I'm Finally Ashamed Of My Country

Still too arrogant to look up the definition of socialism, aren't you?

How is it I’m “arrogant” for not agreeing with you? And, you lied about what I said.

No. I never lie. I have been mistaken before, but I freely acknowledge that as soon as proof is presented. You said we fought for independence from socialism. That's bat-shit crazy.

We fought for independence from imperialism, not socialism.

True, but for right wingers, socialism has become a catch all word meaning anything they don't like. One right wing family member even complained the socialist reduction of the speed limit in a school zone was the reason he got a ticket. Now, even you have to see that's nuts, and a little bit sad/funny too.

My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.

Republicans have sold, sold, sold their bankrupt notions to the American public like mother's milk ever since the Fairness Doctrine was overturned. But most damaging of all was the politicalization of the Christian right. Republicans have flocks of evangelicals who are convinced that the Democratic Party is head by the Devil himself and that all of their religious rights will be stripped and the country will be pure evil if Democrats are elected.

These notions are coming from evangelical pulpits and leaders. This is the EXACT reason why the Founding Fathers wanted religion kept out of politics. They saw how the Catholic Church was corrupted and manipulated by its political machinations in Europe leading up to the Reformation. The Reformation happened because of the Pope's political manipulations of various European governments throughout the Middle Ages.

1776 wasn't that far from removed from the Reformation, and the religious corruption that lead to it. How is this any different from Donald Trump supressing dirty pictures of the Franklins, in return for which Rev. Franklin tells his flock to vote for Trump. Not much God in there for that preacher, is there?

I don't ever recall Rev. Billie Graham telling his parishoners to vote for anyone. He couselled them to go out and vote their conscience, but he left the who up to his flock. Rev. Graham offered spiritual counsel to every President in his lifetime, but he didn't tell his flock who to vote for.

The government should revoke the tax-free charter of every church which plays politics. If any minister told me who to vote for, I'd change churches, even if they told me to vote for the candidate I voted for. I go to church to nourish my spirit and restore my soul, and to give thanks and worship Jesus. I do not go to church for political advice. Faith, hope and charity. Anything that does fit that criteria, should be grounds for revoking tax free status.
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The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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a freakish cultist who stands against a lot of what makes our country great.

Do please give us the list of things that made America great that Trump stands against. I can't wait to see that.

1) Having an honest President who does not assault women & use the office to benefit himself
2) Accepting immigrants & helping refugees
3) Not borrowing 1.5 trillion to primarily benefit the wealthy & well off corporations
4) Honoring the military service of those who served
5) Being the world leader
6) Protecting the environment
7) Protecting the working man
8) Protecting the right to vote
9) Standing up for human rights around the world
10) Not supporting tyrants & despots.

How is that?

1. Have any women filed assault charges against Trump ??? You accuse a person of assault without any charges being filed against them in the past or present ?? So you disrespect our form of justice in this nation ??

2. He accepts legal immigrants, and has alledgedly worked illegals in the past, but he is president of the nation who is representing all here now, so what he did as a business man doesn't work as our President today. He has evolved.

3. Incentivizing business is a huge plus provided that business keeps it's promises in return, and that is to create jobs, and to invest back into America. So far so good.

4. Didn't watch the 4th of July celebration did ya ??

5. Being the world leader is kind of disrespectful to the world leaders wouldn't you say ?? How about us just being a strong leader in the world, where as we inspire the world instead of thinking that we lead the world against it's will ???

6. Not up to him, and him alone. It's up to all to make our grievance's known to our government's whether local, state or federal.

If our environments are going bad, it's our own fault just as much as it is their fault for their inactions on the issues. Instead of worrying about stupid thing's, it's best to focus on things that are more of a priority, but of course there are to many distractions or opportunist who are just using some of the issues in order to hurt or weaken down government on the other issues in which they are worried more about. It's been a tactic used for many centuries.

