Im ready to curb gun murders. Lets work together

Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

Just on suicides, the wait period before purchasing a gun was designed in hopes of affecting that. Men are most likely to use a gun in a suicide attempt, and the decision to go through with it, is often done on an impulse. The wait period might help with that without significantly reducing liberties.
Nice. How long would the wait time need to be?
How many people that blow their brains out go and buy the gun for that?

Wait times are not just for suicide, they can also provide a cooling off period to prevent impulsive acts of gun violence.

Waiting Periods | Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

Waiting periods also help reduce suicides and other impulsive acts of violence. Suicides are frequently impulsive acts, and approximately 90% of people who have lived through a suicide attempt do not subsequently die in suicides.4 A person who attempts suicide by a method other than a firearm is much more likely to live than a person who uses a firearm.5

  • Approximately 50% of suicides in the U.S. are committed with a gun.6
  • More than 90% of all suicide attempts with a firearm, if serious enough to require hospital treatment, result in death.7
  • Suicide attempts by jumping, by comparison, carry a 34% fatality rate; suicide attempts by drug poisoning carry a 2% fatality rate.8

States with firearm waiting period laws have significantly lower rates of suicide. Research published in the American Journal of Public Health showed that states with a law in place that required a waiting period for the completion of handgun sales had 27% fewer suicides per capita and 51% fewer firearm suicides.9

And you use the most biased, anti gun group you could find.......

The people who killed the 9,616 victims in 2015 would not be stopped by a cooling off period...since the guns they had were illegally owned and carried....

Countries with absolute gun control...Japan, China, South Korea...have higher suicide success rates than we you are wrong again...
The problem was that the filthy ass Obama federal government were labeling veterans under VA care as "having mental health problems". This is the same administration that proclaimed that Veterans are potential terrorists.

It is like that stupid SAFE Act in New York where recently a veteran had his firearms confiscated by the jackbooted government thugs because he went to see a doctor about mild insomnia. The stupid doctor felt compelled to report him to the authorities and the jack booted thugs felt compelled to take away his firearms.

That is what you get when the filthy ass government led by anti gun Moon Bats get to decide who is mentally competent to have a firearm and who isn't.

You simply cannot ever trust the filthy ass Liberals to decide what is reasonable and what is not reasonable when it comes to the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, which is protected under the Bill of Rights. They always do the wrong thing jsut like they do on other issues.
Some vets do have mental health issues. I just lost a friend recently who murdered by a vet with a registered gun.
Mentally ill people should be confined.
Also criminals. I bet he had a rap sheet.
Nope, no criminal record. He was a vet who came home with problems and did not receive the treatment he needed. A very sad and all too common story.
Yeah I don't believe you.
That's fine, it doesn't really bother me. I am not lying.
I've knew both the killer and the victim for years. The killer was a good kid, went to high school by me, and entered the services after high school. He came back a different man, with severe issues. He wasn't able to receive adequate help through the VA and was permitted to carry a weapon, and he used it to kill as if he were still in a war zone. The victim was a well known and liked member of the community. It is devastating any way you look at it.
Active duty changes people, to not recognize such is dangerous.

Yeah, you're full of shit.

It's not "the services".

I hear this false narrative all the time, about the huge population of people *made dangerous* by serving in the military.

It's complete garbage. I have yet to see ANY psycho killer who doesn't have a record of mental illness and/or criminality. That includes the so called military *made crazy* by serving.

It's a total fabrication on the part of anti-military, anti-American, mentally ill crapheads like you who seek to normalize insanity while at the same time blaming the very people who protect you for existing insanity.

I would venture a guess that you are basing your false narrative on a story you've picked up somewhere and embellished liberally. If it isn't complete fabrication.

And the first sentence in that Atlantic Article is a lie.........there were not 200 mass shootings...that is a lie.....

This is the list of actual mass public shootings from Mother JOnes....a rabid, left wing, anti gun magazine......they listed every single mass shooting going back to the 1980s......

So if your link lies in the first accurate can the rest of it be?

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2017: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation
US Mass Shootings, 1982-2016: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 73.


2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones
1999...42 ( Columbine)
1991...35 (Looby's cafe)
1983...none listed

And they did the anti gun bait and switch...they imply that they are talking about gun murder.....then use the word Gun Deaths.....because they then throw in gun suicides to pad their numbers.........they lied to you again....

