Im confised about our retaliation airstrike...

So you admit you can't cut and past any of the plan you posted that Surrender Joe followed.

Got it.
Since when do you MAGA turds give a shit about Allied leaders considering the fact that when Commander Bonespurs was in office you followed his lead & hammered every single one of them every chance you could.

How do you turds not choke on your own hypocricy?

Trump lives rent-free in your head 24/7/365.
Because Biden didn't surrender :asshole:
It was Surrender Monkey Tramp who threw in the towel.
And all of our allies in the civilized world. Fuck them. They bailed years ago and now want to criticize the US for not performing the godlike event, all on their own, of fixing Afghanistan?

As compared to the ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING they have been doing for years?

Fuck them and their opportunistic garbage.
Because Biden didn't surrender :asshole:
It was Surrender Monkey Tramp who threw in the towel.

Yeah, not. And if you actually believe that you're toast. Bidet has been POTUS since noon on January 20, 2021. This is 100% on him, and even some Democrats have said so publicly.
Um, that was Clinton who turned down the offer of Bin Laden, Idiot.
As usual the America-hating lying scum Right always blame a Dem when a Republiscum fucks up!

Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over​

Yeah, not. And if you actually believe that you're toast. Bidet has been POTUS since noon on January 20, 2021. This is 100% on him, and even some Democrats have said so publicly.
Surrender Monkey Tramp surrendered to his best buddies, the Taliban, Feb 2020 while he was still pretending to be president.
As usual the America-hating lying scum Right always blame a Dem when a Republiscum fucks up!

Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over​

I remember him bombing an aspirin factory.
No you don't. the al-Shifa plant was involved with processing the deadly nerve agent VX, and had ties with the Islamist al-Qaeda group of Osama bin Laden.
The key piece of physical evidence linking the Al-Shifa facility to production of chemical weapons was the discovery of EMPTA in a soil sample taken from the plant during a CIA clandestine operation. EMPTA, or O-Ethyl methylphosphonothioic acid, is a chemical weapons precursor.
Washington examiner is FAKE NEWS.

I could have killed him, but I would have had to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him.
And so I didn’t do it.”
- Bill Clinton
No you don't. the al-Shifa plant was involved with processing the deadly nerve agent VX, and had ties with the Islamist al-Qaeda group of Osama bin Laden.
The key piece of physical evidence linking the Al-Shifa facility to production of chemical weapons was the discovery of EMPTA in a soil sample taken from the plant during a CIA clandestine operation. EMPTA, or O-Ethyl methylphosphonothioic acid, is a chemical weapons precursor.
He bombed an aspirin factory. Just like the evidence from his administration back up the weapons of mass destruction. That lead to the Iraq war.
Supposedly Israel has malware embedded in most communication equipment since WTC Silverstein insisted US high tech companies move key operations to Israel in the early 1990's. So in theory the Kabbalists would have known about any impending bombing and the whereabouts of the communications regarding such bombings.
Are you really that stupid? Where did I say I was morried about cost, Im pissed they only took out now they say 2 terrorist but will not release their names or the drone footage, So maybe they are lying as far as it goes no footage means no attack.
No footage is the give away. Every drone or missile sends back footage and the pentagon can't wait to share it like a proud mother. This time NOTHING
Yes it was an expensive drone attact to take out ONE terrorist but the government now claims it was two. they killed over 160 and we take out 2,,,,,, I guess you consider that a fair exchange? How many terrorist lives are worth an American life?
It’s not a tit for tat and it’s certainly not based on bean counter assessment.

Again I ask. How many dollars is an American life worth to you?
How many drone strikes did your orange baboon god order? We don't know because that asswipe ordered the info to be withheld from the American public.

So how many people do you think greasestain Trump offed?
Thank yiu for that deranged TDS rant. This is not about Trump, ass-clown. This isn't even about air strikes against ISIS.

As I mentioned earlier, our Intel pulled out a week ago, but the failed Biden administration is telling us in just hours they were able to identify, isolate, target, and kill THE one and only member of thousands of ISIS members just recently released by the Taliban who is THE attack planner....

Biden hasn't done a damn thing in all of this 1) RIGHT, & 2) QUICKLY.


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