I'm dreaming of a white Christmas is racist.

Then call me a racist ...

Love love loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:biggrin::huddle::thewave:

Yes Dreaming...Yes :smiliehug:
Well, if we get buried in black snow we can figure the Yellowstone caldera has popped.
Every year someone starts this exact thread. I can’t wait until February for all the “Why don’t we have a white history month?” threads.
they need to burn every CD/book/record/etc of White Christmas
I just threw my CD in the trash
I'm coloring everything that is white in my house purple
Every year someone starts this exact thread. I can’t wait until February for all the “Why don’t we have a white history month?” threads.
...actually no one would start this thread if the MSM/blacks/idiots/libs/etc wouldn't complain about the whites EVERYDAY of EVERY year..24/7
Every year someone starts this exact thread. I can’t wait until February for all the “Why don’t we have a white history month?” threads.
...actually no one would start this thread if the MSM/blacks/idiots/libs/etc wouldn't complain about the whites EVERYDAY of EVERY year..24/7

I see. They make you start them. :lol:
Every year someone starts this exact thread. I can’t wait until February for all the “Why don’t we have a white history month?” threads.

I want Irish History Month.

It ain't easy bein' green ...

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