldn't realize that, you weren't here.

Don't need to be there. Unless you live in NY you weren't there either. I saw Fox and CNN just like you. Yep his rating was 90 percent, then he blew it because he has the IQ of an amoeba.
He is not an American, he know and doesn't care. He can't vote, his opinion is less than you or mine in this country because He has no vote or right to vote. Foreign liberals want to inject their opinions then blast us for ours.

it's a political message board. Where ideas and opinions and debates are formed and rejected in equal measure. harden up or go home.
So somebody from your side of the aisle talks about Civil War and I'm the one giving off such rhetoric? Pahleezee. Nope. Obama has only made those that hate him, hate him even more. Who cares? They hated him anyway.

Of course they can say what they like. I love free speech. It allows me to sort the wheat from the chaff.
Imagine if Clinton caused a great recession and president McCain had 8 years of job growth. Would Republicans be bashing him or praising him for getting us out of Obama's mess?

Well, Clinton had a part in the Great Recession. Yet you nutters claim otherwise because you don't seem to understand economics. Obama was there, the economy had to go up. If it was McCain, the economy would have gone up. The economy runs in cycles.
Just clueless. Clearly you defend the right and lean right. Not seeing the overall big picture. Clearly we will have to agree to disagree. Clearly you
1. Don't know what I know
2. Don't believe what I believe
3. Don't live where I live
4. Don't make what I make
5. Don't think like I think
6. Don't see what I see
7. Don't have what I have

Maybe republicanism works where you live. But even you don't realize it was us liberals who brought up your wages, got you benefits you wouldn't have if it weren't for us.

I love it when stupid brainwashed Americans ignorantly say "unions are not necessary anymore". That's ridiculous. As if the negotiations between labor and corporations are ever done.

Not thinking or living has nothing to do with facts.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME

For one person to think one party was guilty of the recession is pretty stupid. Of course being ignorant is something partisans like.

I never have said unions are not necessary anymore, that is a misleading and a lie. And Meathead, Bunker was a union man.

I also don't smoke what you smoke or deal what you deal.
Meathead was a professor. Yes Archie was the typical union member who voted himself out of a job when he voted conservative and that's why he got let go without a pension and ultimately opened his own business (Kelsey's bar) and he died broke. Thank god for social security and medicare

And you are a partisan nutjob who bases his politics on 70's sitcom written by liberals. I prefer to look at the big picture and all views instead of being a regressive and just think one side is good or bad.

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Well, Clinton had a part in the Great Recession. Yet you nutters claim otherwise because you don't seem to understand economics. Obama was there, the economy had to go up. If it was McCain, the economy would have gone up. The economy runs in cycles.

I'd go far back as Ronnie Raygun....his economic policies were a disaster. Mind you, you get that when you vote in a guy with Alzheimers.

Wow, no going after people that have health issues. What I find very amusing is that Reagan left office in 88 and 28 years later the left is still powerless to correct anything. Lol! The left must be a bunch of idiots or just wanting to continue the policies and then whine and cry.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
We have been on a down hill slide since Reagan no doubt. Change doesn't happen overnight and if class warfare exists, we're losing.

The rich are doing great. Ask any Republican on usmb and they're very successful. So why are they so angry? 8 years ago they told union workers who lost their manufacturing jobs to suck it up and go back to school or start a business.

So I don't understand what Republicans are going to do for these people now. Tariffs? Bullshit.
He is not an American, he know and doesn't care. He can't vote, his opinion is less than you or mine in this country because He has no vote or right to vote. Foreign liberals want to inject their opinions then blast us for ours.

it's a political message board. Where ideas and opinions and debates are formed and rejected in equal measure. harden up or go home.
Then why did Republicans get a hard on when Putin endorsed trump?
I'd take Bush over Carter, Bush wasn't great but he got us through 911 and instilled confidence back into the people. You wouldn't realize that, you weren't here.

Don't need to be there. Unless you live in NY you weren't there either. I saw Fox and CNN just like you. Yep his rating was 90 percent, then he blew it because he has the IQ of an amoeba.

You are certainly entitled to your little opinion. Doesn't mean a thing in the states.
It started why before Clinton or Bush.
You might be too young to remember what dicks you lefties were under Reagan.
I've only read what dicks you were under Nixon.
My point stands.
It is you divisive assholes, who under Obama, started telling everyone that this normal bitter partisanship was because Obama was black and the GOP was racist.

It is you who have taken it to the next level and have torn this nation apart.

This is on you.

The only decent president you've had since Kennedy was Clinton. Bush Snr wasn't too bad. Ford didn't really last long enough to do anything. The rest have been pretty bad. Bush was the worst, then Raygun IMO. The GoP, for some reason, get attracted to douche bags. The irony is, that in several elections the GoP have had better candidates, but you don't elect them in the primaries. You go for those that spew the lowest common denominator like Trump.

