I'm not happy...

The Democrats are in dire straits. They were looking to 2024 before they had to come with another feasible candidate. Then Donald Trump won and they were caught with nothing. They knew they were in trouble and started talking about impeachment before Trump even took office. Then they wonder why no one took the Impeachment seriously after the Russia fiasco and collusion confusion.

However it happened, they have the inmates running the asylum. Tom Perez, DNC chair is as far to the left as is Bernie Sanders and has some way out beliefs as well.

Joe Biden is fading fast and never had his heart in running anyway and he's running out of money.

They have no platform on which to run except TRUMP BAD. It's indisputable that President Donald Trump is doing a remarkable job. What are they going to promise other than FREE EVERYTHING?
Sure, that's exactly what will happen...you have no path to Presidential victory with this clown show Democrats have given us....The divide couldn't be more defined. Either you want Socialism, in one form or another, or you want continued prosperity we've enjoyed for the past 3.5 years. Your choice.
The obvious question your post raises is not why a loony-left rag like Daily Kos would publish such monumentally socialist silliness - that's what they do - but rather why any MORON would read it and post it here? No Comrade … you may not have the fruit of other's labor. Get off your duff and earn your own.

Daily Kos - Media Bias/Fact Check

Daily Kos Media Bias Rating
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I said in '16 that the Democrats were going to suffer the same revolt among the ranks that the Republicans did starting with the TEA Party and culminating in Trump, but they were just a few years behind. Now the rank and file is sending a loud message to the party power structure that they do not want the recycled garbage they've been getting in their candidates, but there is no Trump figure to capture their attention and excitement. Bernie supporters absolutely should stay home on election day after they get shafted yet again by the power elite who WILL force Biden on them.

I don't know a great deal about how the UN-Democratic primaries work, but his showings are looking to be so abysmal, they might not be able to force Biden on the party.

Never underestimate the perfidy of the democrat leadership.

Oh, I don't, but even they can get stymied by basic arithmetic sometimes.

And they get confused about how the president is elected. We still see some complaining that Trump really isn't president because Hillary got a bunch more votes in California.

Are you suggesting that all of Hillary's "popular votes" came from California?

Pretty sure he's suggesting that it doesn't matter, because we don't choose the President by a popular vote.
I said in '16 that the Democrats were going to suffer the same revolt among the ranks that the Republicans did starting with the TEA Party and culminating in Trump, but they were just a few years behind. Now the rank and file is sending a loud message to the party power structure that they do not want the recycled garbage they've been getting in their candidates, but there is no Trump figure to capture their attention and excitement. Bernie supporters absolutely should stay home on election day after they get shafted yet again by the power elite who WILL force Biden on them.

I don't know a great deal about how the UN-Democratic primaries work, but his showings are looking to be so abysmal, they might not be able to force Biden on the party.

Never underestimate the perfidy of the democrat leadership.

Oh, I don't, but even they can get stymied by basic arithmetic sometimes.

And they get confused about how the president is elected. We still see some complaining that Trump really isn't president because Hillary got a bunch more votes in California.

Are you suggesting that all of Hillary's "popular votes" came from California?

I'm not only suggesting, I'm stating that her popular vote margin came from California, which apparently has confused the less educated who insist that she really won the election. Now, who would be foolish enough to think I was saying all her popular votes came from California? That's ridiculous.
I don't know a great deal about how the UN-Democratic primaries work, but his showings are looking to be so abysmal, they might not be able to force Biden on the party.

Never underestimate the perfidy of the democrat leadership.

Oh, I don't, but even they can get stymied by basic arithmetic sometimes.

And they get confused about how the president is elected. We still see some complaining that Trump really isn't president because Hillary got a bunch more votes in California.

Are you suggesting that all of Hillary's "popular votes" came from California?

I'm not only suggesting, I'm stating that her popular vote margin came from California, which apparently has confused the less educated who insist that she really won the election. Now, who would be foolish enough to think I was saying all her popular votes came from California? That's ridiculous.

Why, because California voted last? Funny...
Never underestimate the perfidy of the democrat leadership.

Oh, I don't, but even they can get stymied by basic arithmetic sometimes.

And they get confused about how the president is elected. We still see some complaining that Trump really isn't president because Hillary got a bunch more votes in California.

Are you suggesting that all of Hillary's "popular votes" came from California?