7. The working men and women protects him or herself through education and skill sets. Once aquire these things no one can abuse or exploit you. If they do, it won't last long enough that it doesn't come back on them in a very negative way. Crooks might try it, but they are short lived in their attempts at it as well. The uneducated and weak are the most vulnerable, and they should be surrounded like a shield by everyone who knows what might happen if they don't protect those who are vulnerable.

Then there are the bad in which their destiny is sealed by their own actions and character in life. These types must be always recognized, and then kept in non-powerful positions in order to limit their abuse upon another or worse entire groups that might be affected by their bullcrap, otherwise if empowering such individuals without regards. Of course people do learn by their negative experiences, and turn from their bad ways, and when this happens the prodical son or daughter should be welcomed back into the circle.

8. Requiring ID for confirmation of citizenship to vote is a no brainer in any soverign country, and to put that question on a census is also a no brainer. Made up bullcrap that suggest these things have some sort of sinister reasoning behind them is ridiculous. The people will instantly know if things go to far, and then you will have the support needed to correct those things when they happen. We ain't no where close yet.

9. We definitely stand up for human rights everywhere, but the border invasion is something different, and yet we are trying all we can to deal properly with that situation in a humanitarian way, and yes without the help of the crats while they sit back and point fingers.

10. We don't support tyrants or despot's, but instead we deal with them in order to keep you safe. Not dealing with them at all is of course not being seen as a strong leader in the world, but instead it is seen by them as that of a coward in the world. Not going to happen.

1) Over 20 women have accused Trump. But you think they ase all liars because Trump is known for telling the truth.

2) Trump is making legal immigration harder especially from SHITHOLE countries. He calls refugees invaders. He steals their children. He packs them in centers without proper care. THAT is NOT America you God damn asshole.

3) Tax cuts for well off corporations that have not used them to increase wages & create jobs & expand. They used them to acquisitions & buying back their own stock. All on BORROWED money.

4) John McCain- Trump trashed his militsary service. He said he did not like those that were captured (POWs). He trashed a Gold Star Family. He called the widow of a recently killed soldier a liar. He stole money meant for the military for his stupid wall. He mocked our generals when he said he knew more about ISIS than they did. Throwing a event for himself is an insult. Those things he said & did were INSULTS. Why do you support that?

5) Giving up world leadership to Chnia & Russia is now a good thing t you Trumpettes? Really? Some one will take our place.

6) It is up to Trump when he guts regulations that protect our environment.

7) Trump is cutting regulations that protect workers from workplace hazards including clean air. He is cutting OSHA inspections. Trup prefers corporations make more profits than protect workers.

8) There are no statistics that show any signoificant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent. The no brainer is you. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have an accepted photo ID. These are disproportionate Democrat voters. And really, don't try substituting ID for photo ID you dishonest POS.

One thing you can always get without a photo ID, a photo ID

The reason you assfucks want the citizenship question is to reduce the number of illegals or citizens with illegal family members responding. You are cheats,. The only way you can win is by cheating.

9) Your hero, that fat assed orange POS you call President, has said that he does not care what goes on inside the border of any country. He pulled out of the UN Human Rights Council. Trump violates the human rights of those seeking adsylum right her in America.

10) Name one thing Trump has done to stop these tyrants &b despots. He loves them. Russia, NK, Philippines, MBS of Saudi, etc etc etc He has not dione shkit to "deakl" with any of them.
How is it I’m “arrogant” for not agreeing with you? And, you lied about what I said.

No. I never lie. I have been mistaken before, but I freely acknowledge that as soon as proof is presented. You said we fought for independence from socialism. That's bat-shit crazy.

We fought for independence from imperialism, not socialism.

True, but for right wingers, socialism has become a catch all word meaning anything they don't like. One right wing family member even complained the socialist reduction of the speed limit in a school zone was the reason he got a ticket. Now, even you have to see that's nuts, and a little bit sad/funny too.

My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.

