Im ready to curb gun murders. Lets work together

Even with the legalization of drugs (all or some) wouldn't change the issue here. Drugs are just a means to an end, they are sold for the money. The money is the issue here. If you legalize drugs they could still be sold on the streets discounted. Or they would find another product to sell. The only way to end gang culture is to end the systemic oppression minorities/poor face and to continue to try and level the playing field.
How do you do that? And that hasn't worked for us the last 50 years. Free college, free food, free phones, free daycare, almost free rent..
My gawd woman, half the fucking country is on the dole.
Every time it starts to work we elect another republican critter reverse the progress so how would we know if it works?
Here's the solution. Stop electing republican pricks that drain our communities of money funnel it to the nation's most wealthy and form policies that oppress and restrict the growth of the poor and middle class. Raise minimum wage, lower the cost of education, create jobs. I have found that when people aren't scraping for food, they are much less violent.
Your democrats are just as much a corporatist party as the right. You are just too blind to see it. If you weren't, you would be bitching about the parties and not "party"
The democrats form policies that help our citizens. The republicans don't. I bitch about my own party on my own time, they are as close as I can get to a platform I can back.
LOL ok
You should be laughing all the way to the library to research the republican congressional voting patterns and platform development. Extremely disturbing.
No, I should just stay here and laugh at your posts. It is sufficient.
Neither party gives two shits about you. Not even a little bit.
"I want to raise taxes on the rich. That way, they can still avoid paying taxes and you can bitch at the rich for not paying their fair share and I look like a hero!"

"im going to raise minimum wage so the poor can get a living wage even though history shows poor class GDP goes down when enacted. But I look like a hero!"
He was right, you should consider taking a break and doing a whole lot of reading, away from the television. All you do is repeat your television here. We all know where to find manufactured corporate state bullshit.

Agreed, I'm no shit head.


Most potheads are shitheads but are simply too damn dumb to know it. The effects of the mind altering drug.

However, I am sure your the exception, right?
The only negative "mind altering" effect of marijuana can be a memory issue.
Other than that, there are basically no other negative symptoms from its use.
Most potheads are not shitheads
But I do have a theory that marijuana simply exaggerates the qualities a person already has...
Exactly - a lot of people who start with pot never go on to anything else. A lot of people who take hard drugs also smoke cigarettes, would that make nicotine a gateway drug?

Actually a lot of people that smoke have an addictive personality. Why else would somebody be so stupid as to take an addictive drug that causes significant health problems? They can't say no to the enjoyment they get from the nicotine. Very weak minded, wouldn't you agree? That same weak mindedness that causes other addiction.

I think pot is much more of a gateway drug to other addiction than any pothead would care to admit.

Data would be more persuasive than your feelings and belief system pronouncements.
Exactly - a lot of people who start with pot never go on to anything else. A lot of people who take hard drugs also smoke cigarettes, would that make nicotine a gateway drug?

Actually a lot of people that smoke have an addictive personality. Why else would somebody be so stupid as to take an addictive drug that causes significant health problems? They can't say no to the enjoyment they get from the nicotine. Very weak minded, wouldn't you agree? That same weak mindedness that causes other addiction.

I think pot is much more of a gateway drug to other addiction than any pothead would care to admit.
I have been smoking for 16 years. Guess how many drugs I take?
Yeah they do, read the Constitution.

It is the only thing that will guarantee the government doesn't eventually turn into a tyranny. We are already living in a soft police state. Apparently you haven't been paying attention in these latter days.

Did you see who your over-lords decided to give you as a "choice" for president in the last election?

What a fucking joke.

"It is the only thing that will guarantee the government doesn't eventually turn into a tyranny."

That theory has obviously been proven false, your founders were wrong about that. Inverted totalitarianism is exactly where america is now.


Please, do tell.

Look at your "leaders", they all serve the same cabal regardless of who you voted for love. Goldman Sachs is always all up in the white house. You bail out Wall Street regardless.

Absolutely, I agree with you.

Things have gotten pretty damn bad. You are absolutely correct.

The philosophy and work of Edward Bernays has been put into full effect.

But here is the thing, there are far worse things that this oligarchic cabal would like to do, not only to the US, but to the entire planet. Do you know what the one thing that is stopping them? The fact that the domestic population of the US is armed to the teeth, that it has the 2nd Amendment, and they just haven't figured out how to disarm the population yet.

Now they are trying to do it through the UN. I shit you not. They are trying everything. False flag mass murders, staged terrorism, phony produced race riots, you name it.

They are even trying to provoke a race war now. I'm watching it happen before my very eyes. Racial tensions are now, actually more heated, then they were in the eighties. I saw things getting better, now they are getting worse.

Mass media is the most effective brain washing tool devised by man. People will gladly surrender their liberty if conditioned the right way. It's sad, really.

