I'm not happy...

about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time. Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
Democratic socialism is sprinkles on a pile of shit. You wanted your party to go hard left, you got your party going hard left.
'Most devastating plague of locusts' in recent history could come within weeks, U.N. warns
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
Sure, that's exactly what will happen...you have no path to Presidential victory with this clown show Democrats have given us....The divide couldn't be more defined. Either you want Socialism, in one form or another, or you want continued prosperity we've enjoyed for the past 3.5 years.

Your choice.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

We already have socialism.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
Thanks demoncraps.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

I have mixed feelings....

On one hand Democratic Socialism has been a huge success everywhere it's been implemented - and it's long overdue for the democratic socialists in the U.S. to stand up to the suppression that they've suffered for the past 70 years.

On the other hand, I'd be a whole lot more comfortable with a moderate Democrat that had a better chance of beating Trump. Sanders is going to scare the be-jesus out of a lot of moderates and independents.

Of course, if they had a brain, they'd be a lot more scared of a second Trump term.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
No matter who The Dems Nominate, they all Believe in Gulags and Guillotines for Conservatives, & Infanticide for Babies.

No, we do not believe in gulags & guillotines for Conservatives & infanticide for babies, dumbass.

But I certainly believe in the loony bin for you...but that really has nothing to do with politics.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
I said in '16 that the Democrats were going to suffer the same revolt among the ranks that the Republicans did starting with the TEA Party and culminating in Trump, but they were just a few years behind. Now the rank and file is sending a loud message to the party power structure that they do not want the recycled garbage they've been getting in their candidates, but there is no Trump figure to capture their attention and excitement. Bernie supporters absolutely should stay home on election day after they get shafted yet again by the power elite who WILL force Biden on them.

I don't know a great deal about how the UN-Democratic primaries work, but his showings are looking to be so abysmal, they might not be able to force Biden on the party.

Never underestimate the perfidy of the democrat leadership.

Oh, I don't, but even they can get stymied by basic arithmetic sometimes.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

I have mixed feelings....

On one hand Democratic Socialism has been a huge success everywhere it's been implemented - and it's long overdue for the democratic socialists in the U.S. to stand up to the suppression that they've suffered for the past 70 years.

On the other hand, I'd be a whole lot more comfortable with a moderate Democrat that had a better chance of beating Trump. Sanders is going to scare the be-jesus out of a lot of moderates and independents.

Of course, if they had a brain, they'd be a lot more scared of a second Trump term.
You want to screw America, put any one of the current loons running on the Dems side.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

I have mixed feelings....

On one hand Democratic Socialism has been a huge success everywhere it's been implemented - and it's long overdue for the democratic socialists in the U.S. to stand up to the suppression that they've suffered for the past 70 years.

On the other hand, I'd be a whole lot more comfortable with a moderate Democrat that had a better chance of beating Trump. Sanders is going to scare the be-jesus out of a lot of moderates and independents.

Of course, if they had a brain, they'd be a lot more scared of a second Trump term.
You want to screw America, put any one of the current loons running on the Dems side.

So you think that the Dem candidates are loons and that Trump is "Normal"?

about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
No matter who The Dems Nominate, they all Believe in Gulags and Guillotines for Conservatives, & Infanticide for Babies.

No, we do not believe in gulags & guillotines for Conservatives & infanticide for babies, dumbass.

But I certainly believe in the loony bin for you...but that really has nothing to do with politics.
That is your platform per your Leaders and their statements. And I left out the other thing, about Homosexuality and Pedophilia, the other thing your stand for.

Bernie Sanders says abortion is part of DNC DNA
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about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

I have mixed feelings....

On one hand Democratic Socialism has been a huge success everywhere it's been implemented - and it's long overdue for the democratic socialists in the U.S. to stand up to the suppression that they've suffered for the past 70 years.

On the other hand, I'd be a whole lot more comfortable with a moderate Democrat that had a better chance of beating Trump. Sanders is going to scare the be-jesus out of a lot of moderates and independents.

Of course, if they had a brain, they'd be a lot more scared of a second Trump term.
You want to screw America, put any one of the current loons running on the Dems side.

So you think that the Dem candidates are loons and that Trump is "Normal"?

I think they are EVIL, and Trump is in their way.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
Like they did in 2016?
I am tired after climbing Mt. Stupid for the impeachment grail and all we really got was monumental disappointment .Now, I just want to investigate Biden and why he paid off those officials to stop investigating his kid, and furthermore, WHY is that wrong to investigate that?...
It is wrong because it is based on nothing but lies.