The Bait...."gun violence"

as the causes of America's gun violence problem. One candidate asked, "What law in the world could have prevented him from killing them?"

The switch...."Gun Deaths"

The states that impose the most restrictions on gun users also have the lowest rates of gun-related deaths, while states with fewer regulations typically have a much higher death rate from guns


And here they bait and switch the same paragragh....hoping you won't see what they did....because they lump suicides in with gun violence to hide the lower gun murder numbers......

While it's certainly true that a number of factors contribute to the high rates of gun violence in the U.S., a comparison of state laws versus rates of shooting deaths does show a correlation. The states that impose the most restrictions on gun users also have the lowest rates of gun-related deaths, while states with fewer regulations typically have a much higher death rate from guns.
Some vets do have mental health issues. I just lost a friend recently who murdered by a vet with a registered gun.
Mentally ill people should be confined.
Also criminals. I bet he had a rap sheet.
Nope, no criminal record. He was a vet who came home with problems and did not receive the treatment he needed. A very sad and all too common story.
Yeah I don't believe you.
That's fine, it doesn't really bother me. I am not lying.
I've knew both the killer and the victim for years. The killer was a good kid, went to high school by me, and entered the services after high school. He came back a different man, with severe issues. He wasn't able to receive adequate help through the VA and was permitted to carry a weapon, and he used it to kill as if he were still in a war zone. The victim was a well known and liked member of the community. It is devastating any way you look at it.
Active duty changes people, to not recognize such is dangerous.

Yeah, you're full of shit.

It's not "the services".

I hear this false narrative all the time, about the huge population of people *made dangerous* by serving in the military.

It's complete garbage. I have yet to see ANY psycho killer who doesn't have a record of mental illness and/or criminality. That includes the so called military *made crazy* by serving.

It's a total fabrication on the part of anti-military, anti-American, mentally ill crapheads like you who seek to normalize insanity while at the same time blaming the very people who protect you for existing insanity.

I would venture a guess that you are basing your false narrative on a story you've picked up somewhere and embellished liberally. If it isn't complete fabrication.

The left started this crap with Vietnam veterans.......they lied about the Vets, claiming they were all deranged after the war.....when if you look at actual statistics...Vietnam era Vets outperformed their civilian counterparts in all aspects of life.....

The left are vile, horrible monsters...
Destroy criminals, gun problem solved. You commit a crime with a gun you are put to death. No appeals no delays, your dead.
That does not help the root of the problem. It doesn't stop it from continually happening.

lock up gun criminals for 30 years for using a gun...and you will see gun crime drop, and knife and club crime increase......right now, most gun offenders serve less than 3 years for gun charges....and then they go out and kill someone.....that needs to stop.
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

In most industries, they mimic what the sector leader does. Target’s distribution model closely resembles that of Wal Mart. Most banks offer the same goods and services and fee schedules. Employers in the same region most often offer the same pay and benefits. There is a good reason the Toyota Camry and Hyundai Sonata are almost identical.

Look at what nations have the lower rates of suicides and gang violence and copy their policies. And, unless, Americans are just more homicidal than they are; you will have your solution.

They have uniform cultures with few mean like that? That is how Europe kept their murder rates down...except for the 12 million innocent,, women and children they murdered in gas chambers ...except for that......
Excellent question.

I think the real hard core answer is to come down hard on the gangs and drug trade that produces the violence. How you do that without taking away Liberty is the $64 question.
Legalize drugs
I also think culture has something to do with it. But if we legalized drugs, in a couple decades, it could weed itself out.

I'd say legalize some drugs. Pot for sure - the amount of money spent on trying to end it, the amount of money made on it, and violence associated with are simply not worth it for a drug that does relatively little damage.

Opium and meth cause a lot of personal and social damage. I'm not sure about cocaine.
Even with the legalization of drugs (all or some) wouldn't change the issue here. Drugs are just a means to an end, they are sold for the money. The money is the issue here. If you legalize drugs they could still be sold on the streets discounted. Or they would find another product to sell. The only way to end gang culture is to end the systemic oppression minorities/poor face and to continue to try and level the playing field.
a statement with no solution. nice.
Here's the solution. Stop electing republican pricks that drain our communities of money funnel it to the nation's most wealthy and form policies that oppress and restrict the growth of the poor and middle class. Raise minimum wage, lower the cost of education, create jobs. I have found that when people aren't scraping for food, they are much less violent.

