Im ready to curb gun murders. Lets work together

We need to enforce the laws we have.

That means, when someone is convicted of a crime, they do their sentence.
Keep criminals and crazy people behind bars.
Secure the borders.

Boom. Gun deaths plummet.

What's your vice?

I am addicted to building AR 15s. I have 28 of them now. Every time I get an AR part I feel the compulsion to build out a complete rifle. I need to attend AR-15 Anonymous . At least my wife thinks so.

Be grateful it doesn't hurt anyone and it's legal.

I drink. And I've never moved on to other drugs.
My body doesn't handle alcohol well,
. . . and you think alinging with the elites with their brainwashing of Americans to give up their guns will make things better?

I don't disagree with anything you have said.

Here is the thing to remember. What ever they are selling you or trying to condition you in their corporate owned press, whether it is gun control, climate change in order to tax you for more energy use, convince you to put more chemicals in your body through big pharma via drugs and vaccines, GMO foods, oil pipelines, whatever it is, oppose them. They never have your best interests in mind.

". . . and you think alinging with the elites with their brainwashing of Americans to give up their guns will make things better?"

I have no idea how you arrived at that from what I wrote, I basically said we are nowhere near a free people, and that simply having access to guns has done nothing to even slow that down.




That is precisely what I am doing. If you can't see the establishment's agenda to try to disarm the American people you must be blind.

Are there more measures and attempts to make laws to control guns now than there were in 1950 or not? Do more people talk about restricting or getting rid of all guns now than they did then, or not?

And ask yourself, why? What do the elites want? And then resist that.

You seem to be all for gun control and the disarmament of the population.

We may be world's away from being free, so much further from it because of government run indoctrination camps (compulsory schooling) and corporatist media that meets with government leaders and Wall Street at the CFR, but with out those guns, they could get away with a lot more. . . hypothetically. IMHO
Restricting is not taking. Guns are dangerous and need restrictions. Not everyone should be walking around with a gun in their pants. No one is trying to disarm the american people. But there are other rights be eroded that you can't see with your head in the sand.
According to the snowflakes, words are also a dangerous weapon. Lets restrict the first. And the 14th for good measure.
Word are dangerous and there are restrictions on the first amendment. You can't incite violence... ask donnie all about it he is currently facing a lawsuit because of his dangerous and violent rhetoric.
It's plausible Trump incited violence, judge rules in OK'ing lawsuit -

You can't use a gun to commit a crime.

You can't be a felon and own a gun.

You can't be dangerously mentally ill and own a gun.

We already have all the laws we need to deal with guns.....the problem is that democrats refuse to put criminals who use guns in jail. They let them out in under 3 years.....
My body doesn't handle alcohol well,
Restricting is not taking. Guns are dangerous and need restrictions. Not everyone should be walking around with a gun in their pants. No one is trying to disarm the american people. But there are other rights be eroded that you can't see with your head in the sand.
or perhaps you could actually know what you're talking about which you don't. so take your ball and go home.

Again, your views is what got us here.
Yet you can't refute what I am saying.... so looks like you're the one who should go home.. Good thing you don't have any balls to worry about taking.
what else si there to say? You want to give the government more power over our guaranteed rights.
The government fucks up everything it touches. It blows my mind how anyone wants them to try and better something..

Do you feel the military is fucked up?
what do you mean?

It's a government run entity. C'mon, I expected to be drawn and quartered over a perceived "trap" designed to get you to malign the military.

The only negative "mind altering" effect of marijuana can be a memory issue.
Other than that, there are basically no other negative symptoms from its use.
Most potheads are not shitheads
But I do have a theory that marijuana simply exaggerates the qualities a person already has...

I have never seen a pothead that wasn't generally a shithead. You would have to be to using a drug that is illegal, mind altering, addictive and destructive to your respiratory system.

Would you want your heart surgeon to be a pothead? How about your child's teacher?

What's your vice?

I am addicted to building AR 15s. I have 28 of them now. Every time I get an AR part I feel the compulsion to build out a complete rifle. I need to attend AR-15 Anonymous . At least my wife thinks so.

