I'm reading that Trump can build a wall with the money earmarked for military...

You willing to make a wager on if this happens or not?

No. I made bets on the 2106 election in another forum. I won and the losers wouldn't pay. Doesn't make sense to bet on the internet. I don't need to bet anyway. We'll just sit back and watch the Corps build the wall. Maybe next week.
Maybe this week.

And why would you want to bet against something that is a virtual certainty ? Better stick to poker or horseracing.
That is why your savior spent a year telling you sheep that Mexico will pay for it, and now that has been proven to be a lie you has told you dumb fucks that the wall generates revenues and will pay for itself.

HA HA. Oh yeah ? And exactly where is this proof you speak of ? You have a crystal ball that sees the future ? Of course, Mexico will pay in the end (when the final bill is tabulated). No reason to not have them pay.
If Trump builds a wall.....

We will just tear it down once he is gone
Money that was appropriated for the border wall/fence and security in 2006, 2009 and 2012 hasn't been spent yet.
Why should the President redirect spending towards the wall if the powers that be aren't going to build it ... :dunno:
The power that be is Donald J, Trump. Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces.
If Trump builds a wall.....

We will just tear it down once he is gone

Now THERE'S a campaign promise to run on.

"We now have a secure border, we had only a dozen illegal immigrants enter last year. That is so unAmerican! I vow to tear down the wall so we can get those numbers back up to a few hundred thousand illegal immigrants each year. Who needs legal immigrants, merit based entry who pay taxes and share our values when we can have random people who we are not aware of, enter the country and not pay taxes".

Again, so many fear the Wall for reasons that might be construed as treasonous.
If Trump builds a wall.....

We will just tear it down once he is gone

Now THERE'S a campaign promise to run on.

"We now have a secure border, we had only a dozen illegal immigrants enter last year. That is so unAmerican! I vow to tear down the wall so we can get those numbers back up to a few hundred thousand illegal immigrants each year. Who needs legal immigrants, merit based entry who pay taxes and share our values when we can have random people who we are not aware of, enter the country and not pay taxes".

Again, so many fear the Wall for reasons that might be construed as treasonous.
Tear it down
Tear it down

We can sell tickets to those who want to demolish the Great Wall of Trump
If Trump builds a wall.....

We will just tear it down once he is gone
He'll be there until 2024. Pence will be there until 2032. Tom Cotton until 2038. Donald Trump, Jr. until 2046. Ivanka Trump until 2054. Eric Trump until 2060.

And by that time, Mexico will have found other countries to invade and parasite. :biggrin:
You willing to make a wager on if this happens or not?

No. I made bets on the 2106 election in another forum. I won and the losers wouldn't pay. Doesn't make sense to bet on the internet. I don't need to bet anyway. We'll just sit back and watch the Corps build the wall. Maybe next week.
Maybe this week.

And why would you want to bet against something that is a virtual certainty ? Better stick to poker or horseracing.

No balls I see.

It is an easy wager. The loser leaves the board for a specified amount of time.

Put your time where you mouth is

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I am a Libertarian so my party has never been in power and won't be for some time to come.

My plan to control the southern border is better than a stupid fuckign wall and saves the US money vice spending it.

But Trump wants his Mt Rushmore and you sheep are dying to give it to him.
What's your plan ? And "control" it how ?
I am a Libertarian so my party has never been in power and won't be for some time to come.
Sure you are, that's why you walk in lockstep with the socialists and communists in the Democratic Party. LOL

I challenge you to name one position I hold that is in lock step with the DNC

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Every fucking comment you've made in this thread. If you need more, just go to any other thread you've participated in and you'll see plenty of other examples.

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