Wrong...the crime rate during the Great Depression was isn't money that is the is single teenage mothers raising young males without fathers......that has created the impulse control/murder problem in our democrat controlled voting districts.
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

In most industries, they mimic what the sector leader does. Target’s distribution model closely resembles that of Wal Mart. Most banks offer the same goods and services and fee schedules. Employers in the same region most often offer the same pay and benefits. There is a good reason the Toyota Camry and Hyundai Sonata are almost identical.

Look at what nations have the lower rates of suicides and gang violence and copy their policies. And, unless, Americans are just more homicidal than they are; you will have your solution.
but that could very well be the problem. Our society.
Also, those places don't have a second amendment that isn't supposed to be infringed. So that causes problems..
One more thing, there are a lot of variables. One cannot simply mimic another country and expect the same results.

And that is an interesting point. NPR did a series on gun issues and in one program, discussed the gun culture, comparing America to other countries. They interviewed a Norwegian policeman on gun laws. Norway has strict gun laws but - they also rank 10th world wide in gun ownership and near the bottom of the list in gun related homicides. Guns are tools, not extensions of power. You take them out to hunt, and you put them back. Because we regard gun ownership as a Right, not a Tool, perhaps that changes the calculus. Add to that we have a culture that see's guns as power. If I have a gun I can MAKE you respect me without needing any other skills. Those are things that would be hard to change in order to reduce gun violence.

No..that isn't the calculus...they have a homogenous culture and shared values.....their criminals don't commit murder.....ours isn't the you just pointed is their culture and the culture of their crimnals...
Legalize drugs
I also think culture has something to do with it. But if we legalized drugs, in a couple decades, it could weed itself out.

I'd say legalize some drugs. Pot for sure - the amount of money spent on trying to end it, the amount of money made on it, and violence associated with are simply not worth it for a drug that does relatively little damage.

Opium and meth cause a lot of personal and social damage. I'm not sure about cocaine.
Even with the legalization of drugs (all or some) wouldn't change the issue here. Drugs are just a means to an end, they are sold for the money. The money is the issue here. If you legalize drugs they could still be sold on the streets discounted. Or they would find another product to sell. The only way to end gang culture is to end the systemic oppression minorities/poor face and to continue to try and level the playing field.
a statement with no solution. nice.
Here's the solution. Stop electing republican pricks that drain our communities of money funnel it to the nation's most wealthy and form policies that oppress and restrict the growth of the poor and middle class. Raise minimum wage, lower the cost of education, create jobs. I have found that when people aren't scraping for food, they are much less violent.

Wrong...the crime rate during the Great Depression was isn't money that is the is single teenage mothers raising young males without fathers......that has created the impulse control/murder problem in our democrat controlled voting districts.
And a culture that supplements, condones, and refuses to punish anti-social behaviors...even when the law mandates that punishment is due.
Look at your "leaders", they all serve the same cabal regardless of who you voted for love. Goldman Sachs is always all up in the white house. You bail out Wall Street regardless.

Absolutely, I agree with you.

Things have gotten pretty damn bad. You are absolutely correct.

The philosophy and work of Edward Bernays has been put into full effect.

But here is the thing, there are far worse things that this oligarchic cabal would like to do, not only to the US, but to the entire planet. Do you know what the one thing that is stopping them? The fact that the domestic population of the US is armed to the teeth, that it has the 2nd Amendment, and they just haven't figured out how to disarm the population yet.

Now they are trying to do it through the UN. I shit you not. They are trying everything. False flag mass murders, staged terrorism, phony produced race riots, you name it.

They are even trying to provoke a race war now. I'm watching it happen before my very eyes. Racial tensions are now, actually more heated, then they were in the eighties. I saw things getting better, now they are getting worse.

Mass media is the most effective brain washing tool devised by man. People will gladly surrender their liberty if conditioned the right way. It's sad, really.

Nearly everyone in Switzerland owns a gun. Do you think they have such discussions? No, because Switzerland doesn't control the destiny of the world like the US does. The global elites need to disarm the legal voting public to create a world totalitarian police state. Without disarmament, it won't be possible.

Well, in the US the vote has already been rendered moot.

