I'm not here to bridge the divide between whites and blacks


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
I'm neither white nor black, but I can see both sides of the argument. Like whites, I find blacks very disagreeable and impossible to talk to or work with. Like blacks, I find whites to be insane in their own way, such as the police state, the wars, the materialism, etc.

But my role here is not to be some "magic" brown person, some "model" minority who somehow heals this divide. Fuck that. I'm my own person. I don't give a shit, live your life and I'll live mine.

By the way, that's the real reason you hate Obama. You hate him because he was a mixed man who was supposed to solve all of this, and he didn't, he said, fuck you, I'm the President and I'll do whatever I want. And more power to him.
I'm neither white nor black, but I can see both sides of the argument. Like whites, I find blacks very disagreeable and impossible to talk to or work with. Like blacks, I find whites to be insane in their own way, such as the police state, the wars, the materialism, etc.

But my role here is not to be some "magic" brown person, some "model" minority who somehow heals this divide. Fuck that. I'm my own person. I don't give a shit, live your life and I'll live mine.

By the way, that's the real reason you hate Obama. You hate him because he was a mixed man who was supposed to solve all of this, and he didn't, he said, fuck you, I'm the President and I'll do whatever I want. And more power to him.

The "divide" between black and white people would never be solved in a forum like this. Most people here fall into a few different categories:

One category would be those who came to this forum in order to have a place where they are able to say whatever they want to, anonymously.
Another category is for entertainment. There are enough jackasses and jerkoffs here to provide enough laughs to last a lifetime.

Most here likely fall into the category of being curious and just want to see what is being talked about.

Anyone who believes for a minute that a virtual cesspool like this will have any positive effect on so called "race relations", is delusional, and the real truth is that the average person who has a life does not place race relations at the top of their list as to what is most important to them.

I hope to read more of the OP's opinions.

We ordinary people come here to simply blow off steam. And occasionally we even learn something that we had not known.

Before the Internet, we ordinary people never had a way to express our opinions. (Newspapers would print very few "Letters to the Editor.")


I am a computer illiterate senior citizen who knows nothing about platforms such as Twitter, etc. I understand that ordinary people there also are able to blow off steam. I think that being able to blow off steam helps one's mental health.
I hope to read more of the OP's opinions.

We ordinary people come here to simply blow off steam. And occasionally we even learn something that we had not known.

Before the Internet, we ordinary people never had a way to express our opinions. (Newspapers would print very few "Letters to the Editor.")


I am a computer illiterate senior citizen who knows nothing about platforms such as Twitter, etc. I understand that ordinary people there also are able to blow off steam. I think that being able to blow off steam helps one's mental health.

try twitter------I was reluctant-----but finally DID IT
I'm neither white nor black, but I can see both sides of the argument. Like whites, I find blacks very disagreeable and impossible to talk to or work with. Like blacks, I find whites to be insane in their own way, such as the police state, the wars, the materialism, etc.

But my role here is not to be some "magic" brown person, some "model" minority who somehow heals this divide. Fuck that. I'm my own person. I don't give a shit, live your life and I'll live mine.

By the way, that's the real reason you hate Obama. You hate him because he was a mixed man who was supposed to solve all of this, and he didn't, he said, fuck you, I'm the President and I'll do whatever I want. And more power to him.

1. Good for you. Seriously, not sarcasm.

2. I hate Obama because his partisans are complete fucking assholes. Same reason I hated Bill Clinton. And Hillary. And the next democratic presidential candidate regardless of skin color or gender or whatever. That's the real reason and you know it, and if you say otherwise, you are doing so to be a dick.
To the OP. I'm black. I've worked with whites. And the only whites fitting his description are whites who are racists. And of you at a racist, hen you will fund that people will be disagreeable to you. The fact you don't want to state your race while ranting about whites and blacks only shows you are a coward. No one black reasonably expected Obama to solve shit. Most of us were happy he made it out alive. But really this is the problem with all who are not white that thinks like you. Because no matter what your silly ass says, you as a non white are not looked upon as equal with whites no matter how much you don't give a damn.
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To the OP. I'm black. I've worked with whites. And the only whites fitting his description are whites who are racists. And of you at a racist, hen you will fund that people will be disagreeable to you. The fact you don't want to state your race while ranting about whites and blacks only shows you are a coward. No one black reasonably expected Obama to solve shit. Most of us were happy he made it out alive. But really this is the problem with all who are not white that thinks like you. Because no matter what your silly ass says, you as a non white are not looked upon as equal with whites no matter how much you don't give a damn.

