I'm Finally Ashamed Of My Country

I find myself in the same dilemma as the OP states, in that, I too, am ashamed of my country. My significant other just returned from 2 weeks in Switzerland, France, Belgium, and Germany, and got so many negative comments about Trump from people she met there, that she ended up pretending to be Canadian.
The democrats didn't do anything.
People didn't watch that because they were way too busy celebrating the 4th of July. Just as we have done for over 200 years. We don't sit in our homes to watch TV. We go out to friends houses or to family and we celebrate the holiday. We go to beaches, parks and other places.
We don't sit in our homes to watch TV.
You seriously need a life and stop blaming everything on democrats who have absolutely nothing to do with why people didn't watch TV today.
We have lives.
Get one.
Great, so don't watch the parade and go play with your sparklers or whatever.

That does not reflect on the FACT that so many Dimocrat pundits and Talking Heads panned the idea of a 4th of July parade and whined about it.

This is yet another win for Trump because the Democrat minority of Identity Politics wack jobs over-reacted and exposed their hate for celebrating America.

I am sure most Democrats do not feel that way and enjoyed the parade just like everyone else, but they are not the flavor of Democrat that is in front of the camera.

Once again, you lie to make Democrats look bad, because the truth makes Trump look worse. Independence Day is the "people's holiday" to be celebrated as the people see fit, and not as politicians dictate. Some towns have parades and fireworks. But the day is honour the nation and all it stands for, not just the military. There's Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Armed Force Day, to honour the military. One way to honour ALL those who serve, not just the military, is to give everyone a day off with pay.

Most Presidents spend their 4th of July holidays with family and friends. Trump's family don't want anything to do with him, unless they're meeting the Queen, and touring Europe on the taxpayers' nickle. No pictures of Donald Trump at Christmas or holidays, surrounded by his children and grandchildren. Just pictures of Trump at Mar-a-lago, at Christmas. As for friends, he doesn't seem to have any of those either. Other than fruitcakes like Roger Stone, Trump doesn't seem to have any friends. Just people he uses, or who use him. Like David Pecker.
What a load of horse shit. You said we fought England because they were socialist. Since then, you have done nothing but try to misdirect from that statement. Can't you keep your mind on one subject Barney?

You've got 5 minutes to fix where you misquoted me before I report you.

Sorry, the quote got screwed up, I think I corrected it. It was not intentional I would NEVER attribute what I say to you believe me!! :10:

BTW I said: "He was a Monarchist which is a socialist by a different name." I DID NOT say: "we fought England because they were socialist" YOU made that up. You got 5 minutes to correct it. :21::1peleas:

Still too arrogant to look up the definition of socialism, aren't you?

How is it I’m “arrogant” for not agreeing with you? And, you lied about what I said.

No. I never lie. I have been mistaken before, but I freely acknowledge that as soon as proof is presented. You said we fought for independence from socialism. That's bat-shit crazy.

We fought for independence from imperialism, not socialism.

True, but for right wingers, socialism has become a catch all word meaning anything they don't like. One right wing family member even complained the socialist reduction of the speed limit in a school zone was the reason he got a ticket. Now, even you have to see that's nuts, and a little bit sad/funny too.
Sorry, the quote got screwed up, I think I corrected it. It was not intentional I would NEVER attribute what I say to you believe me!! :10:

BTW I said: "He was a Monarchist which is a socialist by a different name." I DID NOT say: "we fought England because they were socialist" YOU made that up. You got 5 minutes to correct it. :21::1peleas:

Still too arrogant to look up the definition of socialism, aren't you?

How is it I’m “arrogant” for not agreeing with you? And, you lied about what I said.

No. I never lie. I have been mistaken before, but I freely acknowledge that as soon as proof is presented. You said we fought for independence from socialism. That's bat-shit crazy.

We fought for independence from imperialism, not socialism.

True, but for right wingers, socialism has become a catch all word meaning anything they don't like. One right wing family member even complained the socialist reduction of the speed limit in a school zone was the reason he got a ticket. Now, even you have to see that's nuts, and a little bit sad/funny too.

