I'm not happy...

about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

Nope, enjoy the view.
did you see the poll that showed 65% of demofks in NH would rather be dead than have trump as president? Can you say snowflake loudly? hly fk. the drama queens are truly dramatized.

Mental illness to the max. I feel sorry for their kids.
They want Gulags and Guillotines. All of them think Conservatives are Evil and standing in the way of their Global Utopia, and of course though probably unwittingly, their Messiah, The Anti-Christ.

Notice how Democrats last few years have been Deifying their candidates,
that they'd rather be dead, says all you need to know about them. they can't exist in a society.
They are Liars and Murderers like their Father, The Father of Lies who was a murderer from The Beginning.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

Even if I could, why would I want to?

In all seriousness, though, I think you've got a pretty accurate assessment of your situation. And no, it's not too soon to worry at all. We both know how important the initial primaries/caucuses are to the momentum of a campaign. And after the way Sanders' supporters felt he was robbed in the primary against Hillary, you're not wrong about them just taking their toys and going home if he doesn't win this time.

Unfortunately for you, Sanders is far too one-sided, in terms of the political aisles, to bring in the numbers he needs in a general election, and Buttigieg is a lightweight nobody, without Obama's charisma and appeal to power him through his lack of experience and record.

So anyway . . . good luck with that. :D
everything is about "falling into line" with them. hly sht. they literally are a cult.

if that doesn't wreak of domination god like power nothing else does.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time. Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
Nope. Y'all have spent 3+ years with you hair on fire and now you think the hysterical worms should slither back into their can? You unleashed them and your chickens have come home to roost. I do find revealing the growing admission that the only real plank on the Dem platform is #GetTrump. You are so short-sighted that you can't see how that will play in November. It's gonna be a red tsunami and you did this to yourselves.
Here's a snack on which to nibble:
Klobuchar leapfrogs over Biden and Warren in two New Hampshire polls
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about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

Democratic socialism is sprinkles on a pile of shit.

You wanted your party to go hard left, you got your party going hard left.
Remember, in The Latter Days, after Israel is reborn as a Nation and they possess Jerusalem as their capital, THE WICKED eventually gain control of Everything.

They will not WIN until we are removed to be with God. Until then, it is our job to fight The Globalists, Socialists, Communists, Godless, and the wicked and to Occupy and defend until that day comes, when God gives the Earth over to Judgment, and lets The Wicked have things their way for a short season until Armageddon and God's Judgment comes.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

Democratic socialism is sprinkles on a pile of shit.

You wanted your party to go hard left, you got your party going hard left.

No, I didn't. Stop lying. Hillary and Biden aren't "hard left".
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

Democratic socialism is sprinkles on a pile of shit.

You wanted your party to go hard left, you got your party going hard left.

No, I didn't. Stop lying. Hillary and Biden aren't "hard left".

yes, they are. The new crop are just harder left.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

Democratic socialism is sprinkles on a pile of shit.

You wanted your party to go hard left, you got your party going hard left.

No, I didn't. Stop lying. Hillary and Biden aren't "hard left".
They Both worship Satan and follow Saul Alinsky, so tell me again how they aren't hard left, Son of Beelzebub?

Clinton wanted to replace The Dollar with Her Amero, wanted to tear down our borders, and was for Fundamentally Transforming America in to a Socialist State to be placed under Global Control. Biden and Clinton are both Pro Agenda 21, which was then repackaged as Agenda 2030 when Trump threw a monkey wrench in their plans.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

Remember what Dirty Harry said, Shitting Bull? "you jumpers always want to take somebody with you". Something about your unyielding honesty/wearing your heart on your sleeve, reminds me of what liberals used to be like instead of the traitorous commie scum posing as democrats these days. Bernie won't be allowed to win, the Bernie Bros will tear Milwaukee apart, and the whole riot scene of the Chicago convention in 1968 will guarantee Trump a second term. If Pelousy had swallowed her hatred of #45, your side may have had a glimmer of hope with another couple million border-jumpers/dead folks/pets/cartoon characters voting for free shit. But instead she behaved like a vengeful ex-wife and knocked Biden out instead of Trump. And the cherry on top? Bernie's voters will vote for Trump, same as in 2016. Life is tough and then a bus runs over ya....If I were you, I'd admit defeat, become a Deplorable, and enjoy the 4th quarter of your life like we are.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

Just vote for Trump
He is the greatest Democrat since jfk

Trump* is more like a mobster anti-Christ.

