I'm really pissed!

I was not aware America was giving money to Sudan. Sudan is giving money to Americans who were victims of terrorism under the Bashir regime. Thats part of the deal for Sudan being removed from the terrorist sponsor list.
And so should you be

Nancy Pelosi’s Stimulus Bill Gives You $600 Dollars…But $10 MILLION To Pakistan For “Gender Studies” - Conservative News Outlet (localad.com)

The "stimulus" bill that was passed by Nancy Pelosi will give SOME Americans SOME money, so long as she deems you worthy or "essential". That's right everyone, in the midst of economic collapse and hardship we have ALL endured, as the government tells you that YOU can't work at various times for about a year now, Nancy Pelosi is going to give you a whopping $600. That's right, $600!! So what will all of you, that is the lucky few, do with all that money? Blow it all on food I suppose.

Not to worry though, about $10 million of that money will go to Pakistan for gender studies. That's right, Leftists I suppose want to discover a few more thousand genders than there are now. But then this is Pakistan. I thought the limitless genders the Left is trying to convince us exists was an abomination to their religion or something. Should they be lopping the heads off these Lefitsts or is that just for cartoons about Mohammad? I get so confused when it is PC for jihad.

Anyhew, there is even more money to be given abroad, to countries like the Sudan. You remember the Sudan. They conducted a mass extermination of Christians in the Southern region of their country while the UN and the US just watched. That's right everyone, but thank God they overthrew Gaddafi in Libya for their oil. Thanks Biden and Obama. Here is a Nobel Peace prize for you twats to enjoy.

Trump now says he may veto the stimulus protesting all the pork in it, and in addition, wanting to give us more money. Trump wants to give ALL Americans money. at least $2.000 each, because the way their own government has sabotaged the economy by forcing people to not be able to work. You each get money and don't have to be a certain skin color or socioeconomic class to get it. Imagine that, Americans all being treated as equals. Insanity! Now being a fiscal conservative, it appalls me how much the government spends. It is not sustainable. But there is no way in hell I'm going to bitch about the government dishing out money when it refuses to allow you to make any to survive. Yes friends, we need to eat, granted, it's probably not eating like Nacyy Pelosi does with her lavish collection of ice cream worth hundreds of dollars she likes to brag about to the world.

Did I mention that the stimulus was very similar to the stimulus that was presented to Nancy Pelosi before the election, but since she wanted Trump out she stopped the stimulus so that people would be more mislabel and apt to vote against Trump?

But I digress.
Stow it.

Republicans control the Senate.
but the house creates the bill.
The Senate approved it.

The GOP is about to jettison Trump as well and will do what the Leftists tell them to do.

It is a Swamp after all.
And when Trump signs it...are you going to be disappointed...feel betrayed?
And so should you be

Nancy Pelosi’s Stimulus Bill Gives You $600 Dollars…But $10 MILLION To Pakistan For “Gender Studies” - Conservative News Outlet (localad.com)

The "stimulus" bill that was passed by Nancy Pelosi will give SOME Americans SOME money, so long as she deems you worthy or "essential". That's right everyone, in the midst of economic collapse and hardship we have ALL endured, as the government tells you that YOU can't work at various times for about a year now, Nancy Pelosi is going to give you a whopping $600. That's right, $600!! So what will all of you, that is the lucky few, do with all that money? Blow it all on food I suppose.

Not to worry though, about $10 million of that money will go to Pakistan for gender studies. That's right, Leftists I suppose want to discover a few more thousand genders than there are now. But then this is Pakistan. I thought the limitless genders the Left is trying to convince us exists was an abomination to their religion or something. Should they be lopping the heads off these Lefitsts or is that just for cartoons about Mohammad? I get so confused when it is PC for jihad.

Anyhew, there is even more money to be given abroad, to countries like the Sudan. You remember the Sudan. They conducted a mass extermination of Christians in the Southern region of their country while the UN and the US just watched. That's right everyone, but thank God they overthrew Gaddafi in Libya for their oil. Thanks Biden and Obama. Here is a Nobel Peace prize for you twats to enjoy.

Trump now says he may veto the stimulus protesting all the pork in it, and in addition, wanting to give us more money. Trump wants to give ALL Americans money. at least $2.000 each, because the way their own government has sabotaged the economy by forcing people to not be able to work. You each get money and don't have to be a certain skin color or socioeconomic class to get it. Imagine that, Americans all being treated as equals. Insanity! Now being a fiscal conservative, it appalls me how much the government spends. It is not sustainable. But there is no way in hell I'm going to bitch about the government dishing out money when it refuses to allow you to make any to survive. Yes friends, we need to eat, granted, it's probably not eating like Nacyy Pelosi does with her lavish collection of ice cream worth hundreds of dollars she likes to brag about to the world.