My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.
My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.
Great story.
Nobody asked me if I wanted SS or not. The government just started taking my money.
It's not socialism when I am receiving back my own money.
These simple minded white mf's aren't ashamed of a president that brags about grabbing women's pussy's. Not ashamed that every time this white bastard is on foreign soil, he denegrades our intel community and press, the very press before the clown become the white man's president, he's sell his right nut to be apart of. Not ashamed of a man who has 32 sexual harrasment suits pending, who is equal to baby mama drama like the negro's he hates, not ashamed of the clown dismantling basic norms such as the EPA within a few weeks, not ashamed of him suckin more dictator dick than his wife for a gold card....no, this sorry mf's ashamed because nobody wanted to watch this clown give a history lesson to people who can't even spell the word, let alone understand it, ie his redneck simple minded supporters.....get a fuckin life, fool
All these years Obama was in office, he kept denigrating our country, our military, our economy, dividing people along ethnic, racial, economic, and gender lines, setting the world on fire, singlehandedly causing the Syrian genocide and European migrant crisis, ushering the creation of ISIS, emboldening the Russians inviting them to invade Crimea and threaten Ukraine, while we were on the brink of war with North Korea that was shooting missiles over Japan and S. Korea, the con artist was too busy kissing the Iranian Islamic thugs asses, shipping billions in cash to them.

But I bet you adored Obama because the guy who enjoyed a "privileged" White life raised by a White mother and White grandmother cause he had a deadbeat, alcoholic abusive Black father, kept feeding that chip on your shoulder that he was a Black man that hated Whites and America. He owed everything to Whites and especially America, including his acceptance to elite schools and even his becoming president, he used the race card like a master and he taught fools like you do do the same well.
I can't help people like you. Trump said it first...he loves the poorly educated...I can't help you, good bye
Ah, anybody who doesn't worship your Hussein Obama must be uneducated or backwards. Leftist elitism at its finest, they'll never get it that the reason Trump is in the Whitehouse now is because people were sick and tired of Obama, the media, and the Left's anti American divisive ideology.

It's also interesting that uneducated, ignorant people like you go around calling anybody who disagrees with them, "uneducated".
My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.
Great story.
Nobody asked me if I wanted SS or not. The government just started taking my money.
It's not socialism when I am receiving back my own money.

OK, so we can agree that Trump subsidizing farmers with my tax money is socialism.
My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.
Great story.
Nobody asked me if I wanted SS or not. The government just started taking my money.
It's not socialism when I am receiving back my own money.

OK, so we can agree that Trump subsidizing farmers with my tax money is socialism.
No, it's guarantee a food product produced locally in the event imports are cut off. We can't win wars if we depend on imports to survive.
My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.
Great story.
Nobody asked me if I wanted SS or not. The government just started taking my money.
It's not socialism when I am receiving back my own money.

OK, so we can agree that Trump subsidizing farmers with my tax money is socialism.
No, it's guarantee a food product produced locally in the event imports are cut off. We can't win wars if we depend on imports to survive.

Well, one thing is for sure. If we fight a war that is heavily dependent on soybeans supplies, we have it made!

Oh, nooooo's.... boobtube is still festering over umbrellas. :lmao:


:desk::desk::desk:Uh, uh, Obama was a black guy!!
He was?
My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.
Great story.
Nobody asked me if I wanted SS or not. The government just started taking my money.
It's not socialism when I am receiving back my own money.

OK, so we can agree that Trump subsidizing farmers with my tax money is socialism.
No, it's guarantee a food product produced locally in the event imports are cut off. We can't win wars if we depend on imports to survive.

Well, one thing is for sure. If we fight a war that is heavily dependent on soybeans supplies, we have it made!

You ever look at a map lately?

The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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Funny, that makes me proud of my country for ig oring the self serving, mentally ill historical mistake that is trump, and his self serving little dog and pony show. And it makes me proud that people instead spent time with their families celebrating our country instead of celebrating a freakish cultist who stands against a lot of what makes our country great.