You might be a bit happier if you weren't such a drama queen. Just puttin' it out there.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

If you're not happy now what are you going to do when Pres. Trump wins his second term?

She's gonna do this:

May I also add it's sad hours for the Democrats, after all their bluster about Mueller and the Impeachment and everything

Who's crying for them now? Are you crying for them?

I'm not. I'm eating metaphorical popcorn by the POUND. No one but no one deserves this more than them. You hear this, Lakhota? No one.

I really can't argue. All the problems Lakhota is wigging about now? They manifestly did it to themselves, mocking and dismissing everyone who TOLD them this would happen along the way.

No one to blame but themselves.
Actually, that would tickle the shit out of me!

Not a great idea to be tickled while standing on a ledge. :rolleyes:, just sayin

If I could give you all the ratings for this I would. Made me laugh...…….actually still laughing

It was Lakota who made this all possible........ Still have the image of him standing on the ledge in my mind.


its you who made it possible to prove dipshit rw's couldnt tell a metaphor from Kansas City-


Right right.... i actually thought Lakota had his laptop out on a ledge overlooking Times Square, jammies flapping in the cold wind and shooing away pigeons!........o_O

I got the metaphor, but that doesn't mean I cant enjoy that image in my imagination. Why is it you LW'ers have such a difficult time with all this? The DNC launched an investigation over Trumps sarcasm during a speech.... but you didnt actually see me calling 911 over Lakota's post now did you?

Well, in all fairness, even if you thought Lakhota was serious, WOULD you have called for help?
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
I said in '16 that the Democrats were going to suffer the same revolt among the ranks that the Republicans did starting with the TEA Party and culminating in Trump, but they were just a few years behind. Now the rank and file is sending a loud message to the party power structure that they do not want the recycled garbage they've been getting in their candidates, but there is no Trump figure to capture their attention and excitement. Bernie supporters absolutely should stay home on election day after they get shafted yet again by the power elite who WILL force Biden on them.

I don't know a great deal about how the UN-Democratic primaries work, but his showings are looking to be so abysmal, they might not be able to force Biden on the party.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
No. You really should jump. Your future is doomed. Just give it up if you can't join life.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
Sure, that's exactly what will happen...you have no path to Presidential victory with this clown show Democrats have given us....The divide couldn't be more defined. Either you want Socialism, in one form or another, or you want continued prosperity we've enjoyed for the past 3.5 years.

Your choice.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

We already have socialism.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

No, honey, we really don't, no more than Finland and Norway are "socialist" just because Sanders wants to use them as beards for his undying love for communist tyrannies.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

Democratic socialism is sprinkles on a pile of shit.

You wanted your party to go hard left, you got your party going hard left.

No, I didn't. Stop lying. Hillary and Biden aren't "hard left".

Only from where you sit, out in far-left field.

This level of willful blindness is exactly why you and your party are in the mess you're now worried about, just FYI.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time. Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
Democratic socialism is sprinkles on a pile of shit. You wanted your party to go hard left, you got your party going hard left.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

Democratic socialism is sprinkles on a pile of shit.

You wanted your party to go hard left, you got your party going hard left.

No, I didn't. Stop lying. Hillary and Biden aren't "hard left".

Only from where you sit, out in far-left field.

This level of willful blindness is exactly why you and your party are in the mess you're now worried about, just FYI.
Once you understand that God sends pathological liars and all wicked men Delusions in the Latter Days so that they believe lies and damn themselves to Hell, you will realize that you cannot reason with The Insane and The Condemned to Hell.

They know there is a God but will shake their fist at Him and all who believe until their last dying breath.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
I said in '16 that the Democrats were going to suffer the same revolt among the ranks that the Republicans did starting with the TEA Party and culminating in Trump, but they were just a few years behind. Now the rank and file is sending a loud message to the party power structure that they do not want the recycled garbage they've been getting in their candidates, but there is no Trump figure to capture their attention and excitement. Bernie supporters absolutely should stay home on election day after they get shafted yet again by the power elite who WILL force Biden on them.

I don't know a great deal about how the UN-Democratic primaries work, but his showings are looking to be so abysmal, they might not be able to force Biden on the party.

Never underestimate the perfidy of the democrat leadership.

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