I'm DONE Talking About The 2020 Election

:thankusmile: Exactly,we need to focus on and worry about securing the elections in the future instead of dwelling on the past,at some point you got to move on.

Yeah and I realize now that there was a typo as I missed a word, but you obviously already know what I was saying and I really hope they do that. They still need to fix this past election,.. we just don't need to keep parroting it when we accuse the left of parroting as well.
This isn't about 2016, not sure how you don't get that. Are you stupid or something? You mention some random person from six years ago and expect me to care when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
Voting purges happened in 2016, and Republicans have introduced bills for 2022 to purge again, for no good reason. It's all about making it much harder to vote. Republicans have really lost their minds; Voting Laws Roundup: February 2022

Here is one example of grotesque cheating where Mississippi is purging voters; A Mississippi bill would bar students who are away from the county where they are registered from casting a mail ballot. This is cheating in overdrive. This is punishing students, and not allowing them to vote.

If this is going on, why have elections; In addition to legislation making it more difficult for voters to cast ballots, last year saw a large uptick in bills that could enable partisan interference in election administration. The most extreme of these “election sabotage” bills would have allowed partisan officials to simply reject election results.? Do you have an answer? If there are "election sabotage bills" then just tell people to stay home, and the election officials can tell us who they chose. This is how extreme the Right has gotten. They want to tear down Democracy.
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I could be wrong, but here’s a thought…

Whether the election was ‘stolen’ or not…. I get the feeling that the PTSB (through the media) intentionally made it look like it was stolen, in order to get the very result that we can see here on this forum. People are STILL talking and fighting about it on a daily basis, years later, so it keeps voters distracted and hating the other side even more, which is exactly what the PTSB want. Keep in mind, manipulation and divide and conquer is their M.O.

The corrupt SOS in GA. ignored this and certified the election. No investigation at all was done by his office. That is a fact. Telling me that election had integrity is a lie.
President Trump’s team hired Auditor Bryan Geels after the 2020 Election to look into Georgia’s results. Geels identified 97,000 ballot issues in the state. When the President spoke of these issues with Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, the issues were misrepresented but Raffensperger’s team promised President Trump that they would get with the Trump team (i.e. Geels) to go over the results.

Raffensperger’s team never addressed the issues and never contacted Geels. Instead, they lied to the press about the President’s phone call.

There is the truth. I don't expect anyone to like it but it has to be acknowledged. Again the election had 0 integrity.
Voting purges happened in 2016, and Republicans have introduced bills for 2022 to purge again, for no good reason. It's all about making it much harder to vote. Republicans have really lost their minds; Voting Laws Roundup: February 2022
The purges are set by state law and vary. After the lunacy and lawlessness of the 2020 every state should purge their rolls in 2022 and every two years thereafter, but that is each state's choice.
I could be wrong, but here’s a thought…

Whether the election was ‘stolen’ or not…. I get the feeling that the PTSB (through the media) intentionally made it look like it was stolen, in order to get the very result that we can see here on this forum. People are STILL talking and fighting about it on a daily basis, years later, so it keeps voters distracted and hating the other side even more, which is exactly what the PTSB want. Keep in mind, manipulation and divide and conquer is their M.O.

No,.. do you honestly believe that literal crackhead legitimately won the election? Not a chance.
The purges are set by state law and vary. After the lunacy and lawlessness of the 2020 every state should purge their rolls in 2022 and every two years thereafter, but that is each state's choice.
The asshole you are talking to is deflecting. Vote purges have nothing to do with the fraud that took place on election day and the days after. He refuses to address proven facts that make it clear the election a joke.
I guess so and please don't take that the wrong way,.. you have a good heart, I just think that sometimes you get misguided and confused but we all do sometimes, so don't think too much of it.
I’m laughing here. I’m not misguided or confused. I’m not the one who still puts trust in the system. That would be you guys who are still fighting about this.
I’m laughing here. I’m not misguided or confused. I’m not the one who still puts trust in the system. That would be you guys who are still fighting about this.

Uh this whole entire topic is because I'm ending the fight,.. but the system is fucked. Excuse my French.
Uh this whole entire topic is because I'm ending the fight,.. but the system is fucked. Excuse my French.

Yes, I know that’s why you posted this thread. But as you can see, even on a thread calling for the fighting to stop, you got the topic going again (lol) and even you joined in a little bit.

Anyway, all I’m saying is that when people are distracted and constantly fighting each other, maybe they should question why that is. Who benefits when we are all distracted and fighting each other, rather than looking into who is actually pulling the strings? Obviously no one else on this thread agrees with that take, and that’s fine. Keep putting your trust in the system, people. How’s that been working out?
Yes, I know that’s why you posted this thread. But as you can see, even on a thread calling for the fighting to stop, you got the topic going again (lol) and even you joined in a little bit.

Well yeah, but only when it called for me to say something about it.
I realize that there's new stuff that keeps coming out about it but the topic itself is old news. Either you're smart and believe that the election was stolen or you're stupid and you don't. As LA RAM FAN already made a point of saying,.. it's time to move on people. The same with all of the pandemic topics.
Letting the democrats get away with this shit only encourages them to do more of it.

What we need to do is rub there nose in it and say NO.
I could be wrong, but here’s a thought…

Whether the election was ‘stolen’ or not…. I get the feeling that the PTSB (through the media) intentionally made it look like it was stolen, in order to get the very result that we can see here on this forum. People are STILL talking and fighting about it on a daily basis, years later, so it keeps voters distracted and hating the other side even more, which is exactly what the PTSB want. Keep in mind, manipulation and divide and conquer is their M.O.
Depends on which media you watch. There is an easy remedy. Common sense, and the documentation that there is no evidence of voter fraud in the 20 20 election. To insist otherwise, is nothing short of a mental illness.
Letting the democrats get away with this shit only encourages them to do more of it.

What we need to do is rub there nose in it and say NO.
Letting the democrats get away with this shit only encourages them to do more of it. Buttercup, so pay attention here. TheGreatSatan, prove that the Democrats are getting away with what you say they are getting away with, and provide documentation for your claims. So, Buttercup, he won't be able to, proving it's more mental than anything else. He listened to bad media and Trump, and this is the result. So, in his answer, he'll need a scapegoat, and that's going to be me. Just pay attention to his answer, if he even answers at all.
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The asshole you are talking to is deflecting. Vote purges have nothing to do with the fraud that took place on election day and the days after. He refuses to address proven facts that make it clear the election a joke.
Ha Sling Blade, a voter purge takes on many forms. The double voting scam by Kobach was his go to strategy during 2016. This last election were the 1688 poll closings in minority areas, but that got side swiped, and was replaced by mail-in and absentee voting. Now the Right wants to eliminate most of that, so they can get away with cheating like they did in 2016.
Ha Sling Blade, a voter purge takes on many forms. The double voting scam by Kobach was his go to strategy during 2016. This last election were the 1688 poll closings in minority areas, but that got side swiped, and was replaced by mail-in and absentee voting. Now the Right wants to eliminate most of that, so they can get away with cheating like they did in 2016.
Hey blowhole we are not talking about purges. Please purge your dumbass from thread.
Depends on which media you watch. There is an easy remedy. Common sense, and the documentation that there is no evidence of voter fraud in the 20 20 election. To insist otherwise, is nothing short of a mental illness.

You missed my point too. Again, I’m not here to argue whether the election was stolen or not. My point was that regardless of the actual truth, it seems it was intentionally made to look that way, in order to elicit the exact reaction that happened. Why? Read my previous posts.

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