I'm for impeachment but only if its purpose is to clear the air about election fraud.

What? Trump had his lawyers suing with ZERO evidence. He had the opportunity. Now you want to kiss his fat ass again?

That's not how I see it. I'm against the general notion of impeaching Trump unless it serves the purpose of helping put to rest, one way or other, this notion that Biden and the Democrats stole the election. You may wish to listen to the debate over the next four years but for me I see impeachment as the one opportunity for Trump himself to have his day in court. His opportunity to either put up or shut up.

Additionally, there are serious matters of election tampering to discuss from the opposite viewpoint. Most notably that audio recording of Trump's phone call to Georgia should raise concern how many other states were contacted and their appropriateness. I believe it is appropriate and needed that the issue of any impeachment be whether Trump's post election behavior has or hasn't been an unfounded attack upon the foundation of our democracy.
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The only way I'm for impeaching Trump is if its purpose is to get to the bottom of his charges of election fraud. The process should provide Trump the opportunity to substantiate his claims of election fraud and also call in state election officials from Georgia and any other state which he contacted and have these officials provide testamony. Either he exhonorates himself or be found guilty of sedition.

I'd be willing to let the chips fall as they may. You?

I would bet all I own, that your side would not allow that in the process.
Why not? I am getting this Deja vu all over again. It didnt work before, lets do it again. That's Democrats for ya.

I can relate to that attitude. I held it up until watching the evening news yesterday. They had a story about impeachment and a point the "correspondent" raised was that a successful impeachment Senate trial would prevent Trump from running for President again. My wife was all for it, I was against it and expressed to her that if the Democrats lost to Trump in 2024 then they'd deserve to be out'ta there. The concern that impeachment talk needed to be taken seriously is what led me to post this thread.

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