If Obama had not been a race baiting piece of shit, he could have been a huge step forward in race relations in this country.

Instead, as he was a race baiting piece of shit, he was a huge step backwards.

Also, he was a standard issue Lib, and thus bad for the nation and it's citizens, of all races.
To the OP. I'm black. I've worked with whites. And the only whites fitting his description are whites who are racists. And of you at a racist, hen you will fund that people will be disagreeable to you. The fact you don't want to state your race while ranting about whites and blacks only shows you are a coward. No one black reasonably expected Obama to solve shit. Most of us were happy he made it out alive. But really this is the problem with all who are not white that thinks like you. Because no matter what your silly ass says, you as a non white are not looked upon as equal with whites no matter how much you don't give a damn.

If Obama had not been a race baiting piece of shit, he could have been a huge step forward in race relations in this country.

Instead, as he was a race baiting piece of shit, he was a huge step backwards.

Also, he was a standard issue Lib, and thus bad for the nation and it's citizens, of all races.

What Race Baiting Really Means

Race Baiting is the new term being used by, what is considered to be right-wing media outlets – for anyone that brings up Race. It’s a negative term, at least the way it’s used. Basically what they are saying is that People are forcing them to Talk about Racism and how it impacts black people in America. Most of them do not believe it’s happening, because that’s a crucial element to keeping it going.

Lately I’m hearing a lot about Race Baiting. I’m sure you are too. The reality is, they do not want to talk about it – and every time President Obama addresses it, or the attorney general Eric holder, the term is dished out. It’s used to keep people from actually listening to what is being said.

Calling people race baiters has effectively kept white people from doing anything about racism in the past 10 years.

(The ‘race baiting card’ is played by racists, to stop progress or ‘change’ from happening. Afterall, being conservative, literally means to be against progress; change; improvement; by, definition… we wrote this in 2013, and not much has changed in the past 4 years *update 4/10/17*)

What Race Baiting Really Means
To the OP. I'm black. I've worked with whites. And the only whites fitting his description are whites who are racists. And of you at a racist, hen you will fund that people will be disagreeable to you. The fact you don't want to state your race while ranting about whites and blacks only shows you are a coward. No one black reasonably expected Obama to solve shit. Most of us were happy he made it out alive. But really this is the problem with all who are not white that thinks like you. Because no matter what your silly ass says, you as a non white are not looked upon as equal with whites no matter how much you don't give a damn.

If Obama had not been a race baiting piece of shit, he could have been a huge step forward in race relations in this country.

Instead, as he was a race baiting piece of shit, he was a huge step backwards.

Also, he was a standard issue Lib, and thus bad for the nation and it's citizens, of all races.

How ironic that people in general(except for the lunatic fringe) look back now and feel that he was much better than the current "pussy grabber" in office.
To the OP. I'm black. I've worked with whites. And the only whites fitting his description are whites who are racists. And of you at a racist, hen you will fund that people will be disagreeable to you. The fact you don't want to state your race while ranting about whites and blacks only shows you are a coward. No one black reasonably expected Obama to solve shit. Most of us were happy he made it out alive. But really this is the problem with all who are not white that thinks like you. Because no matter what your silly ass says, you as a non white are not looked upon as equal with whites no matter how much you don't give a damn.

If Obama had not been a race baiting piece of shit, he could have been a huge step forward in race relations in this country.

Instead, as he was a race baiting piece of shit, he was a huge step backwards.

Also, he was a standard issue Lib, and thus bad for the nation and it's citizens, of all races.

How ironic that people in general(except for the lunatic fringe) look back now and feel that he was much better than the current "pussy grabber" in office.

I just got off the phone with people in general and they said you're gay
To the OP. I'm black. I've worked with whites. And the only whites fitting his description are whites who are racists. And of you at a racist, hen you will fund that people will be disagreeable to you. The fact you don't want to state your race while ranting about whites and blacks only shows you are a coward. No one black reasonably expected Obama to solve shit. Most of us were happy he made it out alive. But really this is the problem with all who are not white that thinks like you. Because no matter what your silly ass says, you as a non white are not looked upon as equal with whites no matter how much you don't give a damn.