I agree with every syllable you've written here except for the following concepts. Switzerland doesn't control the destiny of the world like the US does because it does not seek to, america does; or rather american style authoritarian colonial capitalism does. The guns are not the issue, it is the society itself, and relax, your power structure will NEVER take guns from the masses, and they need the societal chaos as you've pointed out above as cover for issues the kleptocracy will never address. Without guns, "Chicago!!!" would not be a race war call to arms, the system requires all the wedges and distractions it can leverage. The economic colonialism efforts america has always exported via violence and occupation have also now been turned inward on the homeland as is often the case as empires begin to falter. Societal wealth has been redistributed and concentrated over the past half century in an utterly bipartisan exercise. Along with the extraction and concentration of societal wealth went any semblance of a voice or representation in the system for the masses.

Americans are THE most incarcerated population on the planet. They are also the most surveilled population on the planet. The political system is a ruse; a cabal of Wall Street thugs, Goldman Sachs permanent governmental positions, the "job creator" class, and corporate state power decides for "the people" regardless of public input. The examples of this are legion, Im sure you have your own in mind. Privatized for profit prisons, america's return to profiteering from bondage, was rolled out in TN when Lamar Alexander was Gov. and he and his sweet wife Honey Alexander owned stock in CCA. The media was bought up by 6 major multinational corporations post deregulation of the FCC under Clinton, so yes, american media/journalism is power structure PR and nothing more. Wall Street corruption and bail outs occur regardless of "conservative" or "liberal" figure heads mouthing the lies simply because that's not where the power in this society is leveraged from, merely through.

And all of this has transpired while we fetishized, worshipped and cradled our guns in our loving arms as symbols of some fictional liberty. They prevented nothing.

. . . and you think alinging with the elites with their brainwashing of Americans to give up their guns will make things better?

I don't disagree with anything you have said.

Here is the thing to remember. What ever they are selling you or trying to condition you in their corporate owned press, whether it is gun control, climate change in order to tax you for more energy use, convince you to put more chemicals in your body through big pharma via drugs and vaccines, GMO foods, oil pipelines, whatever it is, oppose them. They never have your best interests in mind.

". . . and you think alinging with the elites with their brainwashing of Americans to give up their guns will make things better?"

I have no idea how you arrived at that from what I wrote, I basically said we are nowhere near a free people, and that simply having access to guns has done nothing to even slow that down.




That is precisely what I am doing. If you can't see the establishment's agenda to try to disarm the American people you must be blind.

Are there more measures and attempts to make laws to control guns now than there were in 1950 or not? Do more people talk about restricting or getting rid of all guns now than they did then, or not?

And ask yourself, why? What do the elites want? And then resist that.

You seem to be all for gun control and the disarmament of the population.

We may be world's away from being free, so much further from it because of government run indoctrination camps (compulsory schooling) and corporatist media that meets with government leaders and Wall Street at the CFR, but with out those guns, they could get away with a lot more. . . hypothetically. IMHO

They own, manage and run your ecomomic system, your political system, your shitty healthcare system (as compared with the rest of the advanced post industrial world) and your media machine. The system is already now able to murder unarmed citizens in the street. All while the intrepid american gun owner sat on his ass and watched television. You can be droned out of existence, "legally" from mile
Look at your "leaders", they all serve the same cabal regardless of who you voted for love. Goldman Sachs is always all up in the white house. You bail out Wall Street regardless.

Absolutely, I agree with you.

Things have gotten pretty damn bad. You are absolutely correct.

The philosophy and work of Edward Bernays has been put into full effect.

But here is the thing, there are far worse things that this oligarchic cabal would like to do, not only to the US, but to the entire planet. Do you know what the one thing that is stopping them? The fact that the domestic population of the US is armed to the teeth, that it has the 2nd Amendment, and they just haven't figured out how to disarm the population yet.

Now they are trying to do it through the UN. I shit you not. They are trying everything. False flag mass murders, staged terrorism, phony produced race riots, you name it.

They are even trying to provoke a race war now. I'm watching it happen before my very eyes. Racial tensions are now, actually more heated, then they were in the eighties. I saw things getting better, now they are getting worse.

Mass media is the most effective brain washing tool devised by man. People will gladly surrender their liberty if conditioned the right way. It's sad, really.

Nearly everyone in Switzerland owns a gun. Do you think they have such discussions? No, because Switzerland doesn't control the destiny of the world like the US does. The global elites need to disarm the legal voting public to create a world totalitarian police state. Without disarmament, it won't be possible.

