Im ready to curb gun murders. Lets work together

The problem was that the filthy ass Obama federal government were labeling veterans under VA care as "having mental health problems". This is the same administration that proclaimed that Veterans are potential terrorists.

It is like that stupid SAFE Act in New York where recently a veteran had his firearms confiscated by the jackbooted government thugs because he went to see a doctor about mild insomnia. The stupid doctor felt compelled to report him to the authorities and the jack booted thugs felt compelled to take away his firearms.

That is what you get when the filthy ass government led by anti gun Moon Bats get to decide who is mentally competent to have a firearm and who isn't.

You simply cannot ever trust the filthy ass Liberals to decide what is reasonable and what is not reasonable when it comes to the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, which is protected under the Bill of Rights. They always do the wrong thing jsut like they do on other issues.
Some vets do have mental health issues. I just lost a friend recently who murdered by a vet with a registered gun.
Mentally ill people should be confined.
Also criminals. I bet he had a rap sheet.
YOur unhappiness with reality is noted. And dismissed. Because your unhappiness does not trump reality.
You really are one of the dumbest of dumb fuck rightards. If there was such a correlation between illegitimacy and firearms homicide rates then Iceland would have one of the highest firearms homicide rates in the world.


Do you realize that Iceland has large numbers of firearms...and low homicide isn't the is the culture.
Iceland has strict gun control laws, and less violence. As statistics tell us, the same is true about states with stricter gun laws.

Nope....their gun laws don't stop gun murder...since they have tons of guns...what stops it...their culture...
my friends with desert eagles see no reason they as legal gun owners should not be able to buy them
Which is why gun murder rates in the US will continue to outstrip those of other developed countries. are more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down you are wrong on that.....

As more Americans own and carry guns our gun crime rate went down you are wrong on that.

As more Americans own and carry guns our violent crime rate went down you are wrong on that.

Is there anything on this topic you are correct about?

Let's be correct in our verbage.

They aren't "incorrect". They're "lying".
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
If one looks at the experience of other nations with low gun murder rates the answer is clear, and as I have stated. That's why you ignore those examples, you don't like the answer.

I agree with you...the answer is clear....

Gun bans don't work.

Gun registration doesn't work.

Background checks don't work.

What do we actually know works....? From Japan.....long prison sentences for gun crime...and they also have a police state.....those two things actually work.
Oh bs. That's a false narrative right there, chickie.

I disagree.
Ok provide a quote and a link to the source of a right winger saying that they believe the military is a model of efficiency and competence.

I'll wait.

In other words, you're a liar, spouting a false narrative.


That's what I thought.

So you're an admitted liar, and as such, you go on ignore. I shall campaign to get others to ignore you as well, since you refuse to engage in intelligent, reasonable discourse.

Thank fucking God.

Ignore me, you leprous sore on humanity's ass.
what kind of sadistic fuck wants to fuck god?
"democrats = hate, violence, racism and crime"

Use bigotry instead of racism. Racism is another black privilege word...

Try mine, the four core values of the Democrats


The problem was that the filthy ass Obama federal government were labeling veterans under VA care as "having mental health problems". This is the same administration that proclaimed that Veterans are potential terrorists.

It is like that stupid SAFE Act in New York where recently a veteran had his firearms confiscated by the jackbooted government thugs because he went to see a doctor about mild insomnia. The stupid doctor felt compelled to report him to the authorities and the jack booted thugs felt compelled to take away his firearms.

That is what you get when the filthy ass government led by anti gun Moon Bats get to decide who is mentally competent to have a firearm and who isn't.

You simply cannot ever trust the filthy ass Liberals to decide what is reasonable and what is not reasonable when it comes to the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, which is protected under the Bill of Rights. They always do the wrong thing jsut like they do on other issues.
Some vets do have mental health issues. I just lost a friend recently who murdered by a vet with a registered gun.
Mentally ill people should be confined.
Also criminals. I bet he had a rap sheet.
Nope, no criminal record. He was a vet who came home with problems and did not receive the treatment he needed. A very sad and all too common story.
YOur unhappiness with reality is noted. And dismissed. Because your unhappiness does not trump reality.
You really are one of the dumbest of dumb fuck rightards. If there was such a correlation between illegitimacy and firearms homicide rates then Iceland would have one of the highest firearms homicide rates in the world.


Do you realize that Iceland has large numbers of firearms...and low homicide isn't the is the culture.
Iceland has strict gun control laws, and less violence. As statistics tell us, the same is true about states with stricter gun laws.
except chicago right? why is that?
You are a liar. Or really dumb.