I'm not only suggesting, I'm stating that her popular vote margin came from California, which apparently has confused the less educated who insist that she really won the election. Now, who would be foolish enough to think I was saying all her popular votes came from California? That's ridiculous.

Why, because California voted last? Funny...
Her margin in California matches her margin in the total popular vote count. And did you really think I said ALL of her popular votes came from California?
Oh, I don't, but even they can get stymied by basic arithmetic sometimes.

And they get confused about how the president is elected. We still see some complaining that Trump really isn't president because Hillary got a bunch more votes in California.

Are you suggesting that all of Hillary's "popular votes" came from California?

I'm not only suggesting, I'm stating that her popular vote margin came from California, which apparently has confused the less educated who insist that she really won the election. Now, who would be foolish enough to think I was saying all her popular votes came from California? That's ridiculous.

Why, because California voted last? Funny...
Her margin in California matches her margin in the total popular vote count. And did you really think I said ALL of her popular votes came from California?

Well, sparky, some states had to vote last. It's that time zone thingy. Funny...

2016 National Popular Vote Tracker
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about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
Nah, jump.
And they get confused about how the president is elected. We still see some complaining that Trump really isn't president because Hillary got a bunch more votes in California.

Are you suggesting that all of Hillary's "popular votes" came from California?

I'm not only suggesting, I'm stating that her popular vote margin came from California, which apparently has confused the less educated who insist that she really won the election. Now, who would be foolish enough to think I was saying all her popular votes came from California? That's ridiculous.

Why, because California voted last? Funny...
Her margin in California matches her margin in the total popular vote count. And did you really think I said ALL of her popular votes came from California?

Well, sparky, some states had to vote last. It's that time zone thingy. Funny...

2016 National Popular Vote Tracker

And they get confused about how the president is elected. We still see some complaining that Trump really isn't president because Hillary got a bunch more votes in California.

Are you suggesting that all of Hillary's "popular votes" came from California?

I'm not only suggesting, I'm stating that her popular vote margin came from California, which apparently has confused the less educated who insist that she really won the election. Now, who would be foolish enough to think I was saying all her popular votes came from California? That's ridiculous.

Why, because California voted last? Funny...
Her margin in California matches her margin in the total popular vote count. And did you really think I said ALL of her popular votes came from California?

Well, sparky, some states had to vote last. It's that time zone thingy. Funny...

2016 National Popular Vote Tracker
The only State with more Republicans than CA is TX. But, there is little point in CA GOP voting, because there may be no GOP on the Statewide ballot, BUT, with the NPV, CA Republicans could not only deliver CA to the GOP, but NY IL and the Eastern Seaboard, all while losing the statewide vote in CA. It'll be awesome!

HARSH BUT FAIR: Popular Vote Proponent Pete Buttigieg Claims Victory in State Where Another Guy Got More Votes: By the standard Mayor Pete has celebrated on the campaign trail, Bernie Sanders emerged victorious from the Iowa cacuses.

Mayor Pete is a phony.
Why do liberals get triggered, er offended by facts? testting 1 2 3.
You have a fact?

Would you recognize one if someone showed it to you?
Funny chit. You believe trump & thereby either love being lied to or too stupid to know Trump is lying all the time.

the demographics of trumps base ;

middle age

so stupid is a key element -

So you put up candidates that are white, old, socialist and stupid....brilliant strategy.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

Your concern about the Bernie Bros is well founded. If a quarter of the Berners who sat home in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan had showed up, Trump wouldn't have won.

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)

Bernie was bitter and his bitterness wore off on his supporters. Yeah, he got screwed by Little Debbie Wasserman, Donna Brazile and the DNC so maybe he had a right to be bitter, but it rubbed off on his supporters and they either didn't bother voting or went third party.

Didn't work out so well did it? I think Bernie understands the stakes in this election and hopefully his supporters do as well. IMHO, this the most important election in US history. Another 4 years of Dumpster Boy and we won't have a country anymore. He's done ENOUGH damage and it'll take minimally a decade to undo the damage to our institutions and re-establish positive relationships with our allies.

Are you still on the ledge? Yeah, me too. I'm worried as hell.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

LOL I won't even try. Go ahead and jump you dumbass. It'll be better for you and for us. Let me know if you need a little shove through because you can count on me for that.

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