Did I mention that the stimulus was very similar to the stimulus that was presented to Nancy Pelosi before the election, but since she wanted Trump out she stopped the stimulus so that people would be more mislabel and apt to vote against Trump?

But I digress.
Stow it.

Republicans control the Senate.
but the house creates the bill.
The Senate approved it.
so? spending is the house. you fks never understand how the process works. I give two shits the senate agreed, they didn't read it.
And so should you be

Nancy Pelosi’s Stimulus Bill Gives You $600 Dollars…But $10 MILLION To Pakistan For “Gender Studies” - Conservative News Outlet (localad.com)

The "stimulus" bill that was passed by Nancy Pelosi will give SOME Americans SOME money, so long as she deems you worthy or "essential". That's right everyone, in the midst of economic collapse and hardship we have ALL endured, as the government tells you that YOU can't work at various times for about a year now, Nancy Pelosi is going to give you a whopping $600. That's right, $600!! So what will all of you, that is the lucky few, do with all that money? Blow it all on food I suppose.

Not to worry though, about $10 million of that money will go to Pakistan for gender studies. That's right, Leftists I suppose want to discover a few more thousand genders than there are now. But then this is Pakistan. I thought the limitless genders the Left is trying to convince us exists was an abomination to their religion or something. Should they be lopping the heads off these Lefitsts or is that just for cartoons about Mohammad? I get so confused when it is PC for jihad.

Anyhew, there is even more money to be given abroad, to countries like the Sudan. You remember the Sudan. They conducted a mass extermination of Christians in the Southern region of their country while the UN and the US just watched. That's right everyone, but thank God they overthrew Gaddafi in Libya for their oil. Thanks Biden and Obama. Here is a Nobel Peace prize for you twats to enjoy.

Trump now says he may veto the stimulus protesting all the pork in it, and in addition, wanting to give us more money. Trump wants to give ALL Americans money. at least $2.000 each, because the way their own government has sabotaged the economy by forcing people to not be able to work. You each get money and don't have to be a certain skin color or socioeconomic class to get it. Imagine that, Americans all being treated as equals. Insanity! Now being a fiscal conservative, it appalls me how much the government spends. It is not sustainable. But there is no way in hell I'm going to bitch about the government dishing out money when it refuses to allow you to make any to survive. Yes friends, we need to eat, granted, it's probably not eating like Nacyy Pelosi does with her lavish collection of ice cream worth hundreds of dollars she likes to brag about to the world.

Did I mention that the stimulus was very similar to the stimulus that was presented to Nancy Pelosi before the election, but since she wanted Trump out she stopped the stimulus so that people would be more mislabel and apt to vote against Trump?

But I digress.
Stow it.

Republicans control the Senate.
but the house creates the bill.
The Senate approved it.
so? spending is the house. you fks never understand how the process works. I give two shits the senate agreed, they didn't read it.

Spending is contingent on the President signing off on it unless his veto is over ridden. That is how it works
We go through this every time a budget is passed. We give aid to foreign countries when it is in our best interests. If any of you guys looked into it, you'd know why. The military suggests it, and the foreign service.
And so should you be

Nancy Pelosi’s Stimulus Bill Gives You $600 Dollars…But $10 MILLION To Pakistan For “Gender Studies” - Conservative News Outlet (localad.com)

The "stimulus" bill that was passed by Nancy Pelosi will give SOME Americans SOME money, so long as she deems you worthy or "essential". That's right everyone, in the midst of economic collapse and hardship we have ALL endured, as the government tells you that YOU can't work at various times for about a year now, Nancy Pelosi is going to give you a whopping $600. That's right, $600!! So what will all of you, that is the lucky few, do with all that money? Blow it all on food I suppose.

Not to worry though, about $10 million of that money will go to Pakistan for gender studies. That's right, Leftists I suppose want to discover a few more thousand genders than there are now. But then this is Pakistan. I thought the limitless genders the Left is trying to convince us exists was an abomination to their religion or something. Should they be lopping the heads off these Lefitsts or is that just for cartoons about Mohammad? I get so confused when it is PC for jihad.

Anyhew, there is even more money to be given abroad, to countries like the Sudan. You remember the Sudan. They conducted a mass extermination of Christians in the Southern region of their country while the UN and the US just watched. That's right everyone, but thank God they overthrew Gaddafi in Libya for their oil. Thanks Biden and Obama. Here is a Nobel Peace prize for you twats to enjoy.