Do please give us the list of things that made America great that Trump stands against.
Why? So you can bitch about my opinion? You will bitch regardless. Find someone else to perform your exercise.
Candyass, worthless, lying, smarmy bomb-thrower, again, never willing or able to back up a single thing you ever say. First a statement of fact. Now it's just an opinion. Answer the question or STFU, and you wonder why no one takes you seriously? You can't even tell us IN YOUR STUPID OPINION one thing that Trump stands against that made this country great? Doesn't say shit about your "opinions."

Congratulations, troll, you're no better than the imbecile Deanturd.

Dang you are a crybaby.

I am very proud that it seems nearly everyone completely ignored the mentally ill president's little self fellating pageant. I live in trump country, and i heard literally not one person even mention it on the 4th. Not one single TV was seen tuned to it. In fact, i didnt hear the mentally ill babyman's name mentioned one single time all day.

Yes, very proud.

Congratulations for keeping yourself ignorant of current events.
The democrats didn't do anything.
People didn't watch that because they were way too busy celebrating the 4th of July. Just as we have done for over 200 years. We don't sit in our homes to watch TV. We go out to friends houses or to family and we celebrate the holiday. We go to beaches, parks and other places.
We don't sit in our homes to watch TV.
You seriously need a life and stop blaming everything on democrats who have absolutely nothing to do with why people didn't watch TV today.
We have lives.
Get one.
Great, so don't watch the parade and go play with your sparklers or whatever.

That does not reflect on the FACT that so many Dimocrat pundits and Talking Heads panned the idea of a 4th of July parade and whined about it.

This is yet another win for Trump because the Democrat minority of Identity Politics wack jobs over-reacted and exposed their hate for celebrating America.

I am sure most Democrats do not feel that way and enjoyed the parade just like everyone else, but they are not the flavor of Democrat that is in front of the camera.

Once again, you lie to make Democrats look bad, because the truth makes Trump look worse. Independence Day is the "people's holiday" to be celebrated as the people see fit, and not as politicians dictate. Some towns have parades and fireworks. But the day is honour the nation and all it stands for, not just the military. There's Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Armed Force Day, to honour the military. One way to honour ALL those who serve, not just the military, is to give everyone a day off with pay.

Most Presidents spend their 4th of July holidays with family and friends. Trump's family don't want anything to do with him, unless they're meeting the Queen, and touring Europe on the taxpayers' nickle. No pictures of Donald Trump at Christmas or holidays, surrounded by his children and grandchildren. Just pictures of Trump at Mar-a-lago, at Christmas. As for friends, he doesn't seem to have any of those either. Other than fruitcakes like Roger Stone, Trump doesn't seem to have any friends. Just people he uses, or who use him. Like David Pecker.
Why didn't you coward Canadians join us?
Why glorify the military? They don’t fight to protect our freedom. They fight to protect the interests of the 1%.

Of course my posting this immediately makes me a traitor, by the millions of duped Americans.

America was birthed in war. We have a long tradition of a strong military. Our military helped stop Hitler. If you don't like most of US glorifying our military, then go join Code Pink with their little Trump-baby-balloons and pee in your panties along with them. Our great military fought to give you that 'right'.....
These simple minded white mf's aren't ashamed of a president that brags about grabbing women's pussy's. Not ashamed that every time this white bastard is on foreign soil, he denegrades our intel community and press, the very press before the clown become the white man's president, he's sell his right nut to be apart of. Not ashamed of a man who has 32 sexual harrasment suits pending, who is equal to baby mama drama like the negro's he hates, not ashamed of the clown dismantling basic norms such as the EPA within a few weeks, not ashamed of him suckin more dictator dick than his wife for a gold card....no, this sorry mf's ashamed because nobody wanted to watch this clown give a history lesson to people who can't even spell the word, let alone understand it, ie his redneck simple minded supporters.....get a fuckin life, fool
All these years Obama was in office, he kept denigrating our country, our military, our economy, dividing people along ethnic, racial, economic, and gender lines, setting the world on fire, singlehandedly causing the Syrian genocide and European migrant crisis, ushering the creation of ISIS, emboldening the Russians inviting them to invade Crimea and threaten Ukraine, while we were on the brink of war with North Korea that was shooting missiles over Japan and S. Korea, the con artist was too busy kissing the Iranian Islamic thugs asses, shipping billions in cash to them.