Be grateful it doesn't hurt anyone and it's legal.

I drink. And I've never moved on to other drugs.
My body doesn't handle alcohol well,
Absolutely, I agree with you.

Things have gotten pretty damn bad. You are absolutely correct.

The philosophy and work of Edward Bernays has been put into full effect.

But here is the thing, there are far worse things that this oligarchic cabal would like to do, not only to the US, but to the entire planet. Do you know what the one thing that is stopping them? The fact that the domestic population of the US is armed to the teeth, that it has the 2nd Amendment, and they just haven't figured out how to disarm the population yet.

Now they are trying to do it through the UN. I shit you not. They are trying everything. False flag mass murders, staged terrorism, phony produced race riots, you name it.

They are even trying to provoke a race war now. I'm watching it happen before my very eyes. Racial tensions are now, actually more heated, then they were in the eighties. I saw things getting better, now they are getting worse.

Mass media is the most effective brain washing tool devised by man. People will gladly surrender their liberty if conditioned the right way. It's sad, really.

Nearly everyone in Switzerland owns a gun. Do you think they have such discussions? No, because Switzerland doesn't control the destiny of the world like the US does. The global elites need to disarm the legal voting public to create a world totalitarian police state. Without disarmament, it won't be possible.

Well, in the US the vote has already been rendered moot.

I agree with every syllable you've written here except for the following concepts. Switzerland doesn't control the destiny of the world like the US does because it does not seek to, america does; or rather american style authoritarian colonial capitalism does. The guns are not the issue, it is the society itself, and relax, your power structure will NEVER take guns from the masses, and they need the societal chaos as you've pointed out above as cover for issues the kleptocracy will never address. Without guns, "Chicago!!!" would not be a race war call to arms, the system requires all the wedges and distractions it can leverage. The economic colonialism efforts america has always exported via violence and occupation have also now been turned inward on the homeland as is often the case as empires begin to falter. Societal wealth has been redistributed and concentrated over the past half century in an utterly bipartisan exercise. Along with the extraction and concentration of societal wealth went any semblance of a voice or representation in the system for the masses.

Americans are THE most incarcerated population on the planet. They are also the most surveilled population on the planet. The political system is a ruse; a cabal of Wall Street thugs, Goldman Sachs permanent governmental positions, the "job creator" class, and corporate state power decides for "the people" regardless of public input. The examples of this are legion, Im sure you have your own in mind. Privatized for profit prisons, america's return to profiteering from bondage, was rolled out in TN when Lamar Alexander was Gov. and he and his sweet wife Honey Alexander owned stock in CCA. The media was bought up by 6 major multinational corporations post deregulation of the FCC under Clinton, so yes, american media/journalism is power structure PR and nothing more. Wall Street corruption and bail outs occur regardless of "conservative" or "liberal" figure heads mouthing the lies simply because that's not where the power in this society is leveraged from, merely through.

And all of this has transpired while we fetishized, worshipped and cradled our guns in our loving arms as symbols of some fictional liberty. They prevented nothing.

. . . and you think alinging with the elites with their brainwashing of Americans to give up their guns will make things better?

I don't disagree with anything you have said.

Here is the thing to remember. What ever they are selling you or trying to condition you in their corporate owned press, whether it is gun control, climate change in order to tax you for more energy use, convince you to put more chemicals in your body through big pharma via drugs and vaccines, GMO foods, oil pipelines, whatever it is, oppose them. They never have your best interests in mind.

". . . and you think alinging with the elites with their brainwashing of Americans to give up their guns will make things better?"

I have no idea how you arrived at that from what I wrote, I basically said we are nowhere near a free people, and that simply having access to guns has done nothing to even slow that down.




That is precisely what I am doing. If you can't see the establishment's agenda to try to disarm the American people you must be blind.

Are there more measures and attempts to make laws to control guns now than there were in 1950 or not? Do more people talk about restricting or getting rid of all guns now than they did then, or not?