Well, in the US the vote has already been rendered moot.

I agree with every syllable you've written here except for the following concepts. Switzerland doesn't control the destiny of the world like the US does because it does not seek to, america does; or rather american style authoritarian colonial capitalism does. The guns are not the issue, it is the society itself, and relax, your power structure will NEVER take guns from the masses, and they need the societal chaos as you've pointed out above as cover for issues the kleptocracy will never address. Without guns, "Chicago!!!" would not be a race war call to arms, the system requires all the wedges and distractions it can leverage. The economic colonialism efforts america has always exported via violence and occupation have also now been turned inward on the homeland as is often the case as empires begin to falter. Societal wealth has been redistributed and concentrated over the past half century in an utterly bipartisan exercise. Along with the extraction and concentration of societal wealth went any semblance of a voice or representation in the system for the masses.

Americans are THE most incarcerated population on the planet. They are also the most surveilled population on the planet. The political system is a ruse; a cabal of Wall Street thugs, Goldman Sachs permanent governmental positions, the "job creator" class, and corporate state power decides for "the people" regardless of public input. The examples of this are legion, Im sure you have your own in mind. Privatized for profit prisons, america's return to profiteering from bondage, was rolled out in TN when Lamar Alexander was Gov. and he and his sweet wife Honey Alexander owned stock in CCA. The media was bought up by 6 major multinational corporations post deregulation of the FCC under Clinton, so yes, american media/journalism is power structure PR and nothing more. Wall Street corruption and bail outs occur regardless of "conservative" or "liberal" figure heads mouthing the lies simply because that's not where the power in this society is leveraged from, merely through.

And all of this has transpired while we fetishized, worshipped and cradled our guns in our loving arms as symbols of some fictional liberty. They prevented nothing.

. . . and you think alinging with the elites with their brainwashing of Americans to give up their guns will make things better?

I don't disagree with anything you have said.

Here is the thing to remember. What ever they are selling you or trying to condition you in their corporate owned press, whether it is gun control, climate change in order to tax you for more energy use, convince you to put more chemicals in your body through big pharma via drugs and vaccines, GMO foods, oil pipelines, whatever it is, oppose them. They never have your best interests in mind.

". . . and you think alinging with the elites with their brainwashing of Americans to give up their guns will make things better?"

I have no idea how you arrived at that from what I wrote, I basically said we are nowhere near a free people, and that simply having access to guns has done nothing to even slow that down.




That is precisely what I am doing. If you can't see the establishment's agenda to try to disarm the American people you must be blind.

Are there more measures and attempts to make laws to control guns now than there were in 1950 or not? Do more people talk about restricting or getting rid of all guns now than they did then, or not?

And ask yourself, why? What do the elites want? And then resist that.

You seem to be all for gun control and the disarmament of the population.

We may be world's away from being free, so much further from it because of government run indoctrination camps (compulsory schooling) and corporatist media that meets with government leaders and Wall Street at the CFR, but with out those guns, they could get away with a lot more. . . hypothetically. IMHO

"You seem to be all for gun control and the disarmament of the population."

That may be the argument you were all geared up to have, but no, that is not what I'm saying at all.

These elites you speak of bought up and own your political system, your economic system, your for profit legal system, your shittyass healthcare system (as compared to the rest of the advanced post industrialized world), they can “legally” drone you out of existence and murder unarmed citizens in the streets with impunity. They can manipulate election outcomes like they’ve been doing abroad for ages. They’ve sodomized society economically and eviscerated the middle, working, and lower classes. They pay no attention to any “will of the people”, or any legal hurdle. They in fact often craft the first drafts of legislation.

And all the while the intrepid liberty loving american gun owners sat on their ass and watched television as it rolled over them.

Perhaps just having, coveting and fetishizing guns into symbols isn’t enough.
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

In most industries, they mimic what the sector leader does. Target’s distribution model closely resembles that of Wal Mart. Most banks offer the same goods and services and fee schedules. Employers in the same region most often offer the same pay and benefits. There is a good reason the Toyota Camry and Hyundai Sonata are almost identical.