Republicans have sold, sold, sold their bankrupt notions to the American public like mother's milk ever since the Fairness Doctrine was overturned. But most damaging of all was the politicalization of the Christian right. Republicans have flocks of evangelicals who are convinced that the Democratic Party is head by the Devil himself and that all of their religious rights will be stripped and the country will be pure evil if Democrats are elected.

These notions are coming from evangelical pulpits and leaders. This is the EXACT reason why the Founding Fathers wanted religion kept out of politics. They saw how the Catholic Church was corrupted and manipulated by its political machinations in Europe leading up to the Reformation. The Reformation happened because of the Pope's political manipulations of various European governments throughout the Middle Ages.

1776 wasn't that far from removed from the Reformation, and the religious corruption that lead to it. How is this any different from Donald Trump supressing dirty pictures of the Franklins, in return for which Rev. Franklin tells his flock to vote for Trump. Not much God in there for that preacher, is there?

There are Communists actively trying to take down/take over America. That's a no-no. :eusa_naughty:
It's a good thing that Michelle was proud of her country FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HER ADULT LIFE only when her America hating commie husband became president.


He is telling the truth

I say Liar!

Republicans have sold, sold, sold their bankrupt notions to the American public like mother's milk ever since the Fairness Doctrine was overturned. But most damaging of all was the politicalization of the Christian right. Republicans have flocks of evangelicals who are convinced that the Democratic Party is head by the Devil himself and that all of their religious rights will be stripped and the country will be pure evil if Democrats are elected.

Democrats and the MSM have been demonizing Trump even before he was elected. I don't see the "Christian right" doing anything like that to this crop of Democrats.

These notions are coming from evangelical pulpits and leaders. This is the EXACT reason why the Founding Fathers wanted religion kept out of politics. They saw how the Catholic Church was corrupted and manipulated by its political machinations in Europe leading up to the Reformation. The Reformation happened because of the Pope's political manipulations of various European governments throughout the Middle Ages.

1776 wasn't that far from removed from the Reformation, and the religious corruption that lead to it. How is this any different from Donald Trump supressing dirty pictures of the Franklins, in return for which Rev. Franklin tells his flock to vote for Trump. Not much God in there for that preacher, is there?

The Founders DID NOT want religion 'kept out' of politics, they said the State would not be a theocracy. Politicians are free to be as religious or non-religious as they want to be. You have made a false assumption.
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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President Trump would have been criticized just as much if he had cancelled or not scheduled an event on the Washington Mall, and instead just left town for the long weekend.

He couldn't have done it right, in the eyes of the Far Left.
President Trump would have been criticized just as much if he had cancelled or not scheduled an event on the Washington Mall, and instead just left town for the long weekend.

He couldn't have done it right, in the eyes of the Far Left.

I know I have posted this before but: If Trump actually walked on water, the MSM would report "TRUMP CAN'T SWIM!"
No they won’t. Trump hasn’t done shit for the military. He hasn’t even appointed a head of the VA. Funding hasn’t increased. More doctors haven’t been hired and wait times are same as they ever were.

Allowing vets to go to private clinics, is little to no help as it drains already scarce resources and funds away from a program which is seriously underfunded in the first place.

The VA was originally created to help returning WWII vets access their service benefits. It was never structured to deal with the physical and emotional damaging inflicted on American service men and women by 18 years of continuous warfare in multiples theatres of operation.

Chronic understaffing and underfunding created today’s problems. It is past time that America stop spending money on dog and pony shows to “honor” service members and started spending money on keeping the promises they made when these people enlisted.

The best way to honor vets is not with parades and fireworks, but with timely care for their injuries. By dealing with the problems of homelessness, suicide, and PTS. By providing supports, education, training, and housing. By keeping the promises you made BEFORE you sent them to war.