Trump now says he may veto the stimulus protesting all the pork in it, and in addition, wanting to give us more money. Trump wants to give ALL Americans money. at least $2.000 each, because the way their own government has sabotaged the economy by forcing people to not be able to work. You each get money and don't have to be a certain skin color or socioeconomic class to get it. Imagine that, Americans all being treated as equals. Insanity! Now being a fiscal conservative, it appalls me how much the government spends. It is not sustainable. But there is no way in hell I'm going to bitch about the government dishing out money when it refuses to allow you to make any to survive. Yes friends, we need to eat, granted, it's probably not eating like Nacyy Pelosi does with her lavish collection of ice cream worth hundreds of dollars she likes to brag about to the world.

Did I mention that the stimulus was very similar to the stimulus that was presented to Nancy Pelosi before the election, but since she wanted Trump out she stopped the stimulus so that people would be more mislabel and apt to vote against Trump?

But I digress.
Stow it.

Republicans control the Senate.
but the house creates the bill.
The Senate approved it.
so? spending is the house. you fks never understand how the process works. I give two shits the senate agreed, they didn't read it.

Spending is contingent on the President signing off on it unless his veto is over ridden. That is how it works
yep, and he vetoed the bill. your point?
We go through this every time a budget is passed. We give aid to foreign countries when it is in our best interests. If any of you guys looked into it, you'd know why. The military suggests it, and the foreign service.
since when is that a stimulus objective for the pandemic?
And so should you be

Nancy Pelosi’s Stimulus Bill Gives You $600 Dollars…But $10 MILLION To Pakistan For “Gender Studies” - Conservative News Outlet (localad.com)

The "stimulus" bill that was passed by Nancy Pelosi will give SOME Americans SOME money, so long as she deems you worthy or "essential". That's right everyone, in the midst of economic collapse and hardship we have ALL endured, as the government tells you that YOU can't work at various times for about a year now, Nancy Pelosi is going to give you a whopping $600. That's right, $600!! So what will all of you, that is the lucky few, do with all that money? Blow it all on food I suppose.

Not to worry though, about $10 million of that money will go to Pakistan for gender studies. That's right, Leftists I suppose want to discover a few more thousand genders than there are now. But then this is Pakistan. I thought the limitless genders the Left is trying to convince us exists was an abomination to their religion or something. Should they be lopping the heads off these Lefitsts or is that just for cartoons about Mohammad? I get so confused when it is PC for jihad.

Anyhew, there is even more money to be given abroad, to countries like the Sudan. You remember the Sudan. They conducted a mass extermination of Christians in the Southern region of their country while the UN and the US just watched. That's right everyone, but thank God they overthrew Gaddafi in Libya for their oil. Thanks Biden and Obama.

Trump now says he may veto the stimulus protesting all the pork in it, and in addition, wanting to give us more money. Trump wants to give ALL Americans money. at least $2.000 each, because the way their own government has sabotaged the economy by forcing people to not be able to work. You each get money and don't have to be a certain skin color or socioeconomic class to get it. Imagine that, Americans all being treated as equals. Insanity! Now being a fiscal conservative, it appalls me how much the government spends. It is not sustainable. But there is no way in hell I'm going to bitch about the government dishing out money when it refuses to allow you to make any to survive. Yes friends, we need to eat, granted, it's probably not eating like Nacyy Pelosi does with her lavish collection of ice cream worth hundreds of dollars she likes to brag about to the world.

Did I mention that the stimulus was very similar to the stimulus that was presented to Nancy Pelosi before the election, but since she wanted Trump out she stopped the stimulus so that people would be more mislabel and apt to vote against Trump?

But I digress.

Again, did every right winger miss the fact the the Omnibus spending bill and the virus relief package were combined into one bill? And that Republicans had a hand in crafting it?...and voting for it as well? This isn't just a left wing or Democrat issue

And? The US does not benefit by spending money in Pakistan for gender studies, or in many other countries for equally silly nonsense. Covid relief should be a separate bill anyway. Why are liberals ok with this crap?

Well, that's another discussion. If we had a functioning government, especially at the Executive level, we probably would have had spending discussions a while ago. However, since the guy at the top has been AWOL for better than six weeks because he was pissed about losing, it's a bit late to be calling flag on the play...especially since members of both parties crafted and voted for this bill. There is no line item veto. No Congress no matter how slanted one way or the other will give the President that kind of power.
No we would not

The only discussion on spending is done by the opposing party out of power, just one or two voices of dissent.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

It gets old.
We go through this every time a budget is passed. We give aid to foreign countries when it is in our best interests. If any of you guys looked into it, you'd know why. The military suggests it, and the foreign service.