But I bet you adored Obama because the guy who enjoyed a "privileged" White life raised by a White mother and White grandmother cause he had a deadbeat, alcoholic abusive Black father, kept feeding that chip on your shoulder that he was a Black man that hated Whites and America. He owed everything to Whites and especially America, including his acceptance to elite schools and even his becoming president, he used the race card like a master and he taught fools like you do do the same well.
I can't help people like you. Trump said it first...he loves the poorly educated...I can't help you, good bye
Ah, anybody who doesn't worship your Hussein Obama must be uneducated or backwards. Leftist elitism at its finest, they'll never get it that the reason Trump is in the Whitehouse now is because people were sick and tired of Obama, the media, and the Left's anti American divisive ideology.

It's also interesting that uneducated, ignorant people like you go around calling anybody who disagrees with them, "uneducated".

It has zero to do with Obama.

It has everything to do with the pertson you support as President. You have to be an unedcucated fool to vote for the amoral fraud, business cheat who lies to you every day.
The democrats didn't do anything.
People didn't watch that because they were way too busy celebrating the 4th of July. Just as we have done for over 200 years. We don't sit in our homes to watch TV. We go out to friends houses or to family and we celebrate the holiday. We go to beaches, parks and other places.
We don't sit in our homes to watch TV.
You seriously need a life and stop blaming everything on democrats who have absolutely nothing to do with why people didn't watch TV today.
We have lives.
Get one.
Great, so don't watch the parade and go play with your sparklers or whatever.

That does not reflect on the FACT that so many Dimocrat pundits and Talking Heads panned the idea of a 4th of July parade and whined about it.

This is yet another win for Trump because the Democrat minority of Identity Politics wack jobs over-reacted and exposed their hate for celebrating America.

I am sure most Democrats do not feel that way and enjoyed the parade just like everyone else, but they are not the flavor of Democrat that is in front of the camera.

Once again, you lie to make Democrats look bad, because the truth makes Trump look worse. Independence Day is the "people's holiday" to be celebrated as the people see fit, and not as politicians dictate. Some towns have parades and fireworks. But the day is honour the nation and all it stands for, not just the military. There's Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Armed Force Day, to honour the military. One way to honour ALL those who serve, not just the military, is to give everyone a day off with pay.

Most Presidents spend their 4th of July holidays with family and friends. Trump's family don't want anything to do with him, unless they're meeting the Queen, and touring Europe on the taxpayers' nickle. No pictures of Donald Trump at Christmas or holidays, surrounded by his children and grandchildren. Just pictures of Trump at Mar-a-lago, at Christmas. As for friends, he doesn't seem to have any of those either. Other than fruitcakes like Roger Stone, Trump doesn't seem to have any friends. Just people he uses, or who use him. Like David Pecker.

Why didn't you coward Canadians join us?

I find it funny how these leftist nut-jobs try to say Trump is telling US how to celebrate the 4th yet then they turn right around and try to tell US we should celebrate they way THEY want with the only logic "Orange Man Bad." They twist themselves with pretzel logic to try find anything they can demonize and smear our President with.
The democrats didn't do anything.
People didn't watch that because they were way too busy celebrating the 4th of July. Just as we have done for over 200 years. We don't sit in our homes to watch TV. We go out to friends houses or to family and we celebrate the holiday. We go to beaches, parks and other places.
We don't sit in our homes to watch TV.
You seriously need a life and stop blaming everything on democrats who have absolutely nothing to do with why people didn't watch TV today.
We have lives.
Get one.
Great, so don't watch the parade and go play with your sparklers or whatever.

That does not reflect on the FACT that so many Dimocrat pundits and Talking Heads panned the idea of a 4th of July parade and whined about it.

This is yet another win for Trump because the Democrat minority of Identity Politics wack jobs over-reacted and exposed their hate for celebrating America.

I am sure most Democrats do not feel that way and enjoyed the parade just like everyone else, but they are not the flavor of Democrat that is in front of the camera.

