I'm Reclaiming My Time

Democrat Representative - Question: Why did you upset those peaceful protesters by preventing them from burning down Portland's federal courthouse?

AG Barr - Answer: Those so-called peaceful protestors were breaking the......


Since when is it okay to try to burn down a federal court house?



Who made up these rules?
What gives Democrats the right to not allow the Attorney General to answer their questions and not allow Republicans the right to cross-examine him?

Clearly the Democraps have dropped the facade of being fine upstanding public servants and now have taken on the aura of tyrants and despots.

That so-called hearing wasn't about congressional oversight....it was about filming videos and soundbites for those cretin's re-elections.

This is just the beginning of democrat fascism. Soon they will probably take down this site as well.

Alternative thought is racist.
I have now watched a good part of this circus on Youtube.
Honestly, being as objective as possible - I would call this a conspiracy against the Attorney General.
This was obviously a pre-planned attack show by the Democrats who had absolutely no intention of allowing him to speak. It wasn't a hearing. It was a lecture session. When you have a congressional/senate hearing, by it's very name it is supposed to be... wait for it...a HEARING. The object is to HEAR testimony. There was no interest in testimony. Only interest was to badger the witness and disallow them the ability to respond.

It is very telling how the left media, and the left posters on this forum refuse to call it out. Just ignore it.
That scene when she wouldn't allow Barr to answer explains what is going on in America. MSM clearly assists, because they showed only her clip stating that he was sending in stormtroopers, they don't allow his response, she even shuts him down, as he tries to say (and was able to get out some of it), "governors are fully able to protect their citizens, I'm responsible for federal jurisdiction". Meaning courthouses, monuments etc.

The problem is, guys like me have time on their hands due to the creepy covert Canadians denying me work. Most don't have the time to see the full clips, to explore. Most don't care. They turn on CNN and they see a clip of Barr being accused of violating citizens rights (what I warned on here was the trap from the beginning, to try and paint Trump like this so that he can't claim the middle on justice reform and gain the black vote in particular).

This is why I believe Tucker, Hannity and Laura, all connected by the hip at this point, are the most important media in the West, even if only for the fact they are different. I would add Mark Levin also, as he has really good, substantive interviews. It is at least encouraging to me that they are the top rated news shows in the U.S. They need to grow and expand. I believe they will. People need to understand what other media (even many on Fox during the day), aren't telling them.

No other nation has allowed the rise of so many to great wealth, many from poverty. America, capitalism and your constitution. Don't ever forget that. Americans need honest reporting, or China is going to run the table on all of us.

Just shows what a ditz she is. Federal agents are LEO, not military and certainly not storm troopers.

We haven't had honest reporting in decades. Journalists and news people are to busy trying to make the news. They certainly don't report honest news.
Barr's standing answer should always be, "I refuse to answer questions from racists"

He should then sit back and remain silent while they go through their theater.

All of that was set up so that their cohorts in the media would have soundbites to run to keep the American people misinformed.

Nah, how bout. I refuse to answer questions from imbeciles.
Democrat Representative - Question: Why did you upset those peaceful protesters by preventing them from burning down Portland's federal courthouse?

AG Barr - Answer: Those so-called peaceful protestors were breaking the......


Since when is it okay to try to burn down a federal court house?



Who made up these rules?
What gives Democrats the right to not allow the Attorney General to answer their questions and not allow Republicans the right to cross-examine him?

Clearly the Democraps have dropped the facade of being fine upstanding public servants and now have taken on the aura of tyrants and despots.

That so-called hearing wasn't about congressional oversight....it was about filming videos and soundbites for those cretin's re-elections.

They're all such Class Acts!
Maybe yesterday was not the time for it, but one of these days a committee witness will have to tell the assembled hacks:

"Look, comrades, I came here willing to answer any questions you might have, and my time before you is unlimited...ask away. But if you refuse to give me time to respond, I'm outta here."

Then follow through. So they charge him with "Contempt of Congress," So what? If they try to fine him, take it to court.

Any Democrat who watched that spectacle yesterday and did not cringe with embarrassment is just as bad as they were.

And it was a dog and pony show. I watched part of it and just cringed at the Dem idiots.

Barr tried to answer but kept getting cut off. If I were him I'd have told them all the fuck off, got up and left. What a pack of imbeciles.
And what was up with Nadler's Face Mask yesterday?

I'm guessing he had a little cup of of Mayonnaise on the inside and was using it as a snack feedbag.

Maybe yesterday was not the time for it, but one of these days a committee witness will have to tell the assembled hacks:

"Look, comrades, I came here willing to answer any questions you might have, and my time before you is unlimited...ask away. But if you refuse to give me time to respond, I'm outta here."

Then follow through. So they charge him with "Contempt of Congress," So what? If they try to fine him, take it to court.

Any Democrat who watched that spectacle yesterday and did not cringe with embarrassment is just as bad as they were.

And it was a dog and pony show. I watched part of it and just cringed at the Dem idiots.

Barr tried to answer but kept getting cut off. If I were him I'd have told them all the fuck off, got up and left. What a pack of imbeciles.
Remarkable restraint. He is obviously smart enough to realize when he is being goaded.
And that is exactly what I mean when I say this was a conspiracy against the AG by the Democrats on the panel.
It was obviously pre-planned. Obviously orchestrated and they had no intention to have a hearing. None.
Maybe yesterday was not the time for it, but one of these days a committee witness will have to tell the assembled hacks:

"Look, comrades, I came here willing to answer any questions you might have, and my time before you is unlimited...ask away. But if you refuse to give me time to respond, I'm outta here."

Then follow through. So they charge him with "Contempt of Congress," So what? If they try to fine him, take it to court.

Any Democrat who watched that spectacle yesterday and did not cringe with embarrassment is just as bad as they were.

And it was a dog and pony show. I watched part of it and just cringed at the Dem idiots.

Barr tried to answer but kept getting cut off. If I were him I'd have told them all the fuck off, got up and left. What a pack of imbeciles.
Remarkable restraint. He is obviously smart enough to realize when he is being goaded.
And that is exactly what I mean when I say this was a conspiracy against the AG by the Democrats on the panel.
It was obviously pre-planned. Obviously orchestrated and they had no intention to have a hearing. None.

Yup. Just a dog and pony show filled with imbeciles.
Barr's standing answer should always be, "I refuse to answer questions from racists"

He should then sit back and remain silent while they go through their theater.

All of that was set up so that their cohorts in the media would have soundbites to run to keep the American people misinformed.

Nah, how bout. I refuse to answer questions from imbeciles.
He should get them to sign a legal document that requires them to give him sufficient time to answer without being interrupted.
Keep in mind, 90% of the viewing audience tuned in to HEAR HIS ANSWERS, not to hear those clowns making ridiculous speeches. They have been whining FOR MONTHS that they wanted him to come and ANSWER QUESTIONS! And yet they refused to allow him to answer.

Despicable is too kind.

Consider, he was asked to promise that, even if ACA IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL, he should argue that it should be retained because people might lose their coverage. When he pointed out that healthcare policy is not his job, he was shouted down.
Barr's standing answer should always be, "I refuse to answer questions from racists"

He should then sit back and remain silent while they go through their theater.

All of that was set up so that their cohorts in the media would have soundbites to run to keep the American people misinformed.

Nah, how bout. I refuse to answer questions from imbeciles.
He should get them to sign a legal document that requires them to give him sufficient time to answer without being interrupted.

Good idea but don't hold your breath. Those imbeciles have their own agenda and truth sure isn't it.

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