Look at what nations have the lower rates of suicides and gang violence and copy their policies. And, unless, Americans are just more homicidal than they are; you will have your solution.
but that could very well be the problem. Our society.
Also, those places don't have a second amendment that isn't supposed to be infringed. So that causes problems..
One more thing, there are a lot of variables. One cannot simply mimic another country and expect the same results.

And that is an interesting point. NPR did a series on gun issues and in one program, discussed the gun culture, comparing America to other countries. They interviewed a Norwegian policeman on gun laws. Norway has strict gun laws but - they also rank 10th world wide in gun ownership and near the bottom of the list in gun related homicides. Guns are tools, not extensions of power. You take them out to hunt, and you put them back. Because we regard gun ownership as a Right, not a Tool, perhaps that changes the calculus. Add to that we have a culture that see's guns as power. If I have a gun I can MAKE you respect me without needing any other skills. Those are things that would be hard to change in order to reduce gun violence.

No..that isn't the calculus...they have a homogenous culture and shared values.....their criminals don't commit murder.....ours isn't the you just pointed is their culture and the culture of their crimnals...
shit bubba, you've gone and introduced logic into a message board.
I'd say legalize some drugs. Pot for sure - the amount of money spent on trying to end it, the amount of money made on it, and violence associated with are simply not worth it for a drug that does relatively little damage.

Opium and meth cause a lot of personal and social damage. I'm not sure about cocaine.
Even with the legalization of drugs (all or some) wouldn't change the issue here. Drugs are just a means to an end, they are sold for the money. The money is the issue here. If you legalize drugs they could still be sold on the streets discounted. Or they would find another product to sell. The only way to end gang culture is to end the systemic oppression minorities/poor face and to continue to try and level the playing field.
a statement with no solution. nice.
Here's the solution. Stop electing republican pricks that drain our communities of money funnel it to the nation's most wealthy and form policies that oppress and restrict the growth of the poor and middle class. Raise minimum wage, lower the cost of education, create jobs. I have found that when people aren't scraping for food, they are much less violent.

Wrong...the crime rate during the Great Depression was isn't money that is the is single teenage mothers raising young males without fathers......that has created the impulse control/murder problem in our democrat controlled voting districts.
And a culture that supplements, condones, and refuses to punish anti-social behaviors...even when the law mandates that punishment is due.
the left hates humans.
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

In most industries, they mimic what the sector leader does. Target’s distribution model closely resembles that of Wal Mart. Most banks offer the same goods and services and fee schedules. Employers in the same region most often offer the same pay and benefits. There is a good reason the Toyota Camry and Hyundai Sonata are almost identical.

Look at what nations have the lower rates of suicides and gang violence and copy their policies. And, unless, Americans are just more homicidal than they are; you will have your solution.
but that could very well be the problem. Our society.
About a decade ago, I used to play my video game system online with a bunch of strangers. You were able to talk to other players and play as teams. A great number of the people I played with (kids mostly) were kids in Europe due to the hours I kept. When the new James Bond movies open, they always have debuts in Europe. A great amount of the entertainment we enjoy in America is based on BBC productions. That continent has been overrun with wars and revolutions long before anyone ever heard the word “america”. If anything, one would think their society is more accustomed to violence. Inversely, perhaps that is the “problem”, few if any here have seen wholesale bloodshed and those over in Europe still have the lesson fresh in their mind somewhat???

Also, those places don't have a second amendment that isn't supposed to be infringed. So that causes problems..
I think you’ve just uncovered the problem and the solution in that once sentence myself.

One more thing, there are a lot of variables. One cannot simply mimic another country and expect the same results.

You’re right about that. Companies resist benchmarking all the time since their corporate culture was different. Remember the Goodyear Blimp? A whole bunch of people in the nation have never seen it. Why? It used to be out all the time. Now it only shows up at major sporting events. That makes sense…you put it where more eyeballs are going to see it; thus maximizing it’s advertising purpose. I imagine it was hard for the folks at Goodyear to get used to the idea that it would only show up when there was another attraction in town;—they used to be the attraction!!! The good news is that Goodyear now saves a lot of money by only taking the silly thing out for these marquee events which satisfies it’s goal as a corporation; profit. That many kids don’t know anything about the existence of a Goodyear Blimp…is a hit they just took.

