I'm reading that Trump can build a wall with the money earmarked for military...

I would not be surprised if that was the plan all along. Everyone keeps underestimating the President and this would be classic Donald Trump.
Maybe that's what he meant when he said "I'm not gonna do this again". Libs get PP funding (for a year) and we get The Wall (forever). Brilliant.
View attachment 184443
I am reading this from so many on twitter They suggest as it is an omnibus, it is ongoign resolution and only "recommended" to be spent a particular way, but the president has leeway. They said Oama did this very thing when he was president.

So, is this true? Even if it isn't true per se, what is stopping Trump from rightfully deeming the border issue a National Security issue, as he did with tariffs and just build it with the funds? Who can stop him from making this decision?
You think he can take away money earmarked for a pay increase to military personnel and use it to build a wall?

I'd like to see him try.

No. He will pay for the bonuses but he obtained $80B more than he as expecting, and some are saying he can use military engineers to build the wall and as it should, it will fall under National Security.

As I said, I know nothing these Omnibus processes, I am simply asking you all if it is possible, apparently Obama did it often.

The "they" are many. I'm attaching what others typed, just a quick number of the links and comments I see on my timeline, and I don't even follow most of these people:

RED becomes GREEN ! Prez using RED_CASTLE = patch of CORPS of ENGINEERS, to GREEN/GO Corps to BUILD WALL out of Omnibus $$ ?? HE can do it! • r/greatawakening

Patriot 24/7 ‏ @TT45Pac
If you listened to #PresidentTrump's speech today he said building the wall is PART OF OUR "National Defense" to keep Americans safe. 25B out of the 686B for military spending WILL #BuildTheWall and Pay for it in FULL.
I think that what you need to do is look at the actual law and then you will see that the money granted by Congress has been earmarked. Trump can not arbitrarily repurpose the money.

Division C of the law is where you will look to find the defense appropriations.
View attachment 184443
I am reading this from so many on twitter They suggest as it is an omnibus, it is ongoign resolution and only "recommended" to be spent a particular way, but the president has leeway. They said Oama did this very thing when he was president.

So, is this true? Even if it isn't true per se, what is stopping Trump from rightfully deeming the border issue a National Security issue, as he did with tariffs and just build it with the funds? Who can stop him from making this decision?
You think he can take away money earmarked for a pay increase to military personnel and use it to build a wall?

I'd like to see him try.

No. He will pay for the bonuses but he obtained $80B more than he as expecting, and some are saying he can use military engineers to build the wall and as it should, it will fall under National Security.

As I said, I know nothing these Omnibus processes, I am simply asking you all if it is possible, apparently Obama did it often.

The "they" are many. I'm attaching what others typed, just a quick number of the links and comments I see on my timeline, and I don't even follow most of these people:

RED becomes GREEN ! Prez using RED_CASTLE = patch of CORPS of ENGINEERS, to GREEN/GO Corps to BUILD WALL out of Omnibus $$ ?? HE can do it! • r/greatawakening

Patriot 24/7 ‏ @TT45Pac
If you listened to #PresidentTrump's speech today he said building the wall is PART OF OUR "National Defense" to keep Americans safe. 25B out of the 686B for military spending WILL #BuildTheWall and Pay for it in FULL.
I think that what you need to do is look at the actual law and then you will see that the money granted by Congress has been earmarked. Trump can not arbitrarily repurpose the money.

Division C of the law is where you will look to find the defense appropriations.
It's not a "LAW." It's an omnibus spending orgy, of which the president has authority to change, just like obama did.
View attachment 184443
I am reading this from so many on twitter They suggest as it is an omnibus, it is ongoign resolution and only "recommended" to be spent a particular way, but the president has leeway. They said Oama did this very thing when he was president.

So, is this true? Even if it isn't true per se, what is stopping Trump from rightfully deeming the border issue a National Security issue, as he did with tariffs and just build it with the funds? Who can stop him from making this decision?
You think he can take away money earmarked for a pay increase to military personnel and use it to build a wall?

I'd like to see him try.