I brought this up when others in this thread were saying how all the military guys were saying how they love Trump... they are full of shit because Trump hasn't done 10% of the things he promised the people in the military. They don't care. They can't defend their positions, they just deflect and attack.
No one disrespects military folk more than progressives... fact
We did not vote for a man who cheated his way out of the draft & trashed military vets.
  • If you voted for Bill Clinton (and you did) you voted for a man that cheated his way out of the draft.
  • If you voted for Obumma (and you did) you voted for a man who trashed the military and the vets.
Look you lying assdsfuck,. show me where Obama trashed the military service of anyone. Ypu keep posting it so show us.

Clinton dodged the drafty by going to England.
GW Bush used his Father's influence to hide out in the National Guard.
Trump paid off a doctor to lie to avoid the draft notice he got.

Neither Clinton or Bush trasxhed the military service of anyone.

The reason why Clinton went to England was for school. He had a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford.

When he got back, he took his chances with the draft. There was very little chance he would be drafted since his draft number was 311. The government never got higher than 195.

Unlike the bush boy and trump, Clinton didn't have any strings pulled for him. He got the same college draft deferments everyone else who went to school got. He took his chances with the draft. No one got him in a champaign unit in the National Guard. No one paid a doctor to lie for him either.

And you're right. Neither the bush boy nor Clinton or Obama ever trash anyone in the military.

That just can't be said about trump.
Why glorify the military? They don’t fight to protect our freedom. They fight to protect the interests of the 1%.

Of course my posting this immediately makes me a traitor, by the millions of duped Americans.

America was birthed in war. We have a long tradition of a strong military. Our military helped stop Hitler. If you don't like most of US glorifying our military, then go join Code Pink with their little Trump-baby-balloons and pee in your panties along with them. Our great military fought to give you that 'right'.....
If only there was an anti-war movement in the US.

For most of our history, we had a very small weak military. The founders rightly feared a large standing army. Americans used to as well but no more, thanks to the elites and their propaganda.

Stop being a dupe for the Ruling Class.
It's a good thing that Michelle was proud of her country FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HER ADULT LIFE only when her America hating commie husband became president.

Apparently TDS makes people not only dumb but deaf as well:

Not only are you a liar, you are also a living, breathing insult to everybody's intelligence. Everybody's but your own.

She said, for the first time she was "really proud." Read it as often as necessary to understand the difference. Yes, really, take your time. Her husband doesn't hate America, and is no commie. And she did say she's really proud because, in her view, America, after a long and often frustrating struggle, changed for the better. I found her pride overly hasty; apparently, she never met you and your demented mouth-breather ilk. For had she made that experience, it would have seriously dented her pride.
No. I never lie. I have been mistaken before, but I freely acknowledge that as soon as proof is presented. You said we fought for independence from socialism. That's bat-shit crazy.

We fought for independence from imperialism, not socialism.

True, but for right wingers, socialism has become a catch all word meaning anything they don't like. One right wing family member even complained the socialist reduction of the speed limit in a school zone was the reason he got a ticket. Now, even you have to see that's nuts, and a little bit sad/funny too.

My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.

Republicans have sold, sold, sold their bankrupt notions to the American public like mother's milk ever since the Fairness Doctrine was overturned. But most damaging of all was the politicalization of the Christian right. Republicans have flocks of evangelicals who are convinced that the Democratic Party is head by the Devil himself and that all of their religious rights will be stripped and the country will be pure evil if Democrats are elected.

These notions are coming from evangelical pulpits and leaders. This is the EXACT reason why the Founding Fathers wanted religion kept out of politics. They saw how the Catholic Church was corrupted and manipulated by its political machinations in Europe leading up to the Reformation. The Reformation happened because of the Pope's political manipulations of various European governments throughout the Middle Ages.

1776 wasn't that far from removed from the Reformation, and the religious corruption that lead to it. How is this any different from Donald Trump supressing dirty pictures of the Franklins, in return for which Rev. Franklin tells his flock to vote for Trump. Not much God in there for that preacher, is there?