I think if you were to ask the board of Goodyear if it was better to have ships flying around aimlessly or if it is better to have a strategy that maximizes profits; they’d tell you the latter is preferable. There is always a period of adaptation. Since you started the OP, I think the argument about it is clear though. Adaptation to a new norm is needed. If you want the norm to be what we are seeing now; guns everywhere, kids getting shot in classrooms, etc… okay. If you want a better norm, you need to shift that paradigm.
or not.
I have no desire to be like another country. we are a unique nation and I am proud of that. you are free to move to anyone of the countries of your choice. But stop trying to make my nation like those sorry ass losers who's populace wishes to come here.

We're a pretty uniquely fuck up society, yeah, awash in denial.
Treat guns like cars . Register and then transfer registration when you sell/buy.

This will cut down on straw purchasers for criminals . doesn't. the straw buyer simply reports the guns stolen....and Prosecutors here have no stomach to prosecute baby mommas and grandmothers who buy illegal guns for their felon baby daddies and grandsons.....
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

In most industries, they mimic what the sector leader does. Target’s distribution model closely resembles that of Wal Mart. Most banks offer the same goods and services and fee schedules. Employers in the same region most often offer the same pay and benefits. There is a good reason the Toyota Camry and Hyundai Sonata are almost identical.

Look at what nations have the lower rates of suicides and gang violence and copy their policies. And, unless, Americans are just more homicidal than they are; you will have your solution.
but that could very well be the problem. Our society.
About a decade ago, I used to play my video game system online with a bunch of strangers. You were able to talk to other players and play as teams. A great number of the people I played with (kids mostly) were kids in Europe due to the hours I kept. When the new James Bond movies open, they always have debuts in Europe. A great amount of the entertainment we enjoy in America is based on BBC productions. That continent has been overrun with wars and revolutions long before anyone ever heard the word “america”. If anything, one would think their society is more accustomed to violence. Inversely, perhaps that is the “problem”, few if any here have seen wholesale bloodshed and those over in Europe still have the lesson fresh in their mind somewhat???

Also, those places don't have a second amendment that isn't supposed to be infringed. So that causes problems..
I think you’ve just uncovered the problem and the solution in that once sentence myself.

One more thing, there are a lot of variables. One cannot simply mimic another country and expect the same results.

You’re right about that. Companies resist benchmarking all the time since their corporate culture was different. Remember the Goodyear Blimp? A whole bunch of people in the nation have never seen it. Why? It used to be out all the time. Now it only shows up at major sporting events. That makes sense…you put it where more eyeballs are going to see it; thus maximizing it’s advertising purpose. I imagine it was hard for the folks at Goodyear to get used to the idea that it would only show up when there was another attraction in town;—they used to be the attraction!!! The good news is that Goodyear now saves a lot of money by only taking the silly thing out for these marquee events which satisfies it’s goal as a corporation; profit. That many kids don’t know anything about the existence of a Goodyear Blimp…is a hit they just took.

I think if you were to ask the board of Goodyear if it was better to have ships flying around aimlessly or if it is better to have a strategy that maximizes profits; they’d tell you the latter is preferable. There is always a period of adaptation. Since you started the OP, I think the argument about it is clear though. Adaptation to a new norm is needed. If you want the norm to be what we are seeing now; guns everywhere, kids getting shot in classrooms, etc… okay. If you want a better norm, you need to shift that paradigm.
or not.
I have no desire to be like another country. we are a unique nation and I am proud of that. you are free to move to anyone of the countries of your choice. But stop trying to make my nation like those sorry ass losers who's populace wishes to come here.

We're a pretty uniquely fuck up society, yeah, awash in denial.
and yet the fking world wants to come here. go fking figure.
Even with the legalization of drugs (all or some) wouldn't change the issue here. Drugs are just a means to an end, they are sold for the money. The money is the issue here. If you legalize drugs they could still be sold on the streets discounted. Or they would find another product to sell. The only way to end gang culture is to end the systemic oppression minorities/poor face and to continue to try and level the playing field.
a statement with no solution. nice.
Here's the solution. Stop electing republican pricks that drain our communities of money funnel it to the nation's most wealthy and form policies that oppress and restrict the growth of the poor and middle class. Raise minimum wage, lower the cost of education, create jobs. I have found that when people aren't scraping for food, they are much less violent.

