I'm saving my money and leaving the U.S.A.

Be prepared for excruciatingly high rent and utilities. The average electric cost in Europe is about right at double the cost in the U.S. Take that, and add in double to triple taxation... just know your money will get you much-much-much less

Energy is cheap In Iceland.

$300 a year. Due to geothermal sources. I’ve seen the pipelines traversing the landscape.

They have to have the lights turned on 24/7 during the winter.
I'm not sure, but I don't think that's Europe.

Not yet ... give them time.

Life has been harsh and cruel and I am not willing to raise a family in such conditions. Europe is my destination and my goal is Summer 2022. This move won't be easy but I can make it happen.

Advice for ex-pats in Europe? What are the best places for Americans to move to in Europe?

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out
Life has been harsh and cruel and I am not willing to raise a family in such conditions. Europe is my destination and my goal is Summer 2022. This move won't be easy but I can make it happen.

Advice for ex-pats in Europe? What are the best places for Americans to move to in Europe?

Which Mosque do you plan to (involuntarily) attend?
Life has been harsh and cruel and I am not willing to raise a family in such conditions. Europe is my destination and my goal is Summer 2022. This move won't be easy but I can make it happen.

Advice for ex-pats in Europe? What are the best places for Americans to move to in Europe?

Which Mosque do you plan to (involuntarily) attend?

Plenty of mosques in the US, hidden away in the woods of NOVA.

And I‘ve seen head coverings moving into the DC suburbs, where I live for a few months of the year.
Life has been harsh and cruel and I am not willing to raise a family in such conditions. Europe is my destination and my goal is Summer 2022. This move won't be easy but I can make it happen.

Advice for ex-pats in Europe? What are the best places for Americans to move to in Europe?

Which Mosque do you plan to (involuntarily) attend?

Is that insult to me or an insult to Europe?
Life has been harsh and cruel and I am not willing to raise a family in such conditions. Europe is my destination and my goal is Summer 2022. This move won't be easy but I can make it happen.

Advice for ex-pats in Europe? What are the best places for Americans to move to in Europe?

Before you leave start learning how to speak Russian....if joe biden wins the election, Europe will need to learn Russian.......
5 people ignored from this thread alone. Sorry to cut the drama short but I'm looking for answers not arguments. If me leaving breaks your heart well then thats not my problem. I'm not going to drift the topic and lose sight of the goal here. If you want to make a thread called "leaving America is wrong and here is why" then through all means help yourself. Thanks.
Mexico is the best bet to be perfectly honest.
Mexico use to be a very good option, I don't know about now with the drug cartels being so violent. I took many trips to all parts of Mexico years ago, there is no way I would do that now.

It’s avocado cartels these days.
Yes they are extorting and controlling the avocado farmers in Mexico but their primary business will always be drugs.

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