Nearly everyone in Switzerland owns a gun. Do you think they have such discussions? No, because Switzerland doesn't control the destiny of the world like the US does. The global elites need to disarm the legal voting public to create a world totalitarian police state. Without disarmament, it won't be possible.

Well, in the US the vote has already been rendered moot.

I agree with every syllable you've written here except for the following concepts. Switzerland doesn't control the destiny of the world like the US does because it does not seek to, america does; or rather american style authoritarian colonial capitalism does. The guns are not the issue, it is the society itself, and relax, your power structure will NEVER take guns from the masses, and they need the societal chaos as you've pointed out above as cover for issues the kleptocracy will never address. Without guns, "Chicago!!!" would not be a race war call to arms, the system requires all the wedges and distractions it can leverage. The economic colonialism efforts america has always exported via violence and occupation have also now been turned inward on the homeland as is often the case as empires begin to falter. Societal wealth has been redistributed and concentrated over the past half century in an utterly bipartisan exercise. Along with the extraction and concentration of societal wealth went any semblance of a voice or representation in the system for the masses.

Americans are THE most incarcerated population on the planet. They are also the most surveilled population on the planet. The political system is a ruse; a cabal of Wall Street thugs, Goldman Sachs permanent governmental positions, the "job creator" class, and corporate state power decides for "the people" regardless of public input. The examples of this are legion, Im sure you have your own in mind. Privatized for profit prisons, america's return to profiteering from bondage, was rolled out in TN when Lamar Alexander was Gov. and he and his sweet wife Honey Alexander owned stock in CCA. The media was bought up by 6 major multinational corporations post deregulation of the FCC under Clinton, so yes, american media/journalism is power structure PR and nothing more. Wall Street corruption and bail outs occur regardless of "conservative" or "liberal" figure heads mouthing the lies simply because that's not where the power in this society is leveraged from, merely through.

And all of this has transpired while we fetishized, worshipped and cradled our guns in our loving arms as symbols of some fictional liberty. They prevented nothing.

. . . and you think alinging with the elites with their brainwashing of Americans to give up their guns will make things better?

I don't disagree with anything you have said.

Here is the thing to remember. What ever they are selling you or trying to condition you in their corporate owned press, whether it is gun control, climate change in order to tax you for more energy use, convince you to put more chemicals in your body through big pharma via drugs and vaccines, GMO foods, oil pipelines, whatever it is, oppose them. They never have your best interests in mind.
Exactly - a lot of people who start with pot never go on to anything else. A lot of people who take hard drugs also smoke cigarettes, would that make nicotine a gateway drug?

Actually a lot of people that smoke have an addictive personality. Why else would somebody be so stupid as to take an addictive drug that causes significant health problems? They can't say no to the enjoyment they get from the nicotine. Very weak minded, wouldn't you agree? That same weak mindedness that causes other addiction.

I think pot is much more of a gateway drug to other addiction than any pothead would care to admit.
I have been smoking for 16 years. Guess how many drugs I take?
All of them?
Even with the legalization of drugs (all or some) wouldn't change the issue here. Drugs are just a means to an end, they are sold for the money. The money is the issue here. If you legalize drugs they could still be sold on the streets discounted. Or they would find another product to sell. The only way to end gang culture is to end the systemic oppression minorities/poor face and to continue to try and level the playing field.
How do you do that? And that hasn't worked for us the last 50 years. Free college, free food, free phones, free daycare, almost free rent..
My gawd woman, half the fucking country is on the dole.
Every time it starts to work we elect another republican critter reverse the progress so how would we know if it works?
Here's the solution. Stop electing republican pricks that drain our communities of money funnel it to the nation's most wealthy and form policies that oppress and restrict the growth of the poor and middle class. Raise minimum wage, lower the cost of education, create jobs. I have found that when people aren't scraping for food, they are much less violent.
Your democrats are just as much a corporatist party as the right. You are just too blind to see it. If you weren't, you would be bitching about the parties and not "party"
The democrats form policies that help our citizens. The republicans don't. I bitch about my own party on my own time, they are as close as I can get to a platform I can back.
LOL ok
You should be laughing all the way to the library to research the republican congressional voting patterns and platform development. Extremely disturbing.
No, I should just stay here and laugh at your posts. It is sufficient.
Neither party gives two shits about you. Not even a little bit.
"I want to raise taxes on the rich. That way, they can still avoid paying taxes and you can bitch at the rich for not paying their fair share and I look like a hero!"

"im going to raise minimum wage so the poor can get a living wage even though history shows poor class GDP goes down when enacted. But I look like a hero!"
can you link evidence that raising the minimum wage lowers the GDP for poor.
Exactly - a lot of people who start with pot never go on to anything else. A lot of people who take hard drugs also smoke cigarettes, would that make nicotine a gateway drug?

