Im confised about our retaliation airstrike...

An unsourced claim from the New York tabloid paper.

Johnson would quickly have denounced that if it weren't true, he was a Biden sycophant not long ago. But instead, silence.

My local news says he was the mastermind of the bombings.
Other news says he wasn't linked to it at all.

And people wonder why they're called fake news
Just wonder how they know all of this? At this point, I don't think anyone in a foreign country would inform us about anything. Thanks Biden.
Second time you expressed that concern. The Mods saved you last time by trashing the thread
Yes it was an expensive drone attact to take out ONE terrorist but the government now claims it was two. they killed over 160 and we take out 2,,,,,, I guess you consider that a fair exchange? How many terrorist lives are worth an American life?
..that was an very quick response......too quick to hit the right guy almost......
The message should have been better targeting even if it meant a delay. Reportedly, the past 4 emirs of ISIS-K have been executed in this way-targeted and killed. A new one sprouts right up, of course, but it does send a clearer message than some unnamed “planner”. I can see why they used that word planner to draw the conclusion it was a leader figure. Hopefully, there are a few good journalists going beyond normal dedication still left on the ground who will report the facts soon.
Joe Dufus is pissing his buddies off. He don't get no love from nobody. Ass kissing the Taliban didn't work out like h wanted, did it?

JUST IN - Taliban condemns U.S. drone strike against Islamic State militants. "It was a clear attack on Afghan territory," a group's spokesman says.
"Thry're fighting for their homeland"- knuckle dragger Trump quote. You mean like Trump licking the ass of Taliban terrorists like he did the other day in that rant?
And they always announce the terrorist leader's name when we off one of them.

These clowns don't even know the name of the goat herder Biden offed.
Why do you need the name? Do you want to send flowers once you get over your crying jag?
The same Biden who Boris Johnson couldn't get in touch with for over 36-hours last week. That right there is a removable offense.
Since when do you MAGA turds give a shit about Allied leaders considering the fact that when Commander Bonespurs was in office you followed his lead & hammered every single one of them every chance you could.

How do you turds not choke on your own hypocricy?
They know, don't worry. Just because you MAGA turds dont, doesn't mean it didn't happen.
No, they don't.

Tell me any other terrorist leader we blew up that they didn't announce the name of the one the killed. Just one.
Since when do you MAGA turds give a shit about Allied leaders considering the fact that when Commander Bonespurs was in office you followed his lead & hammered every single one of them every chance you could.

How do you turds not choke on your own hypocricy?
Your Messiah, surrender Joe, had just as many deferments as Trump did, Dumbass.
Ok, you're apparently too stupid to have this conversation.

Have a nice, stupid, day you moron.
So you admit you can't cut and past any of the plan you posted that Surrender Joe followed.

Got it.

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