But you just can't say why?
Read my whole post!

I did and carefully stripped out every part that has nothing to do with disputing that there is no absolute right to gun ownership and handling.

Government has a right to regulate guns and they SHOULD regulate them and there is no reason to think that can't be part of the solution.
How is regulating guns going to solve the problem with illegal guns? Goddamn WHY DO I HAVE TO KEEP ASKING THAT?
Because you are all regurgitating hacks!
How is regulating guns going to stop suicide by gun? Make a gun harder to get, but they still kill themselves.
Throwing themselves in front of buses must be better than blowing their brains out.

We have states that regulate guns and we have states where you can walk into a store, buy a gun no questions asked, and then go back to your regulated state. You really don't see any problem some Federal regulation can't fix?

See Im ready to curb gun murders. Lets work together

Wrong can't buy a gun at a licensed gun dealer without going through a background check..a federal background check....criminals buy guns from friends and family...who can pass those background checks, or they buy them from criminals who have already stolen the guns...and don't do the background check.....

Federal background checks did not stop the murders in Chicago, St. Louis, New York, L.A...........
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
If one looks at the experience of other nations with low gun murder rates the answer is clear, and as I have stated. That's why you ignore those examples, you don't like the answer.

I agree with you...the answer is clear....

Gun bans don't work.

Gun registration doesn't work.

Background checks don't work.

What do we actually know works....? From Japan.....long prison sentences for gun crime...and they also have a police state.....those two things actually work.

The sentences are already long.
What we are failing to do is actually KEEP VIOLENT CRIMINALS IN PRISON TO SERVE THEM.

And we are also failing to secure our huge population of mentally ill people, who are carefully guided into insanity by our state-run schools and entitlement programs.

The problem was that the filthy ass Obama federal government were labeling veterans under VA care as "having mental health problems". This is the same administration that proclaimed that Veterans are potential terrorists.

It is like that stupid SAFE Act in New York where recently a veteran had his firearms confiscated by the jackbooted government thugs because he went to see a doctor about mild insomnia. The stupid doctor felt compelled to report him to the authorities and the jack booted thugs felt compelled to take away his firearms.

That is what you get when the filthy ass government led by anti gun Moon Bats get to decide who is mentally competent to have a firearm and who isn't.

You simply cannot ever trust the filthy ass Liberals to decide what is reasonable and what is not reasonable when it comes to the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, which is protected under the Bill of Rights. They always do the wrong thing jsut like they do on other issues.
Some vets do have mental health issues. I just lost a friend recently who murdered by a vet with a registered gun.
Mentally ill people should be confined.
Also criminals. I bet he had a rap sheet.
Nope, no criminal record. He was a vet who came home with problems and did not receive the treatment he needed. A very sad and all too common story.
Yeah I don't believe you.
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

You are "ready to work on a solution" but don't want to hear anything about ANY gun regulation, no matter how common sense?

How about - GET LOST.
Lol, im trying to find solutions to our problem without infringing on other peoples rights. Do you have a solution to suicide or gang violence by gun that wont interfere with my life, as I am a law abiding citizen?

People do not have a right to free-for-all firearm acquisition.
Umm can you reply to what I said? Lol

I did. DUH?

You said "without infringing on other people rights"

And I said that no rights are being infringed on with gun regulations.

That is not true. People who wish to purchase a firearm are inconvenienced when trying to purchase a firearm,they are restricted on when and where they may take their legally owned firearms, their licenses are not honored by all states even though all states MUST honor the legal findings and records of other states.
YOur unhappiness with reality is noted. And dismissed. Because your unhappiness does not trump reality.
You really are one of the dumbest of dumb fuck rightards. If there was such a correlation between illegitimacy and firearms homicide rates then Iceland would have one of the highest firearms homicide rates in the world.


Do you realize that Iceland has large numbers of firearms...and low homicide isn't the is the culture.
Iceland has strict gun control laws, and less violence. As statistics tell us, the same is true about states with stricter gun laws.
except chicago right? why is that?
Right? Lets look at other countries when your narrative gets defeated by our own cities and states! Thanks!
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
If one looks at the experience of other nations with low gun murder rates the answer is clear, and as I have stated. That's why you ignore those examples, you don't like the answer.

I agree with you...the answer is clear....

Gun bans don't work.

Gun registration doesn't work.

Background checks don't work.

What do we actually know works....? From Japan.....long prison sentences for gun crime...and they also have a police state.....those two things actually work.