For starters, Hunter Biden was never under investigation.

The company for which Hunter sat on the board had been under investigation but that had been dormant for months.

Other countries wanted that prosecutor removed,. did they have kids on the board?

It is 100% political right now. Republicans did it to Hillarty Clinton & they are trying to get Joe Biden in the same way.

After denying documents & testimony for the impeachment, how can the administration release these fr a Hunter investigation?
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
Like they did in 2016?
win? you bet!!
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?

I have mixed feelings....

On one hand Democratic Socialism has been a huge success everywhere it's been implemented - and it's long overdue for the democratic socialists in the U.S. to stand up to the suppression that they've suffered for the past 70 years.

On the other hand, I'd be a whole lot more comfortable with a moderate Democrat that had a better chance of beating Trump. Sanders is going to scare the be-jesus out of a lot of moderates and independents.

Of course, if they had a brain, they'd be a lot more scared of a second Trump term.
You want to screw America, put any one of the current loons running on the Dems side.

So you think that the Dem candidates are loons and that Trump is "Normal"?

Yep. Demoncraps are commie scum. Doofus.
Why Dems aren't Happy.

Teflon Don gave them the Middle Finger, and all they could do in return was stand up a Commie Fag, and A Old Communist Coot, a Senile Commie Extortionist, and a FemiNazi Commie Fake Indian Baby Killer to tell America Orange Man bad, and we will get him some day.

All of the above want your guns, and want to put you in Gulags.
Not a great idea to be tickled while standing on a ledge. :rolleyes:, just sayin

If I could give you all the ratings for this I would. Made me laugh...…….actually still laughing

It was Lakota who made this all possible........ Still have the image of him standing on the ledge in my mind.


its you who made it possible to prove dipshit rw's couldnt tell a metaphor from Kansas City-


Right right.... i actually thought Lakota had his laptop out on a ledge overlooking Times Square, jammies flapping in the cold wind and shooing away pigeons!........o_O

I got the metaphor, but that doesn't mean I cant enjoy that image in my imagination. Why is it you LW'ers have such a difficult time with all this? The DNC launched an investigation over Trumps sarcasm during a speech.... but you didnt actually see me calling 911 over Lakota's post now did you?

Well, in all fairness, even if you thought Lakhota was serious, WOULD you have called for help?

Of course I would! Lakota is good for business around here! ;)
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
I said in '16 that the Democrats were going to suffer the same revolt among the ranks that the Republicans did starting with the TEA Party and culminating in Trump, but they were just a few years behind. Now the rank and file is sending a loud message to the party power structure that they do not want the recycled garbage they've been getting in their candidates, but there is no Trump figure to capture their attention and excitement. Bernie supporters absolutely should stay home on election day after they get shafted yet again by the power elite who WILL force Biden on them.

I don't know a great deal about how the UN-Democratic primaries work, but his showings are looking to be so abysmal, they might not be able to force Biden on the party.

Never underestimate the perfidy of the democrat leadership.

Oh, I don't, but even they can get stymied by basic arithmetic sometimes.

And they get confused about how the president is elected. We still see some complaining that Trump really isn't president because Hillary got a bunch more votes in California.
about the democratic polls showing Sanders and Buttigieg ahead - and Biden tanking. I know it's too soon to worry, but I am concerned. I worry about the young Sanders supporters not "falling in line" if Sanders doesn't win the Primary nomination. I worry that they are too young and naive to see the big picture - DEFEAT TRUMP. They may just say "fuck it" and not even vote in the General Election. Democratic socialism is fine - but Sanders is too far left for this time.

Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
I said in '16 that the Democrats were going to suffer the same revolt among the ranks that the Republicans did starting with the TEA Party and culminating in Trump, but they were just a few years behind. Now the rank and file is sending a loud message to the party power structure that they do not want the recycled garbage they've been getting in their candidates, but there is no Trump figure to capture their attention and excitement. Bernie supporters absolutely should stay home on election day after they get shafted yet again by the power elite who WILL force Biden on them.

I don't know a great deal about how the UN-Democratic primaries work, but his showings are looking to be so abysmal, they might not be able to force Biden on the party.

Never underestimate the perfidy of the democrat leadership.

Oh, I don't, but even they can get stymied by basic arithmetic sometimes.

And they get confused about how the president is elected. We still see some complaining that Trump really isn't president because Hillary got a bunch more votes in California.

Are you suggesting that all of Hillary's "popular votes" came from California?

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