Zone1 I'm Not Sure If I Asked This Before, but How Can You Claim To Be A Christian and Be A Homophobe At The Same Time?

Societies, cultures and civilizations have been destroyed by rampant sexual perversion. So yes. Millions have died in part because of the degradation of civilizations by the effeminization of men and rampant homosexuality and pedophilia, which are closely tied together by the way.
Which ones?

Assyrians, Egyptians, Hittites, Old Greeks - disruption of trade and invasion of tribes possibly driven by environment.

Sumerians, Babylonians, Persians, Sassanid - conquered.

New Greeks (Classical) - themselves, then Macedon, then Rome, then the Ottomans.

Rome. Political infighting in an unstable system wracked by lethal plagues that would decimate cities and external tribes driven by the Huns.

Byzantium Rome II (this time its bureaucratic!) Allah.

Mayans, Aztec, Inca - Western diseases and Spanish / Portuguese.

Spanish Empire - constant wars with well everyone.

British - WWII.
So, er who was that again?
I meant when have you ever showed love and acceptance to those who disagreed with you?
I always show love and respect for those who disagree with me, when they present a rational, fact based argument to counter mine. At the same time, I do not tollerate those who engage in bigoted rhetoric and debunked theories about a minority group as does

Calling them out and pushing back against their hate is also promoting love and acceptance.....for their victims
Zincwarrior all of them..corruption in one way or another that always involves sexual perversions. What starts out as warriors ends as soyboys in every age.
The human body is animated by electrical impulses that are generated via differentials in amounts of specific ions.
Deflect much? If what you declare is true, then reproduce those electrical impulses and bring the dead back to life in the lab..........or not. :abgg2q.jpg: You don't know any more about the life force that animates the human body than you do about the force called LOVE.

Do we live in PUTIN’s Russia?
I am just making a point. People use the fact that a gay gene has not been identifed as a cause of homosexuality (althought there is other evidence of biological causes) to justify bigotry and claim that it is a choice.
Why you have a issue with some kids finding out if they are LGBT?

If you own child came out as LGBT, would you disown them or throw them to the streets or drown them or something?
An ADULT.......might less a child comprehends the nature of what you just stated. A child does not possess the comprehension skills to declare anything of such a nature. Anyone that attempts to indoctrinate a child and make them believe that such behavior is natural and normal should be prosecuted for the crime of child endangerment.

Fact: Homosexuality stims from an abnormal mental condition and was declared and treated as such until just recently in history. Homosexuality is simply an impaired or retarded development in relation to sexual relationships.....where the impaired live in a continued state of adolescent sexual development, never developing from this state into adulthood.

Or do you assume its normal to help indoctrinate a child into a world where disease and mental abnormalities exist to the point that self inflicted death (suicide) is 21% to 41% higher than the average rates among heterosexuals? Does your love include sentencing someone you love into an early grave because of the associated diseases and mental disorders that follow this abnormality?
An ADULT.......might less a child comprehends the nature of what you just stated. A child does not possess the comprehension skills to declare anything of such a nature. Anyone that attempts to indoctrinate a child and make them believe that such behavior is natural and normal should be prosecuted for the crime of child endangerment.

Fact: Homosexuality stims from an abnormal mental condition and was declared and treated as such until just recently in history. Homosexuality is simply an impaired or retarded development in relation to sexual relationships.....where the impaired live in a continued state of adolescent sexual development, never developing from this state into adulthood.

Or do you assume its normal to help indoctrinate a child into a world where disease and mental abnormalities exist to the point that self inflicted death (suicide) is 21% to 41% higher than the average rates among heterosexuals? Does your love include sentencing someone you love into an early grave because of the associated diseases and mental disorders that follow this abnormality?

What you mean being Gay is abnormal?

Many ancient cultures such as medieval Scandinavians,Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome accepted it as normal.

It also happens in animals.

Native Hawaiians also practiced it, but then the christians came,who claimed that their God was better than the Native Hawaiian Gods and Goddesses.

Zincwarrior and uour philosophy of history is.......?
Er .reading said history. You made a MASSIVE statement about all of human history without any support.

Tell me, how did deviance bring down the Aztec, Mayan, and Incan civilizations?

Same to same for the British Empire. This should be good.
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I'm not blatantly STUPID enough as a Christian to worry about .000000000001 percent of the population. Emphasis on stupid. Really stupid.
An ADULT.......might less a child comprehends the nature of what you just stated. A child does not possess the comprehension skills to declare anything of such a nature. Anyone that attempts to indoctrinate a child and make them believe that such behavior is natural and normal should be prosecuted for the crime of child endangerment.
No one is indoctrinating children. That is just plain hysterical nonsense
Fact: Homosexuality stims from an abnormal mental condition and was declared and treated as such until just recently in history. Homosexuality is simply an impaired or retarded development in relation to sexual relationships.....where the impaired live in a continued state of adolescent sexual development, never developing from this state into adulthood.
Wow! You must have advanced degrees from the finest institutions of highter learning in fields as diverse as psychiatry, early childhood development and biology. Please keep sharing ypu pears of wisdome. We are all anxious to learn more from you
Or do you assume its normal to help indoctrinate a child into a world where disease and mental abnormalities exist to the point that self inflicted death (suicide) is 21% to 41% higher than the average rates among heterosexuals? Does your love include sentencing someone you love into an early grave because of the associated diseases and mental disorders that follow this abnormality?
The self destructive behavior that you speak of is directly related to the bigotry, marginalization, rejection and shaming that they suffer at the hands of people like you

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