Im ready to curb gun murders. Lets work together

So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
If one looks at the experience of other nations with low gun murder rates the answer is clear, and as I have stated. That's why you ignore those examples, you don't like the answer.

I agree with you...the answer is clear....

Gun bans don't work.

Gun registration doesn't work.

Background checks don't work.

What do we actually know works....? From Japan.....long prison sentences for gun crime...and they also have a police state.....those two things actually work.

The sentences are already long.
What we are failing to do is actually KEEP VIOLENT CRIMINALS IN PRISON TO SERVE THEM.

And we are also failing to secure our huge population of mentally ill people, who are carefully guided into insanity by our state-run schools and entitlement programs.
really? relating mental illness to progressive programs? Aren't you a sick f*ck!
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
If one looks at the experience of other nations with low gun murder rates the answer is clear, and as I have stated. That's why you ignore those examples, you don't like the answer.

I agree with you...the answer is clear....

Gun bans don't work.

Gun registration doesn't work.

Background checks don't work.

What do we actually know works....? From Japan.....long prison sentences for gun crime...and they also have a police state.....those two things actually work.

The sentences are already long.
What we are failing to do is actually KEEP VIOLENT CRIMINALS IN PRISON TO SERVE THEM.

And we are also failing to secure our huge population of mentally ill people, who are carefully guided into insanity by our state-run schools and entitlement programs.
really? relating mental illness to progressive programs? Aren't you a sick f*ck!
Arent they synonyms?
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
If one looks at the experience of other nations with low gun murder rates the answer is clear, and as I have stated. That's why you ignore those examples, you don't like the answer.

I agree with you...the answer is clear....

Gun bans don't work.

Gun registration doesn't work.

Background checks don't work.

What do we actually know works....? From Japan.....long prison sentences for gun crime...and they also have a police state.....those two things actually work.

Where do they universally register guns? Where is there universal background checks, including private sales, gifting, gun shows, and the internet?

Washington state and Colorado....and the universal background checks failed there.......

Universal Background checks do nothing......criminals bypass current federally mandated background checks by using straw buyers.....girlfriends, baby mommas, grand mothers.....or they buy them from criminals who stole the guns...

In each case.....the straw buyer who can pass the background check at the gun store, can pass the check in a private sale....and of course a stolen gun sold to another criminal will not get a background check even though it is technically a private sale...

Do you see how background checks only effect law abiding people...and not criminals...

They have all of those things in Europe...and terrorists on government, terrorist watch lists got fully automatic rifles, grenades and pistols.....background checks don't exist there...because you can't buy those things at all..and they still got them....


Universal Background Checks A Universal Failure

Practically speaking, a universal background check is the very same background check America now has for all retail gun sales. It is a check whereby the criminal history of a would-be gun buyer is sifted by the FBI before the gun sale is allowed to proceed. One difference between a universal check and the checks currently in place is that universal checks occur on private sales and retail, instead of simply occurring on retail sales alone.

In other words, an individual with criminal intent, but no criminal history, can pass a background check to buy a gun at a retail establishment—as Gabby Giffords’ attacker Jared Loughner did in 2010. In the same way, an individual with criminal intent but no criminal history would be able to buy a gun via a private sale if universal background checks were in place. And in the case of someone like the Sandy Hook attacker—a 20-year-old who stole his guns—no degree of background checks would work because he bypassed the buying process altogether. This is why the existence of universal background checks in certain states around the U.S. has not translated into the safety that the Left promises.

Consider California, where so-called “universal” background checks are the law of the land. On Dec. 2, 2015, the two San Bernardino attackers had no problem rushing a county building with rifles and handguns and killing 14 co-workers. Universal background checks posed no hindrance. Or think about the Oct. 8, 2016, Palm Springs attack in which two officers—Jose Vega and Lesley Zerebny—were killed. The alleged attacker, John Felix, possessed a stolen gun. Moreover, the stolen gun was an AR-15, which proves not only the impotency of universal background checks, but also of banning so-called “assault weapons.” (In the end, such bans only apply to law-abiding citizens.)

Consider Washington state, where universal background checks were adopted as the law of the land in 2014. On Sept. 23, 2016, an attacker had no problem entering a Burlington mall, opening fire with a rifle, and killing five people. And in Colorado—a state that instituted universal background checks in the wake of the attack on Sandy Hook Elementary—one gunman randomly shot and killed three individuals on Halloween 2015, and another gunman shot and killed two civilians and a police officer in a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood attack on Nov. 27, 2016.

For instance, France has universal background checks, yet it also had 12 innocents killed in cold blood during the Jan. 7, 2015, Charlie Hebdo attack. Moreover, on Nov. 13, 2015, armed terrorists killed 130 in Paris. Similar stories of armed attacks during recent months and years could be cited from Quebec, Munich and Copenhagen, all three of which have universal background checks and myriad other stringent gun controls.
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
If one looks at the experience of other nations with low gun murder rates the answer is clear, and as I have stated. That's why you ignore those examples, you don't like the answer.