No. He will pay for the bonuses but he obtained $80B more than he as expecting, and some are saying he can use military engineers to build the wall and as it should, it will fall under National Security.

As I said, I know nothing these Omnibus processes, I am simply asking you all if it is possible, apparently Obama did it often.

The "they" are many. I'm attaching what others typed, just a quick number of the links and comments I see on my timeline, and I don't even follow most of these people:

RED becomes GREEN ! Prez using RED_CASTLE = patch of CORPS of ENGINEERS, to GREEN/GO Corps to BUILD WALL out of Omnibus $$ ?? HE can do it! • r/greatawakening

Patriot 24/7 ‏ @TT45Pac
If you listened to #PresidentTrump's speech today he said building the wall is PART OF OUR "National Defense" to keep Americans safe. 25B out of the 686B for military spending WILL #BuildTheWall and Pay for it in FULL.

Why does trump need all this funding for the wall. Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Here's proof below .

View attachment 184443
I am reading this from so many on twitter They suggest as it is an omnibus, it is ongoign resolution and only "recommended" to be spent a particular way, but the president has leeway. They said Oama did this very thing when he was president.

So, is this true? Even if it isn't true per se, what is stopping Trump from rightfully deeming the border issue a National Security issue, as he did with tariffs and just build it with the funds? Who can stop him from making this decision?
You think he can take away money earmarked for a pay increase to military personnel and use it to build a wall?

I'd like to see him try.

No. He will pay for the bonuses but he obtained $80B more than he as expecting, and some are saying he can use military engineers to build the wall and as it should, it will fall under National Security.

As I said, I know nothing these Omnibus processes, I am simply asking you all if it is possible, apparently Obama did it often.

The "they" are many. I'm attaching what others typed, just a quick number of the links and comments I see on my timeline, and I don't even follow most of these people:

RED becomes GREEN ! Prez using RED_CASTLE = patch of CORPS of ENGINEERS, to GREEN/GO Corps to BUILD WALL out of Omnibus $$ ?? HE can do it! • r/greatawakening

Patriot 24/7 ‏ @TT45Pac
If you listened to #PresidentTrump's speech today he said building the wall is PART OF OUR "National Defense" to keep Americans safe. 25B out of the 686B for military spending WILL #BuildTheWall and Pay for it in FULL.

Why does trump need all this funding for the wall. Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Here's proof below .

Remember. He keeps repeating Mexico will pay. Then comes the chant 'build that wall, build that wall', on and on.
I am reading this from so many on twitter They suggest as it is an omnibus, it is ongoign resolution and only "recommended" to be spent a particular way, but the president has leeway. They said Oama did this very thing when he was president.

So, is this true? Even if it isn't true per se, what is stopping Trump from rightfully deeming the border issue a National Security issue, as he did with tariffs and just build it with the funds? Who can stop him from making this decision?
You think he can take away money earmarked for a pay increase to military personnel and use it to build a wall?

I'd like to see him try.
If the kenyan did it, so can president Trump... sorry.

what kenyan is that, pale?
Have you changed your diaper yet today, smell?
Did you ride a pole today?
Well there's one worry the alt-left should carry with them, Trump will not have to toss many more Hail Mary's than he might have had to before this Omnibus Bill. This means, he will look at his promises and say "ok, NAFTA negotiations are stuck in a runt, f it, we're out of that (to cheers from unions, the Rustbelt and many who aren't happy with the deal)."

"The Wall needs to be paid for, you aren't willing to support National Security, govt is shut down until you do"

"We are getting screwed over by the EU, China, Canada, Mexico, South Korea and others. For every tariff they apply to our goods, we will match it, every barrier they place, we will try and meet them as best we can. No more exploitation of America".

On and on, you get the picture. He can no longer play nice and reach across the aisle to those who want the Status Quo, the Status Quo is more than ever his enemy.

He has a tougher climb now, and thus, to inspire voters to support him, he's going to work harder to drain the swamp and govern much closer to his campaign promises than ever before.