Where do they universally register guns? Where is there universal background checks, including private sales, gifting, gun shows, and the internet?
if you care so much, why are you scared to tackle the actual problems? Being suicide and gang violence? You know, with illegal guns?
You skip around the problem. I don't think you actually care at all.
Suicide is not gun murder. As for gang firearm violence, as long as handguns are easily obtainable such activity will not be able to be restrained. Again, the experience of other nations with low gun murders will not be looked at by gun nuts.

Just for the record, you'd have had to have been pretty busy to match my tally of animals killed with rifle and shotgun, easily in the thousands.

No.....we had a way to reduce it...Stop and guys didn't like it...even though that is one way the Japanese reduce their gun crime....

Another thing the Japanese do to keep the Yakuza from shooting each other and throwing grenades at each other...which they do during their frequent gang wars.....they put a 30 year sentence on gun crime......and they fine Yakuza bosses lots and lots of money when their minions use guns...and they hold the boss with the minion who uses the gun to commit the crime..

That is how you stop gun violence among criminal gangs....but democtrats here won't do any of that...since it impacts black and hispanics in democrat voting districts.
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

The problem was that the filthy ass Obama federal government were labeling veterans under VA care as "having mental health problems". This is the same administration that proclaimed that Veterans are potential terrorists.

It is like that stupid SAFE Act in New York where recently a veteran had his firearms confiscated by the jackbooted government thugs because he went to see a doctor about mild insomnia. The stupid doctor felt compelled to report him to the authorities and the jack booted thugs felt compelled to take away his firearms.

That is what you get when the filthy ass government led by anti gun Moon Bats get to decide who is mentally competent to have a firearm and who isn't.

You simply cannot ever trust the filthy ass Liberals to decide what is reasonable and what is not reasonable when it comes to the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, which is protected under the Bill of Rights. They always do the wrong thing jsut like they do on other issues.
Some vets do have mental health issues. I just lost a friend recently who murdered by a vet with a registered gun.
Mentally ill people should be confined.
Also criminals. I bet he had a rap sheet.
Nope, no criminal record. He was a vet who came home with problems and did not receive the treatment he needed. A very sad and all too common story.
Yeah I don't believe you.
That's fine, it doesn't really bother me. I am not lying.
I've knew both the killer and the victim for years. The killer was a good kid, went to high school by me, and entered the services after high school. He came back a different man, with severe issues. He wasn't able to receive adequate help through the VA and was permitted to carry a weapon, and he used it to kill as if he were still in a war zone. The victim was a well known and liked member of the community. It is devastating any way you look at it.
Active duty changes people, to not recognize such is dangerous.
I disagree.
Ok provide a quote and a link to the source of a right winger saying that they believe the military is a model of efficiency and competence.

I'll wait.

In other words, you're a liar, spouting a false narrative.


That's what I thought.

So you're an admitted liar, and as such, you go on ignore. I shall campaign to get others to ignore you as well, since you refuse to engage in intelligent, reasonable discourse.

Thank fucking God.

Ignore me, you leprous sore on humanity's ass.
what kind of sadistic fuck wants to fuck god?

Did I bother your tender sensibilities?
Ok provide a quote and a link to the source of a right winger saying that they believe the military is a model of efficiency and competence.

I'll wait.

In other words, you're a liar, spouting a false narrative.


That's what I thought.

So you're an admitted liar, and as such, you go on ignore. I shall campaign to get others to ignore you as well, since you refuse to engage in intelligent, reasonable discourse.

Thank fucking God.

Ignore me, you leprous sore on humanity's ass.
what kind of sadistic fuck wants to fuck god?

Did I bother your tender sensibilities?
Nope. I was just trying to be funny.
You are "ready to work on a solution" but don't want to hear anything about ANY gun regulation, no matter how common sense?

How about - GET LOST.
Lol, im trying to find solutions to our problem without infringing on other peoples rights. Do you have a solution to suicide or gang violence by gun that wont interfere with my life, as I am a law abiding citizen?

People do not have a right to free-for-all firearm acquisition.
Umm can you reply to what I said? Lol

I did. DUH?

You said "without infringing on other people rights"

And I said that no rights are being infringed on with gun regulations.

That is not true. People who wish to purchase a firearm are inconvenienced when trying to purchase a firearm,they are restricted on when and where they may take their legally owned firearms, their licenses are not honored by all states even though all states MUST honor the legal findings and records of other states.
inconvenience? Sorry, but..... o well.

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