I agree with you...the answer is clear....

Gun bans don't work.

Gun registration doesn't work.

Background checks don't work.

What do we actually know works....? From Japan.....long prison sentences for gun crime...and they also have a police state.....those two things actually work.

The sentences are already long.
What we are failing to do is actually KEEP VIOLENT CRIMINALS IN PRISON TO SERVE THEM.

And we are also failing to secure our huge population of mentally ill people, who are carefully guided into insanity by our state-run schools and entitlement programs.
really? relating mental illness to progressive programs? Aren't you a sick f*ck!
Arent they synonyms?
Not even close. Mental illness is no joke- don't be a dick.
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
If one looks at the experience of other nations with low gun murder rates the answer is clear, and as I have stated. That's why you ignore those examples, you don't like the answer.

I agree with you...the answer is clear....

Gun bans don't work.

Gun registration doesn't work.

Background checks don't work.

What do we actually know works....? From Japan.....long prison sentences for gun crime...and they also have a police state.....those two things actually work.

Where do they universally register guns? Where is there universal background checks, including private sales, gifting, gun shows, and the internet?

The only reason anti gun leadership wants universal background checks? Because it leads to the next step..gun registration...because unless you register a gun, you cant know who has it and who bought it....gun registration is what they want because then when they finally get the political muscle, they can ban guns and know who they need to take them from..just as it happened in Britain, Germany and France....and Australia...
If one looks at the experience of other nations with low gun murder rates the answer is clear, and as I have stated. That's why you ignore those examples, you don't like the answer.

I agree with you...the answer is clear....

Gun bans don't work.

Gun registration doesn't work.

Background checks don't work.

What do we actually know works....? From Japan.....long prison sentences for gun crime...and they also have a police state.....those two things actually work.

The sentences are already long.
What we are failing to do is actually KEEP VIOLENT CRIMINALS IN PRISON TO SERVE THEM.

And we are also failing to secure our huge population of mentally ill people, who are carefully guided into insanity by our state-run schools and entitlement programs.
really? relating mental illness to progressive programs? Aren't you a sick f*ck!
Arent they synonyms?
Not even close. Mental illness is no joke- don't be a dick.
Don't be a dick? Do you want me to log off? :/
what is there to CARE about . Suicide is NO problem and shouldn't be used as an excuse to limit my Rights . illegal gun are mostly stolen guns that are gotten through criminal activity . Use a gunsafe if you like but thats about all that can be done TNHarley .

It's the same with healthcare. Sure other societies have done much better at figuring things out beneficially for society as a whole. We're simply not into that as a society; this notion of a socially cooperative approach to society. I do agree that it is not the gun, the issue is the society itself. And our form of governance, being managed outside the reach of the masses, the citizen, by concentrated corporate power/wealth and Wall Street, has no goal other than to extract and concentrate as much societal wealth as possible until collapse.

The healtcare systems in all of the social welfare countries are collapsing...all of them..they are running out of money and the quality of care sucks.....
I agree with you...the answer is clear....

Gun bans don't work.

Gun registration doesn't work.

Background checks don't work.

What do we actually know works....? From Japan.....long prison sentences for gun crime...and they also have a police state.....those two things actually work.

The sentences are already long.
What we are failing to do is actually KEEP VIOLENT CRIMINALS IN PRISON TO SERVE THEM.

And we are also failing to secure our huge population of mentally ill people, who are carefully guided into insanity by our state-run schools and entitlement programs.
really? relating mental illness to progressive programs? Aren't you a sick f*ck!
Arent they synonyms?
Not even close. Mental illness is no joke- don't be a dick.
Don't be a dick? Do you want me to log off? :/
if you are unable of engaging in appropriate discourse I guess..

NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness | Mental Health By the Numbers
what is there to CARE about . Suicide is NO problem and shouldn't be used as an excuse to limit my Rights . illegal gun are mostly stolen guns that are gotten through criminal activity . Use a gunsafe if you like but thats about all that can be done TNHarley .

It's the same with healthcare. Sure other societies have done much better at figuring things out beneficially for society as a whole. We're simply not into that as a society; this notion of a socially cooperative approach to society. I do agree that it is not the gun, the issue is the society itself. And our form of governance, being managed outside the reach of the masses, the citizen, by concentrated corporate power/wealth and Wall Street, has no goal other than to extract and concentrate as much societal wealth as possible until collapse.

The healtcare systems in all of the social welfare countries are collapsing...all of them..they are running out of money and the quality of care sucks.....
did they tell you that on faux news?
They include those in with the stats.
They don't include suicides in firearms homicide rates. Firearms homicide or gun murder means fucking firearms homicides or gun murder.