And ask yourself, why? What do the elites want? And then resist that.

You seem to be all for gun control and the disarmament of the population.

We may be world's away from being free, so much further from it because of government run indoctrination camps (compulsory schooling) and corporatist media that meets with government leaders and Wall Street at the CFR, but with out those guns, they could get away with a lot more. . . hypothetically. IMHO
Restricting is not taking. Guns are dangerous and need restrictions. Not everyone should be walking around with a gun in their pants. No one is trying to disarm the american people. But there are other rights be eroded that you can't see with your head in the sand.
So get together with like minded citizens, and just see if you can get that Amendment passed.

We have already shown that the CDC has done studies conclusively showing you are full of shit. Most of those deaths are suicides.

One in three Americans owns a gun. The other Americans? They are either married to, or have friends and family that own one. The remaining suburbanites that are clueless probably can't get that Amendment done.

I think this whole discussion is moot. Good luck to you if you can get it done.

Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

In most industries, they mimic what the sector leader does. Target’s distribution model closely resembles that of Wal Mart. Most banks offer the same goods and services and fee schedules. Employers in the same region most often offer the same pay and benefits. There is a good reason the Toyota Camry and Hyundai Sonata are almost identical.

Look at what nations have the lower rates of suicides and gang violence and copy their policies. And, unless, Americans are just more homicidal than they are; you will have your solution.
but that could very well be the problem. Our society.
About a decade ago, I used to play my video game system online with a bunch of strangers. You were able to talk to other players and play as teams. A great number of the people I played with (kids mostly) were kids in Europe due to the hours I kept. When the new James Bond movies open, they always have debuts in Europe. A great amount of the entertainment we enjoy in America is based on BBC productions. That continent has been overrun with wars and revolutions long before anyone ever heard the word “america”. If anything, one would think their society is more accustomed to violence. Inversely, perhaps that is the “problem”, few if any here have seen wholesale bloodshed and those over in Europe still have the lesson fresh in their mind somewhat???

Also, those places don't have a second amendment that isn't supposed to be infringed. So that causes problems..
I think you’ve just uncovered the problem and the solution in that once sentence myself.

One more thing, there are a lot of variables. One cannot simply mimic another country and expect the same results.

You’re right about that. Companies resist benchmarking all the time since their corporate culture was different. Remember the Goodyear Blimp? A whole bunch of people in the nation have never seen it. Why? It used to be out all the time. Now it only shows up at major sporting events. That makes sense…you put it where more eyeballs are going to see it; thus maximizing it’s advertising purpose. I imagine it was hard for the folks at Goodyear to get used to the idea that it would only show up when there was another attraction in town;—they used to be the attraction!!! The good news is that Goodyear now saves a lot of money by only taking the silly thing out for these marquee events which satisfies it’s goal as a corporation; profit. That many kids don’t know anything about the existence of a Goodyear Blimp…is a hit they just took.

I think if you were to ask the board of Goodyear if it was better to have ships flying around aimlessly or if it is better to have a strategy that maximizes profits; they’d tell you the latter is preferable. There is always a period of adaptation. Since you started the OP, I think the argument about it is clear though. Adaptation to a new norm is needed. If you want the norm to be what we are seeing now; guns everywhere, kids getting shot in classrooms, etc… okay. If you want a better norm, you need to shift that paradigm.

I don't think video games are the problem. Gangsters don't play call of duty then decide to shoot a crypt. Its their culture that does it.
You would have a point if gang violence was the main problem..
The second is easy to blame. I could say hate crimes were because of the first amendment. You wanna get rid of that?

It isn’t video games; I was pointing out that our music, literature, entertainment, movies, come from Europe. And the fact that the Europeans as a people are more accustomed to armed conflict than Americans if your believe that violence begets violence;

As for the 1st Amendment, you can say that the first amendment causes “hate crimes”. Sure. We can debate that although I have a problem with “hate crimes” being somehow different. However, what we cannot debate is the fact that What usually makes a crime (assault) a tragedy (murder) is the 2nd Amendment and anyone with a pulse rate being able to obtain a firearm and as much ammunition as they want.