There are Communists actively trying to take down/take over America. That's a no-no. :eusa_naughty:

That doesn't mean everyone who doesn't like Trump is a communist who is trying to take down our country, does it?
We fought for independence from imperialism, not socialism.

True, but for right wingers, socialism has become a catch all word meaning anything they don't like. One right wing family member even complained the socialist reduction of the speed limit in a school zone was the reason he got a ticket. Now, even you have to see that's nuts, and a little bit sad/funny too.

My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.

Republicans have sold, sold, sold their bankrupt notions to the American public like mother's milk ever since the Fairness Doctrine was overturned. But most damaging of all was the politicalization of the Christian right. Republicans have flocks of evangelicals who are convinced that the Democratic Party is head by the Devil himself and that all of their religious rights will be stripped and the country will be pure evil if Democrats are elected.

These notions are coming from evangelical pulpits and leaders. This is the EXACT reason why the Founding Fathers wanted religion kept out of politics. They saw how the Catholic Church was corrupted and manipulated by its political machinations in Europe leading up to the Reformation. The Reformation happened because of the Pope's political manipulations of various European governments throughout the Middle Ages.

1776 wasn't that far from removed from the Reformation, and the religious corruption that lead to it. How is this any different from Donald Trump supressing dirty pictures of the Franklins, in return for which Rev. Franklin tells his flock to vote for Trump. Not much God in there for that preacher, is there?

There are Communists actively trying to take down/take over America. That's a no-no. :eusa_naughty:

That doesn't mean everyone who doesn't like Trump is a communist who is trying to take down our country, does it?

No, but you're a leftist commie shill. What is your point? You are, Olde Europe is, DragonLady is, and RealDave is too.

Commie leftist shills, all of you. :1peleas::fu:
Unlike the bush boy and trump, Clinton didn't have any strings pulled for him. He got the same college draft deferments everyone else who went to school got. He took his chances with the draft. No one got him in a champaign unit in the National Guard. No one paid a doctor to lie for him either.

And you're right. Neither the bush boy nor Clinton or Obama ever trash anyone in the military.

That just can't be said about trump.

Actually, that is not true at all. Between 1964 and 1967, William Clinton was a clerk for Archracist J. William Fulbright- a powerful voice in the Democrat Party and a top Senat committee chairman.

That's a lot of pull. Maybe not as much as the Kennedy clan, but more that the Trump Family who had new money
True, but for right wingers, socialism has become a catch all word meaning anything they don't like. One right wing family member even complained the socialist reduction of the speed limit in a school zone was the reason he got a ticket. Now, even you have to see that's nuts, and a little bit sad/funny too.

My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.

Republicans have sold, sold, sold their bankrupt notions to the American public like mother's milk ever since the Fairness Doctrine was overturned. But most damaging of all was the politicalization of the Christian right. Republicans have flocks of evangelicals who are convinced that the Democratic Party is head by the Devil himself and that all of their religious rights will be stripped and the country will be pure evil if Democrats are elected.

These notions are coming from evangelical pulpits and leaders. This is the EXACT reason why the Founding Fathers wanted religion kept out of politics. They saw how the Catholic Church was corrupted and manipulated by its political machinations in Europe leading up to the Reformation. The Reformation happened because of the Pope's political manipulations of various European governments throughout the Middle Ages.

1776 wasn't that far from removed from the Reformation, and the religious corruption that lead to it. How is this any different from Donald Trump supressing dirty pictures of the Franklins, in return for which Rev. Franklin tells his flock to vote for Trump. Not much God in there for that preacher, is there?

There are Communists actively trying to take down/take over America. That's a no-no. :eusa_naughty:

That doesn't mean everyone who doesn't like Trump is a communist who is trying to take down our country, does it?

No, but you're a leftist commie shill. What is your point? You are, Olde Europe is, DragonLady is, and RealDave is too.

Commie leftist shills, all of you. :1peleas::fu:

Have you talked to your therapist about your paranoia?
That doesn't mean everyone who doesn't like Trump is a communist who is trying to take down our country, does it?