He means when anti gunners say there were 30,000 gun deaths.....those morons are including suicide in that total to bump up the number.
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
If one looks at the experience of other nations with low gun murder rates the answer is clear, and as I have stated. That's why you ignore those examples, you don't like the answer.

I agree with you...the answer is clear....

Gun bans don't work.

Gun registration doesn't work.

Background checks don't work.

What do we actually know works....? From Japan.....long prison sentences for gun crime...and they also have a police state.....those two things actually work.

The sentences are already long.
What we are failing to do is actually KEEP VIOLENT CRIMINALS IN PRISON TO SERVE THEM.

And we are also failing to secure our huge population of mentally ill people, who are carefully guided into insanity by our state-run schools and entitlement programs.
really? relating mental illness to progressive programs? Aren't you a sick f*ck!

Yes because those are the programs where they tell these poor, confused lunatics that they are *entitled* to being taken seriously and they are *entitled* to expressing themselves, and they are *entitled* to be just as crazy as march hares and everybody else must accommodate them because it's okay to be crazy!

They do this instead of just telling them, "You are insane, unpredictable, and not to be trusted, and as such, we are going to confine you so you cannot inflict your insanity upon a vulnerable public, and to prevent you from fixating upon and killing people."
They include those in with the stats. How else did we accomplish 35K murders in one year when only 13K involved more than one person?

Assault or Homicide

All homicides

  • Number of deaths: 15,809
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 5.0
Firearm homicides
  • Number of deaths: 10,945
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 3.4

Here...I will save you some time....from the FBI table 8, homicides...

And our gun murder rate...from the FBI....9.616 in 2015

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

gun murder rate 1997 -2000

1997..... 10,729
1998..... 9,257
1999..... 8,480
2000..... 8,493
2001..... 8,719
2002... 9,369
2003.... 9,638
2004..... 9,385
2005.... 10,158
2006.... 10,225
2007 10,129
2008-- 9,528
2009-- 9,199
2010- 8,874
2011-- 8,653
2012-- 8,897
2013-- 8,454
2014-- 8,312
How do we ban illegal guns?
I imagine illegal guns are already banned. Legislate an effective ban of handguns and military style semi-automatics, then buy them back, then confiscate them whenever they're seen.
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
The only way to curb illegal guns is to curb the number of guns in circulation, period. Legal guns get rerouted to criminals. Less legal guns, less guns get rerouted.

No.....that doesn't work....criminals get guns...even in Britain, Japan, Australia and France and the rest of Europe.....only normal people can't have guns...
Treat guns like cars . Register and then transfer registration when you sell/buy.

This will cut down on straw purchasers for criminals .
So I think we can all agree..crazy people are a threat to humanity, and should be confined.

Confine them, and murder rates will drop.
you really value a cops life that low?
What are you talking about?
Ah. You're happy to have a firearms homicide rate 20 times that of other developed nations as the price of easy access to firearms. Fair enough. Rather you than me.

Guns are not the issue.....criminal culture is the problem and less than 3 years in prison for repeat gun like Japan...30 years for gun crimes...

Americans use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent crime..take those guns away and you just have more victims, not less crime
you really value a cops life that low?
What are you talking about?
Ah. You're happy to have a firearms homicide rate 20 times that of other developed nations as the price of easy access to firearms. Fair enough. Rather you than me.

Guns are not the issue.....criminal culture is the problem and less than 3 years in prison for repeat gun like Japan...30 years for gun crimes...

Americans use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent crime..take those guns away and you just have more victims, not less crime

Criminal culture = Progressive culture.
How do we ban illegal guns?
I imagine illegal guns are already banned. Legislate an effective ban of handguns and military style semi-automatics, then buy them back, then confiscate them whenever they're seen.
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
The only way to curb illegal guns is to curb the number of guns in circulation, period. Legal guns get rerouted to criminals. Less legal guns, less guns get rerouted.
So you don't think we are getting illegal guns from overseas?
Is there a solution to curb gun circulation without infringing on rights of law abiding people?
I don't think so, TN. However, in a complex society, "rights" come with responsibilities. When our country has the highest gun homicide rate of all civilized nations, perhaps it is time for everyone to take some responsibility for the innocents that are shot every day.

We already more Americans have become gun owners and started carrying guns...our gun murder rate went down 49%.....that is being responsible...our gun crime rate went down 75%....that is being responsible....our violent crime rate went down 72%....that is being responsible...and our accidental gun death and non fatal gun accident rates have gone down..that is being responsible...
Treat guns like cars . Register and then transfer registration when you sell/buy.

This will cut down on straw purchasers for criminals .
how many vehicle deaths per year are there? so registering won't matter. oops.

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