Torn your nation apart? That's on the rabid right who believe they have a right to power and run the country. Plus you live in a country where ti's all about "Me! Me! Me!"...

And that is one you.

You seem to think only your opinion counts and you like to judge others. Interesting lefty rhetoric. Reagan and Kennedy were good. Clinton was okay. Obama, Carter were disasters.

And yet the person I was replying to with regard to my comments above fit perfectly with your "You seem to think only your opinion counts and you like to judge others" and yet you feel the need to chastise me, not them. Interesting righty rhetoric. Carter wasn't great. But Bush was by far the worst.

I'd take Bush over Carter, Bush wasn't great but he got us through 911 and instilled confidence back into the people. You wouldn't realize that, you weren't here.
Then he used all that to lie us into Iraq. Bush should be in prison
He is not an American, he know and doesn't care. He can't vote, his opinion is less than you or mine in this country because He has no vote or right to vote. Foreign liberals want to inject their opinions then blast us for ours.

it's a political message board. Where ideas and opinions and debates are formed and rejected in equal measure. harden up or go home.

Wow, you are the smart one. I said nothing about you and your ability to post. I mentioned facts, you don't do well with facts. Toughen up or go home kid.

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Any person who in any way values truth won't be able to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Do you think the Bible is actually Donald Trump’s favorite book?

No, and I also don't think hyperbole and lying are the same thing.

But regressive liberals will of course always attempt one of their favorite things: making a false equivalency.

Wow, you are the smart one. I said nothing about you and your ability to post. I mentioned facts, you don't do well with facts. Toughen up or go home kid.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Then why even mention the fact I'm not American. If it wasn't an issue, you wouldn't have mentioned it. You did. Therefore it is to you. Or do you generally go around mentioning shit for the sake of it?
Well, Clinton had a part in the Great Recession. Yet you nutters claim otherwise because you don't seem to understand economics. Obama was there, the economy had to go up. If it was McCain, the economy would have gone up. The economy runs in cycles.

I'd go far back as Ronnie Raygun....his economic policies were a disaster. Mind you, you get that when you vote in a guy with Alzheimers.

Wow, no going after people that have health issues. What I find very amusing is that Reagan left office in 88 and 28 years later the left is still powerless to correct anything. Lol! The left must be a bunch of idiots or just wanting to continue the policies and then whine and cry.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
We have been on a down hill slide since Reagan no doubt. Change doesn't happen overnight and if class warfare exists, we're losing.

The rich are doing great. Ask any Republican on usmb and they're very successful. So why are they so angry? 8 years ago they told union workers who lost their manufacturing jobs to suck it up and go back to school or start a business.

So I don't understand what Republicans are going to do for these people now. Tariffs? Bullshit.

The slide came when we went off the gold standard. It has been increasing debt since then.
It started why before Clinton or Bush.
You might be too young to remember what dicks you lefties were under Reagan.
I've only read what dicks you were under Nixon.
My point stands.
It is you divisive assholes, who under Obama, started telling everyone that this normal bitter partisanship was because Obama was black and the GOP was racist.

It is you who have taken it to the next level and have torn this nation apart.

This is on you.

The only decent president you've had since Kennedy was Clinton. Bush Snr wasn't too bad. Ford didn't really last long enough to do anything. The rest have been pretty bad. Bush was the worst, then Raygun IMO. The GoP, for some reason, get attracted to douche bags. The irony is, that in several elections the GoP have had better candidates, but you don't elect them in the primaries. You go for those that spew the lowest common denominator like Trump.

Torn your nation apart? That's on the rabid right who believe they have a right to power and run the country. Plus you live in a country where ti's all about "Me! Me! Me!"...

And that is one you.

You seem to think only your opinion counts and you like to judge others. Interesting lefty rhetoric. Reagan and Kennedy were good. Clinton was okay. Obama, Carter were disasters.

And yet the person I was replying to with regard to my comments above fit perfectly with your "You seem to think only your opinion counts and you like to judge others" and yet you feel the need to chastise me, not them. Interesting righty rhetoric. Carter wasn't great. But Bush was by far the worst.

I'd take Bush over Carter, Bush wasn't great but he got us through 911 and instilled confidence back into the people. You wouldn't realize that, you weren't here.
Thank you bush for being warned about hijackers using planes and not telling the airlines. Thank you bush for not capturing binladin when you had him in Tora Bora because you spread us thin by taking resources out of Afghanistan and putting them in Iraq.

If Saddam were alive there'd be no Isis. If gore won there'd be no Isis.

If McCain won We'd be at war with Iran. Republicans can't be trusted

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