Try to imagine an existence so constrained as to be incapable of grappling with any novel thought since the heyday of McCarthy.
My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.

Republicans have sold, sold, sold their bankrupt notions to the American public like mother's milk ever since the Fairness Doctrine was overturned. But most damaging of all was the politicalization of the Christian right. Republicans have flocks of evangelicals who are convinced that the Democratic Party is head by the Devil himself and that all of their religious rights will be stripped and the country will be pure evil if Democrats are elected.

These notions are coming from evangelical pulpits and leaders. This is the EXACT reason why the Founding Fathers wanted religion kept out of politics. They saw how the Catholic Church was corrupted and manipulated by its political machinations in Europe leading up to the Reformation. The Reformation happened because of the Pope's political manipulations of various European governments throughout the Middle Ages.

1776 wasn't that far from removed from the Reformation, and the religious corruption that lead to it. How is this any different from Donald Trump supressing dirty pictures of the Franklins, in return for which Rev. Franklin tells his flock to vote for Trump. Not much God in there for that preacher, is there?

There are Communists actively trying to take down/take over America. That's a no-no. :eusa_naughty:

That doesn't mean everyone who doesn't like Trump is a communist who is trying to take down our country, does it?

No, but you're a leftist commie shill. What is your point? You are, Olde Europe is, DragonLady is, and RealDave is too.

Commie leftist shills, all of you. :1peleas::fu:

Have you talked to your therapist about your paranoia?

S'amatter, you're not proud to be the Commie shill that you are?
My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.
Great story.
Nobody asked me if I wanted SS or not. The government just started taking my money.
It's not socialism when I am receiving back my own money.

Yes, it is. That is EXACTLY what socialism is. The taxes you pay come back to you, in some form or another - through programs and benefits for ALL people. Social programs are a necessity for a healthy vibrant capitalist economy because they ease the suffering of the most vulnerable during periods of contraction or recession.

More than half the workers in your country, are deeply in debt and one missed paycheck away from financial calamity. And the only thing I ever hear on this website is "In my day, we saved our money, we worked our way up". There's no money to save, and it's not because we all have smart phones and cable TV, and flat screen TV's.

When I was a young bank manager in the 1970's, I was paid enough money that I could afford the mortgage payments on a three bedroom, raised-ranch house, on a decent sized lot, in a nice residential neighbourhood. And that was when interest rates were in excess of 10%. My new car cost 1/4 of my salary, and the woman who came to clean my house and care for my kids while I worked, cost me 1/8 of my salary.

Today, that same house costs more than 12 times what I paid for it ($42,500). I paid $325 per month on a private mortgage at 12%. Today the principal and interest payment is around $1200 per month, even though the interest rate is only 3% and that includes a $100,000 downpayment, as opposed to the $12,500, plus closing costs, that I put down. My modest little Datsun, which cost me 1/4 of my annual pay, now costs more than half my annual pay, or $400 per month, and my car insurance which was less than $100 a month, is now over $300. And day care for two children now costs more than half my pay. My pay, which was a respectable double the then current minimum wage, is now $2700 per month before taxes, less than $4 more than the current minimum wage. My house, car and child care payments, which were less than $700 in 1979, now costs me, $2,300.

The life I had in 1979 on my salary as a junior bank manager, would be beyond the reach of someone who does the same work today. That is what is wrong with our current economic system. People are not being adequately paid for the same work that made you and I a very good living doing.
Great, so don't watch the parade and go play with your sparklers or whatever.

That does not reflect on the FACT that so many Dimocrat pundits and Talking Heads panned the idea of a 4th of July parade and whined about it.

This is yet another win for Trump because the Democrat minority of Identity Politics wack jobs over-reacted and exposed their hate for celebrating America.

I am sure most Democrats do not feel that way and enjoyed the parade just like everyone else, but they are not the flavor of Democrat that is in front of the camera.

Aw, come on, Jim.