Wrong...the crime rate during the Great Depression was isn't money that is the is single teenage mothers raising young males without fathers......that has created the impulse control/murder problem in our democrat controlled voting districts.
And a culture that supplements, condones, and refuses to punish anti-social behaviors...even when the law mandates that punishment is due.
the left hates humans.
So much for your appreciation of logic. Partisanshithead logic is a big part of what we're stuck. Works very nicely for the system
In most industries, they mimic what the sector leader does. Target’s distribution model closely resembles that of Wal Mart. Most banks offer the same goods and services and fee schedules. Employers in the same region most often offer the same pay and benefits. There is a good reason the Toyota Camry and Hyundai Sonata are almost identical.

Look at what nations have the lower rates of suicides and gang violence and copy their policies. And, unless, Americans are just more homicidal than they are; you will have your solution.
but that could very well be the problem. Our society.
About a decade ago, I used to play my video game system online with a bunch of strangers. You were able to talk to other players and play as teams. A great number of the people I played with (kids mostly) were kids in Europe due to the hours I kept. When the new James Bond movies open, they always have debuts in Europe. A great amount of the entertainment we enjoy in America is based on BBC productions. That continent has been overrun with wars and revolutions long before anyone ever heard the word “america”. If anything, one would think their society is more accustomed to violence. Inversely, perhaps that is the “problem”, few if any here have seen wholesale bloodshed and those over in Europe still have the lesson fresh in their mind somewhat???

Also, those places don't have a second amendment that isn't supposed to be infringed. So that causes problems..
I think you’ve just uncovered the problem and the solution in that once sentence myself.

One more thing, there are a lot of variables. One cannot simply mimic another country and expect the same results.

You’re right about that. Companies resist benchmarking all the time since their corporate culture was different. Remember the Goodyear Blimp? A whole bunch of people in the nation have never seen it. Why? It used to be out all the time. Now it only shows up at major sporting events. That makes sense…you put it where more eyeballs are going to see it; thus maximizing it’s advertising purpose. I imagine it was hard for the folks at Goodyear to get used to the idea that it would only show up when there was another attraction in town;—they used to be the attraction!!! The good news is that Goodyear now saves a lot of money by only taking the silly thing out for these marquee events which satisfies it’s goal as a corporation; profit. That many kids don’t know anything about the existence of a Goodyear Blimp…is a hit they just took.

I think if you were to ask the board of Goodyear if it was better to have ships flying around aimlessly or if it is better to have a strategy that maximizes profits; they’d tell you the latter is preferable. There is always a period of adaptation. Since you started the OP, I think the argument about it is clear though. Adaptation to a new norm is needed. If you want the norm to be what we are seeing now; guns everywhere, kids getting shot in classrooms, etc… okay. If you want a better norm, you need to shift that paradigm.
or not.
I have no desire to be like another country. we are a unique nation and I am proud of that. you are free to move to anyone of the countries of your choice. But stop trying to make my nation like those sorry ass losers who's populace wishes to come here.

We're a pretty uniquely fuck up society, yeah, awash in denial.
and yet the fking world wants to come here. go fking figure.

Actually people move all over the world, even if your television doesn't tell you that.
a statement with no solution. nice.
Here's the solution. Stop electing republican pricks that drain our communities of money funnel it to the nation's most wealthy and form policies that oppress and restrict the growth of the poor and middle class. Raise minimum wage, lower the cost of education, create jobs. I have found that when people aren't scraping for food, they are much less violent.

Wrong...the crime rate during the Great Depression was isn't money that is the is single teenage mothers raising young males without fathers......that has created the impulse control/murder problem in our democrat controlled voting districts.
And a culture that supplements, condones, and refuses to punish anti-social behaviors...even when the law mandates that punishment is due.
the left hates humans.
So much for your appreciation of logic. Partisanshithead logic is a big part of what we're stuck. Works very nicely for the system
dude, you want our money, our guns, our freedoms, our weather, there isn't anything the left doesn't wish to take. let me know if I left anything out, cause fk dude, I talk about facts.
you really value a cops life that low?
What are you talking about?
Ah. You're happy to have a firearms homicide rate 20 times that of other developed nations as the price of easy access to firearms. Fair enough. Rather you than me.

Guns are not the issue.....criminal culture is the problem and less than 3 years in prison for repeat gun like Japan...30 years for gun crimes...

Americans use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent crime..take those guns away and you just have more victims, not less crime

Criminal culture = Progressive culture.

Huh? Cons are the gun lovers . Do you blame everything on progressives ?

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