Actually a lot of people that smoke have an addictive personality. Why else would somebody be so stupid as to take an addictive drug that causes significant health problems? They can't say no to the enjoyment they get from the nicotine. Very weak minded, wouldn't you agree? That same weak mindedness that causes other addiction.

I think pot is much more of a gateway drug to other addiction than any pothead would care to admit.
gateway to the refrigerator I guess

Sounds like your basing your opinion off of debunked and outdated propaganda, with a hint of zero personal experience.
Exactly - a lot of people who start with pot never go on to anything else. A lot of people who take hard drugs also smoke cigarettes, would that make nicotine a gateway drug?

Actually a lot of people that smoke have an addictive personality. Why else would somebody be so stupid as to take an addictive drug that causes significant health problems? They can't say no to the enjoyment they get from the nicotine. Very weak minded, wouldn't you agree? That same weak mindedness that causes other addiction.

I think pot is much more of a gateway drug to other addiction than any pothead would care to admit.

I don't smoke anything, so I can't speak first hand. But judging from what I see - I'm not seeing a compelling reason for keeping pot illegal and feeding all the violence that goes along with it's trafficking.
"It is the only thing that will guarantee the government doesn't eventually turn into a tyranny."

That theory has obviously been proven false, your founders were wrong about that. Inverted totalitarianism is exactly where america is now.


Please, do tell.

Look at your "leaders", they all serve the same cabal regardless of who you voted for love. Goldman Sachs is always all up in the white house. You bail out Wall Street regardless.

Absolutely, I agree with you.

Things have gotten pretty damn bad. You are absolutely correct.

The philosophy and work of Edward Bernays has been put into full effect.

But here is the thing, there are far worse things that this oligarchic cabal would like to do, not only to the US, but to the entire planet. Do you know what the one thing that is stopping them? The fact that the domestic population of the US is armed to the teeth, that it has the 2nd Amendment, and they just haven't figured out how to disarm the population yet.

Now they are trying to do it through the UN. I shit you not. They are trying everything. False flag mass murders, staged terrorism, phony produced race riots, you name it.

They are even trying to provoke a race war now. I'm watching it happen before my very eyes. Racial tensions are now, actually more heated, then they were in the eighties. I saw things getting better, now they are getting worse.

Mass media is the most effective brain washing tool devised by man. People will gladly surrender their liberty if conditioned the right way. It's sad, really.

Nearly everyone in Switzerland owns a gun. Do you think they have such discussions? No, because Switzerland doesn't control the destiny of the world like the US does. The global elites need to disarm the legal voting public to create a world totalitarian police state. Without disarmament, it won't be possible.

Well, in the US the vote has already been rendered moot.

I agree with every syllable you've written here except for the following concepts. Switzerland doesn't control the destiny of the world like the US does because it does not seek to, america does; or rather american style authoritarian colonial capitalism does. The guns are not the issue, it is the society itself, and relax, your power structure will NEVER take guns from the masses, and they need the societal chaos as you've pointed out above as cover for issues the kleptocracy will never address. Without guns, "Chicago!!!" would not be a race war call to arms, the system requires all the wedges and distractions it can leverage. The economic colonialism efforts america has always exported via violence and occupation have also now been turned inward on the homeland as is often the case as empires begin to falter. Societal wealth has been redistributed and concentrated over the past half century in an utterly bipartisan exercise. Along with the extraction and concentration of societal wealth went any semblance of a voice or representation in the system for the masses.

Americans are THE most incarcerated population on the planet. They are also the most surveilled population on the planet. The political system is a ruse; a cabal of Wall Street thugs, Goldman Sachs permanent governmental positions, the "job creator" class, and corporate state power decides for "the people" regardless of public input. The examples of this are legion, Im sure you have your own in mind. Privatized for profit prisons, america's return to profiteering from bondage, was rolled out in TN when Lamar Alexander was Gov. and he and his sweet wife Honey Alexander owned stock in CCA. The media was bought up by 6 major multinational corporations post deregulation of the FCC under Clinton, so yes, american media/journalism is power structure PR and nothing more. Wall Street corruption and bail outs occur regardless of "conservative" or "liberal" figure heads mouthing the lies simply because that's not where the power in this society is leveraged from, merely through.

And all of this has transpired while we fetishized, worshipped and cradled our guns in our loving arms as symbols of some fictional liberty. They prevented nothing.

. . . and you think alinging with the elites with their brainwashing of Americans to give up their guns will make things better?

I don't disagree with anything you have said.

Here is the thing to remember. What ever they are selling you or trying to condition you in their corporate owned press, whether it is gun control, climate change in order to tax you for more energy use, convince you to put more chemicals in your body through big pharma via drugs and vaccines, GMO foods, oil pipelines, whatever it is, oppose them. They never have your best interests in mind.