Trump watched a parade in Paris. The French, a has-been, stick with their militaristic tradition and somewhat ridiculously have their military parades. It's some sort of auto-suggestion that the like comes with power status, or something.

Whatever... The Trumpy went all penis-envy and wanted a parade in his own glory, replicating the French's ridiculousness, as if the greatest military power on earth would need a show of military hardware to convince anyone that their Dear Leader has... the chops.

It's odious, to tell the least. Ludicrous, more likely, when the over-grown baby wants to show off his toys in an exercise of self-aggrandizement. Rightly understood, there is but one political salute to the military, that is, to use it wisely and only when absolutely, unavoidably needed. All else is either criminal, or theft from taxpayers, and on the backs of grunts who can't say "No" either way.

A "win for Trump" it is in the eyes of the terminally stupid. Reportedly, July 4 celebration came with a bill in the order of $2 million. In 2019, the bill is said to approach $100 million. Trumpletons couldn't be any giddier. In case any Democrats felt the same way, I couldn't be more embarrassed. Okay, I could, but not by much.

Your first article is from a website called "The Mental Recession". The horrors inflicted by Obama include, failing to attend the funeral of a combat soldier, while he was out of the country on vacation. Has any President attended ANY funeral of a combat soldier?

He failed to give a proper salute to the marines when he got off AF1. Are your fucking kidding me? Oh the horrors:

These Photos Of Trump Saluting Compared To Past Presidents Show Why It's Taboo

And as for asking the marines to hold the umbrellas, well the disrespect but he is Commander in Chief and I don't see it as disrespectful at all, unless you dislike the idea of a white man being required to hold the black man's umbrella. But this phot really shows a total lack of respect or manners by the President.

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You should have read the Military Times article you posted:

But more than two-thirds support Obama's mantra that securing America means building strong alliances with foreign powers. And more than 60 percent think his use of drones and special forces teams for precision strikes — instead of large-scale military operations — has helped U.S. national security.

The enlisted guys didn't like him, but the officers across every branch of the services, gave him high marks.

The article from the Daily Wire is worse. There isn't a single instance where Obama has trash talked the military in that article. Saying that the army was doing good work in Afghanistan the wasn't "willy-nilly bombing villages" isn't trash talking. It is, in fact, praising them. Cutting the number of personnel isn't "trash talking" the military. Saying government is to quickk to use military solutions isn't "trash talking the military.

Shrinking the army is a GOOD thing.
Stanley McChrystal called Obama a fuck up… Which is entirely true
Republicans have sold, sold, sold their bankrupt notions to the American public like mother's milk ever since the Fairness Doctrine was overturned. But most damaging of all was the politicalization of the Christian right. Republicans have flocks of evangelicals who are convinced that the Democratic Party is head by the Devil himself and that all of their religious rights will be stripped and the country will be pure evil if Democrats are elected.

These notions are coming from evangelical pulpits and leaders. This is the EXACT reason why the Founding Fathers wanted religion kept out of politics. They saw how the Catholic Church was corrupted and manipulated by its political machinations in Europe leading up to the Reformation. The Reformation happened because of the Pope's political manipulations of various European governments throughout the Middle Ages.

1776 wasn't that far from removed from the Reformation, and the religious corruption that lead to it. How is this any different from Donald Trump supressing dirty pictures of the Franklins, in return for which Rev. Franklin tells his flock to vote for Trump. Not much God in there for that preacher, is there?

There are Communists actively trying to take down/take over America. That's a no-no. :eusa_naughty:

That doesn't mean everyone who doesn't like Trump is a communist who is trying to take down our country, does it?

No, but you're a leftist commie shill. What is your point? You are, Olde Europe is, DragonLady is, and RealDave is too.

Commie leftist shills, all of you. :1peleas::fu:

Have you talked to your therapist about your paranoia?

S'amatter, you're not proud to be the Commie shill that you are?

I'm sorry if I scare you Mary.

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