That's how I see it, if he is serious about 2018 and 2020. Just consider his recent appointments for CIA, National Security and even his legal team. When he feels threatened or corners he goes into "to hell with Mr. Nice Guy" mode.
View attachment 184443
I am reading this from so many on twitter They suggest as it is an omnibus, it is ongoign resolution and only "recommended" to be spent a particular way, but the president has leeway. They said Oama did this very thing when he was president.

So, is this true? Even if it isn't true per se, what is stopping Trump from rightfully deeming the border issue a National Security issue, as he did with tariffs and just build it with the funds? Who can stop him from making this decision?
You think he can take away money earmarked for a pay increase to military personnel and use it to build a wall?

I'd like to see him try.

No. He will pay for the bonuses but he obtained $80B more than he as expecting, and some are saying he can use military engineers to build the wall and as it should, it will fall under National Security.

As I said, I know nothing these Omnibus processes, I am simply asking you all if it is possible, apparently Obama did it often.

The "they" are many. I'm attaching what others typed, just a quick number of the links and comments I see on my timeline, and I don't even follow most of these people:

RED becomes GREEN ! Prez using RED_CASTLE = patch of CORPS of ENGINEERS, to GREEN/GO Corps to BUILD WALL out of Omnibus $$ ?? HE can do it! • r/greatawakening

Patriot 24/7 ‏ @TT45Pac
If you listened to #PresidentTrump's speech today he said building the wall is PART OF OUR "National Defense" to keep Americans safe. 25B out of the 686B for military spending WILL #BuildTheWall and Pay for it in FULL.
I think that what you need to do is look at the actual law and then you will see that the money granted by Congress has been earmarked. Trump can not arbitrarily repurpose the money.

Division C of the law is where you will look to find the defense appropriations.
It's not a "LAW." It's an omnibus spending orgy, of which the president has authority to change, just like obama did.
And you call yourself a constitutional conservative. :lol:
I am not sure if true, but that would be the kind of 3D chess I am expecting.

The military of course should pay for the wall, the border is the greatest national security threat by far. Why is our military securing the Russian border when our own isn't secure?
I would not be surprised if that was the plan all along. Everyone keeps underestimating the President and this would be classic Donald Trump.
Maybe that's what he meant when he said "I'm not gonna do this again". Libs get PP funding (for a year) and we get The Wall (forever). Brilliant.

Yep, that would be great. I can see Trump now...

"Yes, I know I told you 1000 times that Mexico was going to pay for the wall, but since I lied I am now taking money from our beloved armed forces and using to build the wall that I lied and said Mexico would build"

That is a winning campaign ad for sure!
.The military of course should pay for the wall, the border is the greatest national security threat by far. Why is our military securing the Russian border when our own isn't secure?

Then, how about we fuck the stupid wall, bring home the troops from Europe and have then control the border? Money saved by not building and upkeeping the wall, money saved by not having our troops stationed in Europe and our military is defending this country for a change.

It is a win/win/win.
.The military of course should pay for the wall, the border is the greatest national security threat by far. Why is our military securing the Russian border when our own isn't secure?

Then, how about we fuck the stupid wall, bring home the troops from Europe and have then control the border? Money saved by not building and upkeeping the wall, money saved by not having our troops stationed in Europe and our military is defending this country for a change.

It is a win/win/win.

Right. Until a future president just tells them to go home, "the border must remain open again".

A wall is hated by those who don't want to protect America's border, because it is permanent and effective. No future president can stop it's impact.
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I would not be surprised if that was the plan all along. Everyone keeps underestimating the President and this would be classic Donald Trump.
Maybe that's what he meant when he said "I'm not gonna do this again". Libs get PP funding (for a year) and we get The Wall (forever). Brilliant.

Yep, that would be great. I can see Trump now...

"Yes, I know I told you 1000 times that Mexico was going to pay for the wall, but since I lied I am now taking money from our beloved armed forces and using to build the wall that I lied and said Mexico would build"

That is a winning campaign ad for sure!