". . . and you think alinging with the elites with their brainwashing of Americans to give up their guns will make things better?"

I have no idea how you arrived at that from what I wrote, I basically said we are nowhere near a free people, and that simply having access to guns has done nothing to even slow that down.



Exactly - a lot of people who start with pot never go on to anything else. A lot of people who take hard drugs also smoke cigarettes, would that make nicotine a gateway drug?

Actually a lot of people that smoke have an addictive personality. Why else would somebody be so stupid as to take an addictive drug that causes significant health problems? They can't say no to the enjoyment they get from the nicotine. Very weak minded, wouldn't you agree? That same weak mindedness that causes other addiction.

I think pot is much more of a gateway drug to other addiction than any pothead would care to admit.
I have been smoking for 16 years. Guess how many drugs I take?
All of them?
I need to in order to deal with you
Exactly - a lot of people who start with pot never go on to anything else. A lot of people who take hard drugs also smoke cigarettes, would that make nicotine a gateway drug?

Actually a lot of people that smoke have an addictive personality. Why else would somebody be so stupid as to take an addictive drug that causes significant health problems? They can't say no to the enjoyment they get from the nicotine. Very weak minded, wouldn't you agree? That same weak mindedness that causes other addiction.

I think pot is much more of a gateway drug to other addiction than any pothead would care to admit.
I have been smoking for 16 years. Guess how many drugs I take?
All of them?
I need to in order to deal with you
Well, yeah, I mean sorry, but you do clearly require a crutch of some sort.
Exactly - a lot of people who start with pot never go on to anything else. A lot of people who take hard drugs also smoke cigarettes, would that make nicotine a gateway drug?

Actually a lot of people that smoke have an addictive personality. Why else would somebody be so stupid as to take an addictive drug that causes significant health problems? They can't say no to the enjoyment they get from the nicotine. Very weak minded, wouldn't you agree? That same weak mindedness that causes other addiction.

I think pot is much more of a gateway drug to other addiction than any pothead would care to admit.
I have been smoking for 16 years. Guess how many drugs I take?
All of them?
I need to in order to deal with you
Well, yeah, I mean sorry, but you do clearly require a crutch of some sort.
Maybe I could tolerate you better if I walk with a limp?
I'd say legalize some drugs. Pot for sure - the amount of money spent on trying to end it, the amount of money made on it, and violence associated with are simply not worth it for a drug that does relatively little damage.

Opium and meth cause a lot of personal and social damage. I'm not sure about cocaine.
Even with the legalization of drugs (all or some) wouldn't change the issue here. Drugs are just a means to an end, they are sold for the money. The money is the issue here. If you legalize drugs they could still be sold on the streets discounted. Or they would find another product to sell. The only way to end gang culture is to end the systemic oppression minorities/poor face and to continue to try and level the playing field.
How do you do that? And that hasn't worked for us the last 50 years. Free college, free food, free phones, free daycare, almost free rent..
My gawd woman, half the fucking country is on the dole.
Every time it starts to work we elect another republican critter reverse the progress so how would we know if it works?
a statement with no solution. nice.
Here's the solution. Stop electing republican pricks that drain our communities of money funnel it to the nation's most wealthy and form policies that oppress and restrict the growth of the poor and middle class. Raise minimum wage, lower the cost of education, create jobs. I have found that when people aren't scraping for food, they are much less violent.
Your democrats are just as much a corporatist party as the right. You are just too blind to see it. If you weren't, you would be bitching about the parties and not "party"
The democrats form policies that help our citizens. The republicans don't. I bitch about my own party on my own time, they are as close as I can get to a platform I can back.
LOL ok
You should be laughing all the way to the library to research the republican congressional voting patterns and platform development. Extremely disturbing.
and the beat goes on.
Actually a lot of people that smoke have an addictive personality. Why else would somebody be so stupid as to take an addictive drug that causes significant health problems? They can't say no to the enjoyment they get from the nicotine. Very weak minded, wouldn't you agree? That same weak mindedness that causes other addiction.

I think pot is much more of a gateway drug to other addiction than any pothead would care to admit.
I have been smoking for 16 years. Guess how many drugs I take?
All of them?
I need to in order to deal with you
Well, yeah, I mean sorry, but you do clearly require a crutch of some sort.
Maybe I could tolerate you better if I walk with a limp?
You've been limping along all along shoog.
I have been smoking for 16 years. Guess how many drugs I take?
All of them?
I need to in order to deal with you
Well, yeah, I mean sorry, but you do clearly require a crutch of some sort.
Maybe I could tolerate you better if I walk with a limp?
You've been limping along all along shoog.
No, that's my gansta walk cause I keep my 9 back there. You just don't realize it because you are used to having a corncob up your ass.

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