It's in Wall Streets best interest. In in the war machinery's best interest. It is not in the best interest of the people.
We go through this every time a budget is passed. We give aid to foreign countries when it is in our best interests. If any of you guys looked into it, you'd know why. The military suggests it, and the foreign service.
since when is that a stimulus objective for the pandemic?
And so should you be

Nancy Pelosi’s Stimulus Bill Gives You $600 Dollars…But $10 MILLION To Pakistan For “Gender Studies” - Conservative News Outlet (localad.com)

The "stimulus" bill that was passed by Nancy Pelosi will give SOME Americans SOME money, so long as she deems you worthy or "essential". That's right everyone, in the midst of economic collapse and hardship we have ALL endured, as the government tells you that YOU can't work at various times for about a year now, Nancy Pelosi is going to give you a whopping $600. That's right, $600!! So what will all of you, that is the lucky few, do with all that money? Blow it all on food I suppose.

Not to worry though, about $10 million of that money will go to Pakistan for gender studies. That's right, Leftists I suppose want to discover a few more thousand genders than there are now. But then this is Pakistan. I thought the limitless genders the Left is trying to convince us exists was an abomination to their religion or something. Should they be lopping the heads off these Lefitsts or is that just for cartoons about Mohammad? I get so confused when it is PC for jihad.

Anyhew, there is even more money to be given abroad, to countries like the Sudan. You remember the Sudan. They conducted a mass extermination of Christians in the Southern region of their country while the UN and the US just watched. That's right everyone, but thank God they overthrew Gaddafi in Libya for their oil. Thanks Biden and Obama.

Trump now says he may veto the stimulus protesting all the pork in it, and in addition, wanting to give us more money. Trump wants to give ALL Americans money. at least $2.000 each, because the way their own government has sabotaged the economy by forcing people to not be able to work. You each get money and don't have to be a certain skin color or socioeconomic class to get it. Imagine that, Americans all being treated as equals. Insanity! Now being a fiscal conservative, it appalls me how much the government spends. It is not sustainable. But there is no way in hell I'm going to bitch about the government dishing out money when it refuses to allow you to make any to survive. Yes friends, we need to eat, granted, it's probably not eating like Nacyy Pelosi does with her lavish collection of ice cream worth hundreds of dollars she likes to brag about to the world.

Did I mention that the stimulus was very similar to the stimulus that was presented to Nancy Pelosi before the election, but since she wanted Trump out she stopped the stimulus so that people would be more mislabel and apt to vote against Trump?

But I digress.

Again, did every right winger miss the fact the the Omnibus spending bill and the virus relief package were combined into one bill? And that Republicans had a hand in crafting it?...and voting for it as well? This isn't just a left wing or Democrat issue

The swamp will swallow everyone.
You should be blaming both teams. This is an example of why we should stop being on these teams and generally dislike all politicians.
And so should you be

Nancy Pelosi’s Stimulus Bill Gives You $600 Dollars…But $10 MILLION To Pakistan For “Gender Studies” - Conservative News Outlet (localad.com)

The "stimulus" bill that was passed by Nancy Pelosi will give SOME Americans SOME money, so long as she deems you worthy or "essential". That's right everyone, in the midst of economic collapse and hardship we have ALL endured, as the government tells you that YOU can't work at various times for about a year now, Nancy Pelosi is going to give you a whopping $600. That's right, $600!! So what will all of you, that is the lucky few, do with all that money? Blow it all on food I suppose.

Not to worry though, about $10 million of that money will go to Pakistan for gender studies. That's right, Leftists I suppose want to discover a few more thousand genders than there are now. But then this is Pakistan. I thought the limitless genders the Left is trying to convince us exists was an abomination to their religion or something. Should they be lopping the heads off these Lefitsts or is that just for cartoons about Mohammad? I get so confused when it is PC for jihad.

Anyhew, there is even more money to be given abroad, to countries like the Sudan. You remember the Sudan. They conducted a mass extermination of Christians in the Southern region of their country while the UN and the US just watched. That's right everyone, but thank God they overthrew Gaddafi in Libya for their oil. Thanks Biden and Obama.