We’ve done this many times before, yet you keep repeating foolishness as if you’ve never heard it. You can’t possibly be that bored and I’m confident you aren’t that ignorant.
Nobody ever gave two shits about who pays for the wall. Anyone capable of third grade arithmetic knows the wall pays for itself. TA-DA!
I am reading this from so many on twitter They suggest as it is an omnibus, it is ongoign resolution and only "recommended" to be spent a particular way, but the president has leeway. They said Oama did this very thing when he was president.

So, is this true? Even if it isn't true per se, what is stopping Trump from rightfully deeming the border issue a National Security issue, as he did with tariffs and just build it with the funds? Who can stop him from making this decision?
I thought Mexico was going to pay
What unidentified, unverified anonymous source said the President could take money from the Military and put it toward the Wall? It can't be done. Frankly it seems that another gigantic aircraft carrier doesn't make much sense in a world where a couple of suicidal teenage jihadists in a speed boat seems to be the type of enemy we face on the high seas but that's another story.
I am reading this from so many on twitter They suggest as it is an omnibus, it is ongoign resolution and only "recommended" to be spent a particular way, but the president has leeway. They said Oama did this very thing when he was president.

So, is this true? Even if it isn't true per se, what is stopping Trump from rightfully deeming the border issue a National Security issue, as he did with tariffs and just build it with the funds? Who can stop him from making this decision?
I thought Mexico was going to pay

If I were Jeff Bezos I'd pay for it myself. I'd put some ads on and sell U.S citizens and tourists an expensive "exclusive" tour of it as well, but I assure you, that bloody thing would be built faster than an Amazon delivery.
I would not be surprised if that was the plan all along. Everyone keeps underestimating the President and this would be classic Donald Trump.
Maybe that's what he meant when he said "I'm not gonna do this again". Libs get PP funding (for a year) and we get The Wall (forever). Brilliant.

Yep, that would be great. I can see Trump now...

"Yes, I know I told you 1000 times that Mexico was going to pay for the wall, but since I lied I am now taking money from our beloved armed forces and using to build the wall that I lied and said Mexico would build"

That is a winning campaign ad for sure!

We’ve done this many times before, yet you keep repeating foolishness as if you’ve never heard it. You can’t possibly be that bored and I’m confident you aren’t that ignorant.
Nobody ever gave two shits about who pays for the wall. Anyone capable of third grade arithmetic knows the wall pays for itself. TA-DA!

That is why your savior spent a year telling you sheep that Mexico will pay for it, and now that has been proven to be a lie you has told you dumb fucks that the wall generates revenues and will pay for itself.

you should stick to racist ranting, you are much better at that than trying to use logic.
.The military of course should pay for the wall, the border is the greatest national security threat by far. Why is our military securing the Russian border when our own isn't secure?

Then, how about we fuck the stupid wall, bring home the troops from Europe and have then control the border? Money saved by not building and upkeeping the wall, money saved by not having our troops stationed in Europe and our military is defending this country for a change.

It is a win/win/win.

Right. Until a future president just tells them to go home, "the border must remain open again".

A wall is hated by those who don't want to protect America's border, because it is permanent and effective. No future president can stop it's impact.

Fuck you and you canadian ass. Do not tell me I do not want to protect America, I spent 20 fucking years doing. The wall is not effective if it is not being patrolled and maintained . Any future president can stop that as easily as stopping the military from guarding the border.
.The military of course should pay for the wall, the border is the greatest national security threat by far. Why is our military securing the Russian border when our own isn't secure?

Then, how about we fuck the stupid wall, bring home the troops from Europe and have then control the border? Money saved by not building and upkeeping the wall, money saved by not having our troops stationed in Europe and our military is defending this country for a change.

It is a win/win/win.

Right. Until a future president just tells them to go home, "the border must remain open again".

A wall is hated by those who don't want to protect America's border, because it is permanent and effective. No future president can stop it's impact.

Fuck you and you canadian ass. Do not tell me I do not want to protect America, I spent 20 fucking years doing. The wall is not effective if it is not being patrolled and maintained . Any future president can stop that as easily as stopping the military from guarding the border.

You have 11M illegal immigrants, some say it's much higher. Is this what you would call successfully protecting America?

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