The only negative "mind altering" effect of marijuana can be a memory issue.
Other than that, there are basically no other negative symptoms from its use.
Most potheads are not shitheads
But I do have a theory that marijuana simply exaggerates the qualities a person already has...

I have never seen a pothead that wasn't generally a shithead. You would have to be to using a drug that is illegal, mind altering, addictive and destructive to your respiratory system.

Would you want your heart surgeon to be a pothead? How about your child's teacher?

From what I've read, it's not as physically addictive as nicotine.
or perhaps you could actually know what you're talking about which you don't. so take your ball and go home.

Again, your views is what got us here.
Yet you can't refute what I am saying.... so looks like you're the one who should go home.. Good thing you don't have any balls to worry about taking.
what else si there to say? You want to give the government more power over our guaranteed rights.
The government fucks up everything it touches. It blows my mind how anyone wants them to try and better something..

Do you feel the military is fucked up?
what do you mean?

It's a government run entity. C'mon, I expected to be drawn and quartered over a perceived "trap" designed to get you to malign the military.
In a lot of ways they are. Wasteful spending, arming/training terrorists.. hell they had to ground thousands of jets because our pilots were getting fucked up in the cock pit. Knew about it for a while and didn't do shit.
Yet you can't refute what I am saying.... so looks like you're the one who should go home.. Good thing you don't have any balls to worry about taking.
what else si there to say? You want to give the government more power over our guaranteed rights.
The government fucks up everything it touches. It blows my mind how anyone wants them to try and better something..

Do you feel the military is fucked up?
what do you mean?

It's a government run entity. C'mon, I expected to be drawn and quartered over a perceived "trap" designed to get you to malign the military.
In a lot of ways they are. Wasteful spending, arming/training terrorists.. hell they had to ground thousands of jets because our pilots were getting fucked up in the cock pit. Knew about it for a while and didn't do shit.

Thank you for saying so. The military is the only government entity that I've seen exempt from the "government fucks everything up" spiel.
what else si there to say? You want to give the government more power over our guaranteed rights.
The government fucks up everything it touches. It blows my mind how anyone wants them to try and better something..

Do you feel the military is fucked up?
what do you mean?

It's a government run entity. C'mon, I expected to be drawn and quartered over a perceived "trap" designed to get you to malign the military.
In a lot of ways they are. Wasteful spending, arming/training terrorists.. hell they had to ground thousands of jets because our pilots were getting fucked up in the cock pit. Knew about it for a while and didn't do shit.

Thank you for saying so. The military is the only government entity that I've seen exempt from the "government fucks everything up" spiel.
There are no exemptions when it comes to govt incompetence.
Do you feel the military is fucked up?
what do you mean?

It's a government run entity. C'mon, I expected to be drawn and quartered over a perceived "trap" designed to get you to malign the military.
In a lot of ways they are. Wasteful spending, arming/training terrorists.. hell they had to ground thousands of jets because our pilots were getting fucked up in the cock pit. Knew about it for a while and didn't do shit.

Thank you for saying so. The military is the only government entity that I've seen exempt from the "government fucks everything up" spiel.
There are no exemptions when it comes to govt incompetence.

Oh, there are for some. It's the right-wing political correctness.

Data would be more persuasive than your feelings and belief system pronouncements.

There are a lot of data published about pot being a gateway drug and I could post many references.

However, this is really a thread about stopping gun violence so instead of waylaying the thread I am going to bow out of any other further discussion on drugs.

If you want to start another thread about it some other time I would probably chime in and go through the trouble of posting the references.

Discussing drugs is just like discussing abortion. Lots of talk and very little resolution.