Trump now says he may veto the stimulus protesting all the pork in it, and in addition, wanting to give us more money. Trump wants to give ALL Americans money. at least $2.000 each, because the way their own government has sabotaged the economy by forcing people to not be able to work. You each get money and don't have to be a certain skin color or socioeconomic class to get it. Imagine that, Americans all being treated as equals. Insanity! Now being a fiscal conservative, it appalls me how much the government spends. It is not sustainable. But there is no way in hell I'm going to bitch about the government dishing out money when it refuses to allow you to make any to survive. Yes friends, we need to eat, granted, it's probably not eating like Nacyy Pelosi does with her lavish collection of ice cream worth hundreds of dollars she likes to brag about to the world.

Did I mention that the stimulus was very similar to the stimulus that was presented to Nancy Pelosi before the election, but since she wanted Trump out she stopped the stimulus so that people would be more mislabel and apt to vote against Trump?

But I digress.

Again, did every right winger miss the fact the the Omnibus spending bill and the virus relief package were combined into one bill? And that Republicans had a hand in crafting it?...and voting for it as well? This isn't just a left wing or Democrat issue

And? The US does not benefit by spending money in Pakistan for gender studies, or in many other countries for equally silly nonsense. Covid relief should be a separate bill anyway. Why are liberals ok with this crap?

Well, that's another discussion. If we had a functioning government, especially at the Executive level, we probably would have had spending discussions a while ago. However, since the guy at the top has been AWOL for better than six weeks because he was pissed about losing, it's a bit late to be calling flag on the play...especially since members of both parties crafted and voted for this bill. There is no line item veto. No Congress no matter how slanted one way or the other will give the President that kind of power.
No we would not

The only discussion on spending is done by the opposing party out of power, just one or two voices of dissent.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

It gets old.

Well after the opposition party put their stamp of approval on a generous tax cut that benefited a select number of people and corporations and three Trump budgets that had the deficit on track for 1.2 trillion pre-pandemic, the opposition..ain't much of an opposition. We are in the middle of a once in a lifetime event caused by the botched response to the virus and the resulting economic fallout that will take us years to recover from. Really not the time to be braying about financial austerity. Those horses have already left the barn. We'll have to fix things now and worry about the deficit/debt later. That's just reality right now.
And so should you be

Nancy Pelosi’s Stimulus Bill Gives You $600 Dollars…But $10 MILLION To Pakistan For “Gender Studies” - Conservative News Outlet (localad.com)

The "stimulus" bill that was passed by Nancy Pelosi will give SOME Americans SOME money, so long as she deems you worthy or "essential". That's right everyone, in the midst of economic collapse and hardship we have ALL endured, as the government tells you that YOU can't work at various times for about a year now, Nancy Pelosi is going to give you a whopping $600. That's right, $600!! So what will all of you, that is the lucky few, do with all that money? Blow it all on food I suppose.

Not to worry though, about $10 million of that money will go to Pakistan for gender studies. That's right, Leftists I suppose want to discover a few more thousand genders than there are now. But then this is Pakistan. I thought the limitless genders the Left is trying to convince us exists was an abomination to their religion or something. Should they be lopping the heads off these Lefitsts or is that just for cartoons about Mohammad? I get so confused when it is PC for jihad.

Anyhew, there is even more money to be given abroad, to countries like the Sudan. You remember the Sudan. They conducted a mass extermination of Christians in the Southern region of their country while the UN and the US just watched. That's right everyone, but thank God they overthrew Gaddafi in Libya for their oil. Thanks Biden and Obama. Here is a Nobel Peace prize for you twats to enjoy.

Trump now says he may veto the stimulus protesting all the pork in it, and in addition, wanting to give us more money. Trump wants to give ALL Americans money. at least $2.000 each, because the way their own government has sabotaged the economy by forcing people to not be able to work. You each get money and don't have to be a certain skin color or socioeconomic class to get it. Imagine that, Americans all being treated as equals. Insanity! Now being a fiscal conservative, it appalls me how much the government spends. It is not sustainable. But there is no way in hell I'm going to bitch about the government dishing out money when it refuses to allow you to make any to survive. Yes friends, we need to eat, granted, it's probably not eating like Nacyy Pelosi does with her lavish collection of ice cream worth hundreds of dollars she likes to brag about to the world.

Did I mention that the stimulus was very similar to the stimulus that was presented to Nancy Pelosi before the election, but since she wanted Trump out she stopped the stimulus so that people would be more mislabel and apt to vote against Trump?

But I digress.
Stow it.

Republicans control the Senate.
but the house creates the bill.
The Senate approved it.
so? spending is the house. you fks never understand how the process works. I give two shits the senate agreed, they didn't read it.

Spending is contingent on the President signing off on it unless his veto is over ridden. That is how it works
yep, and he vetoed the bill. your point?

He did? Link please.


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