If Obama had not been a race baiting piece of shit, he could have been a huge step forward in race relations in this country.

Instead, as he was a race baiting piece of shit, he was a huge step backwards.

Also, he was a standard issue Lib, and thus bad for the nation and it's citizens, of all races.

How ironic that people in general(except for the lunatic fringe) look back now and feel that he was much better than the current "pussy grabber" in office.

Certainly so. Right now over 50 percent of all Americans would rather have Obama as president right now.
To the OP. I'm black. I've worked with whites. And the only whites fitting his description are whites who are racists. And of you at a racist, hen you will fund that people will be disagreeable to you. The fact you don't want to state your race while ranting about whites and blacks only shows you are a coward. No one black reasonably expected Obama to solve shit. Most of us were happy he made it out alive. But really this is the problem with all who are not white that thinks like you. Because no matter what your silly ass says, you as a non white are not looked upon as equal with whites no matter how much you don't give a damn.

If Obama had not been a race baiting piece of shit, he could have been a huge step forward in race relations in this country.

Instead, as he was a race baiting piece of shit, he was a huge step backwards.

Also, he was a standard issue Lib, and thus bad for the nation and it's citizens, of all races.

How ironic that people in general(except for the lunatic fringe) look back now and feel that he was much better than the current "pussy grabber" in office.

I just got off the phone with people in general and they said you're gay

Now thats really reaching. If you can find the time to converse on the phone about my personal preferences, you don't have much of a life, do you, little pink boy?
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To the OP. I'm black. I've worked with whites. And the only whites fitting his description are whites who are racists. And of you at a racist, hen you will fund that people will be disagreeable to you. The fact you don't want to state your race while ranting about whites and blacks only shows you are a coward. No one black reasonably expected Obama to solve shit. Most of us were happy he made it out alive. But really this is the problem with all who are not white that thinks like you. Because no matter what your silly ass says, you as a non white are not looked upon as equal with whites no matter how much you don't give a damn.

If Obama had not been a race baiting piece of shit, he could have been a huge step forward in race relations in this country.

Instead, as he was a race baiting piece of shit, he was a huge step backwards.

Also, he was a standard issue Lib, and thus bad for the nation and it's citizens, of all races.

What Race Baiting Really Means

Race Baiting is the new term being used by, what is considered to be right-wing media outlets – for anyone that brings up Race. It’s a negative term, at least the way it’s used. Basically what they are saying is that People are forcing them to Talk about Racism and how it impacts black people in America. Most of them do not believe it’s happening, because that’s a crucial element to keeping it going.

Race baiting is using false accusations of racism as a weapon against your enemies.

You know that, so stop your vile lies.

Obama was a race baiting piece of shit.
To the OP. I'm black. I've worked with whites. And the only whites fitting his description are whites who are racists. And of you at a racist, hen you will fund that people will be disagreeable to you. The fact you don't want to state your race while ranting about whites and blacks only shows you are a coward. No one black reasonably expected Obama to solve shit. Most of us were happy he made it out alive. But really this is the problem with all who are not white that thinks like you. Because no matter what your silly ass says, you as a non white are not looked upon as equal with whites no matter how much you don't give a damn.

If Obama had not been a race baiting piece of shit, he could have been a huge step forward in race relations in this country.

Instead, as he was a race baiting piece of shit, he was a huge step backwards.

Also, he was a standard issue Lib, and thus bad for the nation and it's citizens, of all races.

How ironic that people in general(except for the lunatic fringe) look back now and feel that he was much better than the current "pussy grabber" in office.

THe constant lying propaganda from the media has certainly pumped up Obama's numbers while depressing Trump's.

Obama was a race baiting piece of shit.
To the OP. I'm black. I've worked with whites. And the only whites fitting his description are whites who are racists. And of you at a racist, hen you will fund that people will be disagreeable to you. The fact you don't want to state your race while ranting about whites and blacks only shows you are a coward. No one black reasonably expected Obama to solve shit. Most of us were happy he made it out alive. But really this is the problem with all who are not white that thinks like you. Because no matter what your silly ass says, you as a non white are not looked upon as equal with whites no matter how much you don't give a damn.

If Obama had not been a race baiting piece of shit, he could have been a huge step forward in race relations in this country.

