I'm DONE Talking About The 2020 Election

Okay how bout this one then,when trollboy skews says “you all keep whining about the election a year later” not making any cliam it was stolen in thst sentence.
It's already been 15 months, and no shred of evidence of a stolen election.
I don't care about the LANGLEY CLOWN.

simple again.

Then you are avoiding the truth that the election wasn't stolen.
stop with the CAT FIGHTS.

But if you just keep talking about it over and over all the time as these America hating commie Biden lovers constantly do who make thread after thread about trump night and day everyday,then your giving them the excuse to say your as much obsessed over trump as they are,we need to let it go,that’s her point she is saying,they can’t let it go thst trump is out of office,they make thread after thread about it 24/7, so if we keep going on about the election being stolen,then we are no differerent than they are in their constant obsession they have over trump and that gives them ammunition to use against us thst we are hypocrites.

like she said so well earlier,it’s time to let trump and the stole election go,it’s like the jfk assassination and 9/11:done and over with,you hate it thst election fraud took place and the election was stolen from trump,I get that,I’m pissed to about it to but we can’t live in the past anymore as these Biden America hating trolls do who make thread after thread about him 24/7 do,we need to worry about what’s going on NOW and forget the past,we need to be worried about the Ukraine situation and the safety of our brothers and sister truckers in Canada what’s happening to them.dwelling on the past accomplishes nothing.

I tell the same thing to people who talk about the jfk assassination and. 9/11 all the time,I get it thst your angry,I’m passed about it to but it’s done and over with Andrew need to worry about what’s happening NOW,that’s her point she is making.

no need for the what a nerve comment,it’s just logic and common sense she’s speaking.

Exactly. I don't know who isn't pissed about any of this stuff but I'm not still posting thread after thread two decades after 9/11 happened. (Btw, securing elections for the future is an entirely subject than the 2020 election. At least in my book.)

Exactly. I don't know who isn't pissed about any of this stuff but I'm not still posting thread after thread two decades after 9/11 happened. (Btw, securing elections for the future is an entirely subject than the 2020 election. At least in my book.)

Talking about a fantasy of a stolen election, is all it will ever be. It's a mental condition.
It's even worse. They know that there can never be any legal determination about the election. No court is allowed to litigate the outcome of the election, any more than they can re-litigate the Vietnam war.

Article 3 courts have said, they can only take a case, if they have the power to grant the relief sought. And there is no relief available to them.
Congress should have investigated, starting on November 6th, when the republicans controlled the US Senate. But they didn't. So their judgement on January 6th under the US Constitution can't be changed. The election was certified by congress, and a president sworn in on January 20th.

And as the laws and the constitution state. Once that happens, the duly sworn president can only be removed by impeachment and conviction by congress.
The courts can neither compel or overturn those acts and judgments of congress.
I really don't care as long as the fraud is proven. As far as I am concerned it has been. Democrats will be dealt with accordingly and so will RINOs.
Your problem is you can't fix, what isn't broken. Nobody can even tell us how it was done.
That has been explained.

Don't purge voter rolls.
Last minute changes to signature verification on absentee ballots.
Unmonitored ballot drop boxes.
Unverified ballot requests, either absentee or mail in.
Last minute changes to accept incomplete or improperly filled out absentee or mail in ballots.

All of that happened in swing states in 2020. If you can't figure out how to cheat with those conditions, you aren't trying.
It's even worse. They know that there can never be any legal determination about the election. No court is allowed to litigate the outcome of the election, any more than they can re-litigate the Vietnam war.

Article 3 courts have said, they can only take a case, if they have the power to grant the relief sought. And there is no relief available to them.
It's all crocodile tears for these losers and clogging up the forum with lies. Carry on.

Exactly. I don't know who isn't pissed about any of this stuff but I'm not still posting thread after thread two decades after 9/11 happened. (Btw, securing elections for the future is an entirely subject than the 2020 election. At least in my book.)

:thankusmile: Exactly,we need to focus on and worry about securing the elections in the future instead of dwelling on the past,at some point you got to move on.
That has been explained.

Don't purge voter rolls.
Last minute changes to signature verification on absentee ballots.
Unmonitored ballot drop boxes.
Unverified ballot requests, either absentee or mail in.
Last minute changes to accept incomplete or improperly filled out absentee or mail in ballots.

All of that happened in swing states in 2020. If you can't figure out how to cheat with those conditions, you aren't trying.
"Don't purge voter rolls?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: You're going to talk to the Left about purging voter rolls? You're kidding right?
I really don't care as long as the fraud is proven. As far as I am concerned it has been. Democrats will be dealt with accordingly and so will RINOs.
I really don't care as long as the fraud is proven. So, you just admitted that it hasn't been proven, but you said "as far as I am concerned it has been." And yet, you have no evidence. Has the thought ever occurred to you that you may actually belong to a cult, and that you are mentally ill?

Exactly. I don't know who isn't pissed about any of this stuff but I'm not still posting thread after thread two decades after 9/11 happened. (Btw, securing elections for the future is an entirely subject than the 2020 election. At least in my book.)

You are mentally pissed that you lost a legal, free and fair election, and you are hamstrung in proving otherwise.
I really don't care as long as the fraud is proven. So, you just admitted that it hasn't been proven, but you said "as far as I am concerned it has been." And yet, you have no evidence. Has the thought ever occurred to you that you may actually belong to a cult, and that you are mentally ill?
I have plenty of evidence the public has never heard due to media censorship. Enough to convince anyone of how poorly our election was run. And enough evidence to prove 0 integrity. Air it out for the public, see what they think.

Dominion's source code would either prove or disprove fraud. Why don't you demand it to end all of this?
A CRT America sucks Fascist appears for a drive by LYING.......

Good job Fascist.............go preach your BS in heavy traffic..........HONK HONK
You can't alter history Sling Blade. Ain't going to happen. Keep your kids out of book stores and keep them stupid.
I have plenty of evidence the public has never heard due to media censorship. Enough to convince anyone of how poorly our election was run. And enough evidence to prove 0 integrity. Air it out for the public, see what they think.

Dominion's source code would either prove or disprove fraud. Why don't you demand it to end all of this?
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :aargh: 😂 :spinner: 🤪 :rofl:"Public has never heard?" Go get em tiger. What a joke.
"Don't purge voter rolls?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: You're going to talk to the Left about purging voter rolls? You're kidding right?

Voter rolls were not purged, due to covid. Every state has laws that require purges, those laws were ignored. Just one more reason the legitimacy of 2020 will always be questioned.
The AZ. audit proved otherwise.
Um, no it didn't. The AZ. audit proved to be illegal. We already covered that with you and your broken record. Fact check: Arizona audit hasn't found 275,000 fraudulent votes


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