Once again, you lie to make Democrats look bad, because the truth makes Trump look worse. Independence Day is the "people's holiday" to be celebrated as the people see fit, and not as politicians dictate. Some towns have parades and fireworks. But the day is honour the nation and all it stands for, not just the military. There's Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Armed Force Day, to honour the military. One way to honour ALL those who serve, not just the military, is to give everyone a day off with pay.

Most Presidents spend their 4th of July holidays with family and friends. Trump's family don't want anything to do with him, unless they're meeting the Queen, and touring Europe on the taxpayers' nickle. No pictures of Donald Trump at Christmas or holidays, surrounded by his children and grandchildren. Just pictures of Trump at Mar-a-lago, at Christmas. As for friends, he doesn't seem to have any of those either. Other than fruitcakes like Roger Stone, Trump doesn't seem to have any friends. Just people he uses, or who use him. Like David Pecker.

Why didn't you coward Canadians join us?

I find it funny how these leftist nut-jobs try to say Trump is telling US how to celebrate the 4th yet then they turn right around and try to tell US we should celebrate they way THEY want with the only logic "Orange Man Bad." They twist themselves with pretzel logic to try find anything they can demonize and smear our President with.

I am in Colorado right now and all I hear is the same thing..Trump Trump Trump
These simple minded white mf's aren't ashamed of a president that brags about grabbing women's pussy's. Not ashamed that every time this white bastard is on foreign soil, he denegrades our intel community and press, the very press before the clown become the white man's president, he's sell his right nut to be apart of. Not ashamed of a man who has 32 sexual harrasment suits pending, who is equal to baby mama drama like the negro's he hates, not ashamed of the clown dismantling basic norms such as the EPA within a few weeks, not ashamed of him suckin more dictator dick than his wife for a gold card....no, this sorry mf's ashamed because nobody wanted to watch this clown give a history lesson to people who can't even spell the word, let alone understand it, ie his redneck simple minded supporters.....get a fuckin life, fool
All these years Obama was in office, he kept denigrating our country, our military, our economy, dividing people along ethnic, racial, economic, and gender lines, setting the world on fire, singlehandedly causing the Syrian genocide and European migrant crisis, ushering the creation of ISIS, emboldening the Russians inviting them to invade Crimea and threaten Ukraine, while we were on the brink of war with North Korea that was shooting missiles over Japan and S. Korea, the con artist was too busy kissing the Iranian Islamic thugs asses, shipping billions in cash to them.

But I bet you adored Obama because the guy who enjoyed a "privileged" White life raised by a White mother and White grandmother cause he had a deadbeat, alcoholic abusive Black father, kept feeding that chip on your shoulder that he was a Black man that hated Whites and America. He owed everything to Whites and especially America, including his acceptance to elite schools and even his becoming president, he used the race card like a master and he taught fools like you do do the same well.

So putting a black guy in the White House fired up you racist fucks & it is Obama's fault,.

I get it.
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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While I appreciate your thread and OP, I am not ashamed of my country. Because the bitterly angry, hateful, hyper-partisan/ideological unAmerican jerks who make up most of the leadership of the Democrat party and the media are NOT representative of America. You cannot dismiss the tens of thousands who stood in the pouring rain to celebrate America and all it stands for with President Trump yesterday, or all of us who would have been with them had we been able. And mind you this is in one of the bluest, most fanatically left wing cities in the country.

The haters don't represent the vast majority of us. God forbid that we become like them.

What the alphabet media would not report yesterday:

If you were paying attention, you'd see that most of the vile and hateful posts on usmb are from the right wing including quite a few that pretend to be christians. In the meantime, explain why every republican president in this century went out of their way to not put their time in the military when they had the opportunity and their nation was at war.

I haven't seen that and I do pay attention.

And whether or not anybody served in the military is not the topic of this thread. But President Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, George HW Bush, and George W. Bush all served in the military. Donald Trump did not but then neither did Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. So if you are going to throw stones. . .

We are talking about dodging the draft & then having the nerve to insult the military service of others.

The left have absolutely no right to accuse another of any alledged draft dodging, as they were the very authors of the practice. So it's any means nessesary eh ??

So, now you think only Democrats dodged the draft? How did you think Bush didn't go?
Democrats aren't the ones worshiping rthe drast dodger who trashed the military service of others.

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