Instead, as he was a race baiting piece of shit, he was a huge step backwards.

Also, he was a standard issue Lib, and thus bad for the nation and it's citizens, of all races.

How ironic that people in general(except for the lunatic fringe) look back now and feel that he was much better than the current "pussy grabber" in office.

THe constant lying propaganda from the media has certainly pumped up Obama's numbers while depressing Trump's.

Obama was a race baiting piece of shit.

What a joke. You have yet to provide a single example of exactly "why" Obama was a "race baiter".

As far as any "media conspiracy" against #45, he does not need any help from them to make him look like the corrupt horses ass that he is.

#45 is the worst downgrade that the office has ever seen, and he can't get out of his own way.

He is an embarrasment and generally looked upon with disdain by leaders of other countries.

You radical right wingers despised Obama and still can't leave him alone even though he is finally gone, can you?
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To the OP. I'm black. I've worked with whites. And the only whites fitting his description are whites who are racists. And of you at a racist, hen you will fund that people will be disagreeable to you. The fact you don't want to state your race while ranting about whites and blacks only shows you are a coward. No one black reasonably expected Obama to solve shit. Most of us were happy he made it out alive. But really this is the problem with all who are not white that thinks like you. Because no matter what your silly ass says, you as a non white are not looked upon as equal with whites no matter how much you don't give a damn.

If Obama had not been a race baiting piece of shit, he could have been a huge step forward in race relations in this country.

Instead, as he was a race baiting piece of shit, he was a huge step backwards.

Also, he was a standard issue Lib, and thus bad for the nation and it's citizens, of all races.

How ironic that people in general(except for the lunatic fringe) look back now and feel that he was much better than the current "pussy grabber" in office.

THe constant lying propaganda from the media has certainly pumped up Obama's numbers while depressing Trump's.

Obama was a race baiting piece of shit.

Obama was a "race baiter" to the lunatic right just for OCCUPYING the office of POTUS.

And"race baiting" is nothing but a radical right code phrase to describe any conversation or reference to a subject involving race that makes certain types of white people uncomfortable.
I hope to read more of the OP's opinions.

We ordinary people come here to simply blow off steam. And occasionally we even learn something that we had not known.

Before the Internet, we ordinary people never had a way to express our opinions. (Newspapers would print very few "Letters to the Editor.")


I am a computer illiterate senior citizen who knows nothing about platforms such as Twitter, etc. I understand that ordinary people there also are able to blow off steam. I think that being able to blow off steam helps one's mental health.

try twitter------I was reluctant-----but finally DID IT
I never took you for a twooter...
To the OP. I'm black. I've worked with whites. And the only whites fitting his description are whites who are racists. And of you at a racist, hen you will fund that people will be disagreeable to you. The fact you don't want to state your race while ranting about whites and blacks only shows you are a coward. No one black reasonably expected Obama to solve shit. Most of us were happy he made it out alive. But really this is the problem with all who are not white that thinks like you. Because no matter what your silly ass says, you as a non white are not looked upon as equal with whites no matter how much you don't give a damn.

If Obama had not been a race baiting piece of shit, he could have been a huge step forward in race relations in this country.

Instead, as he was a race baiting piece of shit, he was a huge step backwards.

Also, he was a standard issue Lib, and thus bad for the nation and it's citizens, of all races.

How ironic that people in general(except for the lunatic fringe) look back now and feel that he was much better than the current "pussy grabber" in office.

THe constant lying propaganda from the media has certainly pumped up Obama's numbers while depressing Trump's.

Obama was a race baiting piece of shit.

What a joke. You have yet to provide a single example of exactly "why" Obama was a "race baiter".

As far as any "media conspiracy" against #45, he does not need any help from them to make him look like the corrupt horses ass that he is.

#45 is the worst downgrade that the office has ever seen, and he can't get out of his own way.

He is an embarrasment and generally looked upon with disdain by leaders of other countries.

You radical right wingers despised Obama and still can't leave him alone even though he is finally gone, can you?

1. No one asked. I first noticed it when he falsely accused McCain of appealing to racist fears of voters.

2. The vile media has lost nearly all pretense of being anything more than the propaganda arm of the lefties.

3. The world is going to hell, and the rest of the world leaders are mostly part of the problem.

4. I wasn't the one that brought Obama up. The lefty OP did.

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