I don't take mind altering drugs and I try not to associate with others that do. That includes the potheads. They are usually losers. Having a government ban on addictive mind altering drugs generally goes against my otherwise Libertarian views but I think the drugs are so destructive and especially since I have to pay for the consequences then I am inclined to make an exception.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
By removing the primary driver of gang violence; eliminate the black market for drugs by legalizing them.
the drugs are just a means to an end. If drugs are legalized they will still be sold on the street at discounted prices. Or the dealer will just find another product. Drugs aren't the issue- the issue is that 1% of our population holds the majority of our wealth while people scrape for food.
Excellent question.

I think the real hard core answer is to come down hard on the gangs and drug trade that produces the violence. How you do that without taking away Liberty is the $64 question.

Legalize cocaine, marijuana, crack, heroin and the whole she bang. Then you could buy your illicit drugs at Walmart for $5.99 instead paying hundreds of dollars to a thug. If you are hooked then you don't have to rob as many people to buy the drugs because it only costs $5.99. The clerk at Walmart wouldn't shoot you for seeing the transaction go down.

Make no mistake about it. Drugs are illegal on purpose. It has the opposite objective of keeping people safe. The objective is to make drug transactions as violent as possible. The violence of the drug trade makes competition highly unlikely. If you take the violence out of drugs then you take the profit out of it. Drugs are illegal on purpose. There are powerful people in your community that are making crazy money off of illegal drugs. You probably sit next to them in Sunday School. They are probably your local mechanic. They are probably members of your city council. They could even be your pastor. Duping the masses into advocating drug laws is a part of their business plan. If we rebelled against these thugs and legalized all illicit drugs then these thugs would be pissed off.

I agree that illegal drugs causes a lot of problems. You are correct in your analysis.

However, I also think that making the mind altering drugs legal will lead to another even more significant kinds of problems. We are already pretty screwed up with the millions of addicts in this country. All we need are tens of millions more that would come with legalization.

Like I said, damned if you do, damned if you don't.

That's why we have states. We can afford to experiment a little. Give states the authority to legalize all the bad drugs. When one state decides to do so then we can measure the failure/success of the experiment to see which way is the best way to go. Colorado is a bad example. They are taxes marijuana so high that the underground market for marijuana still thrives in Colorado.
I am addicted to building AR 15s. I have 28 of them now. Every time I get an AR part I feel the compulsion to build out a complete rifle. I need to attend AR-15 Anonymous . At least my wife thinks so.

Be grateful it doesn't hurt anyone and it's legal.

I drink. And I've never moved on to other drugs.
My body doesn't handle alcohol well,
". . . and you think alinging with the elites with their brainwashing of Americans to give up their guns will make things better?"

I have no idea how you arrived at that from what I wrote, I basically said we are nowhere near a free people, and that simply having access to guns has done nothing to even slow that down.




That is precisely what I am doing. If you can't see the establishment's agenda to try to disarm the American people you must be blind.

Are there more measures and attempts to make laws to control guns now than there were in 1950 or not? Do more people talk about restricting or getting rid of all guns now than they did then, or not?

And ask yourself, why? What do the elites want? And then resist that.

You seem to be all for gun control and the disarmament of the population.

We may be world's away from being free, so much further from it because of government run indoctrination camps (compulsory schooling) and corporatist media that meets with government leaders and Wall Street at the CFR, but with out those guns, they could get away with a lot more. . . hypothetically. IMHO
Restricting is not taking. Guns are dangerous and need restrictions. Not everyone should be walking around with a gun in their pants. No one is trying to disarm the american people. But there are other rights be eroded that you can't see with your head in the sand.
According to the snowflakes, words are also a dangerous weapon. Lets restrict the first. And the 14th for good measure.
Word are dangerous and there are restrictions on the first amendment. You can't incite violence... ask donnie all about it he is currently facing a lawsuit because of his dangerous and violent rhetoric.
It's plausible Trump incited violence, judge rules in OK'ing lawsuit -

You can't use a gun to commit a crime.

You can't be a felon and own a gun.

You can't be dangerously mentally ill and own a gun.

We already have all the laws we need to deal with guns.....the problem is that democrats refuse to put criminals who use guns in jail. They let them out in under 3 years.....
apparently not.